ucfolun vsig 535$ In E355 l3 Egg mob ab Es as gg 2E egaa lth W12 an 31 III In Inll nlud Ml lanledltd bola MI be It mine and Gary lIlrn er In dolly ll non III II Inna Iodiluu Um lbllruebneu Helm CUMIND SOONHA ELMVlALEIb lllrnIIlI Here he to III the Blame VIII II Ilse may mllnl Ilhe new elney tlu Ieelotlrytrmvr vly reaovntedlrlommvl rls The lodln mtloalo bend InIaotIur week or ll am The by Joonltowa mlent Gordon MIL lune ed lIteIrlIy Nov II II Ilke but uolalned lt nalot otlm moot yeIrI the In neldeinbll turlln CM Illuslnm In the mm Im IM In two Knoll ol lee whloh unammoente Iour rlnlu per mm Ire mum to bl la GordIlmIell skipped the III we ol the donut tempotllloe orunleod by tanner It ElmII Int IWIXIL Ben Ituloy no In lmklo or lnrxtmuk Cu mono Ind vetmn ur no cm 1pm In Ilex but hlI lead on Inat nm at In um mm mp1 mulch ml the IGIMnaIDrUIII vlr collnllllott II Ilewrnlnenk lore alllu OKulatroyle Ilcrltlcyn ht nuan IIIII bonnple wlnu the III thudlcna mnt or whlen be In bun Iwueen the Fern ea not malty Kclth lbornu The Toronto Domlnlon boneolol to would or Ibo OrllllI rlnlt today Ina In laduotrl bealolol muncer assume iurther Jihto basement IMy Nmrnber ms ISIII Clm IIu Illlr II III am Im IIIII It IIIIcomI llnl 4150 1000 IM Bee Clly Mt 079 blnowmln Im 390160 Mute Prlnu looo 400 llouxtahod 100 allude llozo Tuna 111 15 IlInI EXACIOII and DIN 11110 In AMI Im Mlle Hr ti Clm PIM M110 1M0 760 10 100 140 Ab Pulm 10 1M Jahnm MO 1112 115 We to outrun Ic IIu Mlll lld 01 mmuo 270 750 MO III able moo TM Mlle AW WHO 110130 eharple 110 270 Ito Lovable TIME Ill IlXAGlOll Ind peld moo llh Clm IIn Mlle time Todd 1040 1000 710 tlIrI Ilofi Mo no bllolltyI rlde 010 Tum 1e EMU ll Ind led llI1l0 mu rate Mlle mo Pounce It 010m IIIILIIIDu Der Doc Ind yeld $2990 ad but bill It CIA Boas 70 000 II I001 Ct MTV Ind Ipzln woo MANtam MIIIEDTZIJ IMRIINEZ III alenmr Dmnl Johnson at bmbellI Medan kuul dumplea Melon lled WI med Ind mm lor Invull mnIon drlvln Contu cu Ana TRUCK nunus IEASING IROWNVI ELLISON no for no It IV nu lluunlul II mingle Ctlnlboal Venom IllM Iule nu out aneur to re and or Ivenlnnngo gm VI 01 IL Wm Potor Vloend pII cal Snyder Ind Mark Roblon The Terrlori ouunot Whltby MOrlIllI eterna urltr Boyd mm SW ullad II mlaot Ive Io nu mm mng one who el play and arch Bob Bulky DIa Whloole and mud wllh Ibund Ind NIpInI trIvuI lo lIrIiI and CI aublll Ielm mm toutth once WI Teamsfpushnllorantoquros lheleoe Ingenun It mm were many GP Illn Ire Mlnl I4 on Mm bettetory heel or two We 60de by on on Ute vllldm the best If ed Ed OConnor Ind one ule nu nlIylny men than koala Ior Orlllla were llm mnlllee Ind Im moment at the county sumeede cIlI expelthe In steal the am entmelnlna doe when oaooleeull Ill be out to need Me In the Gr Cup week11111 Wt jlov ll Ind eulrnlnel Ill may Nov 23 At WI Leuue my mum ledy In or HIV at Llneny Nominate tCImbrldII eody 0n bond Thunder IIIy mmtlwrmtmreml Mlle untlon lItI coded pennltlu NI Tho teem wen tled Il Ilter In the tltlrd men on RAM thlt II 10th mom The CInIeIIlI Pm aonmbn cum out mun Oolleeum de It fllllll IS by GIvln Klrlr Cowboy contlmed may not my me um um mu an Inn llowe and non IMan Io mumlomnto Tom dupee Into the buemont In the Cow dlIn Dlvlllen oi the World Iloclw Illuodot tom The Ion II the New hdlaMI we ml but Hoodlum In Mendel avertlmo It Edameow nhlle lourttwlm Golf17 opened on Hohtapolnt met over Made by Mouton leth WW den 51 In CIln we to each teem IM tled one runeltuuEd 13 Menntelty mom ten loud rebound put Show hamlho place Wlmlm can ol mm FA Jannl llrn JILL Edmonton tulle by one Show pm 5mg Ind stun All mama hm Ill WWW Iraltd InwmewWeaIlm Dlvllegld new When In em II Ct try unboan In It mu 91mm talcum by gm col twuoua lmm wnlepll Ilmnlx Hoodlum mw Lawton and one each Ind Sen Dlooo mood to 1mm no Tammy luck III tor mend wot wllln New we Murray Kenyan nlx by edgln Donut89m mlIn Maxwell Ind mu Tom More Welter mod Imus avert IOMJ lIrmt Ina would or Cleveland In the uonm ye nlm lhll neon In the 000 rlodto tIItI hrlol in lead bunk Nlpllr Ind FINI leaner Cm netlonIl teoolyln our 3100th other Iwo IIMOM Htuw rIdunlo plunnoclrt who um payed lot Unlvmlty ol sIIltetnhewn ollusltlu lent oonteet mulled to our mlnee mettle to Tom two to Woman Ind lllIIInI me ANNOUNCEMENT lem Jul In It Illuwtel blIIorI II reenelei or bulletin at 9clIllVIlM II male foulI mm II III III Idmtu ear Illlu 0qu CIIIIII Ind Lub rIeItla Imerlm ullt oilyllIlIIINaw II the IOIIHCI II to II II weelulty to II Iar Ill your lunean bunt uvlce IaaImlrI coma in can or II on gIll on your sf no nemee blocked on elm In the nonntou Ex 52 bnggest Ie 1M Illnned enmuryolunudtleu CIIII below Iero Colaluy below umlu nu midil amulet Nov II allth AM did wellem luau IWIWINNIMWWIOIW Gallery weIlha chIlrmIn the me Grey Cup In my neck out tot Iloldlal Ioonlell lhII Nov 13 are excellent TICKET LONG All tlcketo IDI Ion The cape It IchlIhon steam ll um but on unto have been the lootbnll clwle mrth and for thlI ocennlon DWI lobnonn golnry Tourl nodule tar as Bahtl Ill book WNW must ol the lead me the clty he boon book lor Nov 13 Gallery VII la ml more than you Frank ll on will lot lit mm Im won um Iuht to work Toronto Hook me vilnole only John Grey Del llell one new replied dntnnen Bay Tire any limen ull mm III VIII myhmaaeen IBIHIMIL gt mealsfew mumunumm lore do Ml IH la OVIIIIM the velar the Salon III Illmall Newtonmum Indtlulualorntlto Wm Ilenurlll molly new MalaImam lint lull tlreanp Ind never look Minn leaned udth ll mlmmlo oI N1 lb MM The only erttmlnleudjmllelllhen braketeeth 120 rd nmtetheudwa stove me IIMW mum lrleeren will so we gwotm th ed vacr Humbleth one yuelmtout Bar uvch Intk hm tblmkowamd the worm Cattle Bob lhea ren bed In Ablelea out viral or the touchdown unver ted We made III were mo tn lever el can Itth boll IIIrtlru irted lbgfleoend nthhwy dIDIHIl nodal thew14m on Pl 1an lama to con lote summonan Bruce tnIIor The context attempt no blocked by Oobor Emllm hock on lack wing nu mlnrl rule In ty touch nenltnx one the wort HUI Dnllal Icoer blI can the Inn Illl Donlt Inbred Ibo pnlnt convert IbII keeps CenIrIlIwlnnlnl blmlt lrom loot year lnlocl at II amen Control mute Illn rIthun Newmnrltet ermett wu GONE the daulc am nonnII Ionllno IdtlltlouIl 0000 Installed It the JUNloIIl RALLY The Thule Central Judo lled IklnIwm once unln mod to come lmrn behlnd te wln they yrevlouoly been North The unlarI rattled wIth mlnulelno mnlnlno to tone lhooverlllno IIul Leklna numb zeyltd om hem Paul Iqef an hII mm to Ira llno and ran ll lo the III Ind ma llne Ilm Gleason run In lorthe melon IIIrr Norton Idem tho tylnl r6111 Illdlende Icon Ind coma rem nun Illhau TIIII toned In ovedlml ber led to be played whlch eonrlxled at two bmlnute helm noth bIlveo belonged to Con trIl II Wu In Wenonah down ml centrIlI dtlonce not llldlIna cold Inc lunlon lulll be In Icllan next Thundly InIaIHho aus illetmlreuthern clump It thrlr dlreclerol the Ind Conumtlon Id to to ll lied Door to don In owl two delendln tourIII In row Ted lIylor delencomeel Al any EXAIHNER tum nos anon mm Auto Electric CIrbuntlnI ItIIlrII unm autoI PI on SpeeIIllIlI lnx IIIrIm lm Oelullltl Inleemlrrl Imbu IIawu lml Ilal Imlee Ileldlun Almlal WIadIbltlll lam IIrI armm nub lum TrIlIu erlu Ind leuIuo eu IlethdIlllCul We My Imu DIttvIbulm ouron mu lee Imke KeIIII In vLIuton Inllnuend Porto rum urt mmtw IT DENIM mean elm 60 lerrle IIIII dlteeunt all TWQFQRPHIL cementum let nun the ab aaltem ol thNn $llhhgoa II Dem York luaom mom eul day nllbt EweItem IM the end um at Cell two KDDII through the uoond lemlb Golden SIIII darn wrlod II III llnnoouronu ulth Rum AP Photo in nstcuuu It Down 5L Area lemuht It Bu ansxzfanin qunllnlm man may Ioalvr rlrle InvltIIlonIl It ReyE mlw an Elmo woes or blblllon SUNDAY Melanondth vs Butte mlaor GENIOEIA HOCKEY to am ll vlBInl 53 nmerafyhtlmlu BROOMMLL BPI V1 Red Elle Power ploy wmu mfg farRangeref my run ANIaun not Pl North York moan neared mannerqu OIlItadeleII Mu Knob Illll 1an lial II Arena thelr OntIrlo llodtayltuoc Nmmrkrtve mlaoetotnllvreo Infrnlnernudtdl 01L Itlon Provlnelel Junlar Imue The In lune vw Iml Iceom $915 arranuamnra noon Annyml In thelr plIvlouyIIIltnnnme IN LISH RIDING STRUCTION SPECIAI Ind Wulan Dotlzorn lblnnlr rilllI Dlxl nethlvrI not wllh Jetk Show ettlal he Ihulout llama Ia lyeclll to Matt nut rSun Slmnnnn Inll Stevo amt Get coaIlnled lltb lmleer IedNorlthark wlln enclI rcoreb Inc Toronto mu mm munv munurnnnt SKINS VII each get oale ANWMY um Delondlno AllIn Cup Chemplene auNLoasr InaNA SUNDAY NOV 9th PM Iallehmontl Illll Neumerketi FlyerI donned lllellmond lllll lo we no two out on DaveCurr and am Joyce emu aneuan NJEIIWIN annnli Flvansw THUNDER BAY TWINS IauLrsszlo CHILDREN 50 and we lnvlleyeurlo compureourruleslor LEASING the newcnrorlruck voulllltl aennlr Dawnneon on assena 7266474