aaaaV Wamwhflaahwnec jway in Those who advocata lento require highwayaddendum Drivin oatatrvotslmoot nnal ll clttuna Open ilotlaa oi Banlea leading MW art 11 With up seat belinrili aeveillvv genarhi lion there lanceIii re the mhlemavoi highway Vmotorltts tonaa than mmd letl mm dd on on Drame labor minister um um nplnrjjllm drive Ontario inane oi the lat use permeate Orahould wronlylacepemlilealihnlanot dunconvinced bu adupbndOorlOmllea hour Jim Will iPmldB 16 Y0 hlgbwayal Have those who feel such attendant admit it it will compnlalon by law it an interference with argued that there would briew ho pmlghu any jualicliimll Meme The accident atatlrilu do chew the tre uaamln cauu ot enta but despite mind 0i Wemmm the attacking tragedy on may Valle drl momentary Wm lanthanum nth gawk mm mm mow mmg lnnre careful and caution St hanaon advocated rm mch would WyTg thatears some who ieel tha ace the accident toll it generally ioliowo lg motortrggtt there are thosei1 gm aqua recent apeed la were 100 per cent ogeyednbiy all driven er alter drinking ta another ma All there jot cause at aocidenta which aonla ieelV rather than aoclety ltaelt ahouldaoeept at mat part which might help in some area hntba oithahlame or supportingtho could ndiaadvantage in otbmlln the that an able expansion oi pnhiledrlnking tnellit aiyais all anoion have hllity tea VVnot onlwa themuldaa but to eir pue VBe that ult may there seems to he enter an otheraon the highwaya ving hazarda Other think that retar naudz atudded um wouldnatariy re duce accidents dudnthha winter vine reason pecta merit consideration as AIS Barrla luminar Oatober 21 war boat tornlth an tenatlonai Plowlh Match and Fem Machinery Diaplay naileolliot tawaaazaValley Fame in TecumaeIh Twp httweenAliiaton and Beetomvliuge tentl Veddtywaaerected lion Mlllo Front Premier oi Ontario and lion Walter Han ritlliloteter oi Clliunahlp and Immigra tion were tutored apeaken at openln ceremoniea Emery Engineering awnr ad cabinet to erect Earrlea new Public Utilities buildin on Ba ileld st Gener al hiana or Mite welcomed he look IOVOiIJKIlIt the banivii day coolan vvention We in the till come at Pre lrwih and At Mineainz Eilaworth Crawiord to find two land in tall yard had been tallied Indicated no doubt by wolvea drew Orchard re rted loaa oi my my om annralliaetricthaa Another RrHMMalI for Barrielil era wartold to Montreal Swamp Dan Luck Canadiana by Buliro hoekVe club Chicago Blade Hawk virite BarrieAr ena tor exhibition game heat It lie Edam tunlor Flyera its Although an adored Barrie Flynn eyed exciting genie Loo Labinehltealigllevrelllablerry preaidont South Slmcoasoithall League havtoohnhot woli in ileid but at too rail distance Canadian Tire opened new atore in arrlo atlcorner Toronto Si at Eliza elh Ham ton Frailekla owne YOURSBUSINESS gt asccnadianadqnai outlook cloud 31 VINClNI new lamina who on like hallglng natala audCaaanVnaea attain and new dollar batat had Anuylt ice the Lima hem atinrt over malnu New lanlea mate tUEl rdn reaction to Cenadaa 11 rmlummf magma and neutlva Acton Illneth mm may the dollar on the positive aide Wm vIhl drawn oi dividde at the rilarteta Initial riactlun Ii nag negative as the dollar Wm Wm from amid earn bat tram gxu Ciidlamaeeurltter theretoair nlu loathe Can No loco dined mm dim doull IIYiBobitolna have taken place yetgm at Wood Goody Lid investment dealaralronto ethlx because at abortaae ot 41ml on the part oi both lor aand Canadian rl JIll lmrtant dilation this oeanornlat aaya in how loud laveaton will he prepared wait for the Trudeau overn ant to mow bow tar it tendt no la the directlm oi ax paoprtatlna proiita and dial denda lhtt wand aorikoma quay tlonbeoa ttl laden at all an and relation tut and coyaltlaionxbciorathe Oct lt Wt at new 111a rovernmmta aamr lara decline dnrtnl the put mammilitarion Wiyearhaavbeeniordc concern nwehaniii ii0 ilk Elm about Cnnndaa duperination Im biBl the entrant program oould le wild aimt ceiiai chow man own ooonom hm 6331 reel potlealxtlnaat of hate lat new $1 ea ratnn umber MM were leoond Clara litall laveloli as result al the re urn waslgdayxlualrnalteed atralnt prov our export WV mummnl trade Inlaht outoi iii din value oi the Canadian dollar Wm diamapart FOREIGN CAPITAL ragrmmzwguklnwgg lhe nenatlva aide nodalta limit yearly single copies l5 eenla Bullet Barrie tam yearifi Simeon County tutti year lialante hi Canada undo yeah lyAll other countrlea who yearlyl Motor throw oil moo yearly Nationaldldveatirlu oilioea at Queen St Wat lnrenlo miler Catloeart Sh liIont real Memberol the Canadian Pres and Audit llureau el Circula Until Thaicanadlan Prela in min alveil entitled to the are tor re pub atlon at all been diapateh WALT 0N mania oi capital from Canada aboold iondzn lnveatlnent aentllrlent Wt Canadian Mlatrtea out on how the reatralnt pm drop in the dollar it it went gram nlioda capital lnmtment iae maineould be fatal to here rather than on the gov good many exponhared buri ernnienta new commitment to neuea and lead our unemploy economic loadednip meat Mailer than ever nmmtilidrillli it WWW butt EC investment industry but than omnmm dant evidence oi decline in condence in Canadian curtV BIBLE THOUGHT ea in thla paper credited to it or The Auoclatcd Free or new Tbm la no peaea enith my ter and alao the local nova pubv lad to the nlrkad Iah ilalled therein mu lne Barrie Examiner claim God uldil eod no more illW dim WM 51mm in all Vnrixlnal adver matter how it may eoem iromi ml NW dwell ti and editorial materiel rvthl attrition no mancanlava That pose la an innate valid tad ytla employeca and new real peace with the autth eI It mliortty anvernznant bar the ltsima laid My peace give poorer to curb the errata Evan Nilmv unto you lelnot or heart atatutory spending promma be troubled neither at it alternation ha bolting to 0b tawa toe aoma alm that tha at on Pollilelana and bureaucrat atandeu loaded by the elecc aabocbaaudbyatam handed aoit on milieu Trudeau cabinet intentia to an tn rerttnint to ita nwn oper tnrata tolhand out me and the legal drinking age baa addthto veralonalabotlt formula as roaandveolneianammraantedtheyi tormeratardeienceman iaia black hear at edge at Minolta non Allanol Churclllllelegled THEWORLD TODAY loilN Monitor Faretn Mialaa Analyat iltanam Nana lenieaV tlta otha eileninx Ilwntcbcd the movie wountaror in downtownToronto theatre apo tn avnutlarde revolu Ilontry and New belt time it we crudelyd nevtatheleaa in ti on way el iaeliva iilm report on line maya urban guerrilla naive meat named alter an obecult JildV Indian chiel oi the ltlh eerliu Eminent vernnwnta xrabbm brutally tortured in dealhby the Svaniah same at you mltdlt have anon tha oommerclallaed version oi the aame illm theme in tile manlilcent pnllttonl ampensa lm oiled state at lm by lmmaker Coata Bravos who also did the name kind oi lllm calledZ about recent Greek polities The itlrn hl unlaroa we bdnl ahown in lame week in which Metro Him lornntn immanent at on urban chlol had been pubiiabed lin tlrloattnz rattle time when urban guerrilaa Mildimetlnn can in Canadian allied iroln beaten and larzoly oi thadanxar oiaillaht aaaotrla that It maker deal at diilerenea to wma Canadian llaeJo poaa Ill innocent hy ha moot care in browthew syrtlpiorna vVleleltg in TorOnto one but evawmmlmmW mainly at white collar and on mam Mention iF ID OFEEREDilS 71 lDSliLLTE LYE SEE Enig Hwili bear watching lly DON OIEABN Queena Park llama Thornton Nan deniea NMNIDItahouldbaiaa handledtho ware ireeze when the union open next leek it aoema wialn that the amt co aapreaaura it hard to handle lhrwgh comma annae ti notbiaa else it will want torn aha with the inflation re redo Indeedaaoodnartoiluynw Theresalie olilliawera oonr Bmvmmuunwm live in lea nrptnnaloa other Vmeota abom good lament than general eurlnaity about the and the value ayatern oi each WM iilm tr hanging tear that line ravolutlenariu hdnxi mimodcau in nun porelat in Western delmcracleaatood when the prianoeaa were 31 unam wim the pp In witbthe nodal nuns and Ihe released unity to large camp my on clonal iragnuiailonoi our empress nuisance WV detlea thnt the ltlptlmalo er mumuNmm LV and all mm It We will in our ewerlrnw clan who did not reapo our clearth it opposed to the mean rennon llhlgmlhimnninrln was manta waa enta open SJLfEfmm Whilplggj lumen aecrotlyl ionillb with the charge on weiloraanlaod alnall nadre oi ME Wm revolutionnrlea can bring about In Jim at Mush Il nearly total upheaval In an ur 11 New Hi hen community Ilbore la the Dior oi tntliln hleh wares axe not in The wmaraa at in lorrl MIN lwblwnanlled ination iona Umwnanottd ldil or bomb Mum handt team it was natroellnt or notilt there but kidnap and rob the would raided mad that when the Add the ND la earl withit Being easily ldontlilnhlogrnellnd Eygugmge Wigner numb Kgmwkduol people had tin mien MViudnalionV will come in autos turn are robblnl the mention nllry payroll Mme hln in the raiduthe up in ll It amoun called ioeoplaa prirona uauVbaek tn thawing the 1pr all the canedhuement oi anroarol um normr0 member not iater in the audiosum where they Ira madam der atreet llxbtl polka tor want their awaitat the tutu turea changed that tmaKe WNW iitWFli nbrealr oi no lose than loo mama ood or hilt notewor Wynnm in me am In lurid dkatlnrl oi the will alas oi tltemaulralloo naade by non nowllau IOna oi the coat in in Canada history it lean Talon iudonal people They areJhe theeyou natud think could rendtr guerrilla hm 4x oouru bualneaa and the proton Nut of Canada An tn aim not intend many or Want we run at ournm than opted int revolution wauucnmdidla gent deal CAN ra liarannular nor and hlrbop Talon aerved at it you think immimuu Quebec hoot late to am with Van eould never be Melted in an abuneaot one year lila nee 1mm animal or Van and term Man on Octzaltlo oouver neither our lire nor ggtmw tom um Canada in laid to encouraxa my memd my France to lend retuera no we mm mud um larnely responaiblo tor workinn tout the KinIl zirla lnnnl ttoh plan that resulted in at 1000 hablea being born leer alter they arrived at Quebec Three lllvera and liontreal tured more and more by grow inl diilerenoea in our Iocloty which cannot be roeoivod in Toronto it la omlnmta to hear wanting imm may Jiwu llientl tobeahaaholdr unlt limit WWII Canadelothaudayal 32le tlgd ialou perauaded many oiillt they already no home oi the IIIM men ot the IIIme he Wblllgt Balim Fznimg to rtal in on or an Canada re are no homo valuahtaiaad oltlaeanhe it was once illegal toubejn botheior who urved two term ea ammo outlawMl been Orwlllulaliobllmwm in rare NDPMhaItaXenatoadatpo dtlonto Biplabtr overuaa dualion watehln how the NDVPV In hubarked not on the roatrelot outline how iar an it bull Through aelllntereatgil oath in alas the leade oi pl Labor baa to tenantan Wane oellinea knock out reattatioV ban untanaadwln thilmudVani the or at learttha aaleavalue oi Iacderialp out that tatda nltho which LI dedleaied to the lot good as anion the line known that the restraintaguaw problem manorlncludlnz nopoat you cant wait to act what anawar the party ottera new it We tailor the lead oi ett who who dolled hogWon bLI mam ledauuun ibaaltnationa are erosion btydltierent gland neverhadrtha doable nanea orer Barrettthat it baa exuded ovalthem herd atructed modelyvillnu Quebec Boar nonrnllflfeiltelne Vaodxwuil Under Mona lin Mile beam to em in Can ada one at ththnoat mum Mina brewery lia waa eon aimed that Canadi eeuu mvlda tor the and mail reduce Inmrta erorn thetoo Talon alto realized that Talon took the at time ottbere we miller wealth krhlla and tent Pera and lol cearebvior eoppernear Lake Sniperlor they um auo eeaxlul but the problem waato get the ore to Quebec There were no to mm Irmo portation wnlbla in thoae data lliona Diana tornolra Canada an lndualrial nation were iollowed hia auoeeaaora Canada Vurned to reliance agriculture 0111151 OCT EVENT moolar ollc rm datum