AOAiows TWO srorrvs Olz SPLll LEVELS DETACHED ANOsEMljomcllro so Iuorxoooonwuxourloomu oumoous I1 Imam aqu ram orlrvo JAMES Dal OPEN FIRE IWAY your on sorta moons Ivumua lainmalt Wummnour mmImvIw II mo mmmwmmmw mm II GOVERNMIEIVT GRANTS otou FROM $44900 ovumnmclllml nu muolrom clitomrvlumddrln wxa pm llrliIdIyIlnl to LittlcAlt Go and on lJltlr pm BIN to lllgtxrolt OR CALL EXCLUSIVE AGENT NOR BLMX REALTY LTD REALTORIOIHIM rmmouszl II ranso mm arnvlca f1 It 55 gr under we Alnl Till PARTRITLAR Who Am om me only modam mm with bulllln Mother age ova Itdmu not line innit ba amt to bo Ipprpduadrllm sorcer BUSllAND aundrww wru moer mm WJEry kglmxlmdo ll ooxlnu now New line mm ruEy broadloomad llnlhm tour lalrl tutu page WE ddtmmomm Il Imam one year old illea 119 mam with lull baseman onmr la laryIIonious ml wuiaaadlar man man lofoao mill was an ll mu lltd alilng hm litter buiroom in dlnlor wt hazelnut my slim WMND AVENUE lhm bedroom lid wilt will lr reticular Mill MI pron 70 NW mutmcf slur 73s PROPERTY FOR llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ILEPAGE lllllllllllllllllllllll rlrllmollllrrrlzn nrALroll orm llouz allwtnolb MWNDAY amount ml at to pm Mo ea three bdrm Jda ayilt lhlI llama lnclulillIg lvr IbmdlounII Wt llkilabmlanlmmwlnrrIaur Boo wer mid Road on wile Arum CALL was mint or IDON may RAIllUI OFFICE Iayllaldjlmt mm mm macaw rircuiar armor mnmtegmgeMoi1 ltd creek lull in good so ACRE lrllul all land unbla min condition lolwbarlvcnl bath house lrrllor must nil ilzi mil todcy ltr mrIIllllorm on Asking $61M Oio morigrg Silo mun noonoou brik ed at mrIIolaple rmmssoa nnmc ml lltrnrzslvn EXCLUSIVECOUN1ITIY plot lll lirtasec Tour lamina Oresetn ii Llr malady blau aim wall II am lllR room Its an Ilisl1 55 ourma Lor run dry looi litmus an ill county musrlarn puqu trad admit to build rm Prize $15650 5513 nrrlsnrlorlrlltsrl II mu um lUDllURSTPlNES exuuoveItIu tmi 62 9a lll brink homo wprralo dining roan yl rounlvla fmlxz in tiring m3 If humowl HOW oil built II are moon ll Ir Iyarii vasInmn liCASKlN 1mm lfgjnglgg In mm mm Tm moron on ntnnnlrm two ooamnu lain lnluzalnw 353 WWW mx afuktnfv mrmtkltrhrn Pavel lot our ulc slImror rllarnr ma uracil gmzfm mi mm Ilakw any 538520 ill including broadbnn rad Iccplrg cabin atoublo me pma drllrnoy CALLIWAYNE rmm moon WWW leELV TREE WT ml ik 5L Can Turn L0IX IIDEAL llrlsrllOllr mm Dont turn the your gorarrment grant to hell porthale till cllxmllu three bdrm mallow mind on Orldcy Pull Satire lllLLlAll or all spill lo be will or will nuzam built 1th lmga hcwlilully lardsazpejIlot role it lidml Only llclIn 1101 lists lame mauonav llAUlllLlIJA today 71W was ol mlxcabusl mi Barr Idllil Illlllrlrg nu Alkinl 11 ill YOUR OWN 5055 Milli gigSiINLSlelUIV III Irsyloaa ong mm um lm lllIou It strogrjdlhlby 1tittndlialnl1nd stove 33m hrgcfwr REAUTUUL TREED BUILDING LOT chmolale vlllll Ii ncnlaary Ilulrorthome would retailer home rl Harrie LI oarl dawn Illarllliil llirlurll Ont Axldnr 517930 iIu Dill unwell New In LENORA Lllcocx mwlr mm MIN lEACLFUL EMOlllLVl Ia on mlm MuIrI llmil in UJi ml lmfy homo Iltualcd on It ozru ill beaulliul trred 93 WW mmy vropcrty Lm lq ll of moltturf living with lola at room Ll bufment to nil lzmtly room extra brdroom cclioiywood lslcltcn anuiolu living room wlthirrrllm Aakllu trim Try maturaum unmisan maowurwlllunau willhhhdkmonl WM luae 10 onron iKILLAllNLl BEACH ROAD film uorala my whom II lrorn mm to ram lgrge loIlI no agilwlIIrld WI IM No BEDROOM0n my largo lot in 0mr galcrayon loIbeutIt plan Aaklru Law at WWW mm mma bedroom on an out BRICK THREE DOBRO Gcld llolniilon home but llillellle lIru Hth room Il Illunzed on omxlmaikly one Izra at land with arllnil with llrwl callrnt form on oll I1 For more Morn OLOlzli llOllE iN DOWNWNN Home Four lama two rin imagdnhueddnn wimlovu lala ol mp0 to moi Ml Iltlow ace FOUR BEDROOM HOME Oolllplrllliy icmvlcd with whruhoo and garage lriew at room ow down LOVELY rllo Olznnooll Halli trcrri roiling Swill limr tillI lmlnwuldta homa l3 ritualod on laroeiot mdrmust be arm to he mrrcioico 1Cllllllolil Allin so out llUl breathtaking vw lllcal lot lobby lum good wo land pm rnvlna outta llitil small frlraml Aalzlng lilmItny vendor will holdImortgage 1SOUTH OF llAllRlE Three bdrm hrlrklzlldgllovi family rocm with lIepllxc lel polio dam on main oor molt galoar Asking MAN uI MAKE AN OFlElL older moral moo mjm lot on Ellmly lllvy IloalL proprriyls large Imagine be raterrd iota tllmelolaw II Colll AND SEE lllLI our bakoom homeln Armn Park this now cedar bungalow is Iltuowl on large lot and Idlurtll to llaIkland laoturu lcmcd yard demodcm manor dotorI Prlred lmmllEALTOR ll DUNLOP lvrsr moo lzollal TORONTOSMTMLI MOVE RlGlll INAMW ck lmd AaklnlJuat 321510 tutu water boomeran 11 term Bu IRonIJaaea noun rill other loo nixed Norm andburmenl on irtod homesila lluy lunu Ask lar lion Ilonc mull III tar rllmmmlru MV Malina COUNTRY LlVlNG PM qln we mail with 1me rem ltrlek norm hm hm Ind good Ilu r0 yolg omr CtLL LmORA ILtVCOCK mull FANTASTIC BUY FOUR HEX JUST REDUCE mm lllro out you buy lulr rumbler Irll anchtd two bedrocrn U3 inenll Ii llltil Ieorrrta dining room lug llvlng Item ltozt tillo vll brick building mnvanmt rcniol lora llml CALL llllRllIJ JIEllllXlY mow Illlilwn ly Bowirlimclll OLPAMIXG THREE BEDROOM RAISED RUNOAUJW South rd altmla 23 lo llwy 4w pllced no1th ot slow Illl mm mum our owner lranalerrrd and ready to ll TM lloln immcwlria and well mud or in cvtry wry must term it lira oil the ururl mna ma in unilniIllod blazmant llltil walkthrough to alum ward OALL llAllllY allllEELLlelsll 7mm lar 9le inroLxtloru LUiGE HOME SHANTY BAY El on 17 mm truly home in all resoutr rmzllcai ll 12 ll wlill wkln clozatl urge ount kitchen with lll room dnlng room and ltmlly rom how rd otlr lkora nlla omr la inrlolllly decor llod and rely lo more into mam CALL BARRY CAMPBELL NM 7114 OH lAiAOE iONTAllIJl LilllraO arm 99mm STREET IlARiilE 0NT lmclll RREALESTAJELIMITED il UUNLOP bi ll 72mm TORon amass AllilAlslNG AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL RM aOnlH co mum AREA moo you listed or vary Ittrutllrllllto brick tlm llrrcy tour blllmom home Mitt attach Pill217 REAL ESTATE BROKER ll woman slHBAiilltll mill nulls TWO BEDROOM BUNUALOWr $3001 double lezd drivaway Illach garage tool tllrd Illnlrn nice tram great tlllrlor or railromrm home Poamora portlculan plum call Doug Sicilian 1M1 or moors ltHlROUND SWIMMING POOL In Just ontol tlla no lcuiurca ol WI it we rrtrut watt Baalit two bulroomjuoow broadloomrd throughout alluhorl game two patrol and more 1i vltw grimly coil lralllt llolwi Mom or Ktn Korvan mom or now $4000 DOWN mo monthly on tho mortgagor will buy this harming two bedroom bungalow with Ilngla Iaro and node limp tlw llo 132 treca lot has More poulblllllu or levarnncc DinantIlgrloy rail lodllyl Full mica mow Pltlllo ll Jupp Limteli INTERESTED lN SELLING YOURROME How Would you like mnmonunse no obligation omlazalarlrl estimatr ol Lila llwrkvt valua at your llolnr For lmmrdlala Iclon tall Bob Danlord m1 1740 or 715 UNE YEAR 01 SPLIT LEVEL Souloua tllrre bodroom with main lloor inmlly mom llI bathroom Iud double gnlulla with dolthla ravro driveway nla unlirlialled Marmot rim oirllly ol uope lar norlrrlloll come mom ale Asking price mom with nary lcrlna llellw tall Robin Jllpp 7311391 or Harm 011 1mg won 1qu 11mm rm In Olnllld to mom min 1m Mariam ManualII tlIll Ilmyl Fran Kant Kan Kohl DIIln rd mgr llalllrocllu rerrcnlloo room EM Iu dining room Llqu klallznllrrooloomedlcnnl exclusive Call llilI Eraodrrli m1 mar aroma No H1 TRIS TWO BEDROOM is BEAUTY New on the nlllrkell Rea named throughout just more In and Ilnrt to UN all new large thdlcrl largo dlnlng room and ring loom thir llome Illawl Lorried on it quiet street inshanlv Bay low taxel oi cost at par ytzr Call 12mm or lorl Ilouaa Lu Dnhml lZlva ms No to DDUI BAUNAl llallnr lcll Excluslvr mu lllur bad lrnlly room nllll iirrlliumr ll royxul tilts lrnlurra in you or our will lllls llouha garage ctr low only USN callI Till1m for ll ll No 721 71 nonllANr TTUHZUU REALTOR llourll itokdaya lo Saturday toe FOUR BEDROOMS RAlllllE Attractive well muinlllllled billk and Iaxmlnltrn lluma in mllh coll 0nd town coloring two bathrooms attached gnraga and lrnccd vnrd Call David Sllrlllvrrll mom or alanng 1w EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT Just lno mills north ol Olly limits InOllmobillllg at your doorstep Call Joiln raulorli llI Ill1 lo IIell KNOW TWO ACRES use law 50 FLOOD lirrplm rind waikout largo WNSLDER Mala ln llln sauna lamliy room or only this lwvbodmom tillea mm and doublacor loroga in ralrlgaralor rooms eodl uIHlel no loll nuur Noon Frrn IOVM HI III 11 All NP Harri DI bedroom with garollr largo Illnle garage many chtroo tally 563300 1300313 PROPERTY va loroy bnrlr duplex lo Ailllndnle total rent silo Biting price moo country Iulwurldcdhy trees built by prmni owner Ind having tour bnlroonu two bathroom fireplace ouruaxrs omulll 1O roroatod balrolllal turd limi exceptionll Roaming It 10ml tar UllIrall ll Dance Wnrlrn nil2m rage or body alloy lleroom llama with woken livlrn room wll to wall llroolalo oIn llwy only $51900 DAVIE Four level Irlla lamlly loom llltll roIlter ballroom plus three othua owner ha Mm 569900 warm voun roar ank ll luxule mm ling INS bItllroom homo will two ii in Mlmlln rm CllAllll mo cluuulorrn or all oldir homo moi mi DC with new pmlmlomlllandlcaphla oedar dock and door trove Ind lillerlwovo own Ill for oninlsquI 1150 Io ll til wall live mi amour WIMIILAlIQMIllan MI cull VIIIam torllli No on Illl mm loll Ilvl CW ll blIJt llOBDY rllnll aa It with orrIllomr out oocn no out Ion Milla KB mmv III Ian JIM NH 89 BAYFI rnoto lllullipla JEFFREY STREET lot double olleri good Illa loIt MW mu JOHN STREET Tllrra Bedroom older home doubla comics new clulllon liner and double alnlu ill ldlcn UNW washer and lollilare olI moo lmnl mIIII mom JIIHWILM cmlum my Praia no nu Illl wlnumll JUST nroucro Three bedroom rpm entry manly mm rocraaon room and lourill bedroom large lot with iarriilc view ol ilarrle taking mmCall Don lliilar norm Dllo 1w bedroom bungalow with attached RJTDSOJAIO lull Irth lot llllll an to belloll Call lllll Miller 71045 or TilMN Waco Toll acm thrva bedroom UHF bungalow with limploca land Ittnrlrcd garage barn with lalwed paddock lantratic view CaJ 1an Mllicrzllll or Mimi QUALITY Pill TIRE wCAilON SM iltll lollr iml 4dr will lamin room wll llrrplact and patio door walkout bonnth master ll our ooca bathroom and walkin clout dauha rxcollrnt nancing Asking 1900 ollcrn mth nomle Sultan llnrrlo ooll aunders READ ESTATE BROKER ELD STV BARRIE Good lulllly home um luamolu brick backapilt two washroom recreation room all atllsly ganm pom drllwaq Aaklng H500 Try AllllAlSALS SINCOE 5mm lien Jual $5400 Dont lnLI one Cali non loan laal lzoall Listing Servicev SANPORD srnlzor lollr bellman to slim bdrk home quirt ruldanlinl strut llrroiace in living room newly decorated liartn dryer incllulogl in pllldlm llEMNTE as am good arm 1km Itwuhlms older bedroom house 1in hobby laIrm llsillrlz mom allmr ltrmay mm wm rm loll um Wood on alum mm 7232435 llVlTF lILT DRIVE Til la custom built three room hungoow with fantastic view of tho lair lirepiw cuaionl Tillildl AUDREY UALLANT melt 1NGRlll MILLER mum IJEliNlCL llllhlAN illle lSADllLL SIMPSON 1mm BERNIE ROTH DAVE WA lDU GAL lliLL lliLLl DON llL MY DECANIE cupboanll hrollllloum custom draw to remain many other extras Hm Coll wrgo cooitl now mllill 72o hormone tor cloo in rat hill to ma with Itlum moon mm on provnty Prim to roll at Mil Gall loom Mill llltiVlill moron 0113022 ClUl Ourtlllrtll Loo lo on Hwy lliUPl nullll 93 UPDOIlOn Trrltu lCari Dorm mam ur 1237005No BUILDING 10T 100 150 lot in 00 with areas to Lula ou rilllJVlllGVDl or all On vl lurua axviuale Cul Pairr Shellswcll mm or avurinzl MSW wmuluutlllrraot llwr Ctili Will Vctlll oi 1215 ii lvs STA nun REPllTAllliN 0N YOUltILter TllIM 11