nsmrrcr EssaWiunstrenders rvrrws ForOlh LineBridge met mnnrm moat mum rm in minor Oro Tall Iair Iilarlts 20 Years OI Service or E5 List Flower Winners Oro Fair Display Ind Man omrrr Caldwei among the leading tabthl ten in In excellent lower then II the till Oro lIIt lIIr the gorgeont daplny oi nul nrlrrt bloom were much Idrrtlr ed by erowdr which throutbd through the minimal hall dtring the two dry lair Kiln Bradley received tlrnl lot dehllu gladlotl In two clan ten and Intpdrlgonr while lire Caldwell won Ior pIntler art tweet put driller and row ea lira Rradley received the Barbara lloyd tpeclIl tor best diaplty depicting an abundant hurrah GARDEN ROSES Among elutcr won by liirr Dray were lot but threesoml ower arrangement and tar Ito den roses white FrInINIlo won lrtl tor beat basket oI cut liow Ia well at other Ierda lira Laura Cotter received llrtl nuturtlurrw with ttrr DWI Smith attend and hank title third Mr iltle wan tor dahll porn pent lira Robert hell was recontI Ind lira Jlrn CIldneil third in the threcnvmv arrangement competition llrn Caldwell captured lint lot collection at petqu with trInk title rec Sandi and tin ond Samoan The Guthrie Womena Inati Iuta metal or oral denim won by him Irena Levinon with tdra Reno Bradley Iorond and IL Robert Bell third ldrn Vie ltr Nut and Mn hie Junio ton were membrra oi the corn mlttcc in charge oi the Ihow VEGETABLE CLASSES tin It Martin won but let III Itock or entiiage corn and for cheat or data Jack Anderson won llrrt tor wheat barley and oats while IrInk title won lirrt lnr necnndcut bay Remeil lic tiny oi EIxt 0m won lint tor lint cut hay with tlr lltII Iecond Ind lira Martin third Mn Martin and won Ilrata tor Itock Iirrnlpn table turnlpn Ind lonrth tor moodcut hay Mr ttcllIy wan tor pmnlpa Ind onlool lira Victor IIIrt loc rquaxh Ind potato entrant Juno Iley Inr CllltlIL lira It Campbell tor been Tonv Ryt er lor cabbage and cauliower er Jack Smith exhibited the beat tIhIr corn with Mix it Gumbel tecood and George Peacock third IIIrtrtIn Leigh cxNhltnd the beat tomatoes with Jack Andtr non recond and bin liradley third In keen competition liar nelt tirllay won Oral and June llorne reread tor vrtrtahlo man row The beat reection ol tern tables wu entered by Gordon Home with Jack Anderson ree orrd Ind lira ll lIIrtln third lira Eva Watson won llrtt tor cltrnna with lira llnrlln tripod SNOW REST JAMS lira Bradley won furl tor strawberry Jam while tolx Tel lord proved the winner Ior rut berry IIm licrt canned peac were entered by llrr victor lltrt with Loin Tcllord tecond and him It Campbell third Mn Campbell vren tirat tor rrra la Iyrup while lira tiartry gl ea won or canned rlpret him it Campbell won first tor pickles lirr George Campbell tor apple jelly and tire Doug Smithlor plctlex The beat hunt were entered by lira leviton with lIIrlon Jcmleton Iecnnd and hits olinilnm thud out oI it entrlu Carrot Growers Cane Ioken Up By Roberts BRADFORD Stall Dildo rritteI laced by carrot prodtic ere over the new US rurttx hanbrentakenupwithihobo mlrtlon department ol Igrlcui iurr by John Roberta UP the York Simeon Liberal member In hit latest report from OItawI raid have bed In touch with the department to make clear my rootcrn about the etlrcl on enlcullurnl price and know the government It looking Into all availabla Iat lalauop to are what can be INVITES LITTER Mr Roberta look thit courne alter hraring Imm rIrrot pro ducera at the am The Mouse ol Comment was told thIi corri pennatlng arrangement would he worked out irr agricultural productith by tho rurchnrge ltr Roberta Invited IIrmert Il tented to eriI to him with lint hInd InlormaUun tn rupport litr tlrer eilortn In Ultctlltil the us rurtax Indilix ellect on Canada Mr Robertv pointed out this cotmty bu larger percentage at in production into exports than most Nllllll en inter to per cent of the green national producti Ind Ilnca the Untied States It by In the mint market Clliv Mental lleaith Centre hm hm 1glgiyuelrlzmert heliume ma spec mitten to Canadian buboldlxn plant which are Illectrd by the American rurlIa Paymentr oi up to twothird ol the to per cent rurtax will be made to plant which can then that they would otherwlxa be turned to Iv d1 worker Id result It prldng themselvu out oi Honor Veterans lit Health Centre PENETANGUISIIENE Stall Nine lllll membrrn ol the received quarter century service buttoor Item the Oak Ridge Section were Crawler tug well it tlmmons Triltbeck and IIrIdU From the reglnntl hotplttl were Gecre WIM ridge Zwlcker and lig late The recipients all veteran ol World War II also received the United States market II was explained The government nrheldy which would enable these limit to remain competitive In price Lt really thereloro In employ meet mllnlcrtlnce program raid Mr Robert the provi rivrta oi the tcgtalatton are rather vague an they mutt he llcxlhle to meet the varied and It the momt uncertain require rnenLt til the duration hope however thtt the proposal will receive the rupport ol the 0p position Ind be pasted quickly Any lengthy uncertIlnty could have dlnmtrour elltcta on our letter ot con Ituiationi trena the Ontario rrr bier oi heIIIh Bert Lawrence EEEKE csrig SE 55 35 E23 23 in 555 Candidate Calls For Tax IIAIICklllONT tStIll Scr tout tax Ielnrnta Irv necruary ilpeoplvolthlttrraarngnlng to color the mm at aervlcca required In thlr part oi the on vinre said Roger Pretty tatt Sluicoo New Democratic cIndI dtlr ha meuagr to coordin utta IIt Ia tlmc It won rraiited that IWIIII Ind recreational tuc IIitlu In the ptIyIInd ol Onltrip I1 Inadruuttr nt only lor the needx visiton brrt the lot local lnhahlianta be Held in Ilnll the need lnr industrial growth or 0rIllI Ind llldlxnd There are good place to live he tIId they ought to be good planet in work Low wage and heavy neuronal un employment cnn only be solved tr rrrore tndurtry providing better lobe The OriilII high Irhml trach er who lives here in Marchmnnt ia necking election in riding which extend IDIII OrlIIII in ltldltttd and in RIrrieI burd era with Oro II It time the government urn denlood the in burdcnt which weigh on Simone East commun Itlcr he raid in calling Ior lax relnrma OrltIII wu Iimott Ignored In govcmmrnt planning Re raid in the metange Idding Govern rneni Inoculivca lIIed to Itlrnct iil ALLISTON Altitton Liana club will hold banquet and dancI It Not thnIngI Inn on SIturdty evening September It In ob Ierttnne at in iith Innlver Ilrt Ilerh Rirum ol Tllilb ville New Jcrtey put in ternntlorrII director will be npccinl Ipetkrr Reforms new tactartea to ruddc lob op ptattntltiu to tlr Pretty Ilto relerrrd in the plight nl email Mints and the decline In the lam economy Small ntcrehantn llrid It hard in tempera with big companies and nnrenpanaiu governmenL he uld turning to Igriculture he laid merry IIrntI nutter from big business and poor govern ment tInnpnlchca Rural municipalities lace lin Inciat presxuru in rnrldlng lo cal Iervlcna the NDP cIndrdIte who Lt Itxuding Ior election in the coming prorlno in election on Thurnday Oct tr Ooolrstown Iair ls Opened Today COOKSIDWN Stall An impressive at garden vegetables and Hold trope wan view by viritort to Coolttown tell lair which opened at tho IgrculturIl grounda here today there the was tlrre rhowtng ol necdlrcrttl eIhlhItr baking Ind prearrng In the womens neclkm oi the indoor dhpltya at the agricultural building Others erdoyed the midway rider Ind other IttrIcUonI which included pony events Suiky horse racing livertock chow Ind parade are among the ttnndout leaiurcs ihtcd on the pvnnm tor tomorrow the brain day ol the late WithinTodd hnbmaubmiudlryltu Mllmtndlmoianew bridgrrwthnitbllnrelltu wlillandncvdnllonniobeb Itlatedandmhorinlhglrn telaatrthnanrnadrvwir latent toxin pumhue lamb loapprovII lbeOn departrmtol lambdonandmmmualcw Decoder Rem IIIIKHI Illthy Certain moved the resolution which Iuthttinnd the clerk Raina Gaulry to Idvch ttutertcnden DISCUSS WALK Dearwtlk It nth Sldavad error ttirr Street thwawa not DISTRICT BRIEFS ANGUI LION HTNOS ANGUS tStalll Angina out on warm lr headed nu Bullock hold it reruiar meet Ing on the lrrrt and third Ihurn day cvrnlngt oi cIrh rmnlh at the Llant llall tar IUgthy tn ITATNZR INCORPORATION STATNER lStalli Slim wan Irtcvrporttcd village In and An town In rota MAM LION TVITEOIAM tmlit tcnharn lion club will mark in third birthday next epring rid current attention it being given to plan to nMcrve the oc culhit the club had It memo era when it was termed In April it with Phil Douglaa the charter pruldcnt and ten Ellia mrctnry DONE BT SECTION It motile long road between Yale BC Ind the Cariboo gold field In located by Royal En ginecrt and constructed In ecc tlnnt It total cost nl lost over t1 million DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT PINECREST Coupler Only For tabla rararinlont Phene 7284028 25 $2 ii nitrite or entry tutu II to be tent in at ol trons communication lel mu war Inc approvrt mated by Ootnrciltor ttIutltn Miller and mended by Deputy Reeve tai tiaannald Rel Georg Guergir preaidrd It the GEORGIAN COLLEGE EVENING ADULT DIPLOMACERTIFICATE PROGRAM LEVEL AND SPECIAL INTEREST COURSES STARTING WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 17 IRTI Day titan IIIav llnn Tttrl lIon Thurr Thurn llou Paycholegy Sociology lilttory at Art Plinng CrrIntlca PIinting ll Interior Drawing and Detlgn Archaeology Antique Camera Techniques Deal and Advanced Jam The Story at CanIda Wrd Eilectlvr Speech Thurt broadcast Techniqch For Radio Ind lV Thurt Contirrational French and It llnn Conversational French III 80 GO 180 ttrcv ttres Vrtd on IT 20 20 Li an T1xtl Tee tutti lbldWltm MW mitt 1IOMDJR moo mitt raorooopnt new roorooo pm nanvo rzonrrooprn canon TMIOMpm NM 10010Npitt MN no Implti moo Minna moo the putt litto 1inoopnt anooo 11301000pbt rtaoo taut toutopm atom I50 700 330pttt moo 150 roovoopm canoe ttiit nvrorurtrron nnocnurtn AND nnnttrnarron rnanuorrn turner on tliiit tut correct an nucrrvvonrn In BARRIE HOW ABOUT MOVIE TONIGHT STARTS TOMORROW now PLAYING m5 PM not He got the West lustre right up In its net tort IIS hurl STARTS TOMORROW FOR DAYS ONLY tbuareiootd at theleceolaVl lain mum nonhuman DAYS ONLV tieadstraigirtlor CetungStralthtl Hwb trwnr Iil ontomn ELLIOTT GOULDCANDICE BERGEN NOW PLAYING ch edIa Internet we novelty TILL SUNDAY damaged by the Nixon import lUBlIDlZE PLANT To combatthete check the try Our rumoi Mlllllllltll ADVENTURE Winchell Chinrtu from itiltiUlSllititl ITO blUl Uriquot in unit Mlllllldilll liAIllliNS In med imm illliililiapsl iv thrive BARRIE SPEEDWAY Rwy it II III Line Ore LATE MODEL gnochn RACING Pittt Bang om Crrth om HOOLIDAN RACES Int rtronr rate turn on more Illdtard Boone Blgteltc AWMQNIHMW Him dillluvam PERCY The nm of tuccoaslultransplent lint Iltllrtilltlt tan th aanNhnRllxantallm IIII El nAllTllUll HAILEYd COVERED STANDS Gymkhanaeating tttaumn Ottaram mwmmnmm WK ANDREWme in trournnmrrvrnrr It nuutortrw IAIiittL our lAIAOUi PLAT rcortvtcrn snows titrnrrrr 7PMAtlM Tonight Only at Cotlingwood DriveIn end Dorrie DriveIn Willard Plutt TOO LATE THE HERO Adult Entertainment