EiiiEl iii iii 559 ma horneiomnnrlrm anri iuso ativisory team NANANO lillhimlihi under ltI mauer an alliance Identied road pro the britIIh Columbia contra teetea st loom many on Grant Alasoouzt the corn lrhea unique uveoniem oer tandem planing advisory vlitI tum hwyon iitatadatnuowrouurue ulliea Bloaool uid hi5 Imp imam by thI acroner WAT poodnou total resource vlo VIIIIAIHDI niaahoda on the minim coast Vancouver laangand the Queen Charlotte The idea said Ilr Urban iI to nuke an accurate quv hunt 01 all the kit in Irra urahod not Just in lamentable Win with iii EC Mali lenluaad the provincial ml and willfuimhnh are ree In these nlim eadnukea Incl tor spedl edhatle emotional and Judith for um WI look at lhlnu like lati erier wildlila IoilI lead geology hydrology climala recreational ulnar arid the Sonarold hlelrrirL fBulullr ve do In iareatorrot Ill oi hm Vliuu than we make roc yuiya dole torerter and one oi vtlu prime moms behind crea titm al WPAT laid the turn in order that ii if FEE EF gt ts not how small you make it its how you make it small twl oauiieadallou to the bum Ia dlorito mutual ecolo huadoa Ihia inventory no that Pinto ice to meet tho III aqulred ItI iI Iraiiahla i0r Vinnie with intent of Hamilton Binder iIndtm policy Mr Malcolm raid DUPAl operated withiathe trammri ot the NWlhndm pol iwia martin rea ozalaar lla spam to balance the requiremeata tor meme derdopmeatni1h toa willie out toriroceu to the arbor Io that lauera In con forest and the deed to maintain ha quality at the environment nomad vrm inth put planning oi lliI tinker hIrveIt was primarily killed to the timber resource he laid With the advent ol la turatod resource ralnalemeat and uu knowledge All resource vuuothertiuntimberill vital ulremeat in ad tioa to Mr Urhaatho learn included trio ill la two rhrriee Ilia other wildllle hialoylrt Twoyears system begins pay big dividends HALlidFAX OF tor moo 0W 1W wimp to community band in New Swill tr bEIIminl to mveada in the lateral lime in mm ot the Nada iihauxiataacoirmvikdhr the Medial recreation riov portal and WM thodo parunoiIa philosophy to reemetlonu permits broadest rouse Ian Brawn goommaiir butml ide am one or Midpoth 0131 are to In cilia endeavor Mr Brown drm cone with some tonne of gt ubiellu noting that in many outta teanI Intuit boro trirtod to on re and alien In rmed by us the oomntunly bent la on to anyone Iill learn ii are an moot utlclpanls at all uer out aiela vdterriele rtny coin aniin bindsth till their are at lativalr parades and other milieu Ind pmviodii 913 or the tilt been somewhat Ipodacular TWO YEAR OLD The Iillrnrius to craaoo and maintain them wan provided trio rm uo at department IMIOM Recom rnertdatin or financial Iuirtn 23 litre engine 4speed manual transmisslgn Leg room Mi unload PonyMEG Cheveitesoooier ll Hlp room 518 Shoulder room 525 Rearleg room 311 Reartilp room 416 earn came irom thapartlcllt WI 40 conuntlniiy baodl bernow Italian Itosandlav dudcavipoanddmmbudl It booth conceit balsa Many at the groups haw been accorded national and torso national recognition Mudlnl tllI hand rorn ltiiddidon Inuit Annapolla Valle iarrrl in mud ran it ll tlhgdilarroute Festival logar la order to comrade and crnurs the dominance at lhil community bind development the department plan to milk lahr ill hand policy laid Mr Brown marching bend Ford Pinto orovan and reliable car IIrnEa II introduction your ago now alter new modal tna Pinto Fony MFG GOOD MILEAGE The Plnto Pony MPG VIII rated at 452 miles out Imperial gallon highway and 200 miles per gallon city in U8EPA IlmulIted driving teats MORE CAR FOR THE MONEY The Pinto PonyMPCt otters standard tortures not tound art the Chlvetta Booolar like tloor carpet Ind chrome plated window trlrn chrome plated human and Moos AND back ant With more than 500 pounds extra lpldritwglnf weight wlaIrItInoe trigger engine high EP rating and lower price Pinto Pony MP6 is an outstanding VI uI Pony MPO Ityour Ford DIIIIr Ioon FORD PINT0 Soothe lull llnoot Pinto inciudingthe new Pinto Rear shoulder room 510 Pinto Pony MPG Chevette Scooter Ill COMPARE Passengera Horsepower EPA nllloaga ratln ni 14 litre engine 4speed manual trortsnllsslon LegroomAto Hip room 490 Shoulder room 501 No backseat Its optional Tho76 Ford MotorCompany 036am infueleconomy amongthe Big auto makers The US Envirdnmehtal Protection AgancytEPA as tested the 1910 care and lha reaulta for no signs auto makers Ford GM and Chrysler ow that Ford Motor Com any cars have the highest average City Ighway miles pergallonratlnrf EPA etanderdized last row tosales Weighted have been and are being used by automotive manulaoturera tor tuel economy Itatoments Such tests are oarlormed on dynamometar to simulate oily and highway drivln and results have been converted to Imper ll gallons While EPA tools are useful tor comparative purposes they may not be duplicated in actual drivinpTtta nae mileage you not depends on your type at drtvln your drlvln habitsload and car equip mentroe andwutharoonaltloneand new career ta maintained pnginaerlng rotinamenta to the 1010 Ford car linen have resulted In dramatic Incroeaeinlueteoonemyanrilmploveddrlve ability In terms otveaaler Itertlng better llOpantIPO rosdponaa and smoother eocollt oration at ltlon there are optional engines that run on lower priced ular gasoline tnata readily availa anywhere For good cars at good prices your Ford Dealer is there