narroueenven For Moire TIME tor rile it RE it time would hm dined lmml iioLMIteloodImirberol Mmmum mmd lelltall bode WM 52 egg it it it ggez if in work limleenlolhthlehimyl Ind MW mntayera lItI YORK srmcor HOCKEY coopi Midgets to play constable Ire recelrad coir rening tiralaeir oi advm yin Mercury Bolacats in only all the even twinei Wimnm it til iii in it it liner exerciser by literate uurr minu oi lindlord and by icttor to he Niall Ind unevuu modied lash DrillieMO llnlld Homily loin Bobcat MW DrilliI El nItanIIy winning no in York Emcee lll nor Hockey Lucite earlier Ithir Meir scaring tor one wu mire Ruben Ind Grant Boudiey with three eadi iiiiloelloyd had two wail Sean Kirkpatrick Stephen Sieve hldnuahlin Pct er Pmuhko whether and David Prykomcnrioz once Barrie wound to were two Iliorrandcd min In tliI lep renownier Oro Bantams jItaevildyhoueiiIrrolloitetm we mama Ire Itiii Ivall ataII tor the axhlbltlon name be tween timberrte Ftyeri Caechoalovnkia on Dec down Strourl em ennui on main in York Sim Him Hoe trey We play EIlurvlay It on are invent maul Penrldu Paul Morgan added the other marker Swirl or Strwd wad Calvin diama with two coal nu against North Bay club Dorrie CorOp nudon Illl be trip North the Coon club will Overtlie weekend Bmla etrel lri horth Saxon satnrda Ior Ill be In Newrrurloet tor um hed tie record in Mill olIy amintlon none with Welt mdayol the York Simone thin to eI ulna one loss and FemI midgets Prior loihrlr or Horny Lequ Five Borrie powerploy goals defeats Richmond Hill 62 Waltonmtnor mldm over rIme VIJiIIltl Richmond 11111 In York Simone Minor Hockey gt the Dunlop Street Arena on under Pown=1al 0311 Mood Barrie Fire at the air Lorie Mild torrid their My Into the mood Hill he were looted uiili Richmond rnln Inert tor Harrie Addie tea were Bernie Hull Doul She den Jim Anderson Ind liondr enemy Mumy illdley had two min Effie Malt Richmond 11111 no victory cemented the mid rota hold on tint place at rix team league The club ion it points on on record Two wins Ior Bell novices Bell CanadI notice horley learn won two llmea over the weekend in York Simone Minor Hockey Maine competition Sunday in Thornton tin nov ice rlub edged Etroud white betray nounrd to laihlnl rur SaturdIy Glenn Wilhama had the sour ltr Barrie with Todd Marrow din miller John Monti pick ert up urir oi mitts or 13m rte David Pidlty mined the Ihiit Auiio o1 roilienderl hobby Ind hobbiaichardr nui goal by Glam Willllml need the win by Barrie over AIM Sunday It the EIatvlevr Iirena Marrow etrurk lor lvro wlLii Robbie ltrrnt Illlre ile LquhIin and David Print lddllll illul Richards and marina IhIred the rhulout Next ume tor the Dell club Sunday Iralnrt Sehomhery lions novice team wins two games with Barrie Linn notion pitted up our oi win on the weekend Intuit lintonville iii no 54 Saturday It the Dual alreet Ireii Gerry Within arndooe aarIIt with Keith Cyr added two route Srnller wentln Wklord Per ry Dubai and DAmbreelo Sundlr II vlaltorr to Union viiie mm was again victor Ious cairntr had two rule mu lack with more Unionvoie Inc one assist Mule rinnleI vvenl in Derry WiilrIru Wetter Hinton and Mike Duboli nnu RELEASED BOSTON Bobby Orr gallon Bunwkuxen man we nitai Monday otter underrolol Try tor an inturrd knee and men im llie NIiionII lioclrey League duh IIId Orr wu or lIneeted to retain the learn Elm Radial Isnow Tim Iii sixeeln stock new BARRIETIRE 31 Bradford 5t mind it wilv IM victory to kid rmnd lllll Nth Baum had three real tor Barrie Don Stunned 13W Brett and Todd Laide had oue gout each with Gr Carri hell ring pair iiIody erllli Phil Wood Ind me Siren relied tor Riotlrnood Barriomed three mi in the third period with both ldtl pinyin two men abort Groups were hit with it rnlnoi rteneiiiesl iix bitcle and or camrmtsconducta itlcho mond lltli had in minor penil tiu with three mienad litre lama inlrconduttr Richmond Hill neared the now erplay goalie gt E1 had It gorilla Ind mi llezlmll Winter Gamer The Immphyedettheoro Barrie names dieiorid riln ilie dtetance run olthe Rex tonll Winn cameo tinned into Imeetbdveerforllianduar Ilrrunncq OrtiiiIrIotothreuoide BIr rle had five Victoria lllrbaui one end inoistli another rm and lohnlihravndi mu oruiitoexmno me All model In the tylre run In the nineteenth event or boyi it war Jrli Conan at in nlrl ludinl CddrrIIul ieit with and lIIrrIeI Paul GIu Ieter Van Vol Barrie time Sarieente team oLSIrleonu udy Cone SPORT JUSTFOR ornisf imniui Nurturing loge morh adl YR enortaeat or WWIIIoltbaIrIL Kin Incr rigor5 all =a=a aaaaaa ==s=ass 25 Hondny nlxhL Sharon held point In the lune More lead It ena Barrie 1d edal 1nn gt gm anthem Peewees extend TMey or mini with untam ml wont DIrrie vlddnatur unbeaten sneak bronze medal lntheIInindivaturll rIe Margaret Mulder oI Barrie com to told rradal Silver went Muhmarbleaa Data with Katy McKenzie plrkloe up 5mm Orillia claimed tint Iec orid In ee bIntIrri ilk Ivenl lair Donovan and litIrlIone 0e ihn memoir hantanvboon pour to rm Ion the gold Sit verwent to oil Balm oi Ber rte Ith stove ilrdrcrt allot lenhlmdalmin the Mom Wea Gill oi Drillla won gold In thornldnot BImeI DIvld Your Idd Steve Diets tlnlehed mull Ind third lilika Folroam war In my winner In the Juvenile divion Ibrlhnla miller MW Andy lilcNiece oi Barrie Ind Glen hierdunt ol ElmIII Iotbeooenaveritltmhob Mllldhnkl of Birth view up did with hank ana nd llrrvyy Walt both or enur ddlnonr the ether and bronze meddle GMHEULT PItll Bent nt ltIrnI we ilea Eli Eat it Ego as Gig or owers uvm Simeo Mlnor Hockey Lenin olIy over to weekend Oriilh led or II the are of the Ieoond wind Geri by nova lchIrdier Brian Smith lthin Iemnd ol the lame Kel turned arm around lnr Barrie Pervnee will he to Bolton en Saturday Civiian bantams are beaten 61 Barrio Clvltan minor bantame urn beeten in iliornhili on sundIy Gard ihclbenon Icon nd thI lure Barrie pal to ruin any elevator hide in the Ierond period Steve hullott hid pair in paca the win by iliornttili lhe loaa Sunday was Iottened by EIturdlya win In New market Dean 11min hid two oala or Dude with HI Deb trim and in Game Id ox tin Goalaby Garner and lieula In the our period decided the modem ladies Make your Ihopplno outer rent from HERTZ $1599 75 nitrite tree miter Gar Included DRIVEACAR 43 ESSA RD 7266474 and ltandy Bohbel every single handsome giftgiving leisurelvsuii goes on sale at 20 off What oming lust when the party season is starting And what on opportunity to take your plotr oi the eleven complete leisure suit tnvenioryal an impressive Saving during the tour day sale period The casual to tailored leisure our range is from leading Canadian menuieciurere in iexturized polyester to nltweol labrlca and In this seasons most popular colours sized 36 to 44 Do shop early the ante ends Saturday Reg$399510$9500 rum WJTEICHAHGI ACCEPTED