MasM saw lheroet with as to have it the person less will To they Carats syxierp Innova at it out as the the rec level tonne drop ma lat it emban the at but at If it term VII lam so new nto wtb Ila tx out astute noisier pl lands and toreats Rene Brunette third trons righit Manned In his realise iiurenia to readied ismlly vsratlrsa exploration oitharnnatresnotaoutpeatat lhlpaiodmlmtolmll Salute lisrie mg tha Huroea at Midland The re createdrosnmnnityentha iginaiaitehasbeeavimdby lbouaandseilonrtai vhhnea Priertsespartsncingiiiewith In lhe peiiaadee the visitors were welcomed by John Open Tomorrow felirctiru routine ihtaiil The litth Annual tail esbiht lion oi the Ora agricultural sort ly opens temmow iTueadsy pismber lit with the main yday oi events on Wednepiily Rules require entries tar as hibit Is he placed by pm to pserrow aaecpt tor vases and iiitstech Bartholomew itslth Sandman and Doug growlordf are members oi the racingcommiitee wblch will its program on Wednes yl decides the reguisr sulkvmr horse and buggy race this Is planned as well as race tor lilitI hone cone priiinse ll or his as on lepd show attractions drawing ceplul the terms Ito ratrung load at area ads is among the new events as call tor the load to be dvp by It pounds per draw learns must draw to Ieet between states test bpar Knocking down stake dissualliiea the draw Eaeh team Is allowed three draws with three minute maxi mum under the mics Drivers are not showed to slash horses with whip or end at lines and whura oI team by Ieaneter er helper during or alter draw means disqualication with any winnings iorsieilcd Tint and resend prizes at tits are resided with no ior third In each elites worthy en lily Invtson oi Guthrie Is presi dent oi the agricultural aoclety Arrangemenu have been made Iinrlba exhibit hell to be opened stepsister at io un All grain seeds roots and inrlls are required to he the produce ol the exhibition and grown this year horseshoe pitching toiuna mcat Ia planned tor Wednesday alteration starting at prri uasa one is open to tire mi dsnts only and class two is open ourmcr truss VITAE GROUP NLDWATEN Stall Re posts presented at the annual meeting at the Gloucester Pool Catiapcrl Association showed buy year at activities with auctcnahil rgatls over Civic Holiday weeks males high light Settles and holes group MM HEREDAY AIR WLDWATER istil horseshoe pitching contest Is planned at Ihs liuronia isil lair here along with log sawing contest The thrcedsy iair is to be held on Thinulay Friday and Saturday September so and October In NOON LUNCIIEON WAUBAUSIIENE iSIIlii potlunch luncth will he held on Wednesday Septembtr it at noon by members at the Waubsurhenv Womens institute HEAD TINY GROUP PEEERKINSIIELD iStlII Jack Nygurd has been elect ed president and hire Eugene slallloua secretarytreasurer oi tlhe Iin township Conservative Associa on The township Is In Simcoe Ce idi Arthur Evans iord is the member lien Gilchrist Allan ttrlaan and Jack idctasalg era in charge Heavy hone show and beat and dairy cattle showing will be on Wednesday lanes tor sheep also have been arranged lot that day The achievement day pro gram toe Glenns eIi Iiald cro club and alas Oro dlI calirlus will beheld on the ailing day oi the ialr Creensoroiions Meotionighi WHORE ibIaIil Sec ood snarling at the new iIiI term ior Creemesa Lions club will be held at lbs legion hall here this lhlondlyl avening Aha In itde Wesihaeela gas his term at the opening tail meeting earlier this nioolh John Harper John Wuihroeha and Cecil Stan IN the vireprasidenie with Great lilcllnight treasurer and John Nay the new secretary iirr Nay wasthe gbarier president at the club when It wu launched three years age Players Iidvance At Srmcoesrde WmTO Stalit Prank Jones and Tires Jermey have reached the semifinal round In the Hrsscoeaide handi rap totrrnament at the course near here Jones deieatrd Ray Montgom crv while Jermey won over Gup Tribeck re Storey and no Churchalsoar tliiintharom petition gs737550 At Wasaga ivtstoll anscri Building penultssoisrihtsyearhasvs overed construction worth 550 Wlslgl beach council you iniorneed at its September meeting Raevs hangevia wel rornod the two new members Councillrrs Ansley and Stan Cnvnpasx were elect ed by estimation in complete the terms at the two rcslmed members Ted Gordon and Ed rim It or rcevs appon ounc Ior Ansley to the plannln board audaisonntbamiis tssnd sanitation comrnlltes as well iira police and tourist commit ite Councillor Cornpass was appointed ioiha Iinance and properly conunittes and two the two bail bonds yihs stern ante ehert Drier clerk an ted he had received notice or several increases in subsid ie irons the department at Ilrnal tame Ior snowpibsiing Several letters were read Iran the protest planner David Tlscketi givins an outline or questions asked and comments stirred at the recent seminar held In the Chamber oi Curri mcsue building The counril de ridedio Iak llir itrckeit to attend the next counril meeting on Tuesday evening September II Council approved motion increasing workmens compen sation tor the volunteer tiramen lo the new maximum at it 000 IO TKST RIVER letter Irons the University at Toronto noliiled Council that class at geography students irons Erindaia college would shortly be conducting dye test In the Nollawssaga river la de tsrmina the extent It any at sewage wastes intho river The clerk wuasked to write them letter at lhlnka trpert among them an addi Request tor street light on KIDS pour rotten reuvnurusrr srartrs rouorsow are lists ri 6lr50 Pme trimesters sarsrsr enurcn Linda Laos led to decision to revlsw all the requests the lighting In the immediate more and install where necessary During discussion about the proposed aresra Reeve Lange vln linseed he tell it was very worthwhile and necessary protect which merited commun ity support Ne said hs intends ad to ask or an uptedxle statement on iinanccs item the areas renunltlee and resale tion was passed hycouncii authe oriaiag De Iy Reeve Clair Reh ertsen an Coesnclllar Compass to attend the next meeting oi the arena committee bring bath report locouncii Stole second hour iattl director oi the tunnels parks Prurn left to right are Kelly Bruneiie its Sloan Pierre and their Breineiie his Bron ella himseii lira Brsmslia Fditl Nomsriatsogg as lt ts trims motorists monorail murmurs msrscr SiliNiEMiiiilr and dsudater Senator to heeknound is an enlargement rt historical artist Jai iarya concept oi the iii an nest on the Geornlan Bay oi Samuel do Tramplaln massacres rvrrws Tl IARRII MIMI MONDAY lllllbtlll II tilll Wasaga Beach Continues Busy With Many iateVacaiionisis Iy HELEN oiilirss WAiiAGA batch Not so many years it was eiten said that on alter labor Day Wanga Beach died This is no longer the case to than days snost restaurants and stores were sold out at bread shill butter era oi YE OLDE MNDIIARK Fourth Ave and the Rearhlronl owned and operated Iur many yIrI by bliss Saunders Kirkland Robins on Riser Road owned and operated by the Gillies iarrriiy tor the past it years has been sold to Ilr and hire Robert ilarlrlrk oi tixbridge Ont Walroina to our new winter residents inrne ODeII perviser at rolls and only low oi the stores are packing up to close tourist comiaginto the Vlii aga now could assured at having his needs tended to pro bshly with iaslar service and more interest than in the bus ier days oi midsummer this is the way liabon ha it we ever want in iengbien season we must provide the Iacilitles that our visitors look tor Now with children back to school may grown ups seek ing oulct holiday would aware this the peace and resimlncss which settler over this resort September and October ail worederlul months with warm days Ind cool nights Wa who live here have time to talk to our tourist Iris to relate to them the storie ad legends oi historic Huronia and to enrolm Iga them all us oi their homeland What pleasure It is to be able to walk bsreinot long the sandy shore with only the odd car in sight also in be able to take dip In the lake or river without being in danger at being run over by wsirr skier or speed boat Perhaps we should promote this season as the one ins the senior citixens to holiday at Wasaga Beach They would so predatetho slower pace and the beauties ioi natsne ihera are soapy units now open that would be suitable with this best tor wet days or root nights trons now till the snow iiiev There artist he tboetsandr bl older people in Ontario who would cition such holiday Ii rates were reasonable This is something the new Chamber at Commerce Board might consid No more longtime establish ment at the Beach chsnxrd bands this summer hir Ind lira Gordon Braniii iortnerly et Coilingwood are the now own nor my wars are errors asserts BIG DOUBLE FEATURE SHOW dosignod ior would vius sins sscouo rsarurs Jason Rabatds Kathaan Ross rwo oavs only snow aranss PM mi IAIOIIT vasvswi swanssss uDUNhohMJAIhILORT hwaawvQonwmwaLwhmwMHumngin now there will be no entry char tor rars going onto the Bear lintil next spring other services are curtailed with no llia guards Comtort staliotu will ba opened as the need arises wli always some open on weekends Victor Godin Irom the Canadian Chamber at Commer ca and Mr Robert Finley hem the Ontario chamber at Commerce ware luncheon guests ot the Wasaga Beach Chamber oi Commerce last week Both men were here to discern Chamber at Commerce problems and share Ideas Iidd Third Layer To Oro Suriacing GirliiRiE iSirltl vrorr Ia procaeding on third layer oi auriacing on Highway No it by Huron Cohshuclion Company at Chatham iho resurtacing covers dis tance oi almon seven miles trom Crown Hill to Oro Road Nine New curbing has been made at aervire stations and other outlets Ora observers havepoinlcd out the week was done with minimum at Interlereiice with the normal ow oi lraitic There are some is miles per hour rnnesand traiiic is asked to slow down in immediate work zones but detours have been voided Brampton it er is $5 ar REE Ier its IIcDarsntd is assistant mail 5557 execesiive director oi the Ontario Association at Real stall boards and In this capacity deals with the Iederal and per JOIN IL Menuhin Berks limi Award Trophies At Angu avous iSlaiit By trirn nthag buck Roedsr by on slrnks in an extra playeii Ber Stewart Itirhbrook club champ ion also sddrd the Green Arm par three rhaneptooshrp in his till Iaurais Stewart and Reader each hn Lehed ll holes in ii tor the low you scores As winner Stewart received the Bernis MacDonald trophy Ibe lses iuw gross the Icnship was won by live Endlcolt who also received srorr ilRiiliS susn commissioners MONTREAL CPI itionl real Does unmanned Friday that Danny lllendsnex tocxncer director minor league opero lions has been named assistant to general esesnlasr Ilnr Isn agg whuIa ital Olin will vaiepmsntas all as et mullet LACROIX SIGNS OTTAWA ICPI Philadel pibia Tiara oi the National ockay ague hav igriedx yearaid centre Andra introix With the club tor three years Iarrnix led is loosing tor two years and has been mrover goal scorer He is the zird player to sign The Plyen open their bathing mp here today with do piaye KEEPS SPANISH TITLE BILBAO Spain iAPl Joel Urlain retained his Spanish heavywll ht boxing title Friday nitht ai nu held to it round draw the challenger liartann Erhevarvis lirtatn weighted the pounds Esbevar ria tit till rial People never send email ndsI or do they Course trophy tram tir MacDonald operator oi the course lira Endlcoll earlier won the Rich hrnel ladies rhampiirnship Trophy winners tor the low or rhasnpinnships were Dennis Taylor and Schsiierr Rhile some true scores were made the course record achiev ed by Chuck Roedcr In less when be tired do and tor it told still it looks as it it will and tor long time said ilr MacDonald who shot ins holes in par t1 hirriseil earlier in the year WARNIINISTEI MEETING WARMINISTER lStaIIi Tsxliies will be liin by members oi Warmiaista Wom ens institute at ineeilnd vii Wednudly September ll with hire Gordon hostess Sgt Elsi rc all lt re 25st 12 FE no as gggew at Eeg lastile Minna Potykboi siltule Ind York Univtily it holds his rivala pilota tin rose and tiles In plum and rslllsxalinl He married mm Peel Omnty ethnol Isobar and lives at It ay Amuse Brampton am very pleased is an nounce that Dr Donald Wllion prunineat Conservative and local Wars will settle sny earn as naanma valuation tonymtim be assess mucous ias Destined resend Satwears Frearer Deal Continues Whole oboe Salmon Rep 8215 III Steele up new while they last DIPLOMACERTIFICATE PROGRAM LEVEL AND SPECIAL INTEREST COURSES STARTING WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 17 I97 Day lion Tues Mon Thurs Ihura uhton Psychology Sociology History at Art Painting Ceramics Painting ii interior Drawing and Design Archaeology Antiques Camera Techniques Basic and Advanced Thurx The Story oi Canada died Directive Speech Thurs Broadcast Techniques For Radio and TV Thurs Conversational Prenrh and II hIon Conversational French iii Tlree iues lled Til2l Rslrs Tints lae lets 1soiooopnr hood lhlli risotbmopra moo taut trainee troop to hole not use no ionopsn error to too oopna scoot rec impromptu senor lupin auto to 1masoprrr tense no rsoasoynaaraoo too 1sorooopnasisoo itiii roorsopnr seam III IW Implii an so riooersopm arsed OR INFORMATION IROCHUREANO REGISTRATION ratnruorn meters on vutr run OilLEG at as orcxwosru ar passer Hw room MIEIW CW lth Ill illth IlOitl meson lemma sv cwaegua ensasswo Nero Playing also PM it 900 PM AIIIIIIIE INTERESTED ill Fhiilit EITEITIIIIIENT iS bIIiIIAIITEEII III IIth Nimrodunto 5Hlim BillxuithEIN new it iue NW Vllttor hubsuntrue fwimm or Till Friday laying oyour nightmares cred illittiliili and Wuhan