Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1975, p. 11

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PAIIERSONTOUGH IN EARLYGANIES Mnmmllendnelloo Pulemn bu been the Condo Hoary moir hll Suit NI n8 Ior lbnopmloxhranmeaollbe Imu Golllenderlaleno Bosch one ol Ibo undenth maroon Curious Walloon Ilnt when III III Eat DIan crowd mm on but or aner warm borne bl wbedullundduyetloluu drleIL Prllemn Ina lb vb en Invel ln orilIlI lbIe Inln Ior me am In ad Inmuluellblbele maxScendnmelrerbtd IIIde Illhelbom lopaxeelllreotllrnnbnn unuco dry or Ilrooxrr Indyolllo on logo Mlerdulnwbloblbnn Idlt lock IeeIInllanIV Luremwnnnmmrr lulu And Lbnl 1M Ilka llme nIdlnn lean nl Gull Amundrurl ol Vnomvtr Anne Inrdln Ind compellllowblrudop loo III Form people II um only Jul who ol PoInlI Clnlre rer medILI Ind brnnu II the week Ior olben monlb Indn Que Ind Janka smboou ol Plowman Gum lbundny bIIl For ll mun um Surrey 30 led or more then Ind budunwed mm woo quIlI roll AndIor lbl meet on Ibo rm belure Mo on old model Ior Inn Unlled havent rellly brco Ibln lo do In the us Ind mrdnllleu sum proper lnpcr The Amerlrnvu one bad won on Conan manor IlSe no Memo Illver medsh any llo mun an all or burners In Ibo PIIMrn pool lmed record were Idling llrnnulumn rnln bu III ol Ibo vrlnoen were mind close lo Ibelr own bed pelr oI onlflor Eldrnonlw Velma Mlnneeoln realm Dore Km Morel bl recond oil oI Ibo ulsbl II 1150 ol lbn IMMer Io llIl Ibo hlln Snlnulnlo deadlock Ill 51 nllnrlnenbndbrokrnna ltleld nollbolblrd MW Oil HM ll EgreeNorla Mun Sllnln lied Sen mm om Pumn rod xlven owrtlme m04EI3elgmlensrlw gawk Emma fmlllm nr men The Inner IIIde on Camry Oonboyljnd dam no gun on ormm Ior Spun II WInoIpc ms IHocuv STANDINGS yTIIE munuN onus manilwmumn Mlnnoeoln nl VIncoIIver NIIIouI World Pnlrlrk DIIIIIIII CloIla Dlvlrlun II Io Quebec Indere ll were ll JMlllo Ar 35 59 235 ooo Anmr Enabe DI CIncInnIIl Elmo Km Clly SI huh VIncouvtr Mann DI New Enl lend clmrun Ivul Mlnouoln 1211 PM Drum Sn Dleio IIoIIsloon and CIIIclnnIlI Edmonlon Iodlmpollr llouelon bllnneoolr an blue Olmu lonlm NIw Erulnnd II Toronlo Pboenlx II Calurv Denver Wlnnlpe Amrrlcnn Mme Norlbrrn lllvlrlrn aunult nu3o Iano eZu mule Boblon Ioroolo NorrLI Mcnlrrnl Angelo IIIIIburlh Delroll Wulrlnxloo nemu Ibnrrdni NY lllnnders PbIIIdrIphlI Know CIII nosloo Irran Ionllbl 10 Angelo II AIlIolI No SN 11 llocbcsler Provldrncu EXcIling series Sprlnlrld Bmwnoulbrrnang bulfewlrecords 5mg ew Iven NEW YORK IAP The CIIII Irlnnnll musnorm mm WIIIIII Soe bl buebrll mo Ihave leen amen tblmou ex oovanoo $553 in nuan Inqu van 32 IIII mo 19 II nanu uaoo 2233 29 zgt uc eoaneo an llcoull lluredu llocbugr Norvhlsln men ma 37 New Ilrvcu nl Balllmorc Im mgnlg 51 Rocbuler II Provldence rzco Tho IIslIbown lbnl only on Emmy 59mm Indlvlllnol Ind Ilr Ieun mould Intro rel Ind boel ol marks Onllrlo olnlor Emm Dlvlrlon Irre Ilrd nulnono Ill porlIcu III mm on Inn Ion crushes do KIIelIrIIer lnr Iver by In nullleldtl Toronto ulln Ibo Inou rbloru In mm mlulmnbv Dnllhl Mill SI calh lIIvFNdLll oI lIoslon Ind Nu Cenr Geronan oI CIncIIIIInlI Sum IIIh of whom haul II chances Klnrrlon Ton learn merkn wnro ml nllrlurr used bolnclube one no mar 12 In Ibo lelII name an lower mu by ono tluh Ptlerboro Irerlrluro by ErrIon Iewer nun nun boll clubs urlu IIIo llllrbener Pelrrbo Mullen Ilcldlnxwrrecnllxr 1qu Sum Slc ane urnbl urlu by Clnclnmll My 91mm WM In more In In mmoloiyl 223321 uchauH nuua 2383 II II 53 loronlo II Kllcbener so elnnlII sroll Ste IIIIrIl ll undo Ind mm WWW WIndIor II who both club Irrlrr lIImllloo Illnuon Toronlo llmee or oerlornnocu by other lop Itlmrner In lnleronlloorl oompelllloo Bruce IlobIrleoo ol Ven coIIvor vrbo rum more lbIn mood slower lbInbIl bee ledly IIIo uld IIII Iellllred lbe umlllnnl Illmlollbeyenrubellnlxbed Iblrd In IbI loomelre bullenly slllmomolympluuldbl bId been IIlmrnInl corn pellllvelxrunlll the end ol An vIouI Coma and up In one du In mrnelre leIm purmll rod Ibo Loom ml nol had Idequall IanreIculeb Ipnnl Iurrfeloprepmlorlmm Am Cheryl Glheoll III Edmooloo who won her Iourlb medal oI Ibo omu lurn secondpk llnlslr In the wmnr zoo bur Forum 1le ol Ibo US wonIbo rnce lo twoulnqu TbI evenlul rprInl clum Dlon Slew Woznlzl oI ILdlr Ileld Put NJ Lbrevt rpm IIcoInr Innlrum when the Llldll world orolnl lbal be obrlrlded bl opponent In Ind ordered Ibe ncI rerun Amcrlern enurer collided Ibo lernrnm predl lu rmmb ml III Glbronl Ilnsoed Ibo llm ol bl blcyrle elmeol llm no Mka lbI AmerIcIn wllb lnlleuburled lb bike when you work bard over III Ilma wu nenrly mm Inlo lb nlnmlr loro bla mell loo perIbd ul Ilnrn your body Ircond Iloxer IbIn ber beak null In rulpr Irom blI body Ind mm In bunk dovoYour Iblr yur Ind Ibo Ibyrerold rrnlolbe orqu room Wm muscle beconrr Inuxued AI canIAIIn bu goon lwo Ieooodl you elm uporhrg oII res let lulu more one Ivlrn Io much your nnolbcr Cnnldlun Illvrr new dad and mulwul rod Then lbe lodges reversed lbelrrullnx and Woznch body rebulld llxell you lrl emu In no uorncnrloo onlovIcIory ICKIVIESsIf1n lly run amoan runs summnrle oI IIIIII IYeIIII II Ibo PIAArnerluo more mndny Illrll Ibree and Can dIIn plump SWIMMING Womenl mmrln Bullerlly CamIIIn WIIxhl US mm IGImu record prrvlou record 22 by Lynn DolellI 115 1971 cum Cherrl Glbsoo Edmonton mm RosImIry llIbelro BrIrII mm Wood Qulrk CrnIdI IPolnII CI Gun mm Mrll Immm heellylo Bobby Hecbell v5 51910 Imam record pre vlour record mm by Pllrick MINI vs WIII PIN norm 115 mm blur IIIdrop Brul 3000 Lhmnlexmder Cnnldn Thunder Du 0o 19 Doug north CmIdl VIII eouver Mm Illenn Imnelre In vVnnzourorI no lo Vomenr Mmclre Frrulyle llth Unlled mule why lluldy llonnla Dronrrllll ster be Klrn Irylulll 13311 Gnmu rrcoul prcvloue record on by 15m Canada IIIIII Amundrud Vnncourer Arm Jlrdln Polnlo ClIIoe Que JIIl Qulrk PolnII Clnlre Innlce Slenboune Sub roy ILCJ mm BrIzII 41029 TENNIS Womens ers LelI lorood us PIIrchI llmlrrno llmll Leyln Iluolrm CNle Illxtd Double llwk PllrleI Ind lele Fo Md 115 Ilnnuel do MESH Ind llIrII Mom Porno Illro Adolfo Gnnzelrr Ind Aler Indn anlalo llulro CYCLING 40mm lrm Punull Unllzd slnlrs 029M Colombln Illlke GIrrInxlon no mo Mcxlro mm mm mold orevlom rewrd an by bIIrE SDIII MI Greg Juenburr US MI Bruce Roborlloo Cured Mull PARADE MEXICO CITY OF Midnl budding II Inc Pnn Amalcn Irma uler emu complelrd Goldmlr Unllrd Slllu 9769 who CINdI larnl Mexico Ar enllnn CcombI Eruulor GIUIIII Irlll IImlo Illco gapooaama =usus eou==rs= NOTICE no Snrlunl Compnny LII IIIIIIeI when lbelr rullomm IIIII III In the prennl ooIIIl IIII nllon Ilenrly Allied Con crelo Ind Furl on M3 ruonln on leII VIII nnl oblige II II bmrb III Mil not Cur III In lbelr errI IIIk Willem Gprlnl Slave lezolrb us 1115 Ind Im cool Illmu Ire Ior llnnl zoo IneIm name llrp com Urmu Gunlermlr Bubldol 728 6857 Warmn MARIES 5Nvn Oclovlo Damn Arroollna Carl husrnkemp US 1090 Ileusenurnp de lealrd Iona Ltshy Cube Ior bronze medal nounsrnlu erolol lndlvldunl Fernando Sendrros Mexlco Buddy Brown llllcbnel llnlr US won vewry Iummll Ior bronze medal Norm Chormwh Cnnndn lllldnlporl AILIJ rIdIu Res Assured LIIebIIl VIllIanrourl Can Idn IIIIIdIon Que rldlnz UFO GYMNASTICS Illel Peter llorrnlon us IND Jorge Como mm ID EIIIOOMEI Us 1le lIdI Iloru Roberto Leon DIM 1371 llurl lllornu us run RIM xl Leon mm Connor 1517 rlled loo old Iwnrded Lou noru mm Ill mm 1511 bhrIbIIl Amer Us III PIrIIIIl Ilm Limo II Wm IMO mum Im Ilerlnonlnl am Ouervo 1m tWbelu IBM Ilaomu 1m TIRE va21souruna Nb MILES scum or emu sorcur on mm no mo nuoernncln Asrrrnrm un Pllltkll rumor wows am Mon uw wmrnwnu axon mes mi mu mm vurrnwnu nrronmom annual Ann wurrnwnu rouisrengmmnnn mu on WEMAY or sun LL our Inn own GOOD SERVICE AND OOOD DEALS nusmrssir DAVS weak oN NI TILL PM LY IILI CHRISTMAS to III and one III under their bdubeodrnl Into lo llzbln mlcsl Bummer Po olo bur sWiImEIS getmedals ebujt summer meets are telling in I23 gig I52 EEEEEE diagg ESEEEE plum oodwa WC hvkuregnmwyMrnr mane bodynllblrme ESE lion All our IIIIIy romo ullb VI power sleerIoI pow er balm and only 1500 mlles ll our like new reconditioned USED 1m AUDI LI lopollbellne Duopern Inrc orllo with won spcrd Mil lrnnsmb lion responslblo lryllnder roslne ml dinl llm oral otrlorrnerl ml MAVERICK cyllzder ecoormy wlln moo mIIrr Inurl looklnx rnr wllh de lure uppolnlmms ml curuss ln wry pcpuIIr door Inrdlop In caramel sold mlpped wllh power slrerIn and brnkrs VI enxluo Ind radio ms Minn no my 250 miles Ilurry Iol Mr wlll sell corms VI power Ileerlog Ind brakes Iulornnlle lrnonrnhslon Ind radio Pnrlecl Ior our Ilrnl rorl IIIUNDERIIIRD rIlvrr blue luxury car roulppcd Iulornallc nlr corxllllonlo cornlcrl and elegance In rlxhl pm 1371 VEGA COUPE VIM Ills 000 miles An Idrnl mood cor lor the pemy saver 1m ORAN TOIIINO Clank Souln Inn perIedIy equipped Ior Ibo memo hm ml ASTRE wllh nulormlle Ironsmlsloo and lbrlny ryllndcr ensloe This per lot Iround loom oer OVER 50 OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM soMI rumour DAY USED CAR GUARANTEE Lnder IbII mrnnlro Ibo drIIrr Ior perlod II to due hon lordII II porch eronlll lbI VIer bu born drlrrn IMO null non lpeedomelrr murm ll llnII bl drllnry Iblrb Iver Irenl IIrIl IbIll oeror Illl Iiven porcbmr per ml dknnnl hour drIlIrn renIIr nlnll prlce Ior pIrle Ind Ilbor on no1 rrpIIn Ilrllrr Inner lbnl Ire necessary lo keep lblr Veblrlv II Irrrlcreble norm empl rrpdrl Io Um Ind lobee III rullor no grow my nour ecurloncd by Irrldenl Ir nbue Grand SALES LTD 379 would 106Guuanlee on Exnlre Orr Y5ll9V15 BARRIE mm

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