Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Sep 1971, p. 4

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riittrtuiitoonttto Wed by Canadian Newpaper Camelot Urn Mmemoium itanytt Lamble momentum wancw nrnar Intrm on rtnaa hum no ST montlrnhrdgonebythelrtonrortat hdtetaunivetultrendiltlao ed the death kneu tor thooeaodt vyathcrearelewerbarberatn than at any time xince the See World War in Tomato lor lmtance bathnated onethlrd oi all barbernhopt Ute city are either bankrupt up tor oroutotburloestflhetabordepart tayt that lower Utan 3000 out of too licences oillcialiy tmxed are only barbershop reported doing as Ibunlneuaseverltthcrtudent It the barbuing nchooi oi TorontoI Dprge Brown College there customers getlaugavtehml halirctrglornly norma rge mo oi 5225 for haircut and 1M ior riravc But tttcctrstomer tak bia chance on the cilrciency oi the cm barber Recause the thde oi youn men until liidi or thereabouts cited regularl tor ILdtO but and sides let th hair grow long and gave rt DOWN MEMORY LANE ISYEARSAGOINIOWN Barrie Examiner Sept 17 1956 Roy It lluklcm arrived Imrn Rdievllle to munre new duties at ncbool Importer ty No area ottloev with ltupentor Peter Scott Ontario tianaeura held tirat meotin at ldgeirlll Iated at rod Central United Church Roe St lire Ed ward Partridge oldeat relive ember IodGIrytiewronoi Iling won opirnty menr goll title beating Davin oi Barrie Cottotry Club in tin atllIdhridNoweryCondttzr tinder mane omorrlftp 7111 and lira enry tiolleman appointed Itevrarda It Barrie Curling Club llama llieadr rotqraycrevvlglaed lg favor not longer in amer International director at llortr addressI ed Barrie Kiwanis Club Principal WUliam Bell reported enrolment at HillcrcntSohoolrecordiorBarrie tire brigade rushed to untied Newton turn on Grove St and extinguished him Ineld Youngest guest at opening at Barrier line new but terminal was Roger Bynre Ills lather has been manager ior Gray Coach 23 years Barrie Plyera iadica toithait team won championship Pitcher Dorothy liliter was given mod credit tor achieve tnent alon with outfielder Dorian Park er and trail dern liarcl Wright tom and Beth tidean President Donald Cameron announced that Barrie Skating Club would have record enrolment Piano pupitt oi lira Inger Amen re ceived llit music honors lrom Royal Conservatory lir Ind Mn Frank Ammonium it Maori min on Itemlnhomolattedionthmare laymhttmmhg it Run 850 viii It iii is run the same amount that would be 10 men widtlog just plain ltltnowalmosleldi earnstntelong hair became tanhio amon the youn Indthenotnoyoung early that toobngioratadtoiastand there are signs that the MOMMRA nuybeiadingtromlhemodacenetttla summer may nee at ten mange We do not expect comp IDDDIIICC back to theuewcutoriltecombatcmpbut we would not be mod to nor an even greater trend to and ioupeee Armed with these crettionn would MWNelorIyoungmantobea hippie It weekends and cloancul grad type during the workweek That way are may never be turewbornth egotonaataii Woodrtock SentinelReview Barrlc took top prim at Canadian Nrtionat Inhibit ion with IIn best oi breed three Deino Jamey oi Barrie Society won llo MRIIOMIIIOIITUIMRIIyM Eldon Greer and Town Council rat down with lnnisfrl Council to talk over pro poeedannexatlonoilandAtBar rte Arona probatketbalt extritdilon be tween llartun Globetrottcrr and New York Digging no had noth crowd much JonerolAnnwynKennclt IodelI MamgcheIAitnopp Cyrus Alliaon Barrie agent thNR honoredbyrtailonretirementtia tor Bob White arrived Itoitturtn managed by Arthur Harris Ray Gar lepy ot Toronto Maple leaia announced retirement irotn proiedonai hockey will go into business in Barrie with Nix on Building Products Rotations lrorn many places were in town tor 10th an niversary Bertie Rotary Club at Guthrie Covnmnnl Hall with charter president Jack lithe neon Barrie Police and Chiel lnohlrhart held not lrhls oi new Custom Car Club Ge Quinn skipped rink in vlcl In trebla tournament erminer rtaii photographer Bruno Pavero had page oi pictures on animal opening student slyl ee with commentary womenr editor Jane Hinds Among use in pictorial lecture were lien Pratt tulle Scott Sally tiorghton Halos Kennody Gl Shanks Sheila More Wendy CIIINMDI John tchoweil June Ayernt Mary Ann Crooks John Saso Elaine Webster San dra Horne Johnny Moore Ron liaigtrin Ra Lawn Bowling Clubs hig Grave Crisis Confronts ZGoverrimeni Of Australia Iiy VINCENT LAITTIEI CANBERRA CPI The IabcrabCountay Party oath lint government which hat ruled Aurtnlla or 22 yearn In lacing Ita gravest atria Tol lowrng nerler ol dlrrnitnaln pi gotcrnrnent minrtern the whole lacIdo oi party unity which has been the armrest Ierlvre oI the liberate hat cracked The climax to the Inner party lending earre with the dinnilutt by Prime liinltter William Mrtlahon ol John cow ernroent lnlormation and no ctnthcidolbeinszotI plot netan or newnpapa magnaqu Frank Packer clone lrend oi Itetlabon to Eider rircnrtn in unitmart litmus Britt Premier Confronted By Tough Grilling IngNltYdlnc llthlIIIIntloI campal cwrldntalntabrthepaenol kktoll ll wtnld be dr lennlndhlghtyudlhtg PremierDIvit tlnallydld Evan the wetland ti unexpected laalvnrinrtatalu nntnaccmtthr titrarl duledlllalolllu The premier did call prev conicaenen trr midmorning lint electlratwlu ll war latte damn it war in make variour Innotnacerncntn Inchadhtg re ductlon in health carvprm Itttttl It wax then announced there wonlibeanotherconlweocrat CliilDilS STORY MacdonaltlEnjoyed Tremendous Success Mackenzie IdeI pm which midi or might not be the election The conic entn wIa manned Ibortiy alter lprnAnditwavthIdxtlon ramrnnnn Thorndoltenalonbtrtthobo glnnlngolthedrattu tIrDIvInhadtakenIn moatnnprecedrdtcdrtcpln Widghlteicctlorantap contravene In the part pm mlernhadnrntdntrxhrnnlm tailonn by rnaklng their In nouncemcntinaprcaereiem ernmldeapeech Rut Davin laced In Ilmoat train hard nation and he got Tor not he went through revere grilling with come very loud qnutiortt and name it it till urn policy am no dayt wbIt war the on meal ol the time waited tor Mackenzie to main mistaktl Ind atrugale through an eco nomic depretnon that hit North AnrerIcI tiont olIII helrledto ligan out what ilartcnxion pialtorm would br lor the next election In rm ll Mackenzie advocated reciprocal trade agreement with the United Staten Macdontld decided to oppoae hlrn with National Policy oi tarili election II higher llllll then Humid would ittn ton narrow malarity In tritium the Menu oi anneal ttaednnkldnaihlclmtietly Thelmatnbor tl Ieylleld lroet Barrie Odette Telephone Second Gnu tiait legtcnliort Number Return Inleed anMTWm an vapcrted deal with the Actually Mackenzie adopted aired pat to tilodon Ild Introduced II National Policy that harm the hack honr oi the bumattven tor mug yrur The cut election in tm war he on be her it It was the dart me the ucret balm war riled tttcdonald op pared it No raid that votcrt Ibould not be alrald to rtarnt up be counted The election conrpteta reversal lrom ltlt Random Ildn government minded to ma red the election war held in ltuaary tern and Sir John ycoolernndhadancu election hudgttt Would there be more policy Itatcmentr to buy vdiralf The premier put on remark able tortruncr tie lletded Iii qucn ona ltcpt hit good humor And didnt appear to gel inlo any chquI trouble At noon Ia beIcil llbcral leader Robert Nlaan run in the coolcrence room Both he and NDI loader Stephen lowla hId been out at town that day And both had nttbcd back lager to net Ivlnr MrNlaon rounded at conti dcrrt at he could when he raid hit wu going to win lle too torno tough questioning What would hII election DUO bet Ito wouldnt rIy Though did later election tpendlng din clorurv but only when It no plied to Ill Irtler lie lelt ready to in the morning with ha prean party on the tint leng ol hla campaign through cartern Ontario and the north Then Mr Lrwix Na played it it time llr wouldnt talk in nurnbern but believed hlr party would come hick with the Itrgett rep reamtttlon tit Ipokv month at hlr campaign tew mart rneel trru many preu conlerencer lath with workcra and Intensive winning but February It will line he the tint the lion It leader lor Stephan tewlt who took over Iront retcran Donlld MacDonald leader at the New Bernoulli Party almost year age tbeNDP hIIwonthnotilJ byeiectlon title the Turin booetod their ttrlng oi general election Victoria to elkbt in tin taking on at lit reatt Standing in the legiaiaturo II mm In MINT Onlcrvlilvtn bt Libeth rt Nnrtraraimeindrpuaient Opposition Leader Robert Nixon will be Ictdlnr his party Into an election battle lor the mend time MINER All AIIO laclor In the OctJi vote it the lowering oi the not lng age to it from it adding about 411000 your people to the list ol eligible vntern An other owner were too man to In the ttdl election bi Scbreyer tlarted the thing olelection uptetx June it till when his New Democratic Party captured it Matt in MII Itoba to become the countryn only NDP government It the time Since then governman thI rhInch hands In Quebec Nova Seotla New Bnnuwltk Suht chewan Ind Alberta Rhea gnvunnataria Inll re turnedin British Numhia In tilt and In Prince Dierd it iand II tinthe incumban came back with mintIntIIilyIn amid maladies Liberal timid Regan took the helm oi the Nova Scott Intern ntcnt Oct l1 1WD liter ltl creating bit ptrtyt TIDIHmII lion in It IcaLt lrnnt nix tin beat Smith who was In hla ttrnl cImpalgn In party leader alter taking over into Robert SlInlIeld now Iedernl Tory leader The Tories had governed lines into in Nnvt lcotla When RIcItIrd Nattieldr Tit rlet beat the chtalt under ot Canada Illa part won neatx bttt Ilr marina will pvnorrtl deleat the Union Rationale wt munch In new re uted to 11 min horn be lit Schnytr like tlr Bour uaa war new oppoelii my leader when he capturidn root and eluted PC Pro mier Waiter Weir who had taken over tram Dull Robiin lot was hit tint tltaa lest the NDI returned to power Sealatehrwan June It thin year the an Ihoencn oi nnvcrr yuan when Allan llahenay ted In tip Wrrv Iiil rtrnmd em the monteptlntlrtle by mm Tim liberal Roan Thatcher whr died one biotrih liter hit deleIt IIw Grit Itrength reduced to rule lmrn It TIMER WANG In Alberta tlr louglrced rude tune Ior change Ito ran into the driverv mt purh log social Oedit Into an oppnnl lion role in the larhlaivra tor the llnttinre The PC mLt tiIrry ltroma Secretr rxw their tlrcnglb dip to to item in Prince Edward talent Lib erIl Alex Campbell captured It at the it reItr May it two tor hit record mandate Incr de leItlng the Conaervattvct by winning it min in not Bronmonotr 1e are var eplath writth II or twin been and not all men Cclathlann trt It II not bud tor the world to detect dllierencr in what ChrlIUIna ray Ind what they no the bible router in people at well It In prinL From September I9ilr expanded local calling Ellcctlve with th introduction of dial tervlce in Moonstone On Sunday September 19th there will be no more long an chum berm prime rrrlahtar It lorrrcr pvirrre rrrirua 1m by lien and lately deltnte minin Milan and Gorton but been toemltn cvcn IIth in the name pntcrnrnent and party tor yearn Vrhcrr Gortoa III prime mluintrt hit party deputy wan McMahon the lion were reverted in It when lielIIlaon bov tame the leader Littith the two with Incompah thin in the nine mernment and ti Matron It war widely expected that wanna trinethcvetrwldedtautiaa gIIhnl Prime mutate lice Altbou It would put rrerrnnu would take tho lint mutually to out Sector The trnll came with the pumped in Al or tbeGortonExperi thrill highly prehidited anthorian record at Ihe lor trier Prime tIlnIrtera rule IIIT RACK Carton hit back with no Ilca oi newnpaper Irticler Ir aatina lorvner Cabinet a1 Ictguervl leaking rccret gov lactton within the Miami Party the tear oi labor internment ttlII keeps the dltnldenln trout noun mt tire edro oi revolt IN DILDBM AIlhondi the next Iedml elv lion It not due until October of next year McMahon htmcll hat been putting out hint at the pourbllity at In elrlt volt He wanted to obtain man are In htx ova ri ht to give him more evil ty in bin will be diltleult lot the ernnaerrt to perrttedv the trade union movement to go my on up demnda mwumbmnw patent economic reception the rural areas eI Anrtralla have ever known don grav Ilcrn It otrtbaek man are wIlklng all their properllet becauu they cannot em living with the clump Ill wool prion eIrvter weekly Wynn I1 rim emu 1k tin malt nrao yea Alntcor Gently moo yr lialnnor vi Canada into yearly lAll ll tutor throw oil lid National Advertlrlog Citizen at Unitervlly Arcana Toronto uo Cathclrt Sb Nontrral Member oi the Canadian Prcu aodAodlthorm oi mm iiona theCanadtInPrmltexeluc limit all newt eatnthla rpcrcvndttedtottrr Ibe Prcuuttcuter Indnbotbrlocatncwtpubtitlp rdtbcrctn the Barrielxxndoerelaimt Mlblliotlul adver landedltorialtrtatcrlelcre Itod by trn crn oer Ina produced in thlrwlyevaaper Copyright oatation Nun her mart regtater it Ida again Dcnpite the rueccu rt hit party and tin one iendrrrhlp Mnedortxit defeated in hln rm cartriitmcy to Kingvtorr and war gtvca rate It in Victoria ilrrrprcnenwl View rII tor iovr yrrrv although he did not are the Print ronrt uotlt raw alter the CHI into continental had been corrv plated one am at center trioMu corned MM price cthirott tinlint thblulr oi Canada word It with not lllaurnorvthe kl MIL 11m wra dvtrtted It Tort lrlr tilldiurnal wu complr Id over udlrvv latte DttawI liteVictoria iiridu war convicted over It Lrvrvrtcr It Iqaluit Ion he rr rrct war 11 la Northvrtt Terriotter between SARRIE MIDLAND PORT MeNICOLL WAURAUSHENE end MOONSTONE All telephone numbert in Moon and begin with 83er IV Bell Canada ttone will have digits Not oi there new lloonrto Illahlr trim your BELL tilleSlNlESSe OSIIUUIMN

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