ti at ululsllMonAGiwlNln Assisted by Dr Alvtn Pam llluriel Baker atom oi Rev baker burned tho mm llgator Grace United Church orrawa Cll dioram Til dill iii no men when not butl aaentut were termod miterly ltd regressive Monday as the Comet debated bill to mend the Unemployment up trrsaca et mosaics announce thelune uudcct aro de atgned to attending ilcnpowcc lllnlttcr cut government ltobort Andra laid it th ammo mutt lm otcrnmeat lava lEnugtloyee one trophy in however wtll or expect to pay it million more under revlsed lormtua tor collecting premiums The amendments hevo be come part at government roof hostile policy which includrslhe lwegeandprlce control tealsie tlon that vtvn rnprovni it see onddreagin in the Commons hlon Tbolxlegialntlon tvokllld7 raise the with rate pa rim ployelmto between also and Slt1di Pldudii tvtstttnaloh tAPl lien President Antihr Sadat re sult his quest tor United Sta tree alter prnlslaz President ord tor moving to ward au Tithanded pulley in tho lliddlo East Sadat calla that today onDo cola Secretary Jamcs Schlesb user at the Pentagon than has second session with Ford at the White Home At etntadtinnor on lianday to Us relations nlcitt Sadat oibloreacb lilo ot lnaurnbll it lt as at itqu nan Sunday and lambteat one leo maralar The tootell died coherent it rwaieheelhtbe background but poaadel tlnoolniexaoder POllam eerolnxa to maximum oi $120lltoh Weatt and he did not like or me woolly me premiumetbo poveromab talking about rate newts mo and margin as the pensions For employere the premium ea reia em to unemploy rate would rise to between lidi meat Entrance tilmil John neonate tNDPNldtel Paid llIm leum heltt laid it wls not good ii mm enough tor the and tube sails enoh week cold be between md Wm om mm rim to tire The premium rate or may mm tirean is not matter at tak ur use at the eumrner All tuitltlts ohm rntum increases regreeslve governments ropaeal Emz Jfmm was hntlecrly home and burn all three op proposed lentilslian also to it hiiliiiflhl indignantgm on who brooch Pin gum wrrlrlltixlmumhdtaouallgcatlalt or am yeee nu gmzigngff Ilglidbl without lust collie or are Fiesta contributions eitherulfa fzlmxmtmilg all men improvemen it the level igloldegahlllld Canes mgmiggg pm liede the special benellt unemployment payments unnec my to claimants with depend entrto to prrfeml ol insurv able earning lrom 15 per cent alrAndrsa raid the recent in creaaes in lnmlly allowances made the need or the 15 per cent rate lese necessary vAiiOWiisllltlltll oi Ieltuad su elel Insurance numbers where cards have been etolelt oat or iilu in it re to ovum lvrd ntcanlvhil eontlnued mnltwnld mtlmmam to pralto Sadat vlcrtoue itlsoueltllelatloul oleridhhoonuto Wluit oipodee ill condom an many it numlt tall in etlrat tritium leader to ll0 fit motto an olitclollls villt Nutoh relulala lawll BIrliimuiolo wltdomlll Male on the blilcontinucs cattyth ntodcretlon lodnytn tbetlommons iiili hitii nuuoa CINE with his couhiry hnve improved becoulo ota degree at Amcrlcun un the area lie urged tiou at Pdlcvtllllln itnlo Itre they not entitled to their nstionotnrlghtrhkc all other poolint The lalcstlttlsn Cilith ll gilt log more in tionnl support chry day laid and many Arabs arc tonlldrni that ndlng at our just came and or ieeiilmnte etruggla to eatebllih peace in lordtrt boost ctra Adult Entertainment BLUE which WHITE DEATH Thehunttorthe Gmleltthertt ecstaticmin ruaeereeetmotl Unilod States will not dla cnt tom this trend ills appeal itcttt unanswered llul Ford epcaklnu lint stressed that there can be no pcaco until the legitimate lnletv rate at all people lit the Middle East are illan lately into 39 DACKS 15 U5 policy has Palestinian Ilaitltlpatloll hllrklle East negotiations unlit liraele rIchl to exitt is ac centrd Sadat obviously mlndlul ol that policy played on the Pale Itlnlnn theme both at tile Vhlta been to oppose llouaa dlnncr andraullcr at an appearance bolero the National Press Club lie toasted Ford as showing greater decree at American undsntulolna lot the Arab caueo and told there are signs Washington ital started to are the realities in ibrlr true pen erectile in irreversible athpnnaomy Suturing Cheerleaders etlltllgotlly WI Whhttheydo alterhollre vIetItelrhuolnoeel barmaid ylavaotpitoal pare nary lnlsltev Anhur Storey and tin iii it in it in ii vie iii in E5 it it 55 iii Ea ii in Ezg 35 Egt8 ci is g5 it at is at 25 it 3315 parts ubinoaflppllggt wtllutttte retool urn told punishable the mic men MillyWho yardstick an on ohmith paddlequ or my to pp dined the reelem en year mm Delid wolddbe el year in mates to obviotat lailttra Bell rate ot return WI anemia not per cent dlnlntlailoo IlolrtltMATlcutTlnltrl ton AMBASSADORS looettt hove diplomatic unites eta Fennel ne tha 1M ma which naturally badol lo the united Natloul tiaw Romany such ebull tis dog lion and has any lien as Ibooidltl the dog written State Secretary lttr the issue he and other otlletels oi eons tavl stir ut the possible hitte dol lint ler bitlnxutstb vllll 1000 endelld he entrances ll hi under tin Us rotation dent or attaining oi Pei on not lgreodbet diplo wand tr it mellowneltymver expo lice dogwtso runs around urn leelhed bailnlJKtlDiH piled Prlitaro Mayor John lolnuon has pollca record it at least eight in cldenil in the pact three Atheism dor wet as MW incurs dos oma mdnihaaiottanday do rust intend to dheuts this ter turiller The mayor oi this New York Ct euburh told he had written ltnbauader vu luge resident tvsrulng hint that it the dog appeared with out trash and without re millionth ttt chem bl hinn dog would be ebol in aleltor adctreeed lu Johnson with roplce to hip elneer and AttorneyGeneral Edward Lari Vshlrorrltenr ee uld wet an issue at Iomatlelreodoal and ed ed alvaNEitllih Apt as It er htsrttn billet llttlrlba iown character now may have to 0i the most stable lob in this hard pruned Mlmtsilppl River community Mr Unemployment tun beyond it per cent aim the ereae bireoet employer Lita Savanna Army Depot belan cutting back opereuoni Du lilazrk it says the bad times dont bother tisntlsblnp worms still an plentltul trt his iavortta dint not tobaecoahnwtnx Dlaeek retired railroad sandy dancer has been till tlprme tor ea yee At awn each day he Pill his warm to the Plural litter ixtnks and Starla lie $2 deliveries to regular customers and belt about dig up about on worms IMPERIAL Hald on wot CINEMA toenails status TOMORROW loom muutmtlraeoaoatm numeral drilllament rumour to Adult Entertainment narunu Inna PlNlt bellman $125th TO GO ON MEN PLEDGE Attm left director at the amt VolYWCA mat is first hurdle 011th OP lslatlon to pot the ledrral lntl lion into oporatlenublett the government wants to be come tawrwiuttn two weeks xasaed lll lint msior btudla londny night The Commas pave the bill to eetlblleh the sntllnllatloo ad aeuntd reldLi by an over Ihelrnlu vole oi lbl to it now goes to Commons com nllttee lor detailed study Battier lit the day Finance Minister Donal hlecdonsld said the government ll counting on early plunge oi ttloteelsla the proposals it it gore beyond roupla at weeks well be in dtiticult Iltlvll he said there will be people looking loredtrtawIWUNBO grunt throuch regulations we wont be able to give it The sutllnlletlm prorram an trounced Oct it by Prime tilin tslrr Trudeau imposes selective wage and price controls on the 1500 largest companies and on about mlllon worker it took cited the night it was made publle but needs leclllalt tion to put it this out operation than eldant ol the Ilenr rm tor urination ot expansion to the buildin The cheque mntattoa was made volunteers were toxin dean an old building on the rite oi the expansion no it Men have oledrrd titlm tor the expansloo tmmtner Photo sum cheque sixties Sandy Urdul mm THURSDAY KNIGHTS BINGO WEEKLY730 all EMBASSY HALL $36 MAKE SUEER end FULL CARD JACKPOTS aver 5520 IN CASH PRIZE ADMISSION it INCLUDES FREE CARD KNtGHTS 0F COLUMBUS tare Proiaei ClitlllZSE Fllll WAN QUICK senv1csr totier tall dtllvery tifrea an order over it in Barrie ltb Discount on Picklie Orders ever it Phone 72888 FNONE 72MB 405 BAYFIELD ST STARTS WEDNESDAY Mahoganythe womanevery Wan wants to be andeverymanwantsto domino ettw tattell rteal themed boldlthtlrnodel nwm Indan isdrstroyist TMrkheot ammowry thinewince Mmrdlo omMahopaIp rune roNlntrr hasnvttaa our ruowuvomi