SHIPOF 0R0 Nanci or manta law it or fill ONTARIO MUNICIPAL 32 datum oiorolhhlathdayoismiemhes tall HENRY NEUTTJD Clerk township or ono ott City Bus Syrian SUDEUNY Cll mid nattyorned in mm to to be manna In the rtiy to he on trItlonIi Jan im Ilttr about or per cent at tho rILrr eligible raters in plehtottto lloridly voted it to law oi Illa Iyitrtn the all no la servod by private bias company humi ltaa Transit Ihirb rates without municipal ruha Its agreement with the city expires at tho and at Dmmhrr mt hobby State national chair at nine hortarnand XI roan oi the Black Panther noon at Allin Stain Prtaoa Partyuits am eonier llla lawyer maria It Gar roee Monday New York Silta ry is It Saatea tell tAI altirlala should be abused moot with murder tor tho death Veterans Pensions Still inadequate nuiiONroN tCPi Pen itod iv are partial iorrmall dons and allowances tar Can mfltld thtthe new legislation New Direction Idas troono veterans and do huhrourhl But we havoa long For Soviets pendent are still Inadequate way to go Wa must rat the SIOSQOW tiiruttr Th all coaddcrioa ermveuo basic rate up wmhtro near new direction in relations ho rotary at the War Amputation 550 and then see tho rate tmn the WW 5W oi CIoIda said litoodsy nirht keeps parowlththetaol otilv China hlrhiistiicd byllrrsldent Disabled terror have last trig Nixon annnumd in It to reasons in be disan with Earlier dolerains roomt lmr has ranted tho hrutnho to merit pension increases hlr rosalutloor whldt asked that an it WM uddcrion said in banquet tomatto ngu lomuu apply to than with Jim moth durlns the nroupo and veterans with mJod WW Ar tho iourih his PW lll ventlon cent disability that automan mil Wnifmd with tie said the basic petition tor aye increase apply in all am itrtiirrtrwnantthwart llnc toopcrecni disabled palm to nrdieoa at the canon litwvndctt mowJam ll veteran In the Unlird States at unu hltity and that all ittal tutor in soviet antral moo double lmpulm bo given on NI tot Ihe Far hast Our hart rate is moot Ila rotoryon minimum award ltciationr bollson ltoreow mummy that wuptii tho mutation uld pension and Tahiti WM Ind Ilifl dtiirtrneo Goa the Croatian tor tolerant with In nopereent unlrltndly but the ion caption mpcmnt mutantrs hoti this disability should auioinattraily are always tourh to their deat nymy mm alumnae and lnrroaso with no become itio hllll in Pm bring him up to 550 and elem oi disability would prob Dorsal at this Itmvotwre iv wittberottsltrd Ibty increase tho Veteran oi Mm Wt my their relation on their hlrhy Mr madman id otcrans older pica The Lost Snap hr lmwl WM Vilma pensions hod lotion tar behind Earliri Veteran Altair itin rentmlu oavutct Use tiring turd harritnerr ihsmwitu the traditional Kuidoiillshthal at later aloe told the con Wm mull the utoklltsd workrr oention that no major Improve rltn desired Pattern loin dir touzhrat trait ncyottstiaur with imam in pension iasl mints Ire nezdzd to the Pen notion llet omrhcivthlrt the Islanders sprint hoisted ll built 325 rtun Act me to was and rave mart We would like to Increase 16 hilt zggmnm veterans with Normal tilw pension ondbtnrtll but wa omomiam gin boyamlnr Soviet Ua WW It will an timid to priorities no it Llicrn tor lintelm mailing Ilvo oapitaitrt trading with is what the taxpayer Iswlillnr to and speolal handlingto Alice partner in mosti avartoalr Sammy iltitltlblnlls Exlhrte are other Canadians IA Dr lilitoa liarlorritr bond at pediatriu at tho Datum connection medical It you out toeairhoro youre goingnd aomooiltorgtnyt Fails hurt more men und women than any other job accident Defend yourself iihail common against iallswith tho loam And that boat protoctiva equipment tramway you haveyour eyoa your ears your brain big pools ngc oan block your view of the way ahead Iii tic ierer lie said in In Interriow tater and ma death has declined it did lot law mm Shouldnt Have Advisory ltole LONDON Ont CPI John White Ontario university Ila Iars minister said titonday slu deota should not have an advi riry role In tho llllilil tenure at dismissal oi protesson The student should he tree to comment but not as ahlel ad visor itr tihilo laid Iohn Gitsiairon vtroorosidtnt oi the University oi Westnm On tarto hllkltlg council whirh Is seeking Itddsntoolinr membrr ship on eomtniltm dealing with lattiin employment lint ltri While said oiudcntr should have an active rota in the unitersity board at over our Masterpiece it turn nnoona illakr this world tumor with in iliol ororhci horn and senate senate committee has rec ontmrndid inorersed student roprtstnlation on the two rav orninr bodies YourWorkmns compensatitan Board and The safetyVAsoclaouslloniqud EXPORT UP lndiaa art arts In two amounted to million In In trcase oi ib5 per teat over the WWW NEAT liaokr car oi The Barrie Ex Iiritain to take llrit place with HEN Indoor medianii Dept to rot St Toronto not at Ontario midcnlr add to alter tar Print Ptainty trim NUliilEll NAME ADDRESS Now I9ii Nuan mil Caiaiar morn instant llillOIll kntlr crorhais quills elhoroldcry gills tree pills em Nuts Nrwl Ilollnl rttsltel lioak Slophivilep Iiiurtr tearh you hin to rt instantly llur arisen patterns tioo cuitpieto lnaLIni niii inti more than lliu gills tor all or rations artI tlm empiric Airhoo Iiaok tloa ail Jilly liars took no nonts at It Ittaa Atrhanr or Mr 4th Book lia patterns the beans itoiit liook so will llook Quilts tor Todaya LIV tor to patterns to mu ECLAsstHEt ADVERTISING owrcr RHONE martin Illtwr lwololwlltsri IMIIIAIIL Dsllt lltlTlCli It In THANKhTt Wdl attith word Kit on MIMEIIAM ltblltll trl vimi ms wttn min on tours ity is it nor Ilm Ml Ill loll MI admitsmutt rno notlm on worny with the mention rtiitwaunlnotg AI IllumOttll mill arlor to minim mIIDINVIAL aoii asrttli oiiilsrmrtamadoiorim otnn ramiret not Number in our No It tor not oi town Identity oi lair Numner mm Iltktly mini omtri Iotath to utter dam will to raid only it on allrr tart pvbll ution ml only mum will no mm to lorwald filer at box mom out to tho romiun soon ll Mtlblo or meat on Iity to mfu oymouria mm In on on ma iiiv oitprwiu mm it WORD lilxlithl cusstrirn ADVEITIIINO coin bluwnt lalaa row It not within two car or two martinis sloe nor no true WWIle trustw an no lair Itorum rntti Into someotma mum line not our suntan total run wot Iioto Irdatiionlll my am too am uiistat aotItmo it nor wit soottiohr Lrada turnover oi Itmuot tIid million rrade and the prospect oi cooperation in openinr up the vast natural rosourrrs at the So vct tat east Ira the mast Im portnnt llrtOu lodly in Soviet Iapantoe rotations IDItIartvnrrr oicr trrrlinry and tuhlnr rirhta rule out at least at present it polliital relation ship as cordial an hillin has with capitalist rountrits like France or Finland The prastnto oi Amoriratt military base on Japanese roll it lrsquently cited as hind raarc to better relations between Tillilu rnl liostow WORLD BRIEFS GREEK AliltlIST tiltil ATIIENS liieuteri iiary iloralionl 23 tormer sacro tary at exeshtnct minister An dreas Papandraov haI been an rented try Greek security police her mother said Monday lira Vaasllilil htoraiuvtt said she did not how why her daughter was arrested Ava it nor whether she was involved in Antlldln mcni activities GUEIIIIILLAS llANGEI AiillAN Jordan AP No Kurrriitar train tha lilarxtai Popular Front tor the Libera tion at Paloatino wera housed at Amman Lltllldl prison Tuesday the rnvrmmont announced The two htohantmed ithIIIJtIIIII and Diana itiiou waro Ioiind guilty by court martial oi mur derlny government employee Netvn guerrillas hnvo been ex ocutod In lordrn ttilr year FIRE TRAINING NATANEE Ont tCil Every slaii member at tonnax rind Addtorion County General Iloapitoi here should know how to combat tire raid Fin 0th tFaii Patton no he began thcoroilrII and pructlrll iiro training course within the horpl tot Chicl Patton raid ha will train the ontlra stall in groups at nlno to it each wreit Each mle hot onehour iralntnr period when all mothers havo chance in nor tho cxtlnzulah APPROVE IINE hAltNlA Jill tCit line Stand ligainsi Politicians lirged Tilltllltlll trill Dr Dougtar taitare routrut recto Ilry oi the Canadian iiudisat Annotation has urged Ill hospi tats and health argantrudona In Canada to into stand on showdown basis agamil puiito cions controlling the hatpltal appointments at doctors iirittih Columbia has slam the power in its minlsltr at health Dr itiittaro tormcr exteulite director at Toronto thoral tiorpitai calls it an unor poctrd and potentially danger ottr situation in mi current issue oi the Journal at the Canadian llrdia cal Association Dr Wallace says It ever we reach the start at which hospital appointments are made or rtasona oi political rather than protoisionat rom pelencn we are all as potential piticnisfin rent troithir Yet he anyr tho British Coi urnbla rahinol has decided that on Individualtho minister at hoaiiIiIs hurt shit in motto itnnt decisions oonrrrnin qual ity oI are and patient solely in Mt hospitals It this ll so lit remarka hio talent that has not been lid stored on any known Individual rnsa biblical limos Snug it bunti Probably not yet it youvo just moved in Mm ouro mttoaahoad with i7ttf$ltm WHEEL ALIGNMENT RIGHTNOWAIFIRESTONESTORES 88 WNW at VMlll do you liputr it would coat to tIpIros ltortt tirosl young by coming in tor tlll t5 retinalR Ilipnmani You no when yotrrimm whoair ard out at alignment thI ara imd will ha milled nltin unavln tnltla Th be plenty oi llllll llltrillt Ilia will lboitynly Indin soma parts olthl turd But it you on not bald patches named by rwtioal Itigntnono tho otrs stir to bo scrapped Protecum yoonroa Isnt do only reatonto come is torn oyheal altqnmrnt Your tar unit udI hotter And handl bettat ton 7266585 Wha nerds whorl Itioronontl Evolyhodydoout motion or anotha am as tintI goat by nonttttom put thI hoot oil oi Slim wrrocivrlml altonttiottrls on it or you Iihtnkltrnakuunartooasthatthtm Syriaro Ipdcillirtl at Fuoototio WI nominate on this part at yotr tar Erakoa Shanta lm NW And titer at uaurss AI tltI nooptmrlhm mopodat moon to be rammed about your whorl olignntant wmrslomdroamotahoioto dietitian Evan Ii thryn not on it at l1 Mid within no and or motion amt moguls WIVWHJ Ia In intlilt mm II ma Iaavlta illlolr Alto roaulcrioltl arm troartloo ororrr Ito mooted In moanlms to in mm Mt tho Ctlrlltidd mutton OooIrltnont unulral Al mutton lo liaadl heat it MVIIIIMMIIII Irn irlr am Mr Insath In order that any war Manama may no nwm beiarr at UN that Irma may no reciin tort mo lotiorttna day wait TIMI Th Illlh Elamlrll ll Inormth tor only at Irwme will lrulllm lit Ant ldmllrlrtllrd Inf In WY to ill Him station Ad IMI IIIVIIMI if mhwlllt Err ton which dd riot IIth Ina villi at moadvmumrr Ill rot all into id mmruonr tor mm tnr IItrir hamlnrr mum to rlohl glmlm ml or rslsrt any want at between it and lid may be imposed by city council hero in dstor pertain who own dogs which are allowed to roam city atrocta ioltco chtci liobert Dock said In letter to council We are alwayo plrrutd by doa rolls and the durenlehrr It diI patehad In tltorn Irons Iiiii IItI lortlinatciy these dogs tiro Ioooo and quite allow the ilaroalchcr Is not altlc to ilntt any Iluu on his arrival and yrt ilieiu dart reapoour Ilirr ho lltll tell tlia area Perhaps your Wol oomo Wagon hatteaa can help to euro tho oonluaian Call ltnr Iadoyl litmlisrn samson Dottitnittil ELECTRIC Idlhtoobutorr NOW otrNtttuttstAv tint AELECTRIC Firestone LARNDLOCK pic100 RETREADS winnin llllli CH WM lawman lltona at noon PONNACMERCURV Tilll Illllil wotmm rnthwtmntt WANT Alli lHUND Willi no not nmm