ernuom out In In turn dry oi Iioyel VIEW llospitllf And bezwern run and coo miles nI leashed Ire seed Hospltdejli No brrictltt wono var iulurmho item Mnlttmwmb PM hen lullUna IJII oi I5 XVII wmnor ttd lane Inid the group th clothe Ir washed at too degree In libpound batch es Special cntllarlon and In aged1 Emilia School getswctIeI Payment might his problem It PHIL DLPODESIA Ilsarte rennet wont rue the eeliare el ml at iinrunn Sdmol In battle with InnlL lensiip mural agreed Monday In supply mended with outer ac chgrreMhilLs litlied tremolo13Wme Mill Ind sullen ll thee eminentlthme result eslnxoelarmiyilnlrd ol Mlnmnernmts llllneterlll inclmull In Il on used to me opwnum deanltneu Above Mr lane Quins the settings ni dry er to the trunru thamlntr Photo by health ministry freeze numbnenmmmtrydte ingru planned end that tune We have no information It oddve to beepltlll Io ireere thetr more letters outllnln the guide Ill yet other than Ihat vve rend atolls salaries pmnums Ipdllneeol the pulleyvrould be lent In the newspaper Mr Cum services has delayed utllnl the 1m epcretmi bidet at Royal later As yet he reld the hospital on told the Mill boerd oi trw tres We trere told In Oetober Victoria iloepllelln Burk Mme received Mvmd or thI we wuld b0 mun new Dotnll mwlaldirc enter sold Monday Delhi eelvedonoietteriromtbnrdoie uyldvislutbatireeuenmend loco unuuu Inttort Incnine tbeependlne Ireeeelhhouphbe treadmill tum reports if housing Ammembc Don Niels wII loomed bringing oy bllblrllhl Mahdi vrillbeeiveninreomltt Eastvlev secondary School Fri do ItJVIvIIIL mam Is iree to all interested people For iurdm lnlonnluen pail 7339 STEEL NURSE The Denlo Kidpbts oi 001mm bu benmnlli 18 eck nude 10 VldMly Ilbe pull the is used to turn bedridden patients ever end to move Ibern in end one oi bonnet RVIIboudoitrueteee were told blender no spam to is partteuhrlyrbenetlc tor moving pallch with back inv Juries alter or new Dr Pent Welsh was Ippotnted lullled cl mt oi the Royal Vit tnrle Hospital medlcal Idvlsory committee Monday Iils appoint ment tor the ma term we nude by his icliow physician and was approved by the ItVII bond or trustees CARD FOR PATIENTS Patients at Royal Victoria lion pull over the Chrittnmboiidayl still be given eardsbearin Citrictrons message Imm die board or tnuleesbe decision was made It mectlnx oi the board Monday SEWER EXTENSIth Cityrouncil Is sending tIo Ieucr ontonslonm plientlonyto ll Unllrto hltm clpal Board OMB to lppmttlL The rst an extension cl trunk Inni tsry sewer min truth the my lil senor manhole on chill trent halo Drive nonh nhouldbb leet ultll ditot 3N leet or In in tiltrrtion gallery at the Sandy IIoUow landll elte The second lrcstton Ii en crterulonoi the ery sorter main Irnm the ting main in Brock Street con Street nod to Dymcnl Ituzd north on Dymcnt ior too lost out then west under lllpln Ior 51s llCumE main or 21 Iect to hllin Patterson llocdluhd to Pptcrson iluad tr Lt The nomination both an sewer rntn in the city 351100 DONATION $5030 donutionlront the Ilcrbott ilrecn anlly Charlt Ibie Foundation in was IC eepttd by city council Monday torn reserra iund lor the Ports view Seniorcltlaen Centre The Iourxlntlun ls connectedwith Ii Jonathan Ind makes ti utlons lo vattoo rnunletpelb tics uhere the consultants mark and is partially set up by Joli Madden developer HOUSING IUIiLIC MEETING Mernbcrs ol city rouncllnvere rmdnded Monday oi the Barrie contmltttl on houslncl IlrIt pub lie meeting munday It 730 mllmlli midtown aha ttce rs oven or still lnpte into the mint prob ores with boqu tn the clty tron incline In moment the price pt new house MEMBERS DROP theirbld or Wintarlo rant Tm members oI the cltyl commuter on houslnl were do tried Itmday by ctly coundl end new one ms added lord IthdennCoanrntththe nerr Bullderl Association were iltlliled trvm llll ltee by new they ham not llendod one will ol the rnenmttlee en the total number oi when to about It laid AM Jim Perri INDUSIRIAL SUBDIVISION An loduetrlll whiva by Slime Bloc Ltd on the north side at DunlepStrect west el IemdaieDrivem Ipproved bydlycoatclihivndn mend divisor in Mote ed aecre at end redI zoning ier hlli bi ropcrty from narration ln heevy Motrin There Ireelx conditions the developer mist meet before Ip pronl is given CITY STREETS my mundl agreed to assume mponllhillty or number or Itmts which are hooded is ur Inus subdivisions In Barrio The etreete Ire Ilnvel Avenue IIrnp lngdule Dresoeltt Ilosetblo Pin on Win Aspen Drive Spriny dale Drive Deerporlr Drive Virgilvrood mm MIplehun st Craernt wood Drive Alderva Ctrc Pnrlruny Place ioodzrove Covert Brech rrott Cuvlo Ashdele Court Iir zcl Avenue and poet or Ferm lnxdele mount Thecity only essumes responsibility lor the streets alter the city IdrnIan tratlon leels the devolopcr has made the roads Imordlnx tn the guidelines but we baseboard mtblnh hurt Irons the mtnlstry at Ilenotedtbllhelmpm$tbe iremeoddhaveentheixqaltel Illa th to ell the least well have to 1le within the midellnes Mr cano Iron raid 1110 wt memorandum kill mvlndll Mull that the mlnlstry vnllbe nulrtu every possible etiort to oontnln hapltal oprrltlrx reels It the talent We leseL It says minions Ill have to be made In the volume in patient services and the num nice person operItlne harps air demon said however the Ireeze would not have drestlc diedonlwll Henlde shortage wee anticipated and no melor cutback or delay In serv me would result became oi the government been In bespttlll buried which would normally have been not at the end at December will now probably be set in either January or February be uni Accreditation visit lunned or hospital here Ber Ruyd mill will have an accreditation pectloe on Jan it end 20 the mutant whom oi Inmates on Plum oi the inn held curry three years by the Cann dinn Council oi linstnl Accred ktlion with ninth provided by the lateral bwnmunt is to as the standard oI medical and must core elven It the hospital ItVlI Mmhristntnr Dorr aid Imeron enld akin to medical ludii Mr Cameron seld may city ntandnrds FREE TRANSIT City well em lta thnnlts to three Dnnle companlm GeorrIl Electric MonsllcidtDcttman Gm ernl and Stock Brotherr for pro vidinefiree bus servtce alone the citys new routes New Years Eve The tree service or erntes irom 115 pm to 315 am to insure people to leave their are at home or rate holiday The council is also pm vlding extended bus service next week Ior Christmas shoppers Ihevbuses will run along the which moi llnntlny to Thurs duy nerd soundly Mold Dec 22 end ivtcdsy Dec um or Mn IIAY CARI MATES titanic will have the hintst duv cure rates oI titre mrudrlu politics whore htddlskrel Day GIN Census end Tiny Tots Nur stsy operate City council appro val toe mercase in rates Mou dny for the groups Ibo new rates are $735 daylrom $1 Ind ior preschoolers $1 from toto ilatesin Waterloo were raised but ere still lower than Barrie uhilo the roles in Org lllla one considerably lower UIIIiISIllAS LIGIII an order to love enemy hallMill not turn on It Chrlst Inns Itehts until Monday Dec city council derided Monday request irom the province to conserve energy prompted the iItzr date tor city hells li hts The province is rcctdaths hts on the buildup rent pm to llmldlht utrllle city tel there Is too nvucbexpenso to lure someone turn the llghto oil and set later on in turn the Christmas lipids om migrating magician coon eu pr rp stole the ue by Illverwood lIem wbdlv on resldentv toe to vido playground enul moot deteloptennb course in the Iiitervvood Park The city Ilse Idtrlscd the roup that inan elul Isnlstnnce no on the MI overall ti budict mn Iesldrnts more tho diy to match the Wintarlo grant hr belrrcn mt lo $1500 Ayle Demirey librarian Is one oi the overseer toe the book moving It Barrie Iublle Library She L1 helped by Shin Icy Em endJnne Ilodzlnv ll hrery essbteuu to northth lertn the books The tori In moo boolu Ind Vlcltxia rllm lo 19 20 re the mpeetonn sin Wu receives no par tirul benets iront help It How in be said In lccredi tation Inspection has one wny tbeboardol mime could be med that the bowltd is do Inc props lob itVli has been summlly do rreditcd lor the past 11 years except tor short lapse vhen it was pm on Voyeur proba tronnry period pcmel yours ego Mr Cameron cold moved eboilt 33000 at there last neck to the new child renl department Wlth the ction books paperback and records etc else bcln moved to the lower oor ol main building It public library in inr connection to the rityn voter main Iblcb runs Iloe llrntia end Ind will pay shire ei lashLilac colts Barrie and Inteloft have been battling Ibonl ler mice in Iree ine one year since the city amused rth respon sibility lee umber at town lp rddcnb velk which bid tone dry The wheels Idl did not dry umber hm hemme contaminat ed heme tuml Iald Sunday it doe not Imurne any reSpm Iibilty or the sclmle problem Ald Ala Arthur told mind the weaned IL sntalna numbd ol change the loumla had requested Iltrr meet Irrlt rEy edeLI In the summer In sent to MSLI Szirmber or desire Imnazz he eki In returned by the tonnstip It pm lionth with three Ruler dun In Arthur Iald be end no uplanlm for the lump re instint such It dale stlll cant understand ehere the problem ultb the WI lies be Lid EV rl the mm ll citys DI invite the slgnrd hate receded We will rolled the necessary Itmdlutmlly the quesnn is Ibm AM Jim Perri sold Ill mes sary nmmaio endmnnretttm were nude by the Beme Pub llc Utimles Dominion pl titty mm He said rle has not received we cent rem Lantin Iortheuet or the IIler nevi Ibis Is exiled blur Ihlt 01hr diam Examine CITY NW3 TUESDAY Dumas HISIX POINTS or CONTENTION Group upset by Act City Dave Hill spoioemIn ior lhe mulotodvhlsemts more upert with clLv council and to NW Act than pith the Downtown Improvement Board In liill outlined tore mice points oi contention The board be said appoint ed by it maxi Ind ll dwin town uterus have no vote on my dads ns etch Is who will sit in the bond end whet mill be done with the soon assess ed rpm the mercbente lie Ilsn noted the board does not hold an annual mull meet bu to allow the ratepayers to exerts their opinion Secondly be paid the city does not have In oillelriplsn Inr the downtown no and thert lore thrnnnqmhy eniybe spent brit For Indiuxer be sold til tm nulnirqot oi cann dan Tin storeaiter they cut dorm one oi Simone Cotmtye mos bemlifd spruce trees hirllill laid the city ts Keir In all ruffhe imm invest ln any mnney at all on down Iuwr property Iddlne stow monvnl Is also tell to lhe tn divldual Woman Many of the Intimates assess ed gain no benet at Ill Irom downtown Inme schemes be said and the method at on more based on square foot lle Lt lilo Inher Itr lttll said some businesses hln his own Ire ilxedonlerge Irons lndvdlnr the putlnr Int when their Actual dollar output ght be lower than Inotber bus The spokesman said there ll little the bond or madnenLe Inodetlon could do with the downtown core until an omelet plan ls drnwn up and backed by the city lie noted many other Ontario cities have underline massive redevelopment programs he their downtown but Ill werI beekrd by the city jsDUDI Ittpnj Mr Illlrwxesied the city er shite each year either iavest money Into down We Mememen name or plow the whole me over or parkland becstisl It ll dial to be etum em 1hrDewntonn Improvement Board does not have live enr plan he said Ind each year it must decide Ibrt to do with the money The city has lutura plans to tear up Mop Street or road repslrs Mr Hill said end the board should be looking into waa or mternctinl this iiueid money eeuldhlve been better spent Iuppnrtm the Santa lam parade Ind puttan up Books MOVED Arpuattc ttaitARv holdlnx Irene would Sot urdny with short childrens party In the new location lorries Irorn the city ball at bun ml rotten nnd tel Iervod In the moth buttdine at nrn tExInilner Ihotot temples to protect dowutnun shoppers The procedure Inr letting up downtown improvement boards is eel out In the thlcvpal Act he said but the city has the op tion at opting but at the prvzrnmu admire the Ml who have worked on the board Ind the hard work they one cvrn II they were Bu be laid the city is Iallgh in It the downtown merchants who are belnx creed to pay the vrhoie shot Relcrrin back to participation in board lcllvitlns Mr Iilll not ed tbe board did not begin send in out newxicllerr until May rs Ind althouzn merchants are invited to attend meetings they are not told when they are being held Iir Iiill said he was told to contact the Cbnmbrr oi com rnrree so be rent in Irtterl to the Attention the board all oi which were unanswered Misunder to unite does it surely the rttr of Barri our Price amen rm unwise on the iiICV said the wnmls slonllnot alimentary lm we mi th std re legally bi lbw meet En said MDLLLIIILS be Inter the tub Ireks haw one on lean enough The mayor said theKm has ll loot deep well trueb in not bndly nominated so raid Imordzn In It inlorrnntim cuoripntur iould solve the rrv blew Aid Paul WM aid the WITH INNISFIL the tune tire probleml resolve lithe sold City agrees to meeting Meeting with Innlsl township may be easier than tllkm llt host it Ior Berri city much Counrll sand meetinI should be Irranyrd In Jennery Wordless oi Ibetber the tourn shp cooperetu vtitb the clly or no The city In Ishlnl Innialil lo send in oi the new propose to ofe plan Nmplete with tun use mm belorl the meet th Alex Arthur sold Iitbout the maps Iny rrsretiag will be journey Into lutrlity ile laid the city In hoping the lwndtmr Inrvnrds copies the eIIlctsI plan tntpartknlar luollanduslnlpelethetlro sides on have on Intelligent dismal The city has had two upIrItl request Item the temp Ior meetrne one to meet concern ing the Innisiil proposed ouidII plan and one to discuss the Ber rie Urbln Iree were ntaync earn oi shadow boxlnx he said They Ire there dolru their job In ddend lheir township while It Ire here ping but we no tor the oil Md Del Cold said the city mun try end cooperate In much Is possible Ile said nor rirehould attempt to meet be iure January theyre twin to do 105 Ind we abouki cooperate In much as possible he Ilkl II the city meets with Innlslll end the lead rnnpe Ire presented Lhevnectlnx couldnt you bl on Intelligent drscussi on News quiz answers PART ICJaIdun Union or Pml Workers 20mm Impriscohmxv Hockey PART II 14 5b 53AM ill Hi to PICIUILE QUIZ Juan Carlos Km nI Spam Ruiss for PM AEOoIIIIIdlbllownleb Ilvrlys mall mounts to mettltutulymwlllpulllnx tberneNnvbeIIldtheetty lsdclsrlaxiblmltteriupn dhermnnth Alli George lIld he uaooereadintotbereeommen datlnnthlnutheetbereldemenv mamwdmrec nmmend etionnimply says thI uUIIMIdRlomQInIM my would eeoplu iandv mopsior Ken limit 01 the Onurin Grape Muslim Bord oi Ont nrbtt wil be the rust lpeaker at the Ibtnedny noon meean oi Barrie Retennns It the Mir tmar Garden members under federal guidelines Incmases in the yearly honor enum torgthe dtys pllllllc util lties eornrnlminnere are exempt them the iedorel one no prim puldelines Aid Alec Arthur told lily room eil Monday even though the in rrems are well uver the ieder el zotcmmente to per cent in crease in tonnes Ire esunpt Mil Arthur 5l the vein of the lllefeese is 3500 year end anythlng under $600 is exempt Ibe yearly remuneration tor standing the PUC dralrrneo increases to $150 Iran 000 Ind or tbl 5730 This is the first tor the PU rommlltvionrra who no dedod by the penile since 19W commission meets or Gunman the FUC is Mayor Dorian Earlier umrrrlsieners are lirnle Alexander Ind Albert Jansen cleared out rowdy meeting of group IllLlSDALE rowdy tot llottr meeting oi the Iliilstlyle pipe and School Amocletlon row hate eiceerd up one my understanding on Monday from is no plan to Investie rule the qualifications oi tree ers It licoonte Welt Crntml scbonll some parents hnd thought But the martin Ilse hrounht inthe torriront conict inrnita in psrevrtv the home and school vxmttive and the Simone Coun ty Board oi Edurotion Althtutzb landed in tile meet ing by Don limicus president oi the Simone County Home and Srhnot Council on Examiner re porter was barred by school rein clpel Elli Pastel About 50 par rnls ltlertted litter the meetirv lhllrll ecbool trustee John hlrlllough sold he dish needs ermine Ile laid many parents are disenchanted vlth some members of the Issoeil llnlI exeuulre ltr McCullough ls obesrmnn oi the board ol tritwnllotll Ire committee Julianna ilcrvleux association chairman Ind nlle oi Donald llemetnr sell ndsuerderetand lnz restllm Iroml Doe meet lng in wlJdI llle Amilion talks ed lbw rnwstigdtinr Impossi blicr oI obtaining landergame ripsocset Merlontc iesi Cent re About Ztvcbilrlrcn 1r rennin rd beiurn the bowl oi edure tlrr wii proldo Kindergar til lions became rooiuscd with the calipslion in qt least one nts mind Mrs llerilrux tale An utrind statement rclule Itrltl belorc Mon in said lhz on Dch certl emcnta made were detrimental to the Iradclnz stair This hes rcsutlcd In less oi mernio Im ongst the Ituii uhieh in turn has nliectod tho edurutiun OI our qhiidren this past peek Mr Ilenleur sold peldion Iron 11 or Ii IImtltrI In Hilly Disettssivn nI tenther nuut rial dcnnnlcd replLcment ol the home end school exewti but no action wartskcn Itcpre Sisled on the petition new tour oi live associations zo Illmlllcs The school board seems to rth sent the as nest Ii llnted the Ontario Iedcra ttun oi llnm InclAtom the lidlsdole group has more sreng Iotivelhnn the us parent teacher gmuoshe Sir McOJilnush The Ed ueatianAct the princlml cwwm the school he also has prep tice oI Held the news med in no mee on lonelitles Iro being disasssed llc said this Is done to meld rerrpretntlon Ind amid liblt with statements rnrde when present It the martin included Mackenzie Vlsey trultece Roy Eduuds and Ina euperintenn dent Al Gnrdlxme Ihe meetinI nu chaired by John Ken were tdrnt oI the Sim omI ml 8M Well mrnrmssl nners to $1150 train is more vole Inner tently