mom problem Ination is priority problem The moral Governinent hasintroduced new legislation and appealedforindividualrestraint Energy is another urgent problem Supplies are dwindling and costs are soaring Many ofus overlook oneimportantfacttgnergngghts both the Canadian people He said in part We have come iocxpcci that there is romemaxic by which he can have cheap and plentiful food cnergyyhousing and government services together with an lcterrmpraving standard of living am orkihgyadtolirelby the jacr that oil Canadians murtrcrlrainlheir rising demand upon the nations wealth so that Canada or whole will be able to live within her means Thar is the only antiInation weapon which om hopeofpcrrrrancnsuccesr All of as in the immunityindividuals com panies and govemmenisaro grappling with inetiomWetendlothinkofenergyasaupamte problemitsnot When we put energy conservation practices to workwith enthusiasmwere tackling ination hEadon Energy consorvation saves you money VTbisjssr the average Canadian family will spend about 51000 directly on energy Money for gasoline heating lel and electricity And prices will undoubtedly go higher because new suppliesarohighcost But youre not helpless Energy conservation will cut consumption and save you moneyor at least help to olfsetrising prices Youll have little more cash to cope with other forms of ination For eumplesetting the thermostat back 26 will save yon $30 to $40 this winter Better furnaco servicing while it costs aliltlecancut es much as $109 from your tel bill each year Insulation weatherstripping and atom doors and windows involve an initial investment but can save 10 to 50 on your annual heating bilLr Thats probably between $30 and 5200 year lBuying compact car instead of agas guuler can save you $500a year on gasoline Youll probably also save on the lower purchase price plus lower costs ot maintenshce repairs and insurance IFrcquent tuneups slower highway driving carpools and public tronsitallhelp Other measures turning out lights cooking ciciently saving hot water buying retumable bottles and avoiding throwaway products They allsevoenergy and money Thats ghting inationl Energy conservation cuts businesscosts Ono ofihe reasons for the higher prices of most manufactured products and many services is the spiralling cost of energy Think of all thotlmes in the past year youve heard Weve had to raise ourprices to coverthc higher energy costs On October 13 the Prime Minister spoke to Reading tim For business energy consorvstion is an excel lentecostcutiing tool It works to hold down the and paper such consu er goodses Ioodturniture and cars services ging from taxi fares to health core Howmuehcuabusln save Many companies out to 15 from thelrenergy bills aim aby good housekeeping Newequipment and recess changes which requiro art iniliallnv lent can save good dealmoreSminsom cases And of courso all these savings should be passed along to the consumer Thats ghtioginationl Conservation cuts future capital costs vie contlrm to gobble up energy at our present rate oiinctcase well need many more pipelines tar sands plants electrical generating stations powerlines uranium and coal mines gas and oil wells The projected capital cost of these projects is at least Silo billion between now and 1985 Thats an investment of about $20000 for each Canadianfamily minutes costs of such basic commodities as cement steel Present energy prices aror as to helplpsy for that investment and xture prices will be even higher in order to carry and pay back the tremen dous debts incurred This investment requires doubling oithe pro portion ofournational wealth whichis allocstcd to energydevelopmentfrom of GrossNational Product to almost Tho lrcy question is when will the money come from In tight capital marketit will have to come from money otherwise destined to linanco schools hospitals business expansion and social programsThey may have to wait And what effect will such massive capital demands have on interest ralesforeign owner do it Simply by taming down all residential and commercialthennostatsjustzlsC5 if we improve car mileage from the current 175 mpg average to 28 mpg in 1985 well save the equivalent output of two tar sands plants at costofatleast billion Yes some conservation measures do call for an initial investment but modest one when com pared with the energy saving For example national program to reinst only the most inefcient houses would cost about $300 million hur the saving would amount to 10 million bomb of oil mry year Thats Va of the output otstarsands plant Thats lighting inationl Conservation cuts the costs of irnported oil Rightnow the Atlantic provinces and Quebec use expensive oil imported from the OPEC nations It costs about $1250 barrel and is subsidized by the Federal Government to bring the price down to the $3 per barrel paid by the rest ofCanadaforwestern oil 111a $450 per barrel is paid for by the tax on oil exported to the United States and by the 10 per gallon excise tax on gasoline used for noalt business purposes but ssour production of western oil declines in the years ahead our exports will be cut back will lose the revenue and tax on exported oil Wll begin to build up tremendous national debtwhat the economists call balance of payments decitfor imported oil CANADIAN OlL SUPPLY IDEMAND In much Von mantle hiL shiptho value or the Canadian dollar and the balanceotpaymenlslThe answersareworrisome How much or this projected capital investment can be eliminated by conservationlr If we can lower the annual growth rate in energy consump tion from 55 to 30 then we can reduce our capitalinvestment by 113 Thats 57000 per family Thats ghting inationl Where can the savings come tromeomo examples If we cut our annual growth rate of energy consumption by only 110 cl per year the energy saving in 1990 will be more than the total output of tar sands plant at current cost of 52 billion or live nuclear power stations at current cost of about $5 billion How could we 75 rm 1M If the growth of demand continues unabated by 1935 this decit could be staggering 555 EnetgyMinsandv Resources Canada cities oi energy Conservation HomnlaeleerIlleeplo Minister me dilemmas Heres haw the two problems come together in one solution billion per year in todays currencythats $212 per person That money is shipped out of the country It doesnt work for our economy It doesnt provide jobs or incomes for Canadians Here againconservatioa can maltoaworldof dilierence gt By saving oil and electricity in the Eastern provinces we can reduce our need forimported oiLBy raving oil in Ontario and the West wocan divert some of our western oil to Quebec viathe new Montreal pipeline and artber cut ourneed for imported oil Thats lighting inationl Conservation cuts energy costs Our growing energy appetite is forcing us to develop more remote and more complex sources of energy Exemplesi the tar sands nuclear power distant hydroelectric sites Arctic oil and gas or course to find extract transport and pro cess these sources of energy take energy In fact we are expending more and more energy to make unit of useful energy available With rising costs for energy inputs woro spending more and more money for less and less energy The proportion of our national energy budget which is consumed by the energy industries has already doubledfrom about in 1951 to almost 12in 1971 By cutting demand we can lower future energy costs Energy conservation can be one solution to two problems We can all help In sense were fortunate One solution can help solve our dual problems of ination and energy All of usindividuals companies and governs meatscan play majorpart and reap both immediate and future rewards Conservation can stretch our energy reserves cut costs reduce ination improve our environ ment and ourway of life far into the tture Thats apowerful weapon Thinkaboutil If youre not partot the solution youre part or the problem Energie Mines et Ressources Canada Bureau dslaconsorvatlondelencrole LHon Alastair Gillespie Mlnlllre