Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1975, p. 16

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METHODS AND TIME STUDY ANALYST mmzmmummow end hid III we will meant heeled maul industrial We Went oppatuelty ulete elm fill andlriede benets mot PDISONND emumien west BEND or CANADA 191 JOHN STREET BARRIE PHONE 76W tenet lieN me In mini mum ml we emlm nun72 Mulrlrteterl Men mean er em Itel utee emr ILL on Her MWM er ave mom reveredre new one nt uremleeun our rcrtoer Manure amen rm Berra1r Indeed Hard Plk Are rat murmur INNISIIL TOWNSHIP youcz FORCE STROUD reqnlm POLICE CONSTABLE MlelreuIeI eduralloe erode 12 Apolbelloee my be ehteleed from the Above otllce Gael dell November 17 tm WILLIAM BROWN Chlel III Polite MIAMI enenen Imm em MM Wm ml not AerIIle ll um enetveie eterlr new with my mum lilm rue eelim uttm In tut lenle hem II will Ich on nevertree Ilse lento Minn EMPLOYMENT WANTED Moutlelllll MOI IM en new Ier one nee mu lee 1W 114141 new eetr Ier we we lMlYIKV mum In my MM were em men to men MIL me Mm em meme ldl em mlwtm In em eqe mu ee 3w 7an meme Mtnela We retu Alpdir Don Ians thhtdmn 3n eer urwvzmmtmte In um lnllne re Ll uev mettle ev emte or at an new In IMMEDIATE IARNINGS your on cwmm llle nto mlu Ill e400 UPIALIASIILVJ ell hellme mm MM Illlll Dunne RACEWAY we MI time employee tee elm new mine mulled wovte Item In redouble hum It led mom no5 will III own CHECKHYOUR ON FIRST DAY AII NEXT MORNING 72824I4 tl LEGAI The Urgtor IALORCC Act NOTICE IIAPELLCATION IdCILvSlNG DISTIUCT NUMBER EIGHT TAXII NOTICE Merlin eI the Honor llcertee Board at Orterln to be held at Ilr Merl llouee In the Olly III Dante Itttedey the eIxIecolh dey or December 1m tuzoo oclock In the Intmoon lol the lmlonre WNW FOR TH ONTARIO BEING IARTS 01 Item 11 AND NNCFSSION TOWNSHIP OE INNISIIL COUNTY OI SiMOOII on ONTARIO Am who II mldent In the to the enolirotien end the ground III tiled with MR the liming dittdLI ehote addreee VARD EAHI TORONTO ONTARIO llllll helm the meet DATED at IIAtttttv linenan rllotriei mey olrle lAl AI lenel ten do title ttth one III Nnvcmiler 1m IRRIAN ANTI0NYILANNI lad LLTITIA STREET RARILIE ONT RI Anpiltntion ll TAKE NOTICE THAT THE DILIV LIMITED ILDANOR ALICE IXINNIJII Execttltltl DI the mete Roxanne Illtldfn ELEANOR ALICE OONNIIIAL Willlnm George lielrllne Have Itde eoplleetion to be renlntmd or non nl NLIIIII In In theTown ol Worm Iirnrh In the telnty nI tiltnrne ltnenrriy the Vltnee ol Wureea limit in the Amnl ol Slneoe hrlnu hole 20 Ill 21 11 it 23 21 end tlt eewrvl reelrtmd In the tune lleyitlry Ollloe Ior IIIo entry Itllet at Aime Ired lot esoerdlltn to Pine Ztto Irrleleml III the Al IloeleIr Divltlon Iieeieneted el IARTh end on print rII Iien Survey deted 21m Aprll Itne lmtlttto Lend Survey rerelvlvt null tiled In lte Ilrenth live Property IIIzI eumer vnd Omnnereinl Iteletlonr no tth Itll llMIJ ArvD TAKE NOTICE THAT obtained Item the Ollch or the Telephone tlmIlltlll AND TAKE NOTICE THAT In or Intereet In the Aeld lend nr tiny p1 ert lntrveet proterted try Iratetrutlnni II quII let dey DI December me In lile ellhluvll In the nlllce ot the nlroltor at Iiilee eI loo Unlverel Avenue ltlit Floor In the City Monte thmol en the applicant IIIIL ADDRESS the Ilpplloeot IM nervile III 00 Olnne Slttu Nlillillliltt llerrirtrre end hollriten 1W Ometltl llulldlrte RIndrer0ntltht NvAtAI IIAIIIIet lrenntn IIIII lltth day nl November Im II INO PARK iIIi xtnctrlltt ol Ihe Ihlule levni Surve my the raid Ilnn mny Uttertor nl 1tllre upon venue Ired on In helnre It meson meme Deputy DIV The horde en Internet protected hwetlelre ton an or ve eonteet mun AN Nmltmi It ISIFJIFD AOAIN UFAILON AND NO ontnn revue men revemote Ml we Wei Im Tl Item ee eat meat rule mom ADS FORERRORS The DeIrie Examiner will not he mooeelole lee errore alter the the that dry ot publication at eey Idlrlldmenl NDTICI Dlt ERRORS ON THE FIRST DAY IROULD tmmooieiely be relied to the eItentlen ol the eleeellted department BEFORE Iltu BRIAN ANTHONY HeCANN DI the thty ol Ilorele In the 9me ot Senate will matte application et serele In the Cmmty ol hlmeoe on It the hour ol at IDLING SALE AND CONSUMPTION OI LIQUOR IlOR RWATION FACILITY tor the Iailonlee Dermiece ALLANDALII GOLI COURSE iClAlRI II No RARRIE PROVINCE ol ohleetlon In uriltne nhtlll SllllihEY the teetinei llva regirtm III 55 IMISHORI BOULE lneel which the application It to be hrvrd All Hi COMPANY vln lud ee IInn Itd vintle Ilene Clltrlte ill IIIvllien ol the Minloley nl Inn vemher me under any poteenrlulmine to have any title IL IlllitDl tether Ihltn tetrment nt elnhn veritiell lay end to verve lopy tor el tltlee AUCIlONISAI Wedecedey evenranov At I1 in II LEONA NWT HAIL QUIEN ST LIYALZ It Lb ut etc of the LAT VICTORIA um AND MRS PEARL euaneeu we household IntoNev enthuse Itne rode Into1 hell and net deco rreae nee PIFHER For rem eetleua end hueteeee eloeuree Cell GEORGE it IllTIER Auctioneer Saturday November 29 Al to em For MR5 DIVA Item IANI or STAYNFJI our were Aucnort we mxonv novrmem te that home rointort cooll In range butler hwlr print end WELT mlmrhetf hence their hurraan mm halt lernn Mimi umbrelle hell Ileotl otaemveed Im1neaod rhino Inel bathroom meted oil lemee leeteme Ilennlngten cut gloat Cemlvelqlnte Non lode GrItndry murledte cuoe Bunlrrni cooper erase 5rd level tnle end tIetn were run etc Venn Ileehlneryl Incl m4 tlnue hone 6mm Imoielnelltl rutter tnleey eerno iron toole It mm Id GIN ltv III It Audteeeera Re tutu 1he lemmings horn thte eelnte are ell In extraner nod drape end In mutt mottled title will he one elm but antleue nice at the var lermt eerie No morn Imch eyellehle GEORGE IIHIIBR AUOIIONEER Phone Matt Nil BILL BARR AUCIIONEER Conductintt Seiee 0IAll Iypee Simone Cnuntye newert euetlonr erretleceuor to Jerry Cough lllIlIIV will continue teril with me oni Call 7280744 DAttttlr TTF ll AUCTION SALE Setuvdey November to Al to mm more For Wll RILL RIINDALL AI Int 11 be Cdllngwuod we too the 1th IJnel eoproxi mater live mllee aoutheeet memory or It Inllrnwretnl Oelltrtptvood ert all lIwI Id on the Weltere lelleRoed end for hell mile thee tum eouth lo enurlxntllely two mllee hele el lull line of hint oleee Ionn tnerhlnery lnuludlna Inrd eW Hector eultlvellon elutl Iltenl hnyinl equipment in hi Int helert lttll rrte her title Illt entoirer 32 hele end vroln elevator Int power ered end lertllllrr drill III run Inuit enuipnrent Ineludinn nhreyev heroegrlnddere end huntpcre run on heed ol choice heel cel tIe inrottlv llrretordit lotto hull rr nl eheire hey htlied etrew it Inn at mixed ereln houxo htrnlrltinne Intlullan enlinuee trerht IlllIITII hnnulne Iemn old ee re etttl helllel Quebec lleeler ItoIon revive herverl tehlen nine euphovrde ctr ctr leuvte melt or approved Illlllld tiny ol tillr IHURIII IIIIIIIR Auctioneer PItlhd 12945 mo IMI oi pt In on Iltl he II he OILNI ALLEN HORNER Auction Service lnAtltItr AND turnout COUNTY Inrm Anilquell ttoueohnld Apprellull no enADvono oNI II ed AUCTION SERVICE dd MochtEmtdIl additionalmenswear numertmtoemeel Vyaeteereooellleeenn conrom Toters Speeder tinny HitILEvengdletlc Allan at WW 1mm HEALING SERVICE itemize Anellell nd Orldvelee ltd DrilllI SOVIET WIN AGAIN PRAGUE IAN The so vlet Unlene netlonelteem but WVIUI In an uleibl the today um the mtur new uln to Inlay FACE NABTASII BUGIARBT Ronnie AP Aeeoclr Nll wALLVlIIt CARD 0F THANKS We who to 2mm to WI Lde mm rune AUCTION SAL AUCTION SALE SeturdeyNovctnber It 1230 pm Sharp EDWIN VAIID Reel uteto lwo MNtlll levellend live home and some hue IBCHIIHY WIl lot 0m htedmue Moll nili eeII euhket lo reeervo he tld day ut eale helm AIIITIIONEHIL Tel 716de IREMIINDOUII ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE It at to arm ahnrpln AIR AND MR9 LORI FLEMING sale will he held In the DEN It IIIURDNTARIO COLLINOWIIOI ONT little ol ell antlnuo houve ilhtnll int nine walnut lleinui deter heautitul tee woven eeereteriate eerlor lehlee dreuerr wtlilnn derk bl boxer eh Inr Vch Ceetolnt end pm rhelre liocke eoe lempcoil Meioer Iorltite IALILI ol the IMO booted on 00119 IIIrdoIIle Np one mile north ol tloorlttrne oI Lot III Cln naree mortly edroom bet it Well outbuilo too Ieree more or Irel OUIOI mixed helenee Ltenr Reel ertate Term 10 ill Wrtllhta nrie ne AltctItztt cohwllr Saturday Nov 22nd nIuhotltlny ol tneoel end cherry Iorniturenintu rorner cuebutlrde Ilet to ltd ell ooeu huhhoe Muellel erilee Inc Cranberry CANADIAN cute Invite you to the NOVEMBER DANCE SATURDAY NOVEMBER AT THE EMBASSY HALL ltluele by rHE DBERHRAInNm BRASS IIehetr two mm 923 Delleeieuett Hayfield Mel GOOD FOOD MO DEVONIE AVAILABLE NM II It 17 AM CIIRISIHA BAZAARund Seturdey November to to we LUTHERAN OIIURCII no Steele street Adrnlreien to rent uvnnvoue IllaDOME SIEA ANGUS LIONS FLEA MARKET Highway 90 Anon EVERY SUNDAY II to ILII BOOTH RENTAL Cell 12W pm net ear and on BINGQ RATURDAYB AT PAL WEDNESDAYS AT Ill South Were Community Hall GIII end Rodd Bur Ollillle ES II CHRISTMAS vlllA AND SALE Thursday November 27 In port GROVE IARKVIIOMI Cook end Grove strode eliy ll hid to on TURKEY SHOOT liOO pun AT THE CLUBHOUSE Let Con II lwneeth 0n the Iotlowhta deter Nll SUNDAY NOVEMBER III HUNIIIY DECEMBER RATUIIDAY DIICEIIRIZR Id IIAIURDAY DECEMBER 10 ill CLASSIFIED DIRECT PHONE 7232414 llltIIIII Idelmeemlnle mm be vet to In all reete vevllulrllnle entry In em em elior In our or It IMP Ire Ileo eetl he the dude enitel orinn Ihneit oil THE eARRIE GERMAN pen1n It In DNIlO DIR rateeetn doc Menle Ave er Bit Axe SALE II or HIM IlltI Itll TEA ADMISSION 7d rcnll Nit $TUILDAV Nevetterm NIIIdDIIIII ADVERTISING eel nelltee on In American teoole eter Jimmy Odom will teed Itemenlee lIie Nede Nov II In In In door new here III Romeolelt new enemy Aaerpm rtperted matey PACK TAKEE TINKII CHEN BAY WIIIA AMI Bey More acquired Netloeel FWILIW teeter Midi IlvmtAHel ere com the Iremm olootro Tinker evereiodJu yenk on 29 hickoll returns lnltllroote weeorr tut veer TRADEJOHNSON PORTLAND AP Pertiend unit ltleeere traded Iorwerd John lohneollto Rotu toe Rocltete Ioreoetre lorwerd Steve ltewu tie Itrelu dell the Nelloeel Ber Anxietlon chit meted ltetredey KLIMANOV FATHER NDwvorur heavyweight IOlmaeoy and hie lintborn dtlid both welahed In lhuredey ltllmeeov uee wetting tobe uolghtd tor lotrout curd he Iurentlte USbR end United Stator tonight ol Medium sullen tiltmunl uhen ho We handed telegram eneouneirte hie wile Lerlese hnd lust given birth to hehy III at their home In Itlevu telegram didnt Any unet hie doughter veinhed In etor oven rxeclly when eho we horn CHILUIT CELRRRATER NEW YORK AP Rte Gretel CINIHL ol Ilemm Ree Ine viii obeeno III lOdlh your next your try visiting it dillerv enI trerite In In eIolLI and an elite lvr ltd deye el elem races circuit president llllltem lloyre ll aoid lhurrtlny EOERS RELIIAIIED LANDOVER Md IAII ershlnnen Cuplltll relenred veteran right wt or deck linen and end me lo deten cemen Don ltlctmn In their lIIehtmnd term club the Ne llonol llotitcy Lemme teem en nouneed Iirnrrdey liners elxyeer veteran wee divert hla unconditional end outriehhw loam Acquired by tile Cepltnit lrotn New York Iteneen In the expellvlort droil Bern lied piean In nemoe IIIII yeer leoliltl three uttholld three eeelrlt tiller ntiellnn molt oi terl eelwn hotnew ot the hdek rtpernlionn IIEIIISTLA rlto Nntlnuei loothltli lAetture New York Jeir enid ihnrulny tplettelhnrlt letter line up perenlly ternvelrd trout tnueeio nullIrul the teem plrrnr to Ive loure Iln ourrrterbvrir llernett if Iutt In use the recovery len perlnuncnt with Joe Nenmtil muttering Irnm lirtlierd Itnrtd eurlelnr wide receiver amid nelm on LIAII Hustler Itnetoly hennurt Chnmher Alletlin and that oil iempexpeltrry purve Ilen lieu Iron LODWI end trim the blrruit herrele Vneltllllntl Ilet zRlll Nippon holllte IInI Neill treulterly utxvlen howll endeeroenler vlnnee llrockvllle wood elnvr bedet nnmtnielor rvee Ante lee lelrie iV rheel erlieltl Itreolele equipment rte ele lerrne tdeit or approved Lhrtttte lay nl enir IIIIOIIUII FltIIIIII Alttllunerr Illnnl IZMIIII AUCTION SALE Wednesday November 20 Al ILIIII llldll hhutp or AIRS MARY IAIUIIAIT OI Iteaivu 5t etllnmvrwh tttle will he held In the Lttlbh DEN It llllRONlARIO ST Coll tmewootnom llule mostly III entinue heele IllrulIIrInall tin extremely good rondlltom eutlnue elemmo thine eilvrrt Nyltol hrnee dlllllc enpllnnrett end my pee table and emuqu rtc Talus coeh Home IOHL OmIIOII IlFIlIdR AIICIIORPIIIR own Aeetnllu we rte we er ultttAllttlII went wee no Iii We IN MIMDIIAM ttorlrlr the urea tlto With vane oer met Im on Will eel Itne eeulne even em on telvmel lnm Il ween ulnwuu cuttmee envaemtne cm teteenl tum eeel we mime em ova we nmllene on Mt lltlllltort Mllttttwd In uvlione Ie per word lnoerll It not up til rrtteltvlivd Ineelloee Inurnon lelel III on mmrmn my oe olerel IWIIGI le ulldlillloll IMII Illilllb levy mm obtained Malone et Swill lul Itll WHO II writ lerh nvmbell no no Ileeu All eelelcn IMM ihtlllien II ddvldldltu MI IM Olllmlltl II IIIIOIY 7N LI mt Immetrmr elm oven me All except lllil ell In and then only el In you men do IN VIIHIIIMM Ilntllll IR mm mm he Irnrwmevtee er la IINdII ST tIw Phone IIHIHMD or IDIAIMIMII FTI IIIONI VIIIll Aevd CAROL PRATT Aunt rumuutu uAPAINIowuLPAPLR AenoteLoou va ll HAWKISTONB Jeeee 1dr IRE ll the tum IM tipslet went elletde querteroeth nah etdomerWorld mtbell Leexoe pique eutl pretty DONCEJUND me lot plinth we Ihelrowe miner MotHe ported IA recent new rnedlcet eelrIIeeI my in mremmumt Oonmee tn hemelm eeId Muir Illllll blolodtblrk heveleareed to CLINT blood were elm relarelee headed enI nth elteelu deeply by werenlrr flee Bloleedteel it the trend Green ehwhveteloey In ton eteeeleaer and Item en tilled ntone 31th In the technique lle Ield hioloedboek meat the cebo etleel welldoe ed eonmeool pedeote tow lnl rely metedlon Alter tekbl mum oer We the oetepmeneoed to delv to ltOnltIe eodhltzdhomernne with beltlne Ivererrol ru Illeyeis sent to Iliyrslley ammo API Dullelomedlelm Selim ot the when Hocklzy 4m mpleebgpwna In euet enee en oagllliiod rIehI uleaerery Io noticing sold Dr McAdern lI pummel2 91 my power Item been Anlerenloy no rnmee nndlhrouh PATIENT eon no leneernelt enumerateh Irenlr mglldhactamsm me mm dull Denture huh Itltellon nerve notion These elnnele emrllllod and then Ill ad Il1he pelent It Illel reedtntt eltdtold to It elmply hr mneentretlerk Orvaroen eeldwtlerte el taught to coneelo etleei eome hodily whldx normally ero hy the uneonsdovu mind high role otetleceee technique he hem IIIOWR pwdvosomatle Ulncuoe metde with mrnlnl riveted orlnhl Dr Green note an per cent ol ell mmplnlnte ortttlnltto stilIIIvIng OREN SOUND 0rd ICII Herbert Dover Ilowrrmbn Inmttr lentnllahier here uIiI belili Saturday Mr Dwrmwltjmmledd In en InlervIewonhve lWh birth lley lhet he would live lot It leeet three more hirihdaysw Born In liteolenlnohout It relies em nl ltue Mr Unu nrnten warm tariu yoera tor tholunlcoltlrw lho ptrhlleIuttlltleI here III Dr Arthur Gloom lemplluhirr He walked Cnltoenln wshlbirlal mouth the tent eL duslt hehee use bloleedbeeir climbed polee end loweded the cetettdly In trentind Iemtte to light them nnrdere do lie hm nlno rolldrltlldren it when lttcnterelnlthll me one one lhInry dtsorder lMRRiI ltleer troll chronic aloetlrentgrendrhlld umokcdmk 51 much ol rl Intel Wants ma Airlines trill tlnllnll mime entrqu emur CII Neilonel gmovtt Newt Cnmnony lAtl Ie ltuIDllDlr in with gtlehtilourovmuuextne lllcl3lrl Ier rolunt ol tholuenllr el erlelnnl Nttmlnlol LODlOl ol lLe December Ileueb that here been heenod Irotn ol tewrl neweetemle Netlonei Newt ulrih llietribvlee tho Innrerine lootilynhed liked my hmrullty nllleore end the Crown nitorneyl otlleo to cheek Irene In the lltuvettne deplet lnu urei eex endwere told rhorrer would he lulu II the meenrlno vvtltt oil eelr lho ORIIIIIRYNIOAEIIIIR refuted Io the value ol the tunne Ieel eeld the when my develop Lenhoi InternII areas velnp It now nwnrrnest ll ulnblorl Indlvhluele Ih uorltl euew lie told eltiel bveelt the technleuo Ie IteIpIIti tontrel ohm the Home to tho Street It thought to ninety eiintente em II pNvilIn dune lotele ottelrere Muny patients at the control Iutvot noun SHARON DAUKHY CUSIOM DRAPERIES ACCESSORIES f4 Inventors euv eertelt AT eoorrv IIItote

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