end sis of E5 North SimcoeMP Sees Rough Going routh will it was marat lrudesu might win an election Biiynardinha fml Parliament itbeeriiedonathlr iaiL but it mldbosminorlty government itttopredttttoaeeuchaslnltl bertanwing washed it seata Alberta the polio are Mr gheed possible as tests come hum ll mil to It tremendous triumph tor the Conservativel party said the Orliila surgeon Peter hour heed and ill lteittenant Dr Hugh mar ramplured on the thesis that the Social Credit Party bad data reasonahle gov ernment but had been in power too loos iba Casaarvstivea promised they would try Ind tm prou on that reasonable tavern meat and nuke it stand out do result thousands oi Social hditm ocked to the inurheed banner to give him an opportun ity to improve on the record of tha Sodal Credit government which had been in power since the 10s they did not win ND aa ort the leader oi thst party was acted Dr Rynard noted in dlecrualng the trend for chants the North Simeoa mom berootmentad Whenyou have to per seat at the elettorata tut where he won towere applied Canada it would mean that mu urn in deslloa with dlfllcultlea by the liberal tern Athenians were going to have to do something to protect their dollars iia rould have pegged the median dollar at rate which would have given Con ads marginal edvsntars over what has mulled trom our prev ent tioatlar dollar the North Slmcoe Conserval the quoted liberal friend as suggesting the idea is now to halt the firms out wholoaa their sales liia idea was to pay only the llrmr that make sslu end provide lot and pay them by income tar manipulatlwr to outer the mount they hsd to depreciate their price by to get the sales he reported in this way employment would be little atlected and transports that hard the spoils would all be kept Dry itynssd invited constitu ents in wrtia him their views on this and other national team along with the tax aittisllon mt naturism nutrient Ptrorrt trains lo irudeau would not be eleo Iter Itnv IiiM longmarinooontlnuoua tilsmettt nylon on team tracking in ltuat BlueI Avocado Gold Blue run end Cinnamon ooloura Youll be happy with it and with the are Woolworth price Shop Iooni mot eettoa with lesa burden is hose Flak Yet low Green and Aqua Add new look to your bathroom 21 mum For hails or slain Viscose in tweed attach Avocado Gold BlueGreen tiedBlack or Cinnamon Not enetly as illustrated gapnyiona vis Take In your pick tnyaglsaortatt ooioura ottttztsrnnro of 1971 Models 97 Walk in and Start Lining EACH Saveyourrugaln hIa lratllo areas Lightweight oieer plea to with olaata to holdl In place 21 wide real bargain ehop tor It at Woolworth trip to wit ohy colour aohenta with multioolour atripasViaoosa Nylon and Aoryllo bland synthet tittres in Quality Home tyntttrrrr scansnnar neutron Fully ndsmpedlotahilnlmumd0003qil EACH WHOM it it onto it 55 ua aory my csAAmmd eztor oloured in Tan itine Bu Then at Gold Avooado Me Pink tan otter omen Wily Iststs Living wttlt Commuultv Atmosphere rum not honor lraaa tltgttway tr tars aorta on itth this midway belweea hurls Ill Drttila has 0riliia lattes old Bards itosd to hum turn Instlr tar iii mites For indoore or outdoors Slza 18 21 Assorted pill and tweada Voull wantl buy morathsnone Teach your pets to sit on their own rug Saves wear and tear on yours Theyll soon love it 2A 36