err men Issued with is ST THOMAS at The no lies colicgnst Ayime will be expanded to roster training clotrs tor new type or pollen silica AttorneyOenersi Allan iawrcneouid Pttdss viii iiaitmunumoemi the course IO mich east ot but nor how much it would one We will need more career licemen more specialised ol eers tn the term who will peed trsining he said To Climb Down PERCE Que CF Two Store Robbed IObDON Ont Iboteun sad rev vcr toned the manager at IAmbctts so pesmarket his wlts sad in none trotn their home to the store Friday night and escaped withsn estimated Item iambethtsiivnmliaeoulb westot torsion Psortndal lch said Bdwln Olsrtssssge wile Betty and their sons John 10 and Charles Youth Secretariat thrill to coordinate lwtbui noted desad silent Dr Rt idsIer wtlhosrt portioilo said are Loistimth TALKS no Secretary oistItI Wilson Rogers discusses results rt two th uerlthslx Iu TORONTO CPI Am wmwmuw programs is being nonst tho cminds govern Potter illOr Or Potter whose cabinet Foreign Aiisirl btlnistes iskeo Mods is at tell The annual twonntlon cabinettar et meeting included diacnsw ions at more to keep Nation not can to the unua Nntions which Japan would not agree to or AP Photo Bonk Employees Sought IEEE Xe Bllwo ta on We New Democratic Party is may wound bribe IO open in On lIrto that Ith wlliundclcr wsss create to noon seldom result It Prelidani Ntlons Illa treese it Is the nitimnin indignity at we brunchohm de can on lira United States leader Stephen Lewis told wIterlon illlorth campaign libl btr llwin suggested lwn coins otIeilon tor Premier mun Dldl In View oi Thun days announccsnen Chrys ler Canada Ltd at and Dwgian Aircraft oi Cansds tao baud It word that smut sily tniorrn bath corn so this on men es and Don ias to so their poside person who DllBi Quebec soan special moonstol ties it wess at horns about to pan ag stop the ismous Peree rock 1W dim cop say plan to climb down the see today iranPicrrs Csdesu 21 and Susanna biotin It said Friday they will sitempt to descent the rock which has never been eiimbed Although Peres rock is only no iret high Its wsttlscs ls crumbly Ind stmost impossible to up solidly pair talked with geolo glsts who landed on the rock in helicopter Rhett tho two gunmen wsltcd Tire rubbers turned the ismity in drive to the store in the Osm sruge ear and ordered his Gsmnsage to open tits Isis Teamsters Leave TOROhTO CF Teanuter olilcillg bsrgainitsg tor workers at so motor provincial trucking Firms have walked out oi nego lotion oration with the limos Traruport Industrial Relations wcsu representing the compo es bureau spokenun ssld Fri day It is concerned at the walk amnion occurred Thursday Plate Loss tor lh IitItrs said its mgmt will be swam too on po and ptiorlltu the cabinet commit The secretarial would have smsii permanent ntaii oi young paoola to coordinate govern ment youth programs it would trsvei scress lhI crlng tniormatlon Ibmst what young people not and need prosineo path in BiggeSI ens SUMMERSIDE CPI Po tlo across Canada are watching tor two young bank employees as Prince Edward island In thortties Fkiday continued their Inveaugstion into may be the biggest thett in the prodnns history Thursday morning noon Jul mustang bin cealrut dhrste were is Iddm cation Proolensc iastmly second school teachers approved worktootsie program inursdsl bi trom use Tit contract espIres dept SIOUX NARROWS Ont iCP boycott oi classes than hotel the no cuts at Pillar iinas school enrch iri day iollowing spcclsl school board meeting Thursday night The students supported by their parents relused to nltcttd classes the int three days as olest against the dismissal sst spring oilho principal Dsn Douvicr lor what the Nenors district Roman Catholic neps rsie school board termed inclr oi academic qualication ed tor tho petition Inquest Ruling TIIUNDE DAY iCP cor onoss lury ruled Frtdsy thI Jon death in hospital oi Eien nor Bembo 2t oi Thunder ital was earned by cdemn oi the hrsln Is result oi the patients rare reaction to normal pro Irui postopcrativa tsestnserst and procedures The liveman Jury attached no blame to doctors hospital stni or procedures rd to sup rt desnsnds ior hither null WIIhdrstl oi voltmtsry services wu psst oi that decision John iissictt bend boy It the school met with students early is the sltcrnoon and told them not to come back to school as term at protest During the walkout remained at the school to commodste students who tsko psrt in the protest Enrol ment is loud Killed in Slides TOKYO iAl At least iill persoru were killed and ti oth era are missingrlrl Ilndaiidu roused by heavy downpours Fri rin in nitswestern lapse poilcn reported Police slid to houses wero crushed in sepsrslo modalities killing tour residents Ten per sons were unaccounted tor they dd IAelneloornlogleal observatory ssld nearly three inches oi rain toll in the region in an tour Voted lor Strike ROBERT WEILII Moderation Urged TORONTO CPI Education Minister Robert Welch irlds urged cslm and moderation in dispute over proposals to create language sccondsry sdtoois in sturgeon Falls Out iio told news contorenco that closed twohour meeting with 17 members at the Nlpiss ing school board on hold to es ehsngs luiosmslton an Ippresilib that it would be nice to be ablI tn coma hero with clesrcut yes or no to this problem But ta all senderch It the moment Signs Agreement TORONTO Cl Tho Inter national Union at rating Elle gineerl Ind the ornate Con struction Association signed memorandum oi agreement Fri day which could end llrewock Police ssid itoti wss mite Ing lrom the Canadian Imperial Bsnk oI Oommerce much in this western Elli town oi sopoo alter the two employees Inuad to show up tor work Meanwhile travellers told po tlca they III car which In thoritla Ire reciting our button it to RWY Jordanians About led Govt TORONTO CF biiyor wtlusm Dennison sort the rodent government Ieesns helibent on changing our way at tile and enlorcin their own peculisr philosopher on all the country ila cited whst he rolled so nmpics at how our money went down the rain in ths long cool summer oi 71 45000 tor an inlermntton and rclerrsi ccntro ier hummer usts tidbit tor the men ground newspaper Gucrills $6000 ior an abortion opinion survey Ind MM tor lilm study ol the biontreol skyline Tho most unutuIl gllt at all went to the New Morning Centre operated by group iormeriy onllorl ilrd ilorning iormcriy cslicd ilising Up Angry formerly called bIbi which has been described as trsdicai group In To WALKATHON CANADIAN bibLE SOCIETY SATURDAY Theft Warrants were issued tor illi iiltn Angus llIcDasaid and Archibald Alessnder lisctzod Mb oi Summerstda and married with young ismliles Babb oitictatn have idcnlillert the two men as Ihn accountant and assistant acrotmlnot Although an RCMP sergeant owner said one oi his workers had seen the ear Wednesday night No told police two men in the car were met by soother vent cis bearing llstrschusetls tic enrn plates and occupied by two girls on ol the men carrying army hag got Into the iisasschusetts car and one oi said it won believed the lsrgcat the girls entered the Eli on amount oi money ever stolen hr hlcla and both headed west on PEi tbs theit ranks wcti itidthy below recent Canadian crimes It On rum Chases Mina Orillil OrI Municipal Council lady Directors bpertal Rugby FRI AUan Borer iernsey Guthrie iiL Argyle iiswknslo iti Peter Scott shanty Bay iFi Mitchell bqltIsI PU Oro is iierilrnlturli hostel ioo Btrschsn McLeod ten Edgar it Perkin and Jens Pia Gen Store ilnislon torus bomnsers ilwy It On ilohtlo iionses iiwy it Caribou iiatei iiwy it lloy Gray iinkestoao Floyd Elston Cralghlssi llnroid Dunn itswkestono irwlu hiciinhrl itawkestona Victor Belt ilswkestono lsrren itiec iiswkestous Albert shelsweil iinkcstona iisrrls bheisweii iiawksstouo Wallace bhelswelt Oriitta RE Allan Lunatsgton iiawkeetous Scotts Ills Construction Ltd Fred sandman Ora Ernest Drlsile Ore Bsnhury Food Mariel Iinwkeslonn 1aiiess mllit ilieiinys anrnsney nsrln Iiaisis Danie Iiardwasr hinuasrh Reisigernliou Busts OK then itepslr Barrie 119th Evening Square Ottlelsl Opening bits itcruho died three days liter an opcsstlon on varicose veins post mortcm showod congestion and Inamution at both lungs and edema oi swcll tug at the brain whirh was cltrdss tho tmmrdlatn cause at depth Egg Marketing TORONTO lfP public inquiry will be held into the provinces ogg industry with the aim oi crhops iormuistlng tilt mt mus siln pinn Agriculture blinlstor WII sm Stewart said Friday The Ontario Eggond Fowl Producers hlsrkellng Board has raised its the inquiry ilr Slew srt ssld because ol conicting views concetrulng cgg market ing proposals and who should be included in the plan tno inquirys terms at veter rnco snd the mm at its com lnissioner will be released at later date the minister said THUNDER DAY iCP Tho international Typographicol Union snld in members here would unanlsnousiy to strike Ii necessary contract dispute willrrihe citys two daily newspapers The provious contract expired North it and negotiations broke oil Aug id union spokesman said Ins ther negotlntiosta wui be sought throu mo Toronto head oiiico oi which owns iha NewsChronicle and The TimesJournal In MODERN artists blood in with the modern cone to oLlnsurnnce pro rss or south on ele Fresh Besttguurhs SALMON Available now at DAIIIIIE IZAPOODE DEFMURANT Ilrsdlord yssom Air Conditioned Open it loudly Friday it mo CLOIED MON moon Newspapers Md strike that has held up more than 01 million in construe SEPT 15th tlon lintb newspspers hsvs been on your Dnbnniuse Investment Certicates You earn Ittthor littoral on all at The hinniclpats Debenturo Investment Certicates Interest payable semiannually or leit in accumulate TIIIII outs Five sass Awawwtst IIDDIe I1 090 ihhduwhihihinnmtn rebuilt the municipal savings loan cnrpn lion Mlltblit CANADA DIPOIIT iNBURANCE CORPORATIONi Booths Fornltare iiawkerious and Else 5th liwy ii ilnwlres no binscollIda Goit Course iinwkestous iirLIrens Antiques brute DItchlos Restaurant iiwy ii lilo Ollrteu band and Gravel 0N lira bisude iioldeu Shanty Bay iirsdds Tire Ind bervlce Ostllta Supervised psrklng Dennis New Works For Board Reiusing To Drop The Strap DROCKVIILE OP Lloyd Dcunls bairmsn at commission that record mended three seen are that corporal pltoishroent be shot lshed In Ootssto schools now works tor school board that rclltses to drop the strap itr Dennis is director at ed oration tor the Deeds and Grenville board At Its meets in Thursday night trustee biask Dnrroch tried to intro international Waiisco Key Ore Llesd brawl urn writers barrio Wear barrio Bertram Brothers Darrin htsuetec Psstrtdls Equip Busts 0R0 FALL AND SCHOOL FAIR STOCK SHOW TRACTOR RODEO Horn Show and Musical RldI Junior and 4H Achlavemant Day Special Prison Albion Midway Danes Dancing Wronesoav seer la Smith nap SPECIAL ATTRACTION HORSE nnawmn COMPETITION on the grounds 50c Admireionx Adults $100 School children tm Student with card 50 WEDSEPT 15 Orlllla Colts iiuros center on onus CIIrnI lOA ltoro Oelilla Insists Bake lbw Ortitin bwltsrrs Lumber Om Orttiil ihor Motors Orlllia Ortltta Cash and Carry Lumber OrIUln Allan Byers Equipment Athorlcy Atheriey Arms iiotel Athericl FrIncoa hletsi Ortuta barirsut Co Ltd Orltlia nod Barrie iiewtti ilroa Csrtlge Ortltia llslneys lusts Odttia Dominion inmber Co 0er BrIrds Feed and Farm supplies Orttlln Brennans Western The Orttlis Rog lmltn listen Osttua limooo dates and Equipment Orliita Oak Ridge ilotel and nest Ortlita binscon Oclnty Council Captain Bloods Marina Orillil Curtll ties In Orlltta btlrerwoedn Dairy Orlltla Oaruets iIobbtes Barrio iiarrln FIawers Barrio trsigs lllens Wear llarrte Robinson iiardwnre Ducts TorontoDsnsiaioI ilnnh lsIrrte Onuadlnu Inspestnl that It Commerce Barrie The Royal Bank BIrrIe Bank at Nora lentil Dante Olrners Mens Wear barrio Drown Aniosunttve Barrio Corby Real Estate barrio lisrpers The service Bsrrle BsrrleWsldlIg Barrio binscoo Bloch hassle Frelch Motors Barrio Equiprn Dollie bilrlI Ltd Barrie Onseetto inserts on Barrie thurckl balls and services Barrie Feudisy Flowers hurls Outlets Construction Bnrrts Oreer Tranepartntlen Busts Wonder Blend OrlttlI lmiths Dairy Isrrle hand attending itnwsou Gauge thrown iiiil iisn Clash llols inl Toll iLlU Pethick Funeral Home Barrie Parry Automotive Busts ilIrrtc iisrdware Barrio Clarks Home Furnishings Darrin ateckiey Funrnl lionse ilIrrte son Wests ttarrir irvlnI Decorating Ceatre Barrie aaslesats lusnrnoce Bsrrt Wm Dash iiotarn BI Oro Itatien General it Campbell Neal all Dacrto blsuroa District Coop Darrin glisttduItIMietlhtluic ltsrrts ess Is Ltd biasme Jarncs Itubbert lltsnty th Wm Lowe Furniture Barrie tbsslrs undersea lhsaty bay tell Coons blusdeii Flucrsl ilernc Ortuln Tudhops bhoee Oriilla once ntqun to abolish cor in punishment and tailed get sneondcr lst the other it members its Dennis said he speed with the ions trustee but would rather sea ihs board discuss the issue with team on than make an nrblts decision in edict in she the squ would be diiiieuit im msny teachers to accept on short notice jLIISToICVO IRIBUTIONSotcoSPONSORS AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY out it biontlclt stsdus Osomiel Ortiiia Docttttis Pllll items Orllila Geo Tran hacker on UCO OWL Bridal Ortth Cheryll Frock shop Ortlila Greer itemlnl IIIOROILIIOV DriiltI Frost and itchy Resi Estate Orian Gull Chemicals Campbell Baerta Gotten Ore ittcists and bieni Orllll AIndeii Hardware Ortlit neii Plumbilgaad Nesting Oriiill bank It Neva beoita OrtiilI Wrights Drug Store Orillh hlcitlnnons Furl Ortiita Crawiord and Farr OrttiiI OrIydoI Lrsgg Insurance Ortllin Orauts Plumbing and lint Inl Oriilia blina lFsidIe Shani all bin Woodl bill Bay Ridgewa Landscaping Shall ll his and bin Roll Mitre Shanty Bay his and Mmhay blarshlit nutty BIy Sport ilsreu bilstsa gouty Bay iiowlrd campheii Shanty Bar at Shanty Bay Lucky Dollar Itore Ewen itrltweo lhsnty Bay Drrek Anderson shanty Bay Field Shanty Bay Forrester Shouty hay Druco Owen llsrrtc Guthrie Obnaty Bny Dr Peter Walsh ahnsly Bay Jack ichlseu Shanty nay its and lies Grant Shani Itny its and birIDnvid Woods nhnnts llIs bIcIatosiu its end Mrs Shanty it Buwnana Shanty Bsy Wm iioorI Body loop Ortilln National Demolition Ora Norman blocs Bards Barrio Furniture Barrio blerenuus lusIsaIco hnrrte Brass Flowers OriliII Russells Poutlse and Cher Ortilia BerueN bleiin Ore Jauics Diner Ora Ridge Road blariln Whales and Cook Oro AI llawltns tangoOn bindeilna Restaurant On Brio Lines Store On The Pines Ore Reach iioss Rodgerl Ora Onry Csrap lhIIty BIO Allan hlciesn Ora cm ltnspsoa Orr