in en $33 one Forghlhlellan Fri FE souE 5553 utrlt AmtIn hll In Inn tulleInn ennetetlnn mt llIlllu lor hruhlnl In Int ltr nun Donnelly toldthe In LIIIML LIAM llnhort Nlnnn III In tbe eIty lIIt debt In meet the one Ind erndldetee tor the neon County me In nell Ir enn dldete honetulI An rnlthlII II III noon at euoonrtrrn one It mod the noun would tIhe Into Irml the Ilrne he hII My mm tnlfinin Albert nun erlme III Iv In no warm rneIt or own thullthndonemedontho mil tour of the met am neemedzedledtenreM co ea It We ell ll nnIInInnIEI Irrr Irlrntk prooerenrlronmentlor Steer d1 reunnerrr Inn Tutl hmle ll Ihehem ntVlItentI ttd new lth IrlIIot do thereem mien omoerlv mmm 3w In on ML Intent from one roInmlIted on KIM III mum to there hId Prmbeoh youth lndlentnn In Iled lhnrndu tthe Moo been no blrtnry ol Itnlenee den Illeredly lInlty rttle rnIy hm nInehInlnrn Irh leh retelem oenllty tor premedrtet nonmetalenlan are the yolthe nhyelul hrenIcontrlhullrIllIetur mt urtrtdeeehorntbe rlevllletIrt wlthlnooenholm Ilrengtblle nolnted out Enr mm mm Lloyd Gemd thrent ol It the balm rule Octlttthetlrehnll IIIthde new In 07 Fh lg theGoldenLIhtodlInmrm dldnotmneom 11 memdnllpln IheIoreIIn The ynrth mm nukemlhothmhnm IJodelneent them when hId lInuInr lelrnlnl Ibllltlen III In mt my mm In trlIl helm the ohm or the neon mod when In Mm but could runnnd to renttn PM IN Ill prune Court on them It umllytltudtherlllut enamel month IlIuItlInI the knee mm 1mm ntmlul nextlrenu eInIlnI nut mm my mm eIld MI MW 10 deeth lle tlr Mull we In mu Crown Attorney John llurohy The mIIIInurn Ientenee tnr The churn molted Into the hIrnl lntherneothendl Id Ilthounh there In no vb me In llle lrnprlmment Ind Ahootlnngtltllh ltnre to II Oor the trl MI hell my leoee end no obyelell hIrnI oth Npplll don stunt II It Pom pened In Two Ioeublndhounettbe Lullr ldrlIlInn tall It Ill 53 throt Ouelnlglll on onnpnmney umln on Mlnleler Plum nun InonIunuerwennunu mallet glimmmm Smalllet III mod do from PW heel httzIehur Iterour bro enter Ind Ihettee I3AGrourthArdNirtdnhlehlcmw Pollee enld Iorne lnuptmlte Ihnlen the en oI Brute CityShould Be Pushed llhunntero ll velued It tee BIrrleehould be In tooth centre end no orln rlIl old In eeIIhtlIhlnI ndurt rleu Llhenl eder Robert on IIld lent III III Nlron nude than ohm vItlone It nrrte tonlerrnre It the Continentel lnn durlnn whleh he Iouebed on number ot In Iuen lneludlnl Iht to renovate eehoole Ind mlonIl govern ment III lnlxoo III rrltleIl ol the lDeIlzn Inr Development The Toronto Centred lleIlon report hut he mend wlIh the reetlon ot the plan uhleh duhnoted llIrrIeII growth centre To lurther thlI ohleetlvl he tell that the lntluetrlhl more tunlly orevlrloo ol the Ontario Development CorporItlon 51 IIIon Inrly to thlI elly Under thlrnewnton theoreetnee II dlvlded Into In celled enIl hnte not mil lnIlnI Irler thIt ertIhllIh olnntI In the Ilow wth er trun not dler trlrllrlvro Irrletrd ItnInelIlly Ih ullh Ineglrnhle lorne BerrIe IIII nerer come under lhle ntIn Jr to reelnnet Ioternment lllr leon he no memtlonn bellete the exonrtmentr In redonel Iovernmont nver the nut thee yeIrI hm been ee rentlonelly IIllurre IIld Savings BondS Headed By BurlingtonMan PIlIleh ohIIIrI ol Bur lurrten ha been Iouulnled In anInIIIr tn the tort CIuItlI SI Bond enmoelen nIy rol mlnu dlvtrlnn tor Iletro Toronto Ind Elrnroe County He terrllory lneluelee lllldlend PenIlInI llIrrle Aurore GrI venhunt Ilunln ttlchrnond lllll NInmIIII the We LI hlrr Ollur elIhlh yeIr II In ornnlrnr tor the CInIdI llIvlnn Bond eemn elm yeIr mnrlre the 31th In ulterury ot cInIdI Sevlnu anode Ind durln Ihn peeled lttl mo lnelunlve IotIl II III billion In CSBI were gur ehmd through the IIyroll lull PlIn more the ennnlry It you In the me told ol thereon Wuth nl CSIII were urrhuodlltrounh omntl no one Irom em Irptleetlonl the tm In men ulll ho roIrIn nvrllIhle on kt Ind Iltl he told It for unlll Nov ll IhII new IereI roIlIIrI nn InIIuIl efuent II 71 to nIIlurlly In InnuIl rete ot per cent tor the eenl tor the Itrull your per cent tor nIrh ol the next the yen Ind Iv Irut eanhuno eultlutlon Goal here rben hut Il VIntrgneI the not and In Mr Nlron Inld three ultertI worn nenuIIry hetero rhInlen wud be hrounht Ihout In em Ionernmenln relorm tn III Itlon Iueemrnt between the enunleloelltlee Involved Ind no lnerunn In the present level of tnxntlon hlr leon IIld rexloml nov ernmrnte Iurh II the Menu one Ire Ion lnrno Ind nnt In the hut Internet at the people The Ubernl leader Imllllll lypleIl cImoeln Imlle Iteoped down Irnm hue Ihout one hen Ind nu eeted hy the eendld Ito or 5mm Eat lllllj tun Glll Ind two reoreenntl It me Centre Peter Ilell Ind Lloyd llrlnlow ltlr lenn III mmplnlrd by layer Ilrure Owen the slmcoe Centre eIrIdl Ilele In the lnet eleetlon The horn lender old not mete In tnrrnrl element It tonlerenn nylnl he would rotor to In tht untll lur or In the Clmfdlll ltlr Nlnon relented lhIt bl would not mm the no thool ouertlnn In eleetlnn nd wouldnt brInI It up unlur uted Ihout II III IIld the only IIIorI the eItenIIon Payroll Div per cent tor eIeh at the In It two yum InII yeIr the mnxlrnurn llrnII et csnI ll reterd to tattoo Durln the mo CSII unr onlm more then rrnoeo employ ee In eIlIblLrhInentI throne out OnlIrlo nurelrued record loIIl el more than tlolvrnlllton worth of mm Sevlnn Ilondn throuIII the Peyroll ll Plln weekend Weather 10non CPI Weekend welthet Snlurdly will reth unsettled In northern Ontqu tor the Ilrnl oIrt ot the dey nlth cloudy mther Ieeomne rIIed by Ibwrer or two In the rtIy progress Iorno tleIrlnl to expected lrorn the IIIeIL Sun IlIy Ihould he eunn nlth rome cloudy rlode Bo om Illl be on It tool Ilde llulmum temperllum wlll he In the It Int Inlnlmonu In the Inld tn htnh too Megdmlwll ltelduzulorueht ste reo an he ured lor both when at III to our eehooln thruth Ill Idol but feel no IrInlI Ihou he Inert In pm In Irhool hendr Beyond IbIt lyouhl hone lt Inuld not become the not In Iuledmeny people thlnk It II be en Whllo lt Inn nn nu Iun lonnl the leIder IIld the only lent II Item III ehnnn In the Ionernment Ind tlnIn tor movement wry Irom eentrIlltI Itlon lle dlremlrr wlllIInI eIlurer Duey Iller uh huh heen thn prlmn vtllnlne In the rentrIlIIIllon trend In the Im at tnxntlon lllr Nlnon nld munlelpnlltler Ihould he Illolred to levy lneome tune or that own ulee turn lte told one ol the very In relleve the IInInelIl hurden on munlel oIlltlen In In the nrovlnee to tote over per cent nl the eel ueIIlon colts Alter the eonterenee lIrle muldhnnulnhtllum ment with the Ildenlnl ol llllh my toe Ind IIld he would llhe In eee It wldened to our lInu north ol IlIrrlI to Plrry Sound In the an to would not Ilte to II III then III lInnI north el 1hronto he IIld AlternIte route would que to he developed lMleId htr Nlnon one In llerrte Iot loulny trln trorn Thunder Bey to Godeeteb Ind Wlllllllln den nerI token Area Firefighters To Train In City In etudent lnelruetore horn III deoIrtInentI In the teIII Illl Illend the Show It htutuIl llre Ald Syrtem trtlnlnl nemtnrr In Irrele It Ierlu oI lecturer tell he IIIen hy Kevln Ken Ind llnt wttllooon llovlee drIllI vlu follow The IenIlnIr held eIeh leery le Inr preetleel trIInIu oI hr turelrutruetore In eIth deoIrt men It Illl IIII otIu It the her rte IIIIIoI Sent 0n Sent the monthly mul uIl Ild meellnl nlll he held It the Golt me Call Club Damage to $175 allosn St Mishap Ioqu totalled on In turn eII eolllelon ln hurle lhurndIy evenlnx It drlven hy CIrnIIllo Bruno mm In Ilene ht em to eolllnlon Irlth err owned by Neney homonon Green lleld on has 5t DImm In the GIIle In Intlrneled It Ill the hormone err bed ttto In tuner suretle IIoII In the Bly lleld HILLhIelperd Illl hi open her It hIeInwblte work on other Ilorrn In the new ehooolnr Men on Brytlrld St nth continue Dhtertlon In the oholomph III eIIued hy Inn at tuhm tene Photo 11th Annual Huronia Numismatic AssOcialion Show Departs From Tradition Has Stamps Antiques Too The llurnnle Numbnutle AI IoelItlon II eooneorlnl urnhln Illoo toln ehow etIrnn Innrtet Ind Intloue to tomorrow It to the 0mtlnnnlel Inn Wllllem 0m ol Crown lllll InnelItlon nreeldent exoeete overrun oI IMO to to It tend the one dIy on event thnt etIrIn It neon Ind tooth on to to ram lhe AmelItlnn we turned ll your no Ind home mernn hernhlo of to 51mm Cowa re eldentr The club menu It the every thlrd Ilrurndny ot he month It the lrnyIl true Blue hlll Sllutdlyl Ihow II the rulmln Ilton ot three month work Ior llr Glen end Mr erecutlve tor eluh memberr lt pro IldeI In tInIILv In owl and tell Ilth otter Iotleetoreto dtn Iy thntrloen perm not Is to rummefne throunn IIIIII colleequ ol co IlIt tIIrnIInh ItInrnI end when eIunIble on II much needed Iddltlon Inr eolleetlon For the ouhtle It thence ulee IpoeonlnIIIeh moon werth ol eolne Ind ItInroe rldetltbt world he wrtehlnx the berterlnx thIt tone on inben huyer Ind teller meet note lo houm lIhle Wu uhler Ire thoee net up by not deelere tn dtroenrn thelr nuer mum mo lhI IIuronlI Anoeletlon hII Idded teIlet to thelr Iheer thln you by Marla Iternpe then out he no Inr dIIoIIyI tor eonnottttoueenly huylne Ind Ieltlru nlll tnhe nlIee lllteen houm IIth were II II edtoronernonthIIoJonIe eI tIhIeI Illl he Ill rumor norm Ill total not otbe omntttruottberhow ItdlrolIytebleIIlllhe IvnltIhle tor eomoetltllorr lo lle mmplotenoee Ind nondltlon oI rhnee Ind rhon thelr collertlnnn th enln Throulhout the ebony erelr eutett Ind IvlluIIe III eo tuhntt dleley lbe elm tonehtdee wlth hInouel It Ihleh the ten Ind rthbnne III pennent III LIInheIt at St Cllhlf lnee Wt he tltlrt utdze Wade Ilth hlm Ire lrullllhethroermnherrol the lluroolI Numlrmntle hence lItlon Ihe ludrlnn ll bend on too nolrrt uytern III clue IIld eoInI rIIlty Ilene door not de unly lo oelntr out at the IIhII the III IIIrded lor rer lely nonleIlInt eould mum ulIIe not In under the our or luyewretl nIl meereb omen on etch the therlnlnrert enor Itnd by the dleoley tor Ill tore Other tut n1 tlldlu Include tn tell eye eoot nertnerr nrunetlty ItoII Iwhern lud ed Wllh thtn ln mlnd Inyonr uld tour to he In lude en thoulh he the relIIlv Illtle mm the mine Ihernrrlvee GUEST SPEAKER Guelt Iter It Ihe henouet wlll he IIlIrn Ennlhh et WII erloo noted lecturer on num IIIIItleI Wn colleetlnx In reItly In IdIInttd qum III hlIlon Bold grlflgllllnlrl eolrI on men there colleeIor her to heel out he mun eolru there Ire the many worn mlnted ll hour when they were mlnled who dealde them Ito enIrIved them Ind II meh beet IroInId II Inn poulbly be lrIrn re IlmlnInItlon other We IlWlNdlll or ehuellu run other nunuemetlrtr tht belne the they ontn rollrune In tetllY more Iun thIn prolltnhlehlr um Id In In Iveruo yeIr mm Inend Ibuut two on rolnn but eouldnt eetlnIIte the ulue nI my tolleetlon owe lle heIIn colleean colon ll enre Ito when he neutered tn lo eln lolonto dure lnrhl luneh our1hltdIy he Iounrl In ten Novn Scotle neon ny Ind In IIeelnItrd hy the nelnht ot ll htr Gen no lountler ol the lntrrnItIoIIl Pnllee Colo mt sumo Club when now In member II III rountelee Ind eolne out III well In none the noun ent ot the lluronle Numlernette Inemherrhln well In ereur oI Ituodtllon theedlter bl III In nurrIIIMItleI I1 horn leetlne color to mine ol II denomlnltlon un honrd cor lettlnl tyne eolrn The llllh colt ol utre we tolbl llhl Hut III dollu MM oe tut CInIdlIn tin at eta ooot he tell In ollmloru ml tent VII Milly Mr Om hII III bIIeollee monthly neweletter hlr Gun II INN III IrII NIIIIIIInItle mutton lllI thin otueer between the Onterto lb IorlItlon Ind leeel eluhu dlrretorotlhe outerlo me Ill We ISnrnellmen ltI neuron ol dulleI llude lmtwhllmma end tilled men men llIleon leeotlem Mil MM lhedutn tnonn Iherebuheenereeenttrnrdhheo