Wet Start For Weekend But Sun Expected Sunday Diwalle may room miathg brewed October mm wry oi natal health Iullllien In the area was notied Became eI research and at the direction oi the lead ant the board It Peneteugultb ens has mowed Into community psychiatry iirs loorzydeaid She said the tram help vIdnsla end provide en es essmenl oi the whole tarnlly In lentil situation norrslrtnmss mt patient clinics will be set up In conjunction with estat Inc Iuiiities rnch as health In its lire tloorhy reid Ilovever no clinics would he established In Barrie niece lloyal Victoria limitei otters psychiatric sen Doe Jackson Childrens Aid Society director said the pro grern sense to be picking up steam Althett the socleiybls known Ibout plan ior Isa than month his lecture leela II will be rucresr People seeking help do not necessarily hav to go through the CA5 raid Every that has prob lems dorsn seek help Irons Its he said they may go to their minister lrlend down the street or their friendly bartend er They can be relerred by any Il these people or may rrlcr dirt erlly to the service lllr Jackson said one oi the reasons tor the program Is to enable persons with yrohlenu Iv seek help In to with the pressures eurro ng Ihens stow he escort NM ivhiltr MIMI hI reid 1hi My response in pressure Is conducive to ruin the metnish team would be There Is no coetnot to my knowledge be said would be nrrpvieed Ii there we any cost Involved since It Is public lestituiitss Part oi the program Involves perth pwlmesa ttrr Ilwa raid the hopes to pro vile education to unanimity groups to help thorn do their helping thing end back up the Nigerian about the mean can be directed In erIhrg to the literal Ilceilh hire in Pene tangtdsbeee or by selling sis 701 and noting tor the mtmity service branch MARINE IORECIIST NROhN tiarlha interests tsmedel use em EM Irate hepcrIasWlods tarta bIe III knots becoming west to northwest ll kndrr today Partly cloudy with Isolated showers Lake Ilene Georgian Bey Winds variable it heats becom in east to northeast It to It hols hy ellerneee end etching Gordy with Isolated showers Lats Erie Winds cast to northeast II to to knots in creralng to it to it their this aiternoon evening Goody hm eds nerthesr shooietecrevstngts litontnotathlrslernooeeed averting Cloudy with law showers srunhur lEllDEliS More Concerned With Ilow 0i Election Than With ero TORONTO Iul Student leaders lrem else the prov Incee re universltlu arid Thursday they are more ren crrned with the how oi the Oct It election than the who Were spending all our time telling students how to vote said Mike Fletcher president oi the York University Student Federation we havent had lime to get Into the issues Students are annoyed been the provincial evere passed Iegisletiont year wrng atudanr to vote eilbe place oi residence is attendinr university or In their home rldhrg The inuence ol the univer4 sity leaders was called at the University el Toronto to dbcuu the election They said they consider It more essential tor students to vote in the ridings where they attend university They else said that student leaders will not instruct stir dents which oI the three parties to vote tor the incumbent Pro In ll gressive Conservatives Liberals or New Democratic Party T00 COMPLICAle Bob Davis ot the University oi Toronto reid proxy vols au thorised hy the government tth year is complicated and Iew will use It to vote In their home rldlngr We wish the chiri returning loliicer Roderick tents vveuid made clear he Under the proxy system pie hero to ho sworn in you bile to write letters to the re turninr otileer member at thb iamliy can not he named as the proxy and so on Its too much lot wont vote at all there will be more than roster university students ellgt bin to veto him then to per rent have never voted In are vlnclel election hetero end rlr numhcrs Ire slgnlllcant Irrtor Inrrrvrret rldings Crrl sullinlen neopresrrlept ot the rtudents couner el Ita InIou Lutheran University said about lunthlrds oi the eligible voters in the riding el We lotNorth are students it they exercise their Irenchlse them Some oi the people In Water the are pretLv concerned cspe ciallyrbeeause it Is not clear who Is gets to vote where elld Ilrrhul as Another riding with strong iludsnt representation Is Kings ton and the Islands TOTE AT UNIVERSITY Vic Bradley oi Queens Unl verslly In Kingston said he has edvbed students to note In the riding where they attend univer lily He said he also wants to nuts it clear that his rtudentt council is prepared to challenge any attempt to enumerate not worthy raident voters In common room He wants It does roomteroent because the rooms are pleceoi residence ngelng to challenge the system it they try in do Iiiys thing else he said Shelia Ceppe vicepresident oi SAC at the University eI Western Ontario said that when she came to Toronto to attend the centerencw she vru coe vlnced that It was more impor tant Ier students to vote in the riding where their parents lived But in changed my mind have more lmpoe lent lisnesAnd butter dont really been it what was consl deresl to be an issue at home rlr months are still an issue Im not then ALSO crrrznes John Gtadhi judicial com is chairman Inr SAC It the University ol Toronto raid unl versin students must make sure that they consider them selves as citizens and not only students ler Shoplifting John shrine ta oi Stmd Iu sentenced to one day In IaR Ioliowlng conviction oi charge oi shopliiting helore ya 3g rr SECLIIDIID SIOT INTIIE PllRllw tireless Ndaod oi Barrie Iound minded spot Walnu dsy by Kidd heel in Sunnl deie Park member oi the Barrie Art Club hire Noland hand the elements In the morning and did small sketch ot the erect She re FOR CORPORATIONS timed to the park the alter noon and trenspsncd the stth onto renvu Imminer Pho IeI Lewis Wants Government To End Tax Holiday OTTAWA DI Stcphen IAwis predicted Thursday that more persons will be unem ployed in Ontario by midwinter Ind called on the Ontario gov ernment to the tax holiday to corporations end use the re vuitlng Its million tortert emergency employment pro nm Ii they donl do Rin the nut ivw weer It will never hep pen the Onlsrle New Derne creIie Party lender arid llgtnea released by Sutistlu Canade earlier showed that 0000 were unempluytd in the prurinu In AugusL An NDP government he said would save as million hy end Ing iivepcrceet tax credit to corporations purchasing new machinery end equipment the tax credit was announced April It In the hudng by Pro vlncieI iteasurer Darcy lt Keeligir who said it would slim uiata the econonty the credit was expected to cost the gov ernment about sits million ltr lewis raid the unemploy ment Iiguyes prove that the ills million handout has been colonel iailure That gilt to the corporations hasnt yet resulted In one Ioh In Ontario he slid dismal record tor government that pretends certain sophisticlv tion In htoleess accounting end emeni Ninety per cent oi the inn cbrucry end equipment Ior which the exemptions were ap plied they Intended to purchase anyway he raid An NDP government Ivontd use the money to get on early riert on municipal protects that have been shelved alert con struction on lidhuo housing units Increase assistance to municipalities and industry Ier westetreatrnent iacititles end support extension oi services In recreation mental health pub lic health daycare centres end renter rltisens care The yearold leader was speaking at new centerenca In the campaign htdddliarien ol hliclrael Cassidy NDP candi date In Ottawe Centre lie estimach thsI 75000 Iobs could be created through his program to times the number created in government winter works scheme to cut down and remove diseased elm trees be side highways last winter llr lewis raid the tiniest dra matic Iub expansion in the next in years will be In services to people in the areas el day care counselling ol rlr unemployed end can ol the egedthosv meat neglected by this livern mrnt Rail Regulation Changes OTTAWA tut ylsrrlnng railway salrty Inquiry ended Thursday with general agree ment that responsibility Inr reg uletlen be resented truth the companies Ind delegated to tripartite body el labor veil management and government In summation ot evidence he tore the Canadian transport commissions railway transport cemmlttre Jch Walter repre senting the Canadian Railway stor Association said the rails ways had abdicated their re sportslhility tor the sslrty oi their employecs and the public the railways have been ralttpeiicing industry and chsnge in this regard is long overdue lie reid Canadian railway companies have accepted the standards issued by the AssocIr Iioas nI American Railroads but since the Mn Is co organisation set up to sort Interline operations their entitlement Ipecllltltlws do not adequately consider salety Judge Foster In Provincial um yesterday Ncnllltl her etring el horror and dnank convictions had bras held in custody July lie removed bottle eI ahrvl Ins lotion here the shell oi the drug department In the Woolworth rtnrv on Itaylreid St and tell the rim without lu it Year In tail for Negligence SUDEURY CPI Talk Wayne Cameron II convicted oi criminal negligence causing death In tho operation el motor vrbirle was sentenced Thursdry to year in rrlnrma lory Ind lorbiddrn to drite ior six years Ne was cmvirtcd by an Ontario Supreme Ewart buy in the death last Oct II at Allen Beenchemp II at subur ban horman Tp Cameron ul ncerhy Iianrner operated car which over turned on Nighwey so titling Brancha and seriously Inlnr ing two youths Man Found Guilty Oi Manslaughter PEMBROKE CPI RI mond Hamilton Lawrence ii at Alice Township lenr miles south oi here Ikunsday we Iound guilty el manslaughter In the July ohndllnl death tear riel lambert t5 also oi Alice Township Originally charged with one capital murder Lawrence will he rentereed Nov trw shown Saturday cloudy and red Dance cl IN run both days near ll tonight id to hi North Bay Sndbury Northern Granite Bay Means Tinse grrni Today sunny with slowly intervals chance ol shower lite Underwriters Presidentsliall Clue Following social hour and dinner there will be ne Illlun el awards Approximately undrrwritrrs are receiving rilhcr Chartered Lite Underwri ter Cminlrs Lite ctiti lrr Association Training Fairer Crrutlrates or National dual ity awards Dancing will Iellew the presen Iationr SQEB8EGI$B acma=an scannedaaassssuuunmcxaunnuut uzssassaaaaanam KESSESEGQEEEC==D=E EMERGENCY NUMBERS re Dd Pelee Alhllre Service rraaras OPP BRADFORD ST BARRIE TAKING ORDERS NOWI 11de EAR IIASINE THE NEW ONE FROM HERTI 14 Months Jim so Months letter Way To Go pectacular everyweelrend Ontario Place nxrrrruen nun runs PHONE Wit THANKYOU To all the nslny customers who helped nuke my grand opening such rueceral We here at Wese Discount Centre look lorward to having you drop In on us anytime The winners ol the lucky draws ere Wynne Jacltet lohn ionirmrn Barrie Rensen Butane Lighter Tom Alien New Lowell Yeura truly WES WILLOUGHBY WALKATHON In some cases it is dliilcult to the two but we must renhhrlhtrrthrputoilsctien time we are more commun ity and Involved In community decisions Ilr Sulliman aald candidates have showed genuine concern In his riding and at meetehra candidate meetings there has been good attendance and good nrrrnher oi ducstlonl up only concurring the environ EII mil he haderitleel words Ier Robert Nixon liberal leader who he said was sched uled to speak in Waterloo lau lheran students Ihurrday thr speech was canceled Ind when phoned the Liberal headourrrere they told me he had higher prioritiesrsatd his Sulliman We dont lite that Every thing was plsnned 191 Miles To buy bible Von tor Meslce $5400 legInnIng and dildan oi Collier SI United Church Registration terms at your IeceIehurelr mm reason of the CANADIAN IIILE socirrv There are spectacular things going on inthe waterways of Ontario Place Water skiing This weekend its lJ nmping water ballet kitingcvcn clown lets the Summer all over again And it be every weekend from now until October It You can catch our atcr Spectacular this Saturday and Sunda pmd rn snrlG pm each day September III and 19 It Specie productions include the Salute to Ontario Place display vegirl water ballet daring 3man slalom criesCross on water slris and demonstration ottrio trite ying high above the water The last weekend presentation of this water spectacular will be on the eiosin days of Ontario Place October Iii and II when rhe show will presented at pm ii pun and5 So come on storm This weekend Next weekcn Or any evening Theres lots to donew lms at Cinesphere exciting entertainment in the Forum ibits HMCS Haida paddle beats toilsheat rides And Ontarios best collection ofgoed tun restaurants to Ontario Place on Lalreshore Boulevard opposite Exhibl Park is opcn ays week until October ll Gates 10 use 5526M groundsc ml Admission AdultsSIJJO Students 712 15 Senior Citizens and children uncles7 free ontorio unnumonrr ploceo nmi Milli