Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1975, p. 4

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fHYdfO hdsivml9Irole ginhlpig d6velbpment Condor at time when condensate or wanton Ia crusted on eitorta tn taln ination the concern over rim lac Ptckerinz cairn OntarioBydm prices Wed virwpoint ls attention In messing problems ajlnca it was lounded by god in me the Ontario Ilydrohaa been pented onthe principle of racedaatnoat ot make proilia but aria Ialdo any ea oatred tat Wuleyvmenear con Port Hope deacon nuclear plant at each with capacity otapproav from the lnrately 2000000 kw as well as two ad uruleratand dttlonal heavywag plants It Bruce 0n lario Hydro basedvthe Bnroe Heavy Water plant 191 than Atomic hr ZIBul the bullies ol tb pmrn em dal electric nimly tolta oi Canada United an Mum Indoonstructlon merit aeeond twilhatmliarca iybevm the current mmppmnu also naalpeenior eavy er ourth SirAdam tobeoouaidupdlag similarime construction work be an muting tor second 2000000 nuclean tie on doeatat thePickering arte ltyill have four 5Mth units with the first scheduled ry nods tor capital reserves to help ior aervlre In IIIBO nee expanrlon At Nantlooke the tour units at the Inelaysteni la in the unumaiporltlvn rtatlon will have an ultimate bump to not only anticipan de capacity 4000000 kw with the station who but to keep expanding iacilitiea ahead to they will be ready in time iour units at lennoxalso are scheduled pi need ble to carry out Its Avodlt but greater tadliilea neeelsary An tea war Inevitable but the ntroversy over the wiadorn nned Iprolncta Anconl oz to theJaat annual report at the Ontario Hydro projects under con etlon or dplluncd for service upto more thanll000000pliw 82 wlll ad One oi the worlds major electric uiiiuleo the Onlario itydro has miles with berm dain prices and heavier demands have in piped the coal at maintenance and made to he in service then Commotion at new transmission tacit ltiea alsotis essential to deliver power treat these and other newgeneratlng ona The heavy borrowin necessary to lio ancovthese large expansions has increase to been oi particularconcern rlue to the re has been current heavy interest and carrying oi delaying chargearliut in order to do its part to help lprmrinelaldevelopment and growth the ntario Hydro has had little choice but to proceed on as practical nancial baaia as conditions warrant Although expansionoi iacilitlea It or aentlal concern over rising debt which approved in principle by the Ontario has reached 822bllllon and the ire gzitgrgenmting capacity Thla program eminent In 1013 and reviewed by the Energy Board in 1974 The government approved gswoarn TODA mendoirs burden oi the carrying charges is understandable The latter represents aonrtructioo large share oi the overall cost igrkenaie King whaarotc tu expected to be completed by 1071 an 9m resss irgrcrcrcrlvsocmt aanno irmux Altair 4th grum Neyva krvice sprawling liuyanI redon an rcrtnvvrrt roar oi rpm Amrrl represented piitlcrily to lot rnalor arerl tha Guyana provinces oiVene ratrla andthe three more lamil ilr Guyanaa oi British Mn and French rule titiait Gulanabecama the trio IndentCoanrnonwealth Can bean nation at Guyana in rennh Guiaoa remains allgoverning region within tha ench union not unlike the pt cal relationrhlo ol the last tench islands to the western hemisphere la the Caribbean oil Newlouodiand adthe lartrinown oi the es Dutch Guyana or him Irnr yrtaooiher independ nation in South America at econ November will ha one ol two Dutch ahinr nations in the western lgrrrlrphere the other one will It tho Netherland Antlllu bei gtkrwwn by the inndliar Ialand Aruba when it reaches Inde pendence probably in mo greedy it tool as though earn will be copybooir vyaion oi Ouyaua where proh igrna ot race politics and mar kga tr major natural re Iourc concerned ond in Guyana at well ax to huge Veaeeualan region Wwycmrcm Harrie Erummrr held an Barr Ontario Telephone 21 Registration Number one Sword Clan Mall neturn portage Kuarantead Dailfyrhuodaya and Eta ory iloiidaya rt excepted ubrcriptlon rater daily by Ii er eenu weekly litre riy Biatl cpin 15 cenla Wall Darria um yearlr or County moo yeary Balance at Canada aoaoo yearv iyitAll other eoudirlea $4500 yearly Itotor throw all moo arrt agitation Admitting Olilceu Wut Toronto gtirmber oi tho Canadian Prue and Audit Bureau oi Circula tionr 1111 Ca adian Press iaeaclu elver entitled to the use tor ra ghllogtloh at all can dispatch In this paper credited to it Dr The Associated Praia or lieu ttr and also the local news pub lished therein Thabarrie Eumlnenalairua ryrlrht in all original advcn Ia nand editorial mttcrlal er tad its employees and repro duced to this oawapaoer Coorrlaht ilrglllratinn Nunv tier mitt miner at 91mm wl iarlch am am ur the world attotulon timid name in bauxite Also very much like Guyauay Surinam will he rertieas muliJIradal society with hlIcka in political control and East in diaor tlrorn Java rather than troln india as is the case with Guyana the not always wtllrcrarded but wealthy mer chant and trader clan Olhe racial laments in the mnilnentr newest small nation oi 400000 people include dwindling community at the original Amerindian and about urooo Creoier lbo Dutch eronrent rec lgnlzlng the II tensions in their colony ollorrd Dutch citi aeuahipto any Mrinamm who could make it to lloilrnd helm lawman day result was an exodua at about 0000 per da lronttita CHINI oi Paramari to Dutch in aw milijurlnav are ag my lot oi indoneaiant Antilllant Itaiaocana who hava opted tor lila in the lorrner colonial power rather than in their own exotic homo piatrv it Is interesting that independ enee tor human with the last Whitman Vtrththe Intuitive Prime racist Iona haaoorioua eu paniama ESE and the mom itimlalr because Truieau pa the system Ia airoucly as the provtndai ones in Quebec ills earliest vrrllin oi the tottntbeunlquoac rlylo bll Cite Libra were diatribe slut Quebec dominated by anon which the broctr waa audio mm loathed thychlailrut vineiel political mean and ittaly at Itruetures to Quebec looting vita not nu brats arr rlruament us Wish Proteuat materialist Eliariti the Mini 0th nil Trudeau and ha Irdelleetiaal which waI reprinted hot the election agenda pain tlewa national llwrros in the men NdvAaem have been nu ind essay article or academic paper lioual dml rot and nnbi other than momma trig comment nnthe mrtllcuitural aodeile clung more want nnnr ot Ptern pm not ml with political mm whereer time the avail For aojbug Que ministel present In thl MootrralOlysngda If unlitvogue believe lardemocra Ianoreaso vbyit And regarding lirtortc Irvinlib rtnrrh The roots at his passion to see Freed Canadians Lha Ihaloa mo corrupting institution biliorual procectner Introduced merrare trua dalmcraia are deep and itronr writlcgr as aern In his early Irons tba Protrslentatvt partly the toilow anentary tradition the latter true authoritarian being lrom Generation aher gmaloa Quebec without getting around Historically Freud wir back at man who it star to looming three sentences oi titans have notrroaliy believed been educated three times an prime minister oI Canada the peculitr provincial situation ol he time must be undeniood lo special context While he saw no re or that taking hilt through the old inaotlorn didnt want to lrrr Inanew state tookpiaca at its same time as grow oi 5oth liaise can revolutionaries hijacked train In northern lloll South Iialaoca ir one oi vast Islands makingup the chlorine known as indoors and which was part ol the to naer Dutch East Indies The island also has its liberation mu withiii normally placid lioiland RACIAL wonnma What with all this human rea ldue tronalta rmer llilllt empire Iyt America and Aala the Dutch are erprrleoclng the same racial prejudices which have become common lace la Dritata home to sever million nd it he been artlve lorrner aublecu at Atlld Atrl can and Caribbean colonize anion are now lndwendeat My car Already the Burlnunera who chose tor and are being dilerlrnlnltod agairnt to Dutch rertaurahta housing and loba to Holland in ltrlla tha legacy oi empire where man liyla concerned Kareer coda Willi tho hauling down oi the ag Soy obieciive of closing gop unrealistic moy rwasruuorou rcpt lilarr rice strode rctirlng head at the United Nations Environment oblrctlva oi cloa the gap hmun rich and poor courqu ls unrealistic and potentially dasrnging throng who becomes wetl deot oi the Canadian overn rnente lotro Canada an told ionun limiting iorelgn policy lama tor the lm preli dentist doctiona Wednudhy There arr tinits to global Istu particular example to clodng the gap bdweeo ridr and poor This clearly unrea listic II an objective to tire ioreseeabir iutuu and It can tlnued puramt as the principal goal oi deveioornenttcoopen atlon can only lead to cum poundlng oi extailng truatra tiona Strong former head oi Lha Canadian International Develop rnenl Agency aaldthat while vernrnenta ave been talking ealisilcolly about closing the 33 the altuathur tor many do opln eouhtrlea ha been no ng RESOURCE nrnur Tbo critical gap II that Match talus between than who met live at level at poverty that denies them access to the basic retourcea and environ mental conditions compatibl wtllt laiman dignity and there who live abova this line Consequently he addrd be to be domoging mod on the mm at greatest povert with objective oi ng tor every human or at fundamental right access to the resources needed 10 Min him to live It level Within with inner dignity in Physical terror he said it Is entirely possible to meet the built ordtsh ol lthaentlre Fiction pant plied the camirainia are almost entirely thoaa oi iltleal unit and lecouomica rooial ar rangement strong edited for abetter syn tom oi during that lam amounts cl hurry capital avail able ior Investment in some countrier canto ynoved eiiecv tivety into thav poor countries When it la motthteded wicks WE WllNT YOUR OPINION rlattera Iobmltird tar pub Ileailoa months original rep Iea signed by the writer Fin tncludr your street addrm and phonr number although they will eat be pubtlahed let ten which cannot be authrna rated by phone cannot be unto iilllrd For the lab at III vuhito interest and mo taste The Examiner menu the lltht to edit oeaoeaae ar rrlrrt letter Frenzb when these people lnalai uilh mud gravy and Eighth Canadian no that their law and em really waned it tor other arent made tor it what they reoily not to get acro=a thus organs minds by aubm barbaoua ldl While he outilna the struc nocrtnv mom to banana Wmmnamrrmvxmxgmn CANADASSTORY Mackenzie King holds the record By DOB BOWIIAN William Lyon Mackenzie King holds the long arrvlro record of years II prlrna yninltier oi Canada Alter being de minlrter oi labor ha entere politics in too and was elected tn the lloue oi iorrunonr lie her mnttrr nl labor in Sir Wllirtl Lauriera government in run ut was de ieatrd in the euro lain Con urvatlva sweep in tvll King was out oi polillva until ltiv uhen Laurlcr lie the entrred the outt tor lead erlhlp oi the Liberia party and nun ltobert Borden tcatgnod as prime minlalrr anvil leader ol thr Coolervatlva pirty about thattima and Arthur lllrighen took his place King Ihrrriora Iountl hlmlrll oppotrd to his old enrmy irom Unlvcrtity oi To ronlo dohatlrg days and quickly gained the upper hand Uoder hta traderattlp the lib trala returned martbera to win the general election Nov ml new IProgreatlvo only won at team while the Conservatives elected only to members The Pro rerrives tell they laetrd polltcal experience and agreed tinulw Lrn ct rrrvativer to be the olilelel op poaitloo am Now King and iiclg rn ound thernrelver in dl to warp tion again Their ri valry was Introe Melghen ar iually driraied King in the next general election on but BlBLEJTHOUGHT in tha beatnnlug was the Word Jam and the Word war with Dad and the Word was God John Ill To make Jeaur less than llo II it trick at Evian 1i dont know Jesus the Godruin ml Saviour at the world you dont know God That too war written in not lion haacuiy couldit bltmis ew Quebec to you Is that they will not bully leogad even today vibra Que thlr rrnali ho prrrnlrr lr accuard ol docr at ca dlanlrm ha wr eor to lorlng ea llna radio slnwa and Euglrh Canadians in ma lreallm at those years 1rudeau lntltt titbelieving that French Iiand pm tauntedJ the Catholic tradition Trudeautcanedlanilare borioaily corrupt acted Ila decadent oi AntioSexam have llvodlurwrote knowltu that why and dictatorial Or else have they voted lor Drawn and put up with hlr antler insider in democracy tor thrmreivrr nor htvcll CHANGE Neiurer the Canadian polltlral item not author Tnaiaau have changed that patch since the rosettes era In terms oi aolu iioat lo the inherent problst in relation to hirer and YOUR BUSINESS Beryls board Doctor or lOIlllCii more asla maternity than aoclalirt The iludu York collection oi Unit States and lorelgniutellcttuaiI see him as autlparlla montarlan but democratic nl llouolist but uuldcoieglc aervailva but innovative in hit essaya Trudeau Iiao do llnca lopreclra terms social was or govrrniog Canada gone Hbui3noi forgotten mml noau Anaiyrt Tbonraon News Denice month am 1in Prim llrvletv him not the typical Canadian ebon et la noiaaa concerned and prices today obon We years ago Tha boards rhalman tho controvrmiat lioryi umpire moved on to the greater nrooa oi the nntllnillllon board In 0e lobrr By the end oi this month the board the left behind her will slip into oblivion Vhenlt was mated In 1m tire Food Priced lloview Board was widely bollovedto be lust another government technique to divert and dllime public eora comrabout ination ihot belirl seems not as valid today lto he Iiult doubled value oi the rcaearclt carriedoul and rcoommrrrda tionamadaby lira Plumptro and hrr atoll Earlier this year tor ex ample the Food Price ltovlevr lloard published mart ibat Frica Nutrition that ahowerl how tarnlllea might improve girth hang ratio culling But the tetieul body most directly continued Nutrition Canndn aeernsqrot to have heard at the report Altttoosh the tovarnment has spent marry millqu at dollars in landing the root Prices lie King was abia to term tbr gov ernment hrcataaa be war sup ported by tha Progreeaivrt lthtg aerved as me utlnlh ter until than cure lor short time in ma uhon hlclzhen view nmm has ignored meat at tilt uitecomrmeodotlour on rape 11le in all the other studies car ried or by the board MARKETING AGENCIE 0n the issue at tho govern menia own prltotltlng mono pellet in iarm products the oohrurnera interestLuv been termed governmentrihal was defeated in irw dnya King lost the next lruttal election to ma when it ii hem nett had become lender ol the Contrrvatlvermru was out at omce untli ran ilo roilly won the electiontlhatyrar lodeom tlnued Il prime minister until he retired in tote nae oi the lectures oi the root election was the victory oi Agnes lilacmnel Progrttalve Site brcame the ilrrt wonran member at the ltouao oi Com mom orurur no1 Events tillLa iiotto and Father llenncplu arrived at Niagara Falls ilirllrrra do in Verrrtlvyo great an em oi the west died In Iiotitrtal have promlabd not ace Some vi the Food Prim no victv Boards noit tellin point were its uttldarns oi to vernmentdriated that marhti ran doesnt have its urual court martial meanlni but instead denote Ihewopilanodmhvm more uc on one Ir lerd 9prices and rampant bu reiuan the rip sam at disco one oi be most moot uutritioui oi ioodl the vein oi monopoly Mkcillh been an almost incredible story at rnlu arrangement combined tyllh bliib prices hliliiona upon millions ol rgga worn allowed to go bad Cam titan raga sell or lead to tho Unlttd states than at home and Ontario egg producera quota bevy been set so low that the supply to the battery lodtntry has been cut all Yet despite the lcnlly ylllr tlatiooory lclnc po rlea oi the governmena msrtretlng mono pollen they have been ter enptod from the general aeti inllation poll that mulchrot to price creator to the amount at increase to product tlon cuss rooo vanuaa starting ntxtmooth the load shopper will not evenhava the moral support at Foodlrltur lieylew Board in trying to wi stand Ination at the supen market ita some comiortilmi nuw ber ol merotten ing chalna rain thelt toiling ices on other than Kauaiab ca until the record all at Januaryalthough trv ol them appear to have magical on certain prices iuvt are they lrora them led government rubs oouapetltlvai mum or not he isnt applyinng dress as prime rnlniatae comps oil days clearly shown to be Ill liuoinua and Uaosuruer Atlalra pl

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