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kemeeelaolltuns miceIIOLIII Mushrooms 300 emaarmdrotm Whole Potatoes for 43c DomllluChdceIIDLIII Tomatoes 26 Shirts Fury ll Iin Whole Kernel uraniummound Cocktail Mixes 89 OdomPhenomenon 301 Apple titles 25 ponytail Stretched ti Ill Orange Juice 43c Dominion Cl DI 11n Grapefruittuico47c Daniela ll Ol 11 Blended Juice 43c HEALTH 8r BEAUTY AIDS beetle Royals Box of III Ply llllel Tissue for 73 AIIOLBIL Listerine Ilc Denier Else Brylcreem 54c smmmorer POIIDENT 99c nunmomentou Deodorant 97c kettn out Applesauce cocktail AIMElion Ponchos Halves 25c mmIIOLDI PIe tting 40 Me WTMIOLHI Peeclr Halves 46c ch0lHISDI AM Tapioca Puddingldc CANNED MEAT FISII Domini TN 01 11 Cohoo Salmon 57 01min nail 11 White Tuna 53 Dmll Carl 11 III Boot loaf 58c Ill ll Ol Tll luncheon Meat 48 ulna MI Canned Ham $139 NON FOODS Rfvl Colours Deodorant Dalia Dial Soap 25 Fulanilo It OI Coal Spray Cleaner 78 sprayanus Boilstain DI Remover 97c Vanish Toilet 11 On Cant Bowl Cleaner 93c Dominion in On Cool Liquid Bleach 65 MISCELLAN mm An Sliced Beets 39ci iIIiI can Beeouthtrd Iluucteaed rta Grapefruit Juice 37 Brennan stalled LP III ler Manaamlla Olives 49c Quint Kitchen WI RH Garbage Bags 69c durum out Sandwich Bags 47 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Window Teller l5 DI SIII Don 59c emmnmieotn Air Freshener 54c vimmat 0L Aermol Gall Javex Quinn menace It as Garbage Begs 37c Ellean Varsoi 43c rtteenTOIAuwlht oven Cleaner 83c QUALITY MEATS Al DEEPDISCOUNI pRICES musremnantsme RED BLUE BRAND BEEF Ilaety RiB ROAST 77C rant lac arm Lb DRAlSlNG BEEF KIDS 77C in Meequ Sdilhli Aiit rtfil idihltl all We Coded to let DINNER HAMS MWRWT MM Hutu HAMS 49c lIlIII Mm Milli FIT PORK SHOULDERS 49c FROZEN POULTRY GradeI0IllIIIIIp RNISH HENS 72 noteall Hull BOIIING ram 225 Grade rtscerltld to Ihl CHICKENS 37 Grade Dec Router TBI and TURKEY 36 tirade Eriscerated us UL CAPONS 48 Lb Ideal for Deep mill CHICKEN LIVERS 29c ummuaurraa runner on FRESH OR FROZEN SAUSAGE nan Peculiar marlin irhim 59c Sausage SAUSAGE 49c Daren Country Style tLb Pu 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