on up an on the vi ccutt ldtn Mum has so tolrrce lid Oldhatn on at his street In that rare gators is well aheid oi Item the closest active plttsr Mots tan 59 =5 EEEEE The Organ Oli Militia Tnlpisyers tlsd with It points on two touchdowns eILh unea abs NipBruins InTraining Game bloatrasl uturtx CPI each Inadltna Icorvd goal in the tint and second pe ng Baton linstas er in tlosat liocls larva eshlhi Ia game llo sy night sza Dournoyer resend the It lttd oi the ssonl when he took pass It bluellnI Irom Frank Itshnr and tired it into the corner tho Boston net Contra Guy trailsur playing lint season with the CIna ens also picked up an assist the tits Drulaa tool In early lead the ran when Vlan Carb stored at trill the first nods ttlctln penalty on while or Clnldill ion IIIberts was serving blah Phil polite rod Ken liong pkhd up Insult on the goa which rams during rerarnbo in trust at ltootresl astralndtr Phil btyre ltaioan ltwis tied Ull game inr Cratdlena It Will it tho tint period loliswin In les Ieagth pit hylteart chard Mantras outtbot Daron Its in the slowpaced gtrns ltyrt was to the nets tor tho Csnadietl tor thI entire Irna hutthahrulnsslltaet ding duties between rry Cheaters and Ed Johnson NIILsllIlGame Schedule MONTREAL CPI The bit tlsoal Rocksg iaagoaa Idth tenors opens at with air it West Coast contests It all tbs Hams schedule the turns IDDotlltM Monday Toronto Maple lasts visit the knocks in Vancouver while gates Rings are It trails grant Caiilornla Golden beats tilt irtltisl action AI in molt this coming res ons schedule It spread over week period with to west ads it tlntthes April it to six games Each 01 the it not plays 7t games The Stanley Dip plIyotII this son will have ditterent soil The lirstvplare team to stir division plays the toarth lses team at that division hits the around and third lsco tlntthera asset in the other uarterllnal Previously the tint and as teams met and rec and Mirthplace terms cold each other in the quarter This season games will he iayod each night at the week though there only Is one blots ay glma It will he in bioni Iitlte tlrst that rsguiar Iron game has been schad lcd tor Monday in Montreal lisreh it with the detsnding Dip champion CIns sns Icing Philadelphia srt As usual more than hall the ebsdula is made up at weekend Espaslto Gets It Radio Show BOSTON AP Phil Eh poslto when set National llockey tongue record by It llag Norton mint last season it going to have hlaownttl evlrlen show during the 1mm esmptlgn napoolto lormer sporttrastor in Illl Delltl Sault Ste Marie OIL and WNAClt at Boston hero rsaehrd moment on weakly halibour program to be shown each Sunday startlsg Oct 11 Boxing Champion Dies In Montreal MONTREAL CPI Denali Danny Crichton ii OInadlsn slterwerght boxing champion ml died Monday in hospital loaoter its had been the trainer at Ich boslsgtl ta as Johnny Danru obs and Harry ursL Moral services will be held Milt points with as Will Start On October games There Itlli sures scheduled tor Saturdays the arm number lor Sunday The anti most pop otdtt it Wednesday when 111 games In scheduled then are or Thursdty games It Tussdsr Dos and tr contests slatsd tor Fr nd day All It teams will have pls ed at least one game by sun ay ct ID in addition to the tour learns Involved tn the openingnight games Now York Rangers begin their schedule at Montreal Oct Thatsame night llinae Iota North Stars Ate It Detrot Rad wings Chicago lilac llsnss visit lIlI blues in St Louis and the livers travel to Pittsburgh to play tho Penguins Pitts garner unscheduled tar 0st to Including the IIrai altarv noon contest at the seas An oies It Vaoco air lbronto is at Oakland the Rangers vltlt tbs llnalna in Baotou Detroit is at Chicago and tho Port visit thI bahrealntlult Medicor Makes Canuclta Payment vnucouvsn CPI Tito Medical Ca ot Minnespotls ALTll TAYLOR Detroit lions bath is botstsd high in air by Minnesota Vitlngs Alan Para as ho rrtttttt into the NIch MissesChanaef In Night Line tor on gain to not our no And It tell is tsrotgtmeia Detroit Monday lions Clruet Walton toll It him At rim II Lions Rome Photo Minnesota Clubs Lions In NFL Monday Contest tenslro team well pity all year but such eomrmts tut rlnubtcdl wont sooth the pride oi disappointed Lions tans Llun quarttrhath Greg lan dry who last Ids tuttth game In tour Ilsrta against the Purple Gang comptcttd only seven ol DETROIT tAPi Errol Nana could kirk himseii today huiho might be all target titan was our oi several real tor Detroit Unna Monday night In thrlr is National Fooqu League season oning lost to Ilinnsaott liklnrr lore national television audience and rtgarlty crowd at All at Tiger indium Fred Cos oi the Vikings booted maeysrd field gal with Izti rrmtlalng ta rllntts mover tron list decit Its also listed tlcltl rats at and ti yards while Gary Oloazo Bob Grim wth ttyerd touch eslird Dotr down pala tor the tltlagt othtr scars titan mulled stysrd tisid try with raven armada iett In the game which would have the game Itlt Its also ntlssei lletd gotis at It twice and it yards veath consecutive time Detrns has lost to Central Division rlral Minnesota and it marked the Lions lrst boars opening to ever it wu my shit all the way Mann trained in tbs ouet lJott tlr BUD Vikinyr co lied Crrni the toughest do Top World Bicyoie Racers Compete In SillMile Tour MONTREAL CPI Party elght oi Blropea top also oors were scheduled to push oli tram here at noon today in tho tlratsrer altprolessfnnoi rand rats held an the conuent tns Tour da ta Nvuveila Phones Tho riders tsero scheduled to start their tsomlls tlvedny train through the province alter terminatith neutralized ride through the heart at ths city line not proper wlu start out side the city traits and today the riders will pedal in miles to Drummondviils on their last tlsgo Bilitililtotllis Antrrlean League AR II II Ptl til Tl lhl All 50 91 III XID Olive lilin liurcer NY It lletlertmuad BII INTI tit sea In I9 190 105 519 77 I51 Jill ll to It All 461 It 117 29 U5 ET 111 291 Tovar Otis llttortrn Del RSmiih B0 All IT lIl 29l tlhtaendcr Clo trilolit are National team ARR lIPtl Torre Stt tot starters Clemente PgIt BOB IIIIIJIJ Beckett Chi Dill bdldljll Gorr All All Illtl Add ILAIron All 47d 156 Cdonca NY 473 60154521 tlroctr 51L bill III lit 11 Sanguiilco Prh bit it its tll WDavIs LA odd IDIILJII Sinuh III III DD III III tiondty mans its Ilrat major tymenttttoomon mil on it horrowod trom Capoul Enterprises ta raisin control ol Vanrouver Canuets ol the Na tisnai Noehoy Let Tat pay ntent arms by tone day ahead or schedule llertt Capoui slid blooday 1th are now hilly up to date on their payments and the Igrssmsnt it ontolttg Msdlcor bod pmloualy msdo two mathtv payments at sumo each on the loan made in InO Enlerprllts holds in tertrtlmcontrot at Northreat Sports tterprlaes whichowns the crnuctta pending repay meat at the loan in par year it Medioor repays the loan it gets bark its tot per cent con trolling intoreal in Northwest 1t delsvlts tho Capers company tIlIa over THE MUFFLER SHOP Derrlos Own outlier Melitta rite iNNlhTlL PtloNl new NAT TDI The Petnswtck Prams who won the install Bolt hall title this year The starting lineup to many at the worlds tor rseers taciudiag three past wnners oi the Tour do lranre Ind star Italian Dutch French and nalgian raters aiming tor the noun tlrtt prise money sound lrom Great Britain considered by mlny as outsid ers in tho bite lleld includes the eurront British champion Danny ltorton PRENCIIIIIAN lAIORED Prersco lsvorila among Eu ro eta ollleitia and ournalists ed on th val here Monday was Cyrilla Guimtrd 01 France llulmIrd last sprinter placed third in the world championships last month and seventh In this years Tour do Planes lloading tho list at contenders against Guirntrd ls Gianni linttn ol Italy ormer winner ol the Tour at list and currently boasting secondplace Irish in major lttiisn event last week Also listed to stars were Marlo Basso at ltaly ltorrr do tittmlart ol llelglum Ind Jan lsasssn ot ltoiitad Ill tormrr Tour winners in Europo il ya ltel Flato Duran got ltd yards rush the and own to with Iii minutes so my poriunity to Minnesota The Lions drovth yards uith the licking mart tirlrl goal tlvs plays and boom pra ally this llsnn llrtrrl toysrd Iicld psi at tilt at the second nastier Alter todays relatively short sings to Drummondriilo the ri ders will rest overnightr Wednesday morning they more Into thI longest lap oi the rate lsl miles to Quobtc City PREIIIER ll STARTER Premier Robert hoursssa oi Quebec will get liturtdtys It tirity under us in the provin elsl capital by opptng tho lltg tor the stage to muntivleret 0eron IHEPAPHIBACII ANII PERIODICAL DISTRIBUTORS ACT 1971 Application tor registration on Distributor undertttlaActmustbomadototholtoglstrnr on or haters ths tlrst day oi October 1971 Distributor in dollnsd under the Act II person who engages in the business at setting or dlIlrlbut ng paperbacks er parl odleals or both other than by sale by retail in In ultimataoonauntar Fo lntormalianorsppllostlentormsplatso WI II Thattoplstrnrotiapsrbtektnd Partndlcsltllstrihutora Dapartmentot FinancialIndComrnorslatAllalrI 555YongeStraot TorontozotQntItlo Hon AWtrhart00 IMAM HEADQUARTER FOR WINCHESTER REMINGTON turnrrhaeir tern ilarney was Baltimore LIOIIDD mrnrra to while Dtrait runners lnrr Allie Taylor and asses tor Irtim ol Grims tauhdown also turn killtil on nine to hand Ihu wnniag op opening nil nlth Mann lsirr Landry ippni eyard srorlr to Im UNIROYAL is YOUR Detroit New York Washington Cleveland Oakland Kansas City Oslcaro caiilornla Minnesota llliwsuhco Rosella Monday ilsitlmure New York Washington or Clavolsnd llllwsatos Minnesota Imhable PIan Today Milwaukee lltrautso 1D at Minnesota Perry loll Detroit llimmtrman lot at Boston tianborg Clevrltnd tltatad 15 at Warh Ington Barman 111 tlaltlrnoro lllcNttiy lot at New York ttetrrson ttltl Chicago John in and John son IllOI at Oslland lDohson 1H and Blue mi IROWNING ond ITHACA FIAEARMSI Philadelphia San Francisco Dos Aagrirs Atlanta Notuton Guclnnatl San Diego II Itl IT IS All lih ppd rala rWINCHESTER IT GAUGE PUMP snoratm Cdrnplele with tour bosesot the new Winchester Ditkr load llltIlJ IPECIAL sa guau==n=32= Rustin Monday Philadelphia at Montreal Probable Pitchers Today New York tScIvrr at Chicago tliooten 14 Philadelphia Reynolds Hi It Montrrnl lllorion told San Diego thanklln Dd at Atlanta tRsIIsy Hi the Angtlea Datesn 1310 at Cincinnati Oulistl 1de San Francisco Olmheriand at It llmutan tailiingham Till BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY BE It mt II BASEBALL RECORD Ity TIIE CANADLIN ram Americas tsagas Part IV Pct OIL times my tDrago tell at Calllornla Wright lblti National League listen Lchlld ntn tor the timers Senatora Iuture To Be Discussed BOSTON IAP Amen tennis men were to Mt today to dlseus the baseball ln tars ol the ltnabdallthhlod tnthlngiarr Senatart Owner Dob Short was boo eornntittal on whether he plans to trek traoebtsa trInIlrr nil the club or remain to Washing ton by some means its eltluts hsbaslosttdrnlliloaatntepmr chasing the Senators in In Short would need alas at the it votes iatluliog bia ova to smile permission to man lies lle re tied otters to buy ort Iad Monday thera is or such thing It an utter on its table ilI paid it million tor the Senators outbidding group which included comedian Dob Hope and it testing to new hit losses not95 COOEY IT SEMIAUTOMATIC Complete with tpowrr Wenvtrtcopo SPECIAL $4988 snowman 126A AUTOMATIC snoroun s2II 3006 CALIBER BROWNING AUTOMATIC RIFLE Shoot It day In and day out Lin any weather son titer seasonl litre II the villa hunters have weight semiautomatic spotter by our to years at experience In automatic iireamts this new rilla drntonslrntts the kind at pmlsian and pertur manee shooters have come to export with Browning rr unstrd Ior yrnrs brill tho Browning tlght Wincherltiglsnry sttorouu ElmL5 BOXES ll GAUGE silolllllN suntan hlsdo or one at the roost liable mnnulaeturera in Bistros told with aoncenosiva prt more smokeless pow drr Ind ehtiied shot tsdasstrbeusnut$ ebdiitandlthot no litllliIliillD st rangsass initiation makes the gin mg TIGER PM