Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1975, p. 2

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IIrI we $30 mnnrnnmhl Eleanormoutqu IndDo III IURWEUI Ihe Iidd CIIINI Iho Illa 533 iii ii Ilruelrnlnxlikdylobemde 011110111 nks KW isamnuu o5 Irwillnddchlulnhnlul mo MMIBrAllIndDme n3 Wrbhl crew un Sung IIdull Ihlrl new will be the crnlrebl Il Mon Mhrlxm Irewilb Prior woman bl HI Iondry Ilelph MIM ma ber becIuIe lhe 501ml wllcller Heloveli Joe end Freda 1oIII rlullo om 1m errwrouqu mm Webb Brien IIyler Ind John Ill fme TIIJolll Iluyiilg $85 IUDIIURATN Milne per our ol you didnt In IhIiIeIIlyoowenMiulor Nominee lewuhl Rem Donald momma old mu mmwmmmm Ihnlllll Reeveaalbblnlmm Ind rem em lewon owlII Ilrnller ka diluted will lhe lmlorllL Deputy new poonu IIId lhe rornwler IIIDVI buy Ind IoaiIoI Iooos lo miclle record Ind hII proved invelnIbII Iorlnnlv Ill mama Reeve Morenod Lynn um also why the WI wII oolIrrInyId Illcrl Ippmvul devicewlllbedweperlodrm Ir lime on remoiI mirth Wendell BdtIrDllrII IIId the Innlllll lewnlhlp cording lo lownmlp lru lam mm In Icheduled no will my won bilh uu Duncn Green Spurf mm elm Wehh Rolf Sander Ind and WIILK McCIbeIrld Bechtel DnI lllncI In with non llrrli Aduoclllnrreeooddrrnllon oI IIrI purohau were MIrI RIIVI 1rrnnr will Ikln hII oi WNWMW mm MI crew in 11 lo vldery Shirley Mr Om Ind Judy on Webb rm sunoay homomom Ind Deon wdlr crew Curilnx wlilr Ron In lode Ind Joe Olulnlkl Ind Du Eurwrlll Bruno Ilrlpood hII errwleI lolozlrluymbover Maori R01 lnr wln No NEW BRADFORD CHIEF BRADFORD IEIIII if Willi Will Kelli BcIilrI rink In On rnv cc win draw Ind lose wlll John Illnilon hume pl kn Vendemosi Blundu odlevm add ol IJBIII Marlin with Rick AIP dull Illrllnl run lead Ire wllh Bully Mule lhe new you when IhI locum in has PIi end John Dulveor benl chleI John Dudxeom re fnd JIM ll dden on his llru IIr Morrison we selected yum hh III III uncommon STEVENS REPORT lIolIowa Ire will lhe Idler Km BlukI rink wlll III II AhrnInI mlcn nexl Ill IMP Yorlrdlmcal Al Uulled Euler uricullurll mm ma wall Iecrelery EIri Bulr hII uld RoII norm In REECORNERED HAT lhe only decllrro cIodId Ir Mr Millery armrr en mi rem ol Cnldw IlII Ml milled ended council Io lhI plrl Id ye III wIl III Ind did noi Ilirnd round on one alike lwe dead In lhe December union ll unluer Photo IlllIr courier llor cIuoly MEI AllIIKIIhllv for lhe wrrrlenwlll III In In ll wllh Well llwulmbr Rem Orville liuzher Ir or men yrm vlry lo diciIlI Icrlcullurll polity rum he pollllcel Irene Cen lrIIIzed decllleu mlhlox doll and Irolrl lo lrlurnph he lived In till landlord Iru ihere II no fuller lolly lth in Ill uol wurlr ll never hIe Ind raven Mr Bull wu rrlerrlul Io lhe Sovlel UnionI dilllcully Inim docln eoouyh teed lo Ind lhuu lIlvu whlch II In lhlrp oonlrIIl lolhl United lulu whldl nor only leedl your 410 rolillan people bul lrIhIIlo produce Iulllclrolellrl reed lo lred III elher eoo mllllon Mrlrullurll produce Il AmrrkII mIlui eworl Idey LIFT PROGRAM lo ClnIdI Ire hm lud mIny Illmplu cI IhI Iolly relerred Vie by Illr Dull iIeIl will re rurmbIr lhe lrudrlu lovem menll declllon In 1m ioylnlro dub III lulImoua LilI Plerrlru yhldl led Welllrn wheel pro ducrrl Id In Im Ior Iludwhlch rcmelnod llllow Ind no In em Ior llud rroded lo olllrr men The promo hyd cllulrephlc IIWIIL Nol only our producllre IIrld IIIl horr Inrmrrl Incnmrl were reduced In luch lnycxlrnl lIIIl LIFT breamI known In lhe mm medially Lower In eemrllor Today Ne Iooner Wholoale prIes rose In October omwn rcr rrlm II the whnlrnle level continued move generally Irllnrr durlnl Ociobcrlor IlIllllicdllIVl monllrIod lure well mm compathII rrIMIrllrr levcll Ilnlllllrl CInIdI rrporiod lie me lodurlry Irlllru pried In dex ml by onehull ol one per ceoilln Ollobrr ind wlr prr ed cool Ibove Octoberl me huh In IhI Index llrouyly hlrhrr wer prlro IIHI of three per ml by Iron IM Ilerl mllII Ll per cull1 Irrlrllrrll dblld relli urrI In nrr rm Ilee plpr Ind lube milk dome IIlI lhe onkullllll Ml pin FW JIE Gallon anthem3w PONDER BUYING OLD HOSPITAL ummmsr Slmme Comr WW more drguml II he home lorldu Iyed blind Illde lb IoeIIl urvlcee comrnlliee la lumll 1m rho poulbillly MUM on motion Midi Reeve liedud LYN III IIld lhe ImpIIIl new In use will he rrplued by new IIdIIly under MIDI In =lJiidIl3dhi canle Ii would helm ur Georgina lune Il landmine wouunu IN ruldenlr Ind wIlln Iill ol 21 Simon llaoor Il IIce Ion III III resldrnll 1nd III Manor In ColIlluwood quYSI pvrctldiicgl policy Will best aid Lfclrrnefrs By IINCLAIR mvaI hld lilo prorIIm been Implemen ied lhln world drmlud Ier whlll mo murdl and Micro In men Ioli unldld millka oi dul larl Irom all which were her cr made In my View produclloo lbeuld oever hm been cul bIcIr Any IurpIuI whell Ihould hlle been Ilored or Iulure use IIORE TAIIIPEIIING lhe Juvrmmrnl II II III me lhey Ire lIm Perle with III mllk Induslryl or reason llrIl no not rIeIr ll hIl been dueldrd Io nrrelre lhI Imouni oI rirrru hrlnzlmc period loin CInIdI whloh In iurn will here lerloue comcqvenrcl Iorour dIIry xrlduelry Il II hard in uodrrlllnd why In In nlrlcullurll country luch II CIuIdI we IrIVI Illowrd rIrrru export lodeclloe lo lhll now we Import more there lhlo we cxporllmporlIileu of slime Ml rlron drIIllrIlly Irem mllllonpouorll In mo in mllllon Mndl In me WI lulll hlve lulllclrolmlllr production In CIoedI ml you In llllh our rrqulremrnll Ior llIIry prrduclI Includlnl mml ml porilon ol lhe cheere merhrl whlrh lhe government Im II ready elven Iwuy lo olller Nu lrIel mponr quorn II lhe rhmr Import quell II lncrrarrd rllhrr lnno damned mlllr lrom Clilldlllv producer will In lnlo pownrr Ind hullrr Ii my blyll roll in produce Ihexperl Iellel lnrloed oi no lo lhlo rhrrre producllen Ii nu lucreurd roll Io InyenI Alto ll wlll mom pulled oi IhI de mrellc mlriri ulllbI lorcrrr loot lo Clnudian mllll producerl II on lhe olber hlnd lIrI chlrlr quota rould he rcdurcd lo mllllon poundl Irurn 50 mllllon 50de per elr lwhlclr would more In loo will lrIdIllonIl IIIIPNII III III IMDlWIMrIodl lIlIm rulll producilan In IhI oexl dIIry yclr could men he rodur ed by IHMXImIIEIY mlllloo poundl ll would rrpmrnl VIM lo milk produce oi rim to no mllllorl Ii currenl world mIrlrrl prlrer ion ro rnooucm Simply moo every mmch Yceuhrv audios IQPPIVIedth lerssnowmabius IIIDHURSI ISMIll The IIII ronlI Snowmobile AIIocIIlloo he been lira permhdon be com Mn properllu In ly Hen Ind VaprI Wptv lor snowmobiling IrbIecl lo umIIdory Irroeroeol One at on ormlullonr Ilru II la main me well market Ind memeI nowmohIirIII le connecl lhe VIouI mine nillch liquid encouruI did me oi IrIlII II append lo lhe ll oi reed In moulded IreII lhe munly committee headed by Rem WIllIoI Key oi Orv inlnnncd whose ecu IrIcmhl nmulo IllIer nth lln named for lhe rm IaIlumlld Wvlor lhe Iccood ouo NIle DRO STATION lSIIIIl lawnht couldl whldi II ed byJIecre WIIIIcI tiny IIIII bdd mull media In Ilen III Doc I53 th munlclpll building pppoellevlllshuy II IVY lliiIllI slide lIlhthd Idol lIlI nllIJ Chrl do use crlyllny ilre mania or Ic SIIurdIy mllrIIIIoAiiherodblllbol when ii non mic r2 DRILLIA ISIIIII laIIthnl proluir Ironl do where lhe civrmoclheduced lhe 1m ll crure leer in no Ind Ii loderd proved proIIly Ior owuerl poundl oi chem imporll ruulll In la lo CIrlIdlIu producIrI oi Ipproxlrmlrly wows DIlry lIrmr rcmrrcol Iboul 7o per rml oi Ill llrma In Que hcc Ind Iheul no per ml In Onlarlo The value oi lolll In nuII CInIdIIn mllll pmdu un Ir clolI lo ii bIIIIhIIIIlll II In lmporllnl Iodurlry Ind rhml mdurllao rrprrrrnll trllklll purl ol llrll dollrnlely blllocrd roclor or our economy The dcplrimenl ol IyrlcullurI IIIlI in drporlmrnl ol lodurlry elude Ind rpmmercr rhould erna blrlr In In Iurlnlve IIIeI ore mm in pronrole lhI ule II chrue mm In me we rxporll ed no mdllon rumor oi cheese 10 yelrr no Ill ii mllllon purndl and nowll Ir Ibouili mIIIIon poundl lluullly unu lmperlr however nnrrlleu Irom ll mltlloo piliIMIl annually In million pound lhll ya lo VIIrr ThlI mod mun he mrrlcd CInIrllln MIN mroullrlured mlllr produru will he locmre end our lmporr quell or rhrm mull be nducrd More farmer Ieuy Insvurance TIIIIIIO NS CI More ImnrrI xhnn Iver burInn Nave Scolle crop lulumcr we Donnld llacheil mllllr oi lhe New Scolll lrop lmun InreCommlIeluu blr lllIchIl ulll rim in we on been pIIdoui lo RIIIIIILWIIII lhe IIIl lhrre II IIrmrre once Im relurinnl la Mm crop IMurIMI he nun lhry trillmullah they uouldul be IblI lo rellrcl IIIIIIII llth lorl lhrlr him he Id II yrlr mIny corn IIIWolr lerI ullo hIrrIrlrd only IlnlI ol 1er crop due lo dry rilqu coudlllom IrI bring pa clalrru Item hll lhll year gm cornrl II MI bIrchrrr la llItNeil II reeled lhll more lhIn 3200000 IIISIIIIIlUtIlIml would bI held oul on lbw eropo Chtl Iilli 01 WNW ORILLIA jISIIIII MIIII iowmhip council will look wIM Il Ilkon le hell IIIl media or In Ind no council Illa Ip II or onTh Dec ll gunman1m Rm Illll Genuine on NEW EXECUTIVE WNW lSlIIII Ntwlyv Ilecled membcrl or lh acou lIVI ol AdIIII Maul School lionII Ind School AIsocIIlIon IrI Murdyn boll MIry ilGlII Lynn YeIurmr Alum Jena Kelsr SIlmon Ind Barry Wish TURKEY WINNERS NERTON ROBINSON WIIr er Reynold ol Bond Held won Ilrnl Ierd In the Newton Ilob lnIon mu lurlry draw ullh lrI HolmeI Ike Bend IIeId recnud end Roberl llI Ieo oi Cquchlll winner oi lhlrd Ierrl ILAN CONCERT COLDWAIER Stall Sun dIy School concori wlh MH Cr Merlin Ind IIIdyI You In hop lcsel will he held under re rmosorrhlp oi lhe lodlcn Aid of SIArldrowl Pmbyierllu church on Wedderdly Deaf nlnrcrlzunelr coubcu NORTH RIVER Sill hIIi chcdoIIr Iowolhlp MMII will rrlrcl II lhI mllnIprai olllce here on IllundIy Dec Ill Ior II rerullr mrolinl lleovl Ger llan Prlrslmnn hNdI lhe council DIRECIIONAL SIGN IIIIDIIUIlSI ISlIlII Ierm Ineni lnIIIc direde line and Mormon oi lIndIprlor II the rouoly IIIIIIIRIJIMIONNIIIPIIX we recommended could mllou ncxl year by lhe rounly uroperly oommlllee hooded hl ReeVI Arlhur humor ol Br Ind couple elrllal paler liIo Imluuulrd nrmr rrznrrm PthErlorlr Irrlllnr rIIIed mound hulldcrl vol II Illlnell IM Illl luory eI more ihm IMm burIIl KI imlI mound llllcils grorsnlr ihenl to rein lhr Ilrll IIIN IhIlIII Irilciu Ilmn Mellon I10 slum old her Iprioy Ind mllml III 071 lIblI ocllron lull III IIie ohm For QUICK AgTION TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD IIphenI mull mun Sgogroms FIVE STAR MIMI CANADIANRVIIWHISKY 11 tiWoiieil The moolhluleolhuellly lhllr mmlmlablSea in one rcuonwlly Five SlIrk III uI bcxleelllon brIndl IIlIbl oz1lor120rrlzca

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