Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1971, p. 11

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ii ens eggg ii 33nd en it go it SSE sin Es in is S9 35 35 s53a Es TllCAGO Ill catcher lawns Cardinals who iritsi viily started when 0M Buy my Prank FIpuIitbe tag tortureiromlnelghlh lootedtoerotremnnlt mm om MN on Ied Simona list oi the Inning Prtdsy to Chicago iron second baseman Purl Photo Kings at Vklli at Minne sota North Stars II Winnie Hank Aaron Belts 40th Home IIIpII lieIIa It IIIplI lest GIr dens Expos Edge Pirates In 11th igsggg alarr wee land It Ila was Inr oI VanlrI Itilrld em build Writ Shellie or Inn cauth runs Another Ihnliled llrlllsh Col umbII Uou lineup will lend Into Western Football Cooler enea play this Ireland with game IgItnst leIdInI Clllsry Slaniprden II Vaneouiera Pan pIrI Stadium binder Am who has coached Es the to three wins In Icren starts II hith ninth erhsela Ill weel He still hunt raid whether roolla Dori lionsv bad or reactivated Toni Willie son will him what the Sum orders Don Jonas lending Western Conleronca passer will be II the controls tor Winnipeg when the blue Bombers enterlrln last place admonlon Eskimos lodIy Both Jouu and Willlosnn were cut oil when Tomato Ar gloom Itgtird up their signal on no Monitor Dream ll Oliver 2th Double DIIo Shapley Ida IltrherI Inlhunt Rob Iton Rohln Wm Troy AbbegIlo ilerbert ll Given bliss James line Pierce Niagara hobo llandarsm II lludllly IMLhIri ssmun Trol Plne on IIer Second hall Dally Double hpcodlcr Spencer II Bovslrd Lsdy Hernle lhm Troy Smola Rings Cochrano CIayhruok llIrIo Nlcllo Nat Front It Findlay Golden Cee Wm Troy Dream lllgh tron this Miss Green Gael hlawson TIIIRD RACE Plea Purse One Mile Sams lIntII toot ll Andrews Wagemniter loot Davies Calebs Girl me It Graham Annbro Jaunly iron Wm Troy Charleys Plpooee ll VIreoe Srotts who llae Wm Poggo Ilte IIugger win Stlrton Robert bro ISM bloody FOURTH RACE Pare Iorse $100 One Mlle Rainetls ha Ilam It Itoodai Dean Tolhursl Dollie Atom Shapley Uss in it hreruitr Commnnd Sleod Preacher BIII II lreston Masterpiece unison Dust Spencer Wm Troy IIIITI RACE Pace Pine Ins OIn bill EspeeIInl tutu ll Jnrgensnn Marilyn llal too TolhurIt Mindy ll Young Wlilodeil Cochrm ahlrlpie lleoo too It Cor Dou lu Horn one Vim Puggo net It hair 1000 Llan Pal but InL lroy SIXTH RACE Pm Purse two One Mile Botwurth lIcQuero Vindicator DIvles SparkyExpresa Corbett Meyers Creed Wm my hIcCrrgnr Stead Tanny llIl Ken Lawson Cindy Van Potrlrk Goodnle Blossom Van White SEVENTH RACE TM Purse SHOP ldmies Owl hlIIIIIer Burclallr INNISFIL PHONE meteor All OFF IOi lieui Joe Crompten For Stamps and Joe neisrnann Innuhas been starting regularly tor the Eskimos htliRlilInsoli his been sidelined all seasonstlrh Ihoutder Injury Km could glue the nod to lloorhesd III was the IeIIrIr moat consistent quarterbach la IJrIsI SSII lost to Saskatche wan Rougher on labor Day Ind maybe the other plotters better because lions veteran Paul Brothers was relented arller this week Pormer Argonaut Ilm Turrrlln will enter lba 1an II deten Ilva bacl Ibndln tales orer Irom Wayne llalherne who moves to climatic hallbacl liaison with strona record and Inclhard deleoce list on buckled only one this sea son will be going with alighsly IIng learn at drag Barton bruised version oI lineup Sober Wm Iiegens loco Demon Wm hey eetioot PkkC Melhlrt Poi Duns Archdelin meter Ilarrrr Act Brawn Cadensa thrrIn Kawartha Belle Cochrana EIGNTII RACE Pm Purse Ole All iron YInlre ll Davies Kiwartha curly II Schaeler liaggles hornet Thihurst lIIII Bottle Rose ll Oirnm ils Tony Battles Wm llrgens Hard Times It Curran NINi RACE Pace Pane II One Mile Gallant lllr IIer Judtr Lawson IWldows Joe Sheldon Randy Dee Adios Davies is Slr blamn Fox Cash Dominion lbihursl TENT RACE Pm le Due Mlle Esutor Northeo lcrry lilo have run Curly llerberl noo Dixon Claymore 1100 Stead AdioI Kurt lioo Wm Poggo Fly ll Charlie IIW Bren her thumb Cheri lilo Lawn son hehnont Jerry into ll Young Wer Pnrleoua not leieb Ire PUH IAIK GIl Pureaull last yeara rookie oi tho year will be but and in romp with hIni will be Ilirhani lllrtlo Dulialol Ilrrl draft choke acquired lionlresl Junior Canadlenr Isl Craig Ramsay their Ieeood dran obolre horn PIIerbomgb Pelee As the iorrniug iarm prepare lent the Sabra operated vir Torchy Millar Chitno SlIditurs The Maple lain slate tor the rst time this alteration and begin twlredlily workouts Siro dIy One new lace In IeIlI ramp this reason will be Donnie Dom Marshall veteran utility tor ward dralted truth the Sabres In one The ll NIIL tennis will play It processors games as lth tor the leagues stilt season beginning Oct Carries Lead Into Final lumping Event AURORA Ont CPI Tor ehy ttllhr oi limited hold Illrn lead over Barbara star at Calla golnl Into the trial event In the Canndlan IoiIasIrian teams Grand Prla htmplng series Alter emit Grind Prin IrenII Ierosr Canada this summer not ldlllIr was In front with 150 points Iollrrwcd by Miss Slurp Im with lid Jim Elder uI AIIlt rora with Is and Turn Gaylord olorrnlwy out to roars tom nonnnnu National Grsnd Pris richest oi the nlnnvent series will do dds woundedIrons rs Instr leaders In Ieriaa will be the stars of todays no tidali show nosing crannies Canada Leads in Tuna Cup YARIIIOUIil NS CPI Canada Is leading Ior III that vlelnry In the InlernIlIonal Tuna Np Irtoirb as competition went into Its ilnal round todsy Dr Romeo Ethler oi llnntreal hrouil 1ipound hluelln Io tgall Iollnwtng threehour hat Friday raising Canadas points toll in Lm Filmer Iimmanent Lawson on re illWhit tier and Vic Emery oi liontreai boalod dispelled IIIh Teams are awarded one point tor earh pound oi tuna tsnded The team tailor the largest number oI this gets too Int bonus and mother son Int bonus goes to the team with the largest single llsh flhe Caribbean was second with Fltpound tune the big gest ever can in waters oil southwestern ovI Scotla The doiandlng champion United States was In third with relpound tuna Iollowed by Mexico with moounder Only the Italian team has failed to cIteh tuna In its in the enl GEORGIAN cottior PRESENTS MANAOEMENT ACCOUNTING PROGRAMS AND COURSES IN COOPERATION WITH THE FOLLOWING ORGANILATIONS Real tinII hoards Canadian Institute It Management Crrltlled Geaenl Acronntaats SMIer ni lsanIrIII Aecoulalls Courses Start Sell 20 Ill ML Ill 11m Del Lilli For lnIormItlon Telephone Barrio miner Ext 262 OrllIII 1151705 Ext it or visit OIorglIn College pm Join New Share In Sept ItllId HMO pan The Management Accounting Expertise amp ship at nearby Elderberry IIIII Farm because they were the goldmodal winning team In tho Nations it at the PInIImerI can Games Call this year Following lodaya event the top it riders tram the summer series will be Isslxnod to com tor Canada to the North American tall etreoit which rul rnlnatea with the Midwinter Fair at Toronto In November nnsiisniiilicmo uer iiyhtt ADIAN rites American Inns East Pet till Baltimorl Id ll 69 Detroit 11 551 II Boston 10 SP 15 New York 11 it All It Washinng SO 00 ii Cleveland It or Milli West mind 91 51516 Nansss my 71 so Sit II CatIiornII Chicago Minnesota llilwautre Results Friday Boston Detroit Baltimore Washington llamas thy Chloeso Oakland lllunesota CIIIiornlI llilwaukee ProbablI Pitchers IIrIIy llinnesnla lCorbin 1l0t at Miami IDobson Isl hlilwaulre IKrausse bit at CaillornII lillrighl Itll Chicgo Ilohn Item Kan Ias City llledlune III windfalls lly Till TED PRESS IIInlt Aaron pounded his as homer oi the season Frlday nIItIt alter rate delay at two hosrs trIInuIeI to glra Atlanta Dram 15 victory in II In rings over the llotrndesing San Francisco Giants The loss tell IAI Angela Dodgers who delealed San Diego Padres 61 only Its arises out or that place In the National argue Viral spot held by San Francisco since April It Dsewherc viii the National league SI Lotti Cardinals edged Otlcaso Orbs In In Its nings Pittsburgh Pirates lost In It Innings to lionlrenl hoot lIousion Aslros trimmed Gminnati lied lh and New Erk IieLs edged Philrdelphls GIANTS WERE AHEAD The Giants had lead in the top ol the lllb when the rains rune mineral would have washed lost mmpkle Inning But he rouse ul lheeonlrsts bearing on the pennsnt me the urn pim were determined to male evrry ellort to get the game rompieled American League llile iellar joined one club but lllcley Inlich blew his his Ior exclusive membership In an oUIer one titrllnr Baltimores brilliant lelthnrrder joined Orioles lam males Davw bIcNItIy and Jim Palmer as In Home winner Friday night with threehll Victory over Wnshlngiun Senna Inrs nut tolith Detroit Tlgrn worlhorse bidding to break out ol lie with OollInd Alhlelios Vida Blue and become the major leagues ilrsI ilgnmo winner this year run lnln Gary Peters and trio oi Boston bombers Peters tamed the TI err on three hitsInelud the cm Ami an Brown Ibuloubwrecklng homo gsnra would nvrrt hack to tho run with turn out In the ninth Ire stingwhile Ric Ptlrmlli BIIIyOonliarn and Diane so Iephson homered tor the Pied Sex in mil bitch MeMDMIIAIIN5 NIUdlll LIIIII hsl PrLGBL Pittsburgh 53 600 SLIMIIII Gringo Slh it Montreal s1 is so as Philsdelphll 59 I5 ilh mi WeIi San Francisco Si 56 Lot Angeles is to M5 ttr AUIntI Ti 71 503 9Is Cincinnati 71 75 Add ll ilourlon no It Add Ii Sch DieKo Results Friday New York Philadelphia llorrlrenl Pittsburgh Si took Chicago lltntstnn Cincinnati Ion Angelrs Sort Dingo Atlanta San Francisco Prohlhie Plkhrrs Today Pittsburgh Briles be It hiontrerl llernally blot Philadelphia IFryrrtan 105 It New York Server lid Si Donia Illeuss lhltl It Chi gage IPiIuro SS or Hands it St Tire only sure way to harvest money is to grow your own One or the easiest and quickest and salest ways to grow money is to put itwhere it will bring you eight per cent in Victoria and Grey Guaranteed Investment Certicates So bring your surplus cash in and bring it in today and watch it grow and grow and grow Iii Victoria and Grey The senior rutCorannr devoted retirer to serving sAayroglr of Ontario WWIde TRUST COMPANY SINCE1BBO or II Iii New York It or All till 13 7h games Kansas City Itoth whipped Citingr inure Son or Oakland aired Minnesota Twins and CIIIIornII Angels downed llilwauleo Brewers re outer ran Return the rains eonI Ale IantIhIdruenonllrst Mac and with no men ouL Jerry Johnson was on the mount tor the Giants After the rains Ilnally stopped Atlanta Itill had men on Ilrsl and second with none out And Johnson wIsItillan Ihr mound tor the Olsen hen play Ilnaily resumed Johnson tanned Ital Carr Then Aaron ruched three run homer No It his esr rer to end the marathon which lasted six hours Irom start to Iinlsh Aarons home run set ma Iorirogue rrronl by giving him men seasons with or more burners DODGERS SCORE the surging Dodgers rnran Ihlid pushed across our runs In the ninth to heal San Diego with Maury hills and Bohhy Valentine Initial In on apiece and Willie Darts driving hem the III The leagues leading hitter Joe Tim got lllIy rasa against the Ark but it use It Iha rtxht lime Ilia Ilnxia In the lab Inning drove in Tom with double tor an Insurance run Jack hittinghanr tired two hltlrr and Cesar Cedeno pror idcdthe only run with llratlne sting double as llotnlon stopped Cincinnati injuryplagued ten Jerry Amman went In ninu their lot rellel help irons Danny men as the their trimmed the PIIILr Consecutive twooot singles by Rusty Slsob liohby Wine and Bob Bailey gave Montreal ILs no Inning triumph over PiltI burgh your new nsnceoesnsnr DEALER IN BARRIE risen stein unions itonnocrr sr neisis ooeunonsANcoinenceos REPAIRS To ALL mares or FOREIGN cons Quality Volkswagen Repairs Ports Your sign of friendly protection The Economical mud sign becoming nimuilnr oighhulmie Ontario highways And today many home and car owners are equally limiiliur with tho service it ariva Eoosstnnlcal Insurance Economical to Cnnndiononnul company with ooahrrrsdrssd years of orperienceinthe goncrul insurancehusintsetrnornimld services and protection plans are svnilnhlo through independmb agentsmen who can give you the professional unbiased advim you need when buying insurance Ask your independent agent about dependable lowml pro tection for home business or auto from Economies ECONOMICAL MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Established 1871 Head Ollice Kitchener Ontario HOME BUSINESS AUTO NI STEVENSON co mo nunin St Ath

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