tomes mo Jamarde mm mu 133mm monotone4 mutton to Woo mows mugggmmgm Ugh telllmIrliden tho ottlcundtheetcotioot stems Phi sornrJ tIirenttlled Neyworlllndegl ol trimming whe rim evl row Mammyguns livid calm beta thlr tho Barrio artnet our money on Noodste in Done Ilnttmmo ltrsDonnISkIerIodIlehIlo hoItIIIWIIureronnI steer mIn reminded mania pt immm may oddettdoyzltnho Ireleorro Molnar dIneo nertyto he htCraixv WM MrI Noreen Crle held It tho oyIt CIoadlIn to my be you Why Imext meeting took Full Wm Street on new ltlll en en or ho otMrs2lIno Dm1mhm are br resided otdnm Putt tlorno ltva Ind Qnln white CookstnotIJilthbdilthurr will he held to the tom rtIyItternoonbnmitoloeloek Chmtnurpertyloe tote DPrneeohwitl ho to Ind theirlamina may ehmeonnttenttnr ho Millet dinner to Ind wuimhorattht mu annealing will bid ate at roodued WHITENING PART murmur till if Mr Ion no no ltmirldwlir hilchld stnohsrd to Donald MEAL LUNCllEON llr and Mn John Smith Dr Mowing unbarxtrm at their bridal luncheon And bower Ind Mn lohnlrml votr Ind dIu orlety toenn atmher WH hold 111 honor oi hits PW lrl Jlm llacDoon In inch oilheiloodst herd Storm whowllt marry were I7 introver sru hut lthJoelotltmter Geordin Surtdny Sixty guests attended and tho bride wnI presented wittr melon athcrohtnl an oamhsnd tutor to match sot oi stIlntess ed tutieryl lilostermo waro tin Josin tim temt ltrrr Emtletty Vutinrns Andmtlohen Joyce trtbbio tloicn Peacock Ann 0mm Audrey llcntty Gloria lilcClualrey Audrey Curruthtrs nnd Val vlehies tom jipthiBrcgtWnies tbo tenth BertieBrown rut Id on enrollment It Westman pier chtlwhonsoten Wee nlee reunited by ltrown whim Venlouvtn assisted by Snowy Owl Mn ll Musy monrolmrnt we held in wdhterthemo with the Worm tns niriviann thoroom on toboan pulled by two skim whllo thoJlrownics Hill llns 11a llellr Weenies enroiiwl Eliz Iboth llIrr Corrie Anna linen Jen Ir Morton Krlot ino Newmln lltontoun Richard rnJDMMSioclttIWInlwtij TQ RESIDE INoUVDBURY dxfnaluahmlfm nd trmnumiuro rotGltlnrdlho than half the register toltow bridemooma parents Ire ltr Ewnlzbd mwmchy in rnIrriata ntGiliord IMMK lonn llurdmln oi mum ram mm mm am my Mm Second your Iervlca ettrs mm PM were given to Vietv llottlathy 37 um hind mm lloltmnn soil It iritn James Onoyoar rcrvth stars were clvrn to undst Stator Dchhln POlLYSPOINlERS on numeral have tun DEAll nutty Joanlloilru mode wonderful eIr kit trom curl up around tho bottom uhon redlneoverod pllltic lunnh in tho dryerpco when take poll put low decnlIon the them my ol tin washer to put putrldn but the inside is lFro Inru paper clip In tho narrow maclehln tho thinner we heme oi the tozs hetero putting have map at our rim and them in the dr vtNnt tow rncr wrapped around Crown Hill Ontario 70 725W root Curtom Dr Iry Fabrics gird713 luflnlmn 7264451 Wm mm custonrtrh to have hears uttAtEltttlil contain renown Wt Wham are ones ester 11 Mum Idrulolebo nomad mm touch new ow sit ism gentle oeker It once on Intran time rtven the contrnct ot up the Itriwy sweater with custom drnpcry consullInt visit your MM Theres no ohttthtlcn ot counae llEDaPllIAD SHEER IIECIALH 02X TRACK INSTALLATION Home ConsulniioI By Annotutment me ed Wernictr trier amtohm Atla lltt he moved to arthlnt Itv trItled bytho oiled at lreo land llwor Condom lnhINtodhr JndtInI 7m rude were or wilderness whteh tr nov lIlrtsJ 11 tomato ho on until all the bush from Tollcndst to Church dlrtnneo at it roller lot as mile The hardest nrt locchr wu It Stroudu lch wu covered by demo swamp Tha road on crooked mum but by tltl Itlte roach Idwerttsed as running trout ltotlnnd tnndtnr to Home Georoe Warnlrn tho lint hnd married the widow ere oi lnmn descent in on York ItIloika died in that luring ihroo non tnciudlnl Davt was the tint owner oi the turn on tho northoIst corner of Con eeulon to and the Penetsnx Itond how Htrhhy 11 That to why the lid was first celled Myer Content DIttdowned the am at least lnur ttmeIJlto tam would he sold Ind when the momma was not led Divid ltyors would buy it strip titmt he told it to Francis Barony nntl retired Alol school wos built on the comcr in two and tote law em wits obcrnttd by David and mo mu min moribed Ourdeneher didnto be initiated in tho Strourl nerve loo Jon 1t em tlrlghtovvlloued mottldreua ooordlneted blnuta and luttl or to ted Iklrt Cmndtanvderltn gt ohbol He was LutherIn them in lnntstll so he loined tholttrthodkt chinch tn Burris When the Methodist chrpel was built In Victoria Emmi in tm ha tolnod ttInd wII In actiVI member lle died to lb and Phoebe it til Phoebe was remIrhhio wo md Dian trveiters especially on donate Ind ministers avert not me whou money or they hId plenty at room tor moo Ind home the bite tor the now uhool was moss the rond on tho south side at Concession to on hurt too siren by John Dyer with tho provision that it ht any tlma rt will not used inr school it ahould revert to th tum Armand room wu Iddedtn man 192 the tloeiorey brlctr hutldloc IIa erected at msl ol moon lt otiil stands and is used tho thllld Pub Lib rary Robert Drdzard exerted pro verod th toners ts copy tlnz tha Posmm tshto Past oi to ot Gimme my the Rossilmme was sIHto have been very Itinetlre iormal tidal to front ol Thom Ind likely eomoono to tor it In help WII cheep 5min Ross nu dork Ind clerl tremorer ollnnistll township from not um IIluy ttoo $150 per your When he resigned lt took two mm to tilt ht place It munh hither salaries oi no descendants ot unioust rnIn John CbIntler opened nIcner Ii Ilero ln Vidortain 1330 parentty there was Iteellni this growth viliodo should into IWDXHEMUH om huh also tleero oi lnntalll mod tcdernl lorernrnoht that the nlsltl P0 be tronslrrred to rumor oi Con to and called lound lnttuencaon kartn tSt rt mud in the reboot to tho litathedlst churobyin the Tumor erInco elites and Ill eonlmtnn lty Iliad In his memory his cod IiItono ot his it In still be in St lam cs Cornctm lmd rotuEjIME ANn COMFORTTHIS CHRISTMASV arzcrtuuhu to one atom on lthll nocx thorn whitshuttle ttuttrota Flt2n ModelSi Add needed mottturo the ltt Protect home lurnlrhlnxs prevent little eirctrktty Ind todttco tuel costs PURCHASE COMPLETE Wlltl DUCI llllhilm Oniy$499 pormo on your ansqu We have not been able to nth exact date oi the Mg oi the new post olltes it war nometlmo in itll11mm wee supposed to be another tortI tn Ontario st lnnisttl at later onto ho Nntnsa ed we mono AlbertI mum rmtlth it POIIIABLE DISHWASHER MOD GSA too rmunrs No omits in push button eontrnh mew Ibte motoeuitlnx hard verwero basketitn hart Bold only PURCHASE POR 5964 nor mo On Yourmhtbly on co hu lNLl CITATION PORTABLE DliWMltlllt lilod ztooo notnhown Wt tum iton controls iremoubt cutting boIrd lltxh temper tun sanitizing rinse and retracting cord PURCHASE ron 0N ognh molt in res rrhms lANEBARRIEIONI