Ezttrt Mue under grunge Minot or atten emu letule min on MISIMYJIIE Btrhov Metering Km urn Mutton over low Itetdl letter Nloolrl hiddenMu Mr Hump Iaughter swcottliei rated for drum eertle rented horn rum to rnoderI Ite end ptleee were unevenly lower It the Onterlo puhlte Ioeberdr ttit leek nonhuman mettle prteee evenmoldy rtudy wlth good Illhtlrrttrr entree rooMerIn the eertrprtee tree load ohotee heevyveel eelver erred elm retttr lop trader ol ter Ieldrtr Idllrtl It eteed ertw leoey whltrrerl cet prleee were to route per hnrr dredruturt lover llol prtru We lower end eheeo Ind lemb prteor um nerdy CRMGHIHIST eyrrlnnnur to mu Em Ellrmen It tended the weddinr or the letterr nlecr 12mm Dell to Toronto on may We note Yum end den later ot Mnhlll vIrlted her when hlrl ll Klrdrklt tor rm holtdr llrrnkerIvurgrtellorr ltr end Shenehen It nd not Peter PndlanhIrn leIledhIe prreotl truer We Brlrn Iel en Ind drughtnn vtrltod eta John Ind Judy Im her tether Grader Ellen ltr end ltrr Smith Ind lleend It Grey vlrltod llntene lty Ind rm JunerEIlernrrI Ind Irll llnllxld Nlelt zuuom Irrdrlrlrllr eno Irrphud Dunlmore end hon Ir Ind Implant Wood end lJ Ind ltr end ltrt Bruce mm vlrltod the humor Vltr Ind II Ellemrre Klrtore lr enlohtol hol vtn Northern Outer AUOIION our commllntly Auetlon on let meywre hope raceem mrlre tornrntttee rxtende theuke III who med uttelee end belttnl end helped In merry weyr dpeetel thereto to the ruc ftoneerArehrr Celwlll who vm toleneroue tntlre reductlonot Ilrt ururl eepl To wtlllern Armrtrony tor Iytnx hydro Tn our Cerr John Cuton John reevee llux Crrlx end Ftllltll Shnhrben who rrelrted heuuotloneer About ooo rnrv Hlnu of herban beet nnIhun Jere errved by herry Brrher nd hle utle Cerol Joanne new end thelr dourlztere owSItIIle Crete won the Ilrxt taupe hell heel end Den Irlni eeoond prlre ene oueetrr et Open um mu Wee New Hel en lam deem llund Bondy who Mounties uroo ltetdt Wet Meatopen Green worm heel heel Heldl Mill Hill Weeterood of Ernie wen Ind Geo My Kelly lrri lor Jere Comm pl lerrle Grnen WorHMllee Goo Idtmdy Kelly Teylor Tom in Inner Detr herooe ot ortltle tor thte week 108 In Me WIS Mhld to em rm mm thlr week Iul err mum AlAz 03000 $5100 with enter to 53410 carry rrron end medlrtm IMO hotter AIM 4547 with eelee to It eornrnon 15 totDr eon rtzr lth III to 24 DJ 1720 DI l2e 60d home bulII 1521 vtttr ulu to 27 mntonr Ind medium we neleeernrnt Crtll Strerr one no mentor vlth tee to In none our took otter relvrr room noel hetterr over 550121145 to 552030 Crlm 13 On ollnr lhle week 25m Int week we to dete It Mom to date rm 9ft thre week loot year 41 Good and droch reel eulvcr erroomoo wlth tow choloe to common Ind rnodlum more toes hoteler eelvu no hprdll trney wlrlle mdv quollty eyuulnsgtol non rrlee to moo Iverrn weld Ihr true 700 On otter thlr Melt 6700 lrel Weelt out to dete Ml mm to $2 WM lletr wee Mm rteom hervy mu Item Iod III lodlemhe 1121 In of ler week 1125 lert week 10 I0 dltl Ml It to his lt eer or In ywtnt ernhe 1451 um ulee In tho lltht lrmhr to to recordlnl Io wolrle Ind rteellty Iheep It to It wlth Illee It CREEMMIE ITATUE CHEEMMIE IEIIIII Toll eorrrrntentty mu oboerye ltI nth ennlvmrry er InInenrporItod vltlrre next Jen Old recorde Item llIttetned ullleu Itrlue on thet dole In ml with June Spence the ttrrt rreve Fer rte drone Ie the current herd ot the Creomor prune AT ll rut An nrecnrr Crot Breton nt who were IIId on IIA neelt EUIVALE Whtlr denee Ind entrrtelnmenA tr plenned tor Frtdey nlxlrt Nov the who voted Elmvrloltoetrrene wont be reedy tor hockey terror Ind ehrtere tor rorrre tlrne yet Work In oonttouln on the new eutlnl Irreruern uttlr new eertlog eccorrunodrllm tor spee tetore evlll be greatly Improv ed uIlh three rm end three III In on non rule or the cntlotrd rltotlnx Ind hockey am There elro le room or other Ioecte tore It the entreree end at the rInIr Imorervomente Ilro Include het tre werhlnl Irollltlee drurlox rooms end equlprwtt The turtle reetloo wlll motlnue to have two Ice rheetrlor eurllnr ltne root reeelvod the mrln dem In In thtrr seetlon Irom tret Iprtnpe tremor rr Totel eortZoI the rocourtrur tlon Ind lrn rovernente II or 00000 Iereht ornrrlrrt ne hrvr been rnlolnr Irrndr to help Ilnenee the prnIoet end Flor Immehlv Ind Iclmvelo rdllm oounellr Ire upplylo tor earn nurntty realm rent Irom provlnclel government Proceede 1an the romlnl denee end enterlelnrnmt wlll lutd Io he the rlnlt Curren hope ere the lee wtll be rrrdy torchotlteyend eketthl eround the end at Norrmhor FARM FEDERATION GUTIIIIIE tStdlI Annunl rnretlng Ind hrnrruot at In eve Count hoderetlon ot Itrlc culture he held or the CtrIv rIe communltyhell on ltruredey evenlnr Oct lreeontptlon nI rrporte Ir plrnoedn rlonz with other hurlnure troll he to clelproprom THORNTON The oItlelIl openlnl ol the vtllna new er one end communlry centre ulll teko pleoe selurdey Oct 25 pm oltlelrle Imm th own Ihtpe ot lnnlntll Ind Bernown err ol the bulldlnse ere d1 petted to attend crruncrt nnurvnnetnv to or men oottnlno rod ten rrronNmN The 71th In eoo poundI dltd It to In St Mont nlvmnry nt 1rlntty Unltod Churttr In Thornton ultl ho tele nonrandom 2i THE HAMILTON PHILHARMONIC AND CANADIAN BRASS BARRIECENTRAI COLLEGIATE one Usrnrrs TICKET on Invert tetra swarms $2 hreted Sundry wlth tn Imloel At II we Dr June nodley ol Berrlee Dolllor street Untted Gwrelrr wlll be new epe ker Indv It 710 prnllev ntcr hleQIllttm oI HI Null cen Gruroh wtll eperk nouomlrvlm It the tort slmeoe Imey club he errran lte ennurt hrnquet Ind hurlnou meetlnx tor the loud Iteed conumtlty lull on Irldey orenlnl Oct It tobe lollowed or denee Iehb mvlde the route crrunnb rnoducrenn MINETING SIIIII Stoned County Crerrn Producere ntll orchutrr wlll thold their enouel meetlnl Ind bennuet It St Petere Anxllcen Church hell hero on nruredry evmlnI Oct 30 unorou omenlone mm Cenucle were top hltter end leIdtherIIChrr o1 Ilretnn neohlror utter they oturod thr hoekey Ioeltonder lrn Ruther turrt plrygdreeond hero tor the eenre trrm llroton eon the lun lor provlnclel chrmplonrtrlp to tree heettnl nu vererdown In the Ilnrlr MMEKENT therslmooe Oounly 0ltllllA ISIrIIt end or change In repreientntloo In Slrncor County rdrutnlrtrntlorr we oltrd by Ortllle membore before the muolclpollly reper Iind vuhen rlty Ilntue om ehteved coder zero Flnum Ior 1061 ehowrd 0r IIII nrr Irv lrd tor epproxlmnlr ll per rent at county the levlee router lte mrmber rerunlclprllttee yet had only two rrrorrrberl rod Iourvoten In the member Irnrrp reprelt collar to voter One tuxony It hell to mernherr It wee er curd The rumor county rnerrr rennin Aoerlment ronlnnle told wtthtn ferr hour and half Aperunent eontentr Ior eele Incluqu momma qu plnedlo on Me end ohelr rnrtehtnl ootlee end table attach color control TN bedroom tulle eta porteet eondltlnn Mutt tell Lerylul erol Teleptroner you ncrrorr wner no newer certsrue EXAMINER 72mm eelr the toner ehoutd hIre lagoons CURLING CLO DANCE ALLIWTON I5lllll hroorrr end stone dener ever held hy Al lletonctlrllnl club It the Rom gdnylar Ledlon hglhgrt rrtxtrt am ed the mute OPEN IIGUJE COLLINGWDOD Istell tilttll Innuel open horse Wu held et suneet Ileoor county home tor the need here We It Ierooo HOME BHOW CFB BURDEN The lieu Bordenllldlnlluh Ire neor In hornthew on undey oet It It to Ten evente scheduled TAPE RIODIDING PmKlNSFIELDTlhy Tower elrlp elem Guy lleurtee Ir rulnx awe retard to harp nclt no mee one The nzurou ISIIIIH currenHIiattntettn nee drleylheeeore hockey etrr John ohuro ot Vrn ot tr chelndee on Ir Neur wlll metre mother the newmrehtoe LONG IEltVlCE rCOLDWATDI IBIIIII Fol rm wernen pt stmooe County mart hllllcf 7d rervrd ll yerre on Coldweler vllleu coun ell betore rrtlrlnrr llle herded eorrndl In me do Interpreter NEWS ottewe rpent thenuekend nlth her room and Oct endure tor elee lTHE IAIIBIE EXAMINER lATUIlDAV OCTOBER II Itll ltuperi ol Coldwuterv though It we Iurt llee vIl true In hledonte low to Cold rvrter ol the toy to we Ihtrry trede centre monitor to my ot en tune ot the Coldertrr Now deted Nov It llt nun our er lhhn her ere end hootr end ehoer Grey le oporrted rtore were In hendted money to Ioen rnel ertete tot holele the hula Itnurooperetelhy It Denr nlron end the Ryan llouee run Culley both hed llquor Welle weu morclrent Strr Iroeery Home ltnox er herdwern morehenl end one Murphy Mld dry ooodr Ind grocerlee Lumber wed told by the poem horlend rhlll the Coldwrter rolllr end Serryer brothere Ipeelellt ed to henollnl when end doorr mede at their Iortory leetherdrle end enrrlenu we Thanks I0 UnltrettWhu Ileurorlrtng Volt 1t lou live In The Arte Errtre to The Arrt eenere orsrrrtcr rum Alpert TARonr 45000 rewronre 1r lcornuuurry norqu Vltsts ploneor trustees oowwnrnn ISIIIII AI me eleldu Ind eutlerr er well er lumber wppller Advertlrenrent et lteled hltllerd drur elm Dr Boyd phyeltden Weller muele teeeher Ind Dr Itohlne denttrt Jeroee hIeDorrnld edvertlred wereeold etthe Leeoh Id etore semD szett wer the Intel leeuer ot rnerrlr Ileenur John Steele wee erlt ot the torn dlvlelon court end Dre II vlevend llwrnpeon here ph tlllllu Noee eoturnnr curled report tromJV It Bennett hllldor Hut tment tvrn the new when he vlrlted the Coldwrter tetraA new home helnr hullt by ll Ilhnlnl wee dutroy edhy II lltllrrd kllled hm ECONOM MtIlUu INthllthtJ dfl lArry uteeble IIhle Pleeee brterl to the ey motor ll pletupeonteet by we 1Boone Thrall atten ho deed to toe Woman eve lerneleen trnrrr hmto end ltn Boyd Armld and Harlan hlr ltrt Ind mnmm runem HILKNIHPIII mdtemll metronome hood eId rr Itro hlrthdey wtehurorte re en Johnoontonther rthdey on sundeyzoet re on end rm tenTeylon ol lhelr mu to end tween flen Hr end Itrr hose Itelt end Corruler oI Owen Sound ted llre John Krltnnd rm yidoeterttotcelrlrmonm to Dry ht lluzh Hdlrllrll Ipehtrthl weekend In Neumrrlet vltle her Ion end temlly llr for NH Everett llehtlllen 41 end llre Perot Smock Ind ternlly vleltod votlr Irlendr lo ctrloo on the weekend Oenrdr tor CrlInry otter It week vlrlt wlth her mother re Iohn Roll Ind other reletlv 14 II Prddlrnn ot lerrle eelec heeled htr lord huthdry nlth hte drurhttr end Ienan to hit em tlrl Joe Pull on It CONSERVATIVE onwn 1hr ennuel rneet III at the Show NerthPro greet Gomenetlvo Amate wtll he held It theOrllllI Lenten next Iloodeywlth lor ontorneyor Dryld mutate eI rdtn wblctr It ropmentod by Dr nynerd MP ICAL LUMIANY or Edne butt rut oy Ittr epoelter llrrrle te In re