Si or no the 5E sl 33 EE III Ii 08 gr or In Fe Ts To humor bonny nr 33 if in EE see or 35 253 uodej thorns heave In leather and er hrvlnt Illopod mood the ramp relltnr and think thelr Winchester ruler Ilean thr lrrthtr In tho out Elle hat tlnr IIullr Blnnx were tranr to hUh let them to Ioln them In crm Would tomorrow he the MI prlzn lnwloe urtrllthowhlte Vlhen hlr New It people on the Pralrler Another poulhlllty wu that the hloux would Invade the hlrcklnot it zinger LE Al noun Innon YEARS A00 IN TOWN new rennet ruwioahr on crnrdlrn Brute Emrlner Sept 22 1951 rlrerwleer IMNJhrtsll IImr Trophy owned top weekly ended IGA on rnplremry sooner won her In NewYork peg oopven on Harold won Dlnreoo Countylrdlee not clump weighborome ranger gmn loruhlpherterrluklgromhrI wmmmmm Gerald nehntnder TOMNO nu new mane or muttonarm who mm In unwrwtrmmtttnt We WMM Wm All would va been war It war tyor Ilra Ian hethollrtlrtrrroundrPltch Ihotraaty wlthlhe IIIIehooI hlrUh In turn to 1mm mm neon Olller SenIce lor locrlr wm Blake Oonsctoole coolrderarr on the Wool our hula on Ilorry Couae BIIIItryrrrIl Patrlck ltlaeklootcmetn WI Poland Rotorymmumnrmodmd am Btater IAOnt men Dally Mercury IOII ROW In the dryrolweatern devel vomenl onao thenrorteolornrl rna wu tonven wallatmepnedoltlr n3 ar pram my rlhle war between the Bllck gmmld3$p23 eet In 03de Alberta and 5h Mumlu pmm 315 Egg my 5mm grant oHIMlqudllnl who MGMth door In hornet and two plne entered In Iron1M to 113m INAmurmured rem poonder yeIrr ployrueul Mel Ilet rm Nohody It aeernr rounled the Whlln the treaty wrr bell IltlAerlal rurvey enrn Indlant but they hnd Ibout Ilrned Ihout Blacklont olwlldlllaooArclleLrlanda Boston Brulne rmrteur lrrlnlnu ramp than Drvrrornrnr orn two weeh rpectrl course on West In or Irrelerttead RepWelIImtom on Al olrzn 0mm Rowe Bl fAnrruamdconYij rey nun too we Bounty lrorulremrer Jack ColerFrn IIranro hIIlchelI tolled through nlght to nuke lee rt Bnrrle Arena lor openlng Illthtnnde Ileeeleotedlneroeutlveol lrhlnnerkrhmhrrrle ndlwlllleoeo two IoleoorIIovnr In Ontnolo Hydro Ior Ilentrl IIMOO plrr Innttertrl molten Rev GLIhert 0rd ughthourn Inducted Modern Parlrh ot Shanty Bey OPP meted two men our hourr our ry eorpe elected to Ontano Collepe regional ol ennurn not Nehrldo ol Donr Lane Coast mornpanled by Lt William Noll Botrteloronto new lululane hlrhwry now open Emer ron Creed Ilomdrl edltor tendon Free Prerr Ientured In rrtlele wrlltnn lor Idle Innuronco Comprrder ol Onnndr He ran at Mr Ind Ilrr wtlllom creed Brrrle lormer RCA pllot Itoy Ktpnlley rd Ind storeoo County poll ohunpltm governor LCalilornia LADIAMENIO CIIII AP For Gov Ronald Reagan IIII haI been yerr ol trlrl trlllnn Ind dlrnlnlrhed pun IrmaWhom the plvolal Int In hlr tenure Ir Chiller duel erecutlve lWe hm been It yerrr to Ier moment the rearold Repuhlkan rrld Ier mmer Iller wleldlnr hlr veto rm to Illrlr ISM Inllllon horn the Ierlrlatnrer venlnn ol the an rlrle budret Noam took olllro tn Jam row at tltlrenpolltl oled to rquem Ind ettaod the tort ol rule roverIntent Backed by nrmlonnolo update the Iorrner Hollywood atm declared wnr on whrt he tilled the runaway rpendlnp ol Nora and the Immune III Interment JIodIy the IIan Ire deeper 1n Mum tanned tree Iew goryhurl are vlrlble around MW at hlr dirk cnnrervr tl oly utmrrrod halr Borne ol III II prohlarnr tIlla chlol IetLrlnllva orLI wlrarlallodorklllod outr llrr Dormerallcoontrolled Tula II AND hlm la Illllth eprl herdtollead erollrv wllh Bernadette llwruak In an ellort toaehlova JIDIIU on wollarorrlorrn rlounrreeed III wIItmbl hyeodro volroy over hla dlaelorurevthav become at hurloerr roverrer he did not have to pay my rtrto Income tare In Im lor Inennu earned In mo Has Trials Tribulations Dlllereneer between Rearrn end the leon Idmtolrtradon over wellare orhrrarnr and Inn on totho poor ledalellew Itepuhllcrn Irrernor Thm IIeCrII at Oregon to onertlon Itarzenr loyalty to Nlrtn Rea en Veorrlnredherall an nulrpo en moderate that ha la norrhn Itlrrn man and that hIr turner ere wlth bureau cratr In Wnrhlnrlon Ind not wllh the prelldtnl hlmreLI The tax Incident wu Itarted Hey when reportera rrked the gouernor noneIdered rnllllonelre about rumor that he dldnt per any auto Ineome tom Ileana who error Ithloo ar lovernor couldnt re call whether hr hrd lo pry any Lrter hlr olllra nlrlrlbutnd Italement reytnl Iteerurr nl hurlneea reverrer of Governor llearrnr Invertrnentr he owed no rlrte lneorru Inner the mo DENIES WRONG DOING Iloarrn accused reporterr ol ereellnl klnd ol Inwareulon thnt lhm mtrht hrrr been rome wronrdolnr Ilthoulh oven hlr DonnerIle leer Iald Rearrn dtd nothlnl more then take rdvanlarr ol lrrltlrnrte de atctlonr ollered by the tax or III The In tneldenl erurrd auth rtlr that Itmanr wlle Nrnc Irld rho hoped he went run Ior puhlle olller Illth But except tor dlravow Inl derlrnr on the pruldentr and Ireqnenlly plodllnr ho tnher Report In High Biseylygltpdrtrnents BI KORISY KOROLUK TORONTO CPI ltrtdy recently complnted In the Metropolltan borough ol North York could prnvlde more arm mnnltlon tor the nowlnl number ol ponpla In Toronto and elaewhm who no atlllen Inp theIr opportunn to hllll rLII apartment develnprnentn Ina rtud Iound then In marked more In the de Velnpmtnt ol motor rkllIa In hon llvlnr In hlrhrlrn apert menu In three arerrIrll Ole Barrie Irammrr ttBaylleld Street Brrrlr Onlrrln Telephone Second Clare IIIlI grammar Number turn an hufngu and Btatutory Holldryr erreme Subsule reler dolly by rrrrler our weekly who year Ir ninth ctpler roe plw ol Cantor moo yerrly would not reek thlrd term or lovarnor IleIIIn ulth wouldnt clnre Iny doorrln udlnr try lor the UB Senate MI renurto nun GREEN BAY VIII AP Itan Dovlnr rooklt roach ol Green Bay Preterr at tho III tlnnal Football mm whore ler war broken runday our re ported leellnr llne IIoodIy he who had hlr NIL dehut ruIno twn way eurdry Ile broke hlr Int In rldellno plleu revotal nulol helm New Glrnlauptet the Fallen FUUI Ind odltortol Inrlerlrl cre Itarrle III nuly County III yetrly Ilalrnne er counlrler troop yearIyI nter throw all moo yeuly Natlonol Advartlatnr ollleu tltllnlrertlty Avenue Toronto MO Cllhutl Str Montrerl Member ol the CInIdlrn Prear and Itudlt Bureau oI urculro Item The Conrdlan Prerr II nrelue Ivel eotllled to the ura tor ro puh eatlon all norr dtrpatth ea In Ihtr prper credited to It or The Arron rted Pmr or Renter and alrn the local newt puhltrh ed Ihereln he Barrta Erarnlrrrr cIIlma GREAT GIFT yrlpht In all nrlrlnnl adrer Iled hyeltr employaea and prndueed In thIr nawrpaper CoDrlllIt Iterlrtratlon Nunh Vher more rorlrter II WW dtacover thot WI lty Intention at not Incaho morn rIortolrrnIlr homer Inlllrrnlly name their ohunu Bring In hm rIIu reagent Ilrtor In IlnIIeIInrlly homer rpand rlrnlreantly seller Irnnuntr ol thelr threat outdoorr play the rtudr war rounda rloood hy the North York bond at educatlor becrure trurleer were concerned about the porrltrla Illodn nl the rhrnxtnx nruno ol the enm rnunlly Almoet hrll ol North Yorrr Mllllllon or more now llver In hlrIrIIII Bulld Inpr In recent rrrhlIIr rlaa mnrtruetlon II In duh aIrIppod eonrlnrctlan ol an rtelamlly homer rune wurr The roller tut Involved rurnlnr II tart II pouthle um dun oouroa wlthnut hlttln the nrrrkerr at It etch Inn The dexterlty tort Involved Ihrnwlnr hrll artlort well eatchlnr It wtth the other hnntl then throqu and mentor rrrtn with the handr lno brlmcgt Involved Itrndlnr turmorolootlorarlonrupor WINS IZGOND TIMI OYhlEll BAY NY API Ted Nrner ol AtlrntI won the Beandtnavlrn Gold orp the metro ralltnr chrrnplonrhlp Mondrv tor the record It 11m beat Curbella rrIIed by Davld other or lrydn Aur trIlIah It recondr tn Illth Ind deedlnp rree or Inn lr IInd Sound In moderrte ldlo Irknot routheart wlnll An arwnvrrlour donor In Brll Ila recentlyoontrlbuled ILLS mllllnn to ertahllrh medlcrl rererrch eentretn Snorer the lure recorded prlvele III to modtelne In the country Ilhla with nyer cloned then ehrndnr leet Ind repertlnr InI rtudy lound no rlul not dtllerenrr between the two In reholartle anhleroment Ind behrrlnt or In the chltdrenr term or tell erteern ll tended to conrm the re roltaol rtnrllrr rtudlor oar rledoutalewyaarruoln Sweden and Yuroalrrta SLInh larrtudler In North Amrdrr ITO elther rare or nonerlrtent or the multr have not been nullhhed II II belIIved the ntth York rtudy war the llnt ol ltr Ilnd In Currdr 1hr Ilan report Ierlr lurther rtudy In tho aurFeI oI motorsthII dehlirphnleelnt amona hullrllnu FOUR GROUPS IIra rludy Involved Ihoul roe rludonlr rplll Into tour ap rmrlmrtnly rota pro at trade and Grrda rtleePntr inn Irlolrrenr not tlx the Illthnhn ll MMIW In yurllrler Inn ra 1IOIONIIEIODPLc In Mfoohn Beirut raw thI moth ha had been wIlUIII tor HART BLINDAY DITION Ile launched Otnday edltlnn InlISIandleltonrtouroth rope condent that hed retrn tn thud hat vrulr Itulled wlth money Inrterd when he rot hack the Sunday Trly war Ioolnr MM week Mr Barrett threw In the towel I1 weekr My Now It war Mr Mutt who won and publlrh Tellnam anlh notleo BIBLE trouser Int II II ulk II the II he II II the TM lollawrhlo Ill wlth nether ll IILIIod IT Full It hr eluaull In Itll Ill IJIIhI AlTa God never lntnndodrlnr err Invprnpe In thI dorm grate Ir IullIrlenIJI later rIIer drapptnr mm on the Ilrht ol the world Ile the venture lotlorleth Iller neutral People couldnt hrve and wall In darkneIa hutahnll lens he Illrl hid tort llpltt thI Mt ht llll 1T HAPPENED Ill author rn hlphrlrr Iprrtrnenlr and Grade and Grade on III Ilvlnr ln Ilnplolrrnly homes The rludentr llvln In Iprrtmentr hrd III rod above thI lourth oor In at learttwoyerrr whlle hor lenl In hlrh rhea lend to ploy lee out ol Idoora there our no rtnlll cant dlllemwe In the Amount ol tlrne rpent It orranlrnd rpmIn Boyr lrorn hlphrrreo re ported helplnl lhelr parenta my much leer thrn boyr In oIn yrar Dlrner at tho hrlrnnl rlomllv Milieu while there our no dtllorenee he tween the plrlr But only lew ol ereh reported the lack ol them or one It the Ihlnrr they liked rtool apartment llvmx htrny hoyr reported that one at the Idvrntrrtr war the opplprtunlty lo llayoln the hr and elevatorr Not everyone Ihlnkl lhlr Lr ruch greet rport however ldany boyr rlro reported thrt one ol the dlrrdrrntarer tr that they dullE the ruperlnlendenl rttrnnoorrrar mournnnrwvur owttttalllnsoFtllt IIUDIINIImn revue roarsrmumtuc gt ANIYIDUIIITIDFOIO IFIIMCMIWSNTIIIMIII ANTIMIer sovmunrrnm at wunnwvrtrstr vetvnrtrrnor Iron WWWW