vr or ii if it ti ii 53 REE in 5an gi it it 55 if gr En El es seaEr ti it it rag it it the 1A go it or wloiifrryF or egg Iwootdtihto 52$ amm in Ehni nag ii tit Ex if gene ih ear nuaiarupboardaihrwghotrtin additionaiut thertntirrgneodIrhnedaiorare Naitniaittoildtng th rioaetnrailidiidegrthbnaenrmt Idnlntilfolmudhy Irgarwhhplalgoipotentini melliomtomidcntalddl planter PtIoIiorDeItgn Roemt root portentSIlatut Eli El pain denim torrent thtn thewaiderovrrtonraheemo Iortie Removed irrtm Court Screaming iious Vaincrons ten tor diredoom lArtiI wII hostiId out oi the QM In turret Sta itarie oi the OPP told the wt um lortie had been toned my oi one in no Hampton Emit llr luatlrw leanPant Btrge mothmwsigdduth tie roo ordered IortlII rentein to mm mm that iutliriony mid continue the orientihni treety uninternioted The Iloganr loo E25 ergot 255 in 5s Vi jibe airline reiuaed to approve the Itee The hulldina Miter the Barrie Bunion Barrie Ont itEndoudpieasandtLtdiorwhlrhundmetha book entitled Silhme AND oourrmv HOME these make mntttanea PillHI II The Blair Enriaineit IdvIotIgeI oi rrnaI ventila master bedroom having bathroom en suite nd IInrtly room whlrh dill become iourth It hit powder room Htshen II well meta to the hall tinderlba new advancepay moot pin the ten most threamonthahiadvaneeol ight booted with at the In wordde tncIuoIeInteIlItton Nearer thngtrrthtulavuat Clot III heiiern 25 III ahwted mean too live tree lie at Quebec and we wiillen re 9m Win IM rpeetivety all Himmlwa mfg In rm Eatintetaawithntnlb raonweinrtte to name In ml 23 rend over voriraiMp mu In tom Oct is ililrdooan iiiIL kn my own my Capt Itelierrrare then called In June to some and new mm pm mm mu Inrp lulu Aneoeauit llll IIiayli eutbornid antler oi the peace to Ionr to Air cIoaiiI Iaid it will not be mm New Irrdvatrs at motors moms an inundation wovh countyvirus errands till dmu your in and ma wahln tor oonerae therein been have no Iaetlonaon klhtrvttoiutotmtmvinovizer IIIIIIIIAI thtll Mill in IAIIII AliirquuIet iortiebe in mmwm rtlel declaration The Ina rd notd In the roll liiltl ml tor he urn Ished rill Illnnthah winmyfnn eiiect 22 Em whetherhehadroedthedectaroniinrth Atilntienllii rummagean ration and when told be bid Feb the lam tiled today are SiaprtrratIilId Ioryoir by iIetory mined pert mzo necunnrron Frost Danger Arrives After MidSeptember by CIINNINGIIAII homiundowormtilmerotnun dead elm are the most how larrle Myotherpletvrbiohoeedemuchiulpmpeet tterame trutmenttaiheurriet tioai gardenerr have Irw tutu deoes am decIIrItion orIde mud ootproeeededioreadttaiorrd Pollen iilih PM in both Orr rrrhleet to intamen the mtlut Nave mm Ind loin Arleneault ownrlto IltuItlon derelope Lottie lbyearold rtudent 11 WlliUotllllleiWld III Traituewfciinilttvk width Mil lute vat muted II WWW The liver Air Canada mu II re Pnioiettil When peooieymn cut owers at thin time It you Md mm by gift Ptiltimlilbhi Itut telwlgel ltll Itinempt ind In Irlo ower molt aim the mm my mum um um OTTAWA AT GLANCE need darlrneri to set buds Io morn to Enmd my mum wmclm Pm 5E on Got away some at iIiI clean hotle the pint to hII Itu Otherwtia move pot one Ilu IIvgrr may piIni into not which II be more harm leaving It In Iroall pot Iant potbotmd Ii the row Ioiid tour around the edge root ball and rtartlng to out the drainage bole ere were it limited take erniloga rather than keep largI old plariL Geronimo Iuecitiu IlhrorrI or wII begootu Ind ImpatieoI Itt grow eaiity trorn cutting Ind the email ptantI tItI up tea room Poinsettia need metal Itten tlon Irom won it they are to produce thou gay red raeta Irritrnu They are Ihorb Iy ptIotI Ind it II usential that they only get normal day litht PIIntI kept over irorn tut year should have been outdoorl all Irimmra not when they are brorieht In the home they muat the complete dlrhnesn at night Any articial light will Itoui them Tnv hut mangenient to to hep them In an imnIod room it thin room can he keg cooler than the real ol the lure Io moth the better Brit II thiI in MI ooulbln out the plant In dirt cupboard 52 MMEII IELICIIDN Iii THE AREA noon noourmos PRICED FitUM wt them to bed It Iunaett thii Zygncseiua truoeaiua lI In no tphytle tvoe oI eactua ln ltI oItrnal home In Brazil ttrrroua on treu ior tlrII reason II re qrrtm more water than innit earth also it II particularly Iiiit able tor haonng health it bar In annoying habit nl dmppihl its boda ThII canned by too high temperature and too low humld hy Eotphytlc ptaota aIwaI come Ivnm arm of high hu midity Keep it at about to de mon until the hudr show rot or Ind dont let the doll dry pot out in Ottawa recently was rirr lout Ia in bow our capital city Mr managed to retatrr most oi the heautttut elm trees along the tildrau canal Ind parkwm Io tart In our Ireo tire elm trot in rare right At the Flint lteeearrh Building not told that the treea do not receive any apeclai attention beyond the nor oral care given puhilvid tveea Apparently there are IilUyhittii oi beetle responsible tor curry tog the iungua which courts the Dutrh riot dim and the more virulent elm bark beetle ha not been lound in the Ottawa area to date Prozrui in breeding rails tant vIrietlu oi elm ts Itow Perairtarrt varietlea have been raised but Iiiey do not hate the gracetnl vIIe mm which II no chuacterletic oi the American eLri troev imported Irom Eur ope have promptly iuertrmbed in other dierIu or our cit motel The vtnu like him In phloem necrosis II actually Ilttlog Iimoit II many treeI Is the Dutch tlm diaeue TreeI presently being more trout lhnoto taken Item the barn oi Credit Union tonnes KEMPENFELDT CREDIT UNION LTD Iorvlae Community Open mamhInhlp to oil it Ind dedication At our open ing meeting oi the tall team we had two Ipeehm lronv the Toronto Coryveothemum Society and It war most interesting evening All their chryranthe uni plants are kept in told trIme over winter itarted in to growth early in the spring and Ill planlI tor the current years are grown trom cutlinga ahen Irorn list yeIrI plants For the ehryranlhemirm rhow oilntr have to be very carelully dithdded so that one ower will reaeh wterilon It the rtdit time Mr Dickson Ipoire about DnhilIa which his wile groovi perhaps more wtlnrnt ior niovt oi no They out their dablia tin beta in the Fall heiore vibrato ihli way they latte up much lrrr room The trdrera Ire dug atioved to dry hit in the usual way then cut dusted with Iui ohur and aimed in hotel In ily err oi ordinary Irdtn Iott tie raid that Itineraler bodice the area II an and they hove very ten loose For hose who are intereaied in making arrangement oi dried home there will be variety oi dried material Inr vale It the Autumn Show Sent to There will llltt be aoma readymade In raoremcntv tor role Dried ma nt eon runner In all rorti way In II ood portunli to get some up CIn tan Ch Iantheroiirrr Floral Art Ind Show will be held at civic linden Centre Fdwartia GIrrienI Toronto Sai urday Sent tit run to pm Ind Sunday the too to Inn to pm This ahow II nrgIniaed Trnwnto Chryianthemrnn So Ind will be well worth THURSDAY IE ll Ill The opporitton parties ayed the government tor ItI eoonomlc policies throughout the daily Commons quutlon period and during Iuhseorrent debate on the taxthrone bill Prime Minister Trndua raid the government wants to study Thursdays new tigurea rhowtng unemployment on In umard trend particularly the lohtegr rate IIironl youttr belors eorrsldtrlng any new meuoru tie also piaoa promised meeting with pro vtoctal premiera on the econ nmy but II having trouble getting IItisIIetory date The opposition also Iorced Ipeclat debate It nlpht on the wittdroldtog ot ioderil money due to Prairie farmers under law that the comment to tend to Iitwlnnt with IegIIiI tion thI has boiled down In PariIIrnentIry debate Opporition IIPI Itllibtl tor to boom that the government was Iioutlnr tht airline and duerndttlng the rule oi low but apparently made no dent in the governmeoii Iiance FRIDAY The Common meets at it to Iontlnua debate on the to bill The Senate Itoodr ad lorrrned to bet Name It Street From if you arent gettiogthia on your savings depoeita you dont Sevtn Account The unici Saving drloaii Corporation SSDunlo troet East Barrie Ontario Tel 705 themUnlclpat sarnngs loan nrpnratron AnrhIHlaryothirmIdeiiianheaatlorpontlontiolltumttvd IIIIIBIR CANADA DEPOSITINSURANCI DDRTDRATION TAKE NOTICE THAT The Couneil oi the City oi Barr toms him It Napier db except tor pvopertlen Iiiider Renamed Iiu III when mintmummoirthiy hIlIneI ave our Bonus 7257200 Please onli collect Our hour of huotnem are Monday to Thursday 900 am to 500 pm Friday 900 am to 000 pm Saturday 900 unto 300 not with tlInrtleI torn IMPROVEMENT rroncri mini Distanter Ell Denim Eat Cory lien IlnItIr ehIrIoIeIrtr CONCRETE SIDEWALKS It Stilt $100le InnQuality Home by minim Ail Electric Homer UnderEonod services ndsea Aceoss to Kampala hilly GSA Approved lots Minimum oboe sq rr Ddlnm At Dallftthor new oenrry Estate um nomination Atrnoapherl Ihuia trot szortoo lat ml per teat INIIIII It per It mm timiwa It torn Ierth Ia 12th tia midway helwetl Barrie Ild Nihil hem Orlliil tettew old llrrie load to itll Mn IIIII ief ia Inland te eonatruet II Loeat tm moment the undermntioned who to the Iollowlrrp named IImtI between the points hereinattar mantionapd and Inland in specially atom the sort vpen tha land abutting dimtly on the work namely Tel Annual lat No II no rote lvr tool to he IhirttiaIr deheatorrd who it 59995 to 99995 Illawvlha are being evnItrneted hy tho aubrttvtdert Napier ht Adorn st Chill It NAM oer IL ttot lotion on it It It or in It It yrs It yrs tent aide Monitors monitor tonnes or ontmmn Instr momma and iii when sidewalls Ietlmdt teIIi vtdet Ste It run some or me serrvrcas AVAILABLE humor In run cororr urnon Inquire It the Credit Union ntiiee 12 Ceitlar 5trIetharrie Phone IIHWI Iilliirlt Mon threunliWed ID to lhuu Alrl ID to or Silurday I0 to It noon gt VIneonver Iii Wm iunrrrrunu The Nation leading IIornv Milieu II Dollop Ill MI not toeettoer more III um rareroar An iieItlon will he made by the III to the Ontario Munlel II itoavd irir ItII roval oi the hi the ulrrworlr IndIn owne rnI lthI Tide it th II III No no yaw Wynnnukmya or ma lnpv oi this Mike tile with the City Clark Ild heard me rove oi the said work rind rtiiren hut bet plaee when any ohleetioyna thesaid work will IIICOIIIIIIOMII do my mm DATED at Dorrie Ontario SI II he I1 19 iisrrrrruorrrrtcnycoinP lit too it that trim uh hints at IhIIiv hay ltd tit not It butt tram gm Wm It vamemm mxwgu alum mymm rwWoM4m a4mnaaiu