ag vmj vg to BULBS throner ron crop Slim Jim loI OoohI tIndI hix to tho YI hienr Ind limodII DuItII uiI which will oil on Sept The btllhl in both directlytromltol lhnd tor ale to thI dot include tuith dIilodilI cinthI Ind eroeur buth Ipoooor clubI Ire thI mior terrier elubr oi th Dorrie Ind 2336 latYWCA Ind proeIIdI will bI uIed tor youth wort and protect Aoore him Seott nuke her tint IIlr nominee Photo SPEAKING or PEOPLE mo PLACES AtiII hIrhIrI Wat dnunhtrr oi tin IiIrry lhert oi DInII Ind the till ldr West In mg the owner to IduItI from WomenI Ooliego oopltIL School otNurIlor GrIduItion outlier were held It contou tloi HILL Toronto on Sept It AtWLDl thI ceremony won him HIrry Welt hIrrlI Ind tire Dorrryo Swen oi AurorI IliII ItiutI Iirtor nnmni monnn nIiIooitIneotu Ihwer wII held It the homo oi Hrr WIan iiirArthur Noel on In Dow or DonnI WehIter Ouutl lnelnd ed bin Frrneir Dryrdrio hire Linker tin hitth Ito otrn trIn hood urn Jirn mother oi the brtdotobo Ind idqu Judy Ind Jlnot Woiwler INTEREALNIIENTO Prior to her mom to Pet er itiiehIel Krotr PItrteia AnnI TIdernIn wII IotortIIned It In ngt Ihowon Ind preeeotatlono During the recent echool you UoIrIrIity oi Wooten On tIrlo Itrtcil wu guest oi hon or It Ihower hosted by ltlu VoronIoI mile at ltItttInd lull Attendhtg the Ihwror were her lollow reotdom oi toner botwoeoeinn rotten ty Iurpitro proreotItlon wu MI by tho bridoI Unime of Ixolero OntIrln nurIing riu PIt Ind Peter were guIrtI oi honor III rurprlro JIek Ind Jiii Ihwrer booted by Mr Ind ldrr Don CIIkenItt the home at hir Ind ldrI Villthohlirotr St Clgnmuhid Strno IoIiIIod try DI no ht Int Nottier ootortIin Id the do to rniuellIreouI Ibolor elven her home in St CIthIrtner hlrr Rudolph DrlueI urtrtod Dy hire Joseph Montoth im orod the erI with mlueh iIneouI Ind merry Iborn II her homo in st CIthIrinu Al thI hornI oi her perentr Air Ind hill inrrto lth IliII Domino Into oi North SIhdy Don ltIrriI held mir rdtInoouI Mer tor tho hrido elret attended by nIldrtm Ind nitride oi thI bride SUMMER GUESTS uent guootx It thI home oi Ilr Ind kin Dmpho odo St were htr Ind er DonIId dIanhn doutn Prim anrd Blood run id onto Woothioeh ow EMU not hit lttd urn WAhwkooiimntolor mertyotOtthnWJJhmie iroolorotronthIrommt toinimntlo GRADUATION ltrr Donne two dau irr oi ltr Ind tin hoe llI till Dorrie wII Intent the nodules irom Vittorio lioIpit Ii School ot NurIinl Iondon Groduttlon Ixeiolooo wore hold Ii Centennioi liIli loom CAMPINO Dorrie Boomeng Comping Club the local unit at thI can IdiIo Fondly Cunning Fedorv Itton will hold rerulIr monthly meetton commenting on Sept It pin The September meetin will be bold It Grow Pork Grove St AnyonI IotIreItod in hurt out it within DUPLICATE DNIDGI Winners oi the liIrrII molt eItI hrtng Cluh on ThuIIdIy evening were North South ltr Ind tin lton Hordy lirst ktrl OIIVI llerIey Ind ldin nirIlIwI record tin Woyng llIrtI Bill thrrris third Eerie Hertz Atrr DIInI Ind Fred DuiIrdtni not John Hurt Ind Digger McDougIll Ieevod Dr ltIv Ind Dr ll Crortlood third Alonday evening rtnherr were North South DenI Ai lLion Ind Digger btoltougItl tint hire WIyoo Hort Ind Bill lhrrvir mood hlr Ind birI John Grlhtm third EasteWeItr GRADUATES hthiiiii ImI Gunn 5t ngduIlod rrorn Wornonr Cotiegr Notolill on September it It Cooroenltuir lilli Univendty at Toronto hiirI AdIInI III Joined the motor ItItI oi WomenI Col lIgI NooniiIl Toronto OP NAIF AND DRY Al MONARCH REFRIGERATION ENDS WASH DAY IiiilESi lir Ind llrI Jerk Thlub tlrri lire Evan Ind Prod Behind inn Ieeond Dr Cherie Wellh errtoo Ind Dr Dolley nnrnon own Winnerr It JeInI DuoiieItI hetng Club were htr Ind litrI it Sohnurr tirIt JIrn hnko Ind John HIreli record hire ii Church Irid hire BymI third OntariosPoiitioai Ponies Elect 14 Women Candidates raiser on tho gorIrnmInt hut hill Pritohlld 1o who hII ntzd Hm lionWest Iinel IN in mi looking reticular IhIrI um hII been to nuke ubtnet minIIter Worm nude their ilrrt In pIItheo In the home In too who there were Iwu temIiI embertho am It in it In IDILICIION ThI rnort Irperleoeed oi the it women running tor oilieI thin lIli II hlIrgIrrt Timid elected II New DemoorItte PIrty member in tort Ind running iur IIoond term In the ThmtoSeIrboroigh Centre riding She IIyr her Idka to women antidote to to run Work Evaluated Alter PaintOut ny other entities An IthrItioo period rru held lolth the man in northern oi the Barrie Art duh Anthony uorvr who no lo Omldl ht mt look or or the it or eVIItnting thI work HI wu horn Ind eduut Id in lie is Intereited to lino IrtI Ind the tidal design tieldo AIIIn IltiSl he would like to III more lit in tho Ioetri hlb lint trhureber Irhooii res iIuthit ilhrIrtoIi III think thIrI Ihoutd be more exible Iporonoh to exhibition in moo Ium Ind gtilerioI Art mining wu received It St hintinI School oi Art to london Ind the School oi Build ing interior Doria At Georg Ino be tIIIhu interior Detlgn Ird trehntouer in printing Duh pointing er IIrehilly eorulderrd to orttern design nod rotor At member oi the club Ilr Cretrweil Jones thould Ioivduotnhinwldehnm le 0i thI above mentioned Bill Toronto KM trutm Ind tamer turher Helen Noodde Mia Woods IoetIi worker ltd reclaim ndio romtIior PI ldI atehxh ex North phyoir prolouor It the renity at Western OnIIrio Shirley Corr rtlmn hilt IeeotmIIII Ind Am VIieo tine Snult 5tI hllrie held oi high uhool hiItory depIrt nnoni CoourrlttvI wrnnen nonri nItId Ire Edith Add Kitchener IldIrann Ind horuewilr klugIret Settrance Toronto St DIrtdrIornrnunlty plInner grin writer Dr NIoey Begi llr liIrnluon Bert medieIl doctor with To yeIrr expert rnre inrrllne DeIoe Downo vin North York Iehool hoIrd tnutee Ind huhu lteroey Windsor NIlkentite liourrwiio Ind eomrnirnity Ii iIirI worker IrrnIiI libero True DIvtdioo York But EIII York mlyor ltttI UhrlIeo Thunder Dry French lIIeher II ukeherd Univerritv Ind Etlnheth catty Tonto SI Aodrw hooonIlI Ind Iormer Ildeo mtnio rIndtdIio PROFESSOR Dill InNDON titeuteri Proi John Desmond ilernIi eminent hritlrh ltithiilt Ind holder oi Lenin PIIeI Prize died oer Vedneidry Ilter long Illness He wt to top rdrntiiie Id rtier to the British government during the Second World WIr hI held US him at Free doni Ind to not received the tenth Fem Prize BAITIII SEAFOOD mlrIttrrdSI my SIlnron merr DoIl Continua whole CohoI SIlmon Rog $225 lb $125 Stock up now while they Int united Time Only METAL manhood tor the ionic oi today You dont have to ho young in yeirrurt young in ldeIt METAL doertiwmt METAL lRAMls are now in tuition in contort They Irellghtwelght romiorthle to their Ind tome In linuiiic stupor ttoundovri iqum reeinnguitr or oetrgonIh ohoioo tr yours All litdtl needed it youguy or gold 16h Greet tor reguiIr giriieI or iunrhrder now IvrlirbiI It ltlng Optlrol SiltGiElilsihit BIEOGALS T0 MARRY iii OCTOBER tin AdriIidI later It Dorrie hII Innouleed the in go oi her dIughterDonnIiiu IoJotIn huuell Lynn Ion oi Hr Ind hlrl iiuuei Lynn oi SUN TOO MUCH FOR PINUPS ITEitttTtADE lloilud Nutter ThI hot Iuturnn Iini proved too much tor pinup girl in thI but ur Itore rro vr DISCOUNT BOMBSIIELL SHIRTS 299 AST Silld AND mmnn nI ourde Itil tIhI piece It St Prehytrrtrn Omit Dorrie on it It pni tihotongphy For Stiekoo paper rooer dlIe ereetiy coming the tint pIrtI oi nudo mutt iongphI tell oil In the ThurodIy Ind potter Ierred the thop owner rrith new moon ior indereoey PHONE mtut ears wire to in gorge 5251 hide 253 err Sgt 15 gee Eng IIXVIDNAIT iandey mine 10 derived in onion hon Ind wu wood Iheu otthIlludIInI mimlmmmwnmmr it Imnnnrwwm WHILE THEY LAST MENS Lotto SLEEVED ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY DISCOUNT lino Ii ill WOMENS WIILLEZ THEY PANTY HOSE AIIL SlrrI Ind Colon DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL DiSCliiU hWHWiii DYNACITHOAIE MOVIE FILM Super 299 OI Shir SIkIrdIy Only 33 Ill lItordIy Only WIIILII THE LAST DISCOUNT SOtlESNiil SLEEPING BAGS ALLWoolilll 549 OI hIlI SIN Ont WHILE THEY LAST IMPERIAL SHOTGUN SHEL 319 ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY otsrouui VOIIFSNIIL TEXMADE HABITANT BLANKET itEiViNATOR Ilth dimmed All rho lentoan 1me Cutout utIniItto laundry in IiIuI IIIIItIktI rIiII It IIbIIIIrIIII low It mm mmmeumhrvw totem timer to or root ilmiiiiun Idol II M1 07M mi D3 DISCOUNT BOMBSNELL 2195 2195 COMPLETE WITH FRAMES AND LENSES THIS WEEK ONLY IITOCALS IF llOtIIAlO KAITIOL ULTIX 0A RATIO cIntIrt loner toner Complete vWHILE THEY LAST to to ALL SEASON Quaker State Oily on ohmltmh on Dtihl HUM INI mt mu In out Iir III IIII min dont to to load iihir an IM Illlil return Dir If your hilt awn II II Om ll thiitttmn ioi InnInn one outer ni Dryrrr mm train IpanIeeI on be gt monitor itillliGiitAllOll DUNlAlP er RIG ONIONSDVD Width SATISFIED COSMOS nounnr llet riot nun III mlortl SOIIItI Inmulm mom IrtdIyImtInJ MM Cloud Mold anneIertIItIIy Pellet nun oi Cum mm ttti