Impulse NVer GAIAGEIUTIITTIESAND mi WASthOM Ah IOUTTD albnlt moment no woodpenelled wellI ml the the teee rdth III IlIlo hrIrth lI IIlIhtIy rIrtIlIer Ind they donot in the Ir well or it no he the the Idlvitlee room em seen Ind eeloyod rth through reer nor the enclos Sldll an be built Iii oi ltd tor the Tlnl lot SIC code Iddldonel Iel com ly with the NItlcwIII hulldlne oI CIn aim IdI Ind IrI polled by return equero leet Ind SHIT list null t0nlIrie retldentr odd were leet here Ilrooet ldentl per cent Seiee Tut lllm In In to 5on ol orltIey thI sheltered trool enlreoce Illnled glue pIoel heIIde run no the cloeet In metronlhellhu lllIn Ihelvee Wther Ilde An errh between llylneroonr Ind nook Ind Illd Ine clue doore helween nook lllld Iolllrrtlleepreodornmllwoke le Icveceoo loghentrlelnlne IInd nheclotu mm of convencnrw ounv Irlet there Ire IlIo Illdlrre clue may mmmlmmuw LI Encloud pIIIIe rind I105 ior wield send me the book entitled SUBUAIIIN AND COUNTRY NONE lPleIIe mete rcenlltenoe peyehle le Too BerrlI nominee 52 he XENON 0M CPI More hlll oi the Itodente ol Tether tloII School in store ltIrrvwr Io Intlee ot retired to Ittend elqu madly tor the third conned rel rloor ptInI Their roonu ere tle mlelxhedy worn ol nIIrhy White Itch lley reeervo Ield the rum hlll or It PT III the dlIoAIett ol the prtntlpel rent oil In On Barrier tor whet the en pe on dietrlot ltornIe CIthellc up The need covered moo non lltll re reI Inlerynellonel Union Ind is to he led In edllel lnItIlInentI the It elrmonth intervIII rononro too pm or No Evidence mnmhmlndllWIImlD lrterlo out with Mary prob OTTAWA CPI Ne III toms wII me urodey to ad derrro hII turned up to heck Il ucltlorl Illnleler ltobert Welch leutlonr hf Iome anedleo hy the Intern OntIrIo LlhrIry Chlnue el ntlrnldItlon SyIlent hy the PeopleI Repuho The more IIId 0olIrIoI pub Chine Prime Alleleier lle llhrIry units without laid Thmdey tleaIl llnIanIl rtl llowII rcpt re to Cone ill eI more mutton llIIold Win modem emrummnhnu Ion Eggs ncrer sue ThInIdey they were Ieehlnl two the undue lrnpert romeo lollewlnl the tholt ot NM WedneIdey IIIrtod tor coroner oi henkot heeleolrumo 23 e33 huredwtunAmyhgln pro to arm to when in the oethwott ml torleI loderet hoelth depart ment IpolIomtt eetd lhnrodey Thenrclne wee developed by the deportmootrchrnrnoelortle DiIeuI mus Ind dyed lrlIiI tor Ielety rte eIcyIrnro deptel per Ieenet Ient dobtte tloyIrrItlerItedhlI rleterneoto lhet the group would not diroeleeletlne police lorcee or rnIke lie on tnroelleetlonl TREE BEER T0 STUDENTS NONTBEAII tcrl ltree beer to helplnl oil the eerie this week II the rer iotretlon nudttnery moved door IIteInodol eIr wl Prince Wlld lellnd tieenoo Add led Police cold the ntooey wu ol Men My Wedneedawmorn lny end we not terod until ThurIdIy ellermh The hulk oI the money to hellIvod to do holeamencrlooilrerrld hoot end lIrrer inc will mm Inn Io IllllItG eyrtoost WHITMAN Ictlytlire room Au To qunt Evergrens MP CUNNINGHAM Vlurid Nertklltml Socth Tell to In excellent time to pIIot Ivorerecne IherI Ire Il mt IlwaI cold belied Ind rhurllppcdorllieodliJethII method iI known Io thIt tlle wpole thingsn be Irl In lite II te with little dlItur to the rootr lttthutobokeptIdIyer t1 hetero plIetlny put the pot lnto themfrmmd or In Ihody plIce keep dImp PrepIre the hole with plenty oi room to Iprro It the coil II poor In In comport or pelt retoII or let more good loputeroterd the mole mm the tree In the hole It tlle IIInI level II It wet tn the uroery or very IliIhtly deeper the coil merit wIIl Ihow cleer on the trunk Do not remove hurlepw Illlll In prepnrrd Ioll Irotrnd the root hIIl Ind llrm It well Whenltle partly tilted voter lrhm on open ended bore no at the hot Nil otwelerthle will hit Ind eIIrrtln Ito my po When the water he drIlned ewey llll In the tort ol the roll lerInI Illeht depreeelon le round the trunlr to cItch mm The btlrin con he cut or loop end Iround the trunk helare Ill the roll to titled In not enouth to Ith weter treey into the root hell Then weter Illlrly Icevln the hole runnlny Ilowly until mud to IIturIIed Ettehllritod evcrercenr con II II he moved Quite olIen leunv drtlon lInlInu heeln to loo crowd Ilter low you or it become obvious thtl tree it urunltehle tor pertleu ly lor eeverIl home until the wIlor hII pcoelreled the whole root depth ler eeeh Inch el tnlntr merr red one tool Ihove mun level Ittow one tool It Ioll hIII threetnch tnnk men threeloot roll bell Dle Ilrelmt down Ind then under the root IreI Ind cere lully Intert plece ot hurle or one mettrlnl to hold the Ioll round the route Sometimee thle tr not necerrery II the roll II wet Ird thI root hIll tolld end It to only hotel moved Ihort dittence It will yrohelely hold onelher durlhl the movie pro rm The tree rhoold be moved to hole which her heen prevlono preporcd Io thIl there to no clIy Burllp an he tell tn piece but Iny more Iolld rmterlel ttI od muIt he removed Weler thorouutll end It It tr In upright VIIIIK provide Itrooe Me so rt the note will not ruller drmexo lrom toe rocked hy wlnde rrntll the here ehInce to leke hold Any everIreen tented or mov ed now will ne plenty at we term Iood Ioehlne once week until the round lrectee lttle IlIn Ippller to thore lInlrd lIIt Iprtne end lo 90 hllrhed everereene It the mole III wet when the ground lreeru they will eurvlvo the winter In better condition Neel celeioruer at both lor lIll lltllllll Ire IvellIhie now To rhould not be oriented until October but dIllodlII Ind Ill the ImIll Inrlne lowerlny bulhr een he plenled IlIer the middle ot thle month In IIct III the Inuit hulhr wlll do better tl olInlod II coon II poIIIhle teen ere very welcome lilhl ho ed under declduotu true but the end We dlIt leIrt rntnlmlu There ImIll hulhe Ire well worth llhlllll they Ip erwhlle there Itlll lrorlI enow round end their rheerlul little ErIrrthlI or Winter Aconlte II oltrn the llrrt flower ot Iprtnl lt heI hrllt yelloI btttlercup llte flowers Ind roll ol yreeh leevor The IIrlely elitech to noon rellIhte then mothle tlyernntlr but they mull he plInted eIrIy PlInl two inches deep In nod Ioll end put them corner where they trill not he disturb ed tor yeIrI Crocue Ird Inewdrop Ire proh ehly the hell Itnowrr el Ill Imel Ileny Revere Crocue come In yellow whlle Ind purplecome new vnrlellec Ire blue Ind Inme There Ire lIreo liawerc Ilch hyhrtde Ind IInIller verlellee Th7 would he ptented Ihout tour nrher deep three Inch cI Apart Ind lilte rich weI drIlned Ioll They cen he plentl tollIto Ihotld not be cut will It dlu down nIlurIlly There ere Iineie Ind double enowdropr And the lure ttotII ered ottInlttuI Dweol they re plInlod two to three lnchoe lilonIdexIr or 0on ol the Show Ire lovely little blue IlIrry tlowere which the nIrrte Imfll come very eIrIy They nd detlnIre Ind lncher dee rnlnieloro ylclnihl end there Ire number ol vIrletleI retr lnl trorn Ioll like to very deep Itrneet hlIcktIh blue There lo the while rudely PlIntlny tI the IIrneII tor thleredone SclllII or Squllle the hellmoped hovers et who cIn trlerld One ol DDDI LING Or loedeteodutolthepro ylotrr owner used corner It the heme room rue lly dint ol herd tenthth Iutmded lo eIl meet ul the wIIlher ll erIrI Ind humid the odor relurnn Would proteeIIonIt rue cIeInlu piece be ehle to get rid ol odorl Ar II he rent dont know thoII odorIhIorhln IprIyI like JohnIonI Sun Country will be pretty herid to tho Iround when need Any kind deride here other Iolullone to the prob ieInl SAPPT IIDINO WARD do One Ildtol boerd kee ernlttln up which thin elnt proleuloeel elnler Id Ilreedy reeled lt wl Ilu mlnum pehtt but it did not help WhIt corn we do At lm Iur rIrod the Iiuml hum pnlnt nt work Ueueliy it doe very well It thle But the wood mutt be IInded cleer down to here helore the mint III on It youre sure thle who one you they to rontlder thlne lhet roe olyreertlurrv her rcrnnv Ind seemed piece put to It plIce RIAN 07 CONDENSATION Ilr Im hnvlnl In Idditlon put on which will he used II the new llvlne room like ortho dIIl celllnr but hove been wor rlcd Iboul cendrrtIItlon ln cold weather know cennot out In ventlltlin louvert It not rldeo rlrk lnIolIted between rIl lerI then covered Ute lrutllIllorl Hithhheetrock or rImltIr penci lll At Your ldeI TI on the rIrht treet ll you Idd vIpor her Her ol Iltrmlnum loll order tlto Wallrlrt and Start loeulelloo eondennllon rick will he even leer DOTLUNG CHEMICAL It Here heerd that com ItIlphelIeryItelI Ire IItI crown Olt tor plpoe connected to Into nIclle ppI mm but whet Ibeul eeptlc tInkt Will thle hurt the oetionl At No lhlI worke OK to to lie tent nine Iton the our Ice Ind out into the le lteld where the cloutnc MINI It hII no Ip roclIhlI Illecl on the no on BEN REPLACEMENT 0t When III boylhl room Ilr conditioner lhId hrolleht Iketch ol the en dining room Ind bedroom with me The memo held to put thle one In the hitchen window Ind ltwould troupeverythtnr nch Ind cool thl ttI Inth too ImItlit doesnt even cool the kitchen below to drum on bet The home to Itlll lnruiItod too Whet red dot AI Pcrhrp etere will we the one you In pert pey menl tor Iuntl ol Id veto cr pIelty llr worth try It lew yer rnl ht he In excellent pet to rirre lorry IDNIC IDDMI 0t When we bed the route hoornr my kitchen celllne erected hId them tilled by two proIeIIlonII pIIntorI But to too monthe the creche IIIer to open up Ienln hopellllon he corner expenr would like to know to close there crIckr pennenently At Simplest Ind leIIt etpen Ilve lIlo othddle the meta with clIl lepo mode to troop crIc hlddenoven than they re II Coverlthe lll rrecte will thle rend to TIIUITINIO Ind IepIIItL Title Lloine Ink been on one do RI they need to be well eItIhllrlu btlmt thI they will crow tn Wet the ty belore min the theme ed hetero treore up end trod IunorrhIdeInd wlllreod them eolvee lrecly Il lelt undlrturhod min the here runnlne Ilow torot ll plInled too lItI PROVINCIAL RIDING SIMOOI CENTRE Progressive Conservative Assoc Moulunuov nrrllnc ADMIN DNISDAY 5m 2an AT eoo PM IN Mom COLLEGIATE onove st enters horse srcekcn HON ooroov CANTON Minister oi Lehour IVIIvoreeweLcoMI llitlttN errlent lAlllAltA vrrrcctcn mm in Quhlily Home by MARLETTE All Electrlo Homer Underground Fully LIncIIeeped bets Minimum 0000 Iq It Actor to ilIrI Lille Tillly CSA Approved he Thorn Ar Rio drhoetleloulrp out not Lilla wllh Commuan nowher PhonI troel reorioo ROME iI muehyllmrler then coterint the entire eellrrl wIlIr lenlerI Illltll The tIpe tI oold to Tony hIrdere None reolroornror mm por lll to poor our IiIh over bod relrtlorelrrl wire rneIh concrete been rnuIl the tourtnehwldo tourlootdeep lootInL ounti the entire odee not need toothy the Inter II heeled wllh nemeI Ind Iddrerret oi lll trlendr who do not thI notion Ind hlVOh no trouble WhIl lI your recommendHoot AI vote with your irIIrdI even thonh lootlnrl ceIl but odd it man covertly nvnnnor eosr ITIGIVII duel with etre hlll Iree In the you All to Ill manor II proved Hoe do the levliiyl Simple Trollloud It Trolle MW mortar ltIIIod tulle II Item in ti er Mite lanrIehh el Temomw DIeIwr on end doelen luoot luturittlt Mlle or oom lnto hlett leer tor rIlnrnlny llnlverllty ot Montreet Ito drain The universitys IdmihlI trIllon II provith the beer It noontlme until PrldIy put ol hecktodeee pro ypro rnU le th you midi hid Pet rm ltllrnIIeI wllhorl ebr tlpetteer tlll moon Ind retell AMI ADDIIII toll lth one to to retirement in wlrilor United sumu to to Mt rnehile on model ettInIIel to new ioiely Ind rented lecturer Wo tlltldtelIl corolla 9A III In his mee Munrormnlun mll Melmm he Li of on III II lee your nt welt oltnol entry Iorm lodeyl Inlootrlniee menu ioher turn cInIdIInSchot hlpe pIthIotnCenIdlrnlundr ORAVANHURET Cemphelle lIIdlIII ltIrtIe MI weseoe eeecu Peer leerole Soortr ILMVALI Ntllrlde IIteI MI lllorelry end Wh hirootI srhvrterr llowle hlotere BARRIR Inner emu itIllIkI um ORILLIA lleII Inert III Well Athertoy lteel