Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1971, p. 4

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WidningOi 41 Widenin oiiiirtrwey40ilioapoint Incline alloy Ir been promised Stine Ontario ferment Work he been under wry the vicinity oi Toron tobrtatlrepmeotnleoipro unit you take yerrr to accomplbir aerd more oontrecte and put more men mmmumwumv mm virtue oouldnreidmoreeeatiyintotheido ening process year or ton rd ti itiiitiii We we will roe woreenin oi the oonreetlon on Hithwey 400 ro colors the labor Dry weekend livery weekend in tact ir problem tor the moioririe who went todrivenorthonPrtdoyrighiundSat urdey mornings and return on Sunday alternoon or on liondry ii there is long Npid roo built originall way war as trot ihrouxhwey north and lt tree up to expectItionr when traitic tr norrnaL lint when thedirt dwellers biTorontoruahiromtheirbot Ive penir to the dorm oooler air the country thouunde oi then converge on 400 on their way to beaches lager in the runner or to the Ihiiriiletntirawinler Porborrreta ptrelch iii wry 400 becomee harder to negotiate en the crudeet ruryei road There are riopr and cleric tender bendinu Ind nude tonotter Tortola reddeote hunter venbnrtwouid SLXLIDHHEIIII iottIIeIruIeiIrIe have proiound etioot on trie Carl not wonldbe Ible to more clone It or peer Irl Indtretilctrornconoeeir gliding and the ADD extoneion elm in addition to tire widentngvoi 400 the Ontnlo government rhoui push the conetrueiion oi liighwey 403 on the cutern ride at lake Simone This road would siphon oil lot oi northbound Toronto irritle and help to take care ot much or traitlc tlow then can be handled exbiirg tirronglrwryr The government has been moot gener our in helpinrr Toronto to tinence ruch croulown higth er the Lakeehore end the Gerdlner pruewry to name two but it her been negleettui in pro viding modern erit roads to match 400 There Ibouid be irrrther widening oi iii wryr 21 north npd rouih oi brrrie oi Highway lloouiir oi ibir city Such progrern would be most beneiidei to Metropolitan Toronto and much more nlearant tor commurdtior lite Barrie and Orlilx whlclr remain prironerr oi the chronic weekend trriilc tame DOWN MEMORY our 40 YEARS A00 IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Sept 1031 See enth cenrue oi Carrde indicated Barrie huht hert rowiirntelnSimcoetoun wit 120 it lncreere in decade Towns population now 17 Conn rtl decided to pave Owen St iron Collier vto Sophie Town Clerktrerwrrer Arthur Smite will open rogirtry ior unemployed8ob Orantoi hiidland woe count mongol title beating Afro oili obyorre him Coprco began publishinnbut oeliii iii rapid irrmerr us that list er eerler oi ooncerte Allan Pe breer quartet by Gerald mithpiierrynlivin rion Oberler llindr Herold Ellie itle Wiggins wII bendnnrter duor new The Itrer next attraction will be Con ecticut Yankew eterring Will era Girrettb Cepttol Theatre errors will hm Norma Sherrwr in Strangers litay liter George Vickerr elected vice prodderrt Canadian taledlolur Society Alro trorn tirrrlr attend lnmnmrai meeting It Believtlie were Al WMtbbedthe chk liepplertorrr cooker rprrrtei Rorntlir oi Barrirf won tint in rporting clear at Orn nyrlde do liow Toronto Bertie hrsebeii were cornty tltie beating Prertrng 01 in iinel genre lohn Dob ronr locrir hid veteran Norbert giot Dortlenntnre on mound cowl or enter iTIyerroid motion nhe hie Besides Jennin bin and DobIon at that beer me no iineupoii lien won irrur iiooro Merv lender Tb Trlbble rt Ar chieitrompron ltioo rcDomldc litt Iinrby tanner and Moore won crane Barrio now plryr hieriord Trey County winner it one reder winer ADVILI lO OOVT Deer Sir Would the Ontario government worth superintendent tor Earlem 0n trrio won Crown Llie Cup tor achieve mt2m limit merit in year Clarke is Clarke co pump ply oi RIrrte mrde tlrrt exhibit at Crnadirn our National lirhlbltton got mrngcompil mentr on line quality leather in llnn Ire Norman and let Clarke tormer otToronto ember rhip ttI iiortlcuiiurei Society rerched record number under letderehlp Prerident Alerender Mariam tiny er Duncan bicCuaiI conIrIiniIted executive at rrrnuel flower show in Town Hall birrrin hi ere it caught iib Ilimouth hleclr III ileht vr Cell b0 rt equate rogrmr by Club OthEr cooleriirrta in order oi tin Tlrey are talking oi mrhirt nclprir berrie into elem dty end on relocation oi the county seat oi government Why cant the pie oi iirrrte decide it they rw moire larger dirt 0th cant county bound nuke te own decirloori it looke iibo Throntrl wrote to ill twbento Il illutoru ertluilrlt lend to lend heli oi is ken up wiur beruing develop lvoCepltulaied mammal irriher birth ter todays engineering and coon manhth bit tberderrirertot PS icheei better terenttypa prrrenritornnlbecoue nri lrhabeoiillot wexhtihethinderrtbedenlop iotrrncrlirland oihmweli sawmill nu Derrdirr am that many oi the Ll lsh were Elton PrrkerWellaee lied or re it This ldcnir otbarrt com smut uncommon mini iii if ethic with iii mm or will Gus Goring Nelson Garrett are two girls bier aret Gribble end GraceWalk er rrr won Ore soccer title bert tnrr Delrton in tidal 20 on goals lvrn Sierrorend lirrry Sierror Will em Dyment otiirrrie Country Club wre youncomnetitor in Simcoe County golt won Junior title OTHER EDITORS VIEWS MILK BISCUIT Austrriian reterrtirle have dnvr biscuit trom milk roduoir proclplirte out the or in ririm creole whet one Icientirt described an quite rccrptabie homemade eter rhortlrroed Ii biscuit ie cookie in Australia Australian milk bieeuit is designed re milk rubrtiturte tor children in rohoolr whore treoh milk ir not avail able Central Library Services IsP1anned in Britain WON BROWN MNDON iCP The Drliirtl library rcheme in da rlgned to create national in hrrry ayrtem without rival Tire intention to lo reteblirh in the hurt oiioodoo the beat pculbla cretrri library rrrv err ior Britain rod the moat rirrillcent mp oi mnecunr and library rerourcu in Err It new iihr tor rrlerenee end rrrcercb to be built neat door to the British Airi reum whore vIrt and averte errrrlng store oi bookr her reused earlobe barring problern Whetlrpreporedlraerw irailrod combinatlfouplkiha mrrreumr pr rry with tour olherrtba National the prin rlilidrence ilbrr oi lettuce end inventiour LCenirIl librrry the eriirh National illbllorrrpli end the rNritonII icndln my toe Sclean end Tec priory lhlr will be an enormoua rdvanla tor rudenir at mullit ol rubleotr They will be rpered wrrta oi time and more in travel Teaotr crl and upht working in widelyu rted ilridr oi rknowle gr could meet quiclrtyend conveniently The murrum la in liloomo quiet central rruen which ever oboe rlrldenUei ghut her become Increasingly ilgdcwlnrdadlolrdon Urinar bill He rooming sonar et tNe hand WI ruler and terrrcrr empire oi the opener with no rpeclai beauty rredliy iollow obtainable tblr planning and architectural or Bloonlrbury will become so unparalleled erntre oi coon prehenrive scholth and research tnd aitlnu more at Its old bourer will have to Nrwmoi NAME can ea or rather love at the beat tortures oi tie architec turri heritage and bulldlrru or will be preserved The main exietln unit the Britten Iirrrwun ii rery her bad long birtory oi privrta brnrlectlon Ind public rcrvlce rinee lie creation In the mid die oi the title century our oi eipaldonere wrr liter tieorge it who in war led the boob collected mm grille menarche oi En end nce the time oi liing lenry Vii who reigned We centuries earlier It royal men at ertvriueaecurnu mi mater development wu the construction and complo Hoots tri1oitbc greet circu irr readingroom which her been treaty open to ticket holdrrr oi ell kinds and opin ionr it will continue to be in the new plans since permit to worlr there has been eerily museum hu created whet la Ilrnoei poor rnanr univer tier at obrerver which include Idnltrbir next city There wrr everything to cannery rm reed and nothinl to pay The no rlunti brI been gladly indue lourly urad vhmyrirdr oi lcndonerr Ind torr The algenlile Ilrl cl Itr irrcuenterr included lteri lirrI who when relrr gee in tendon made it htr workrbop So did the your Bernard Shaw or hit Irrle troro intend iN ON PLACE The tIrIt pIrt oi lira brltleh libraryr new hulldinrr is hoped to be ready in MI ior lir ilrrt occugani the Science Reierrnoe Ii re The plane outlinedb ior Eccler who combiner lr plorilion in liii governmen paymrr went with care oi the pub rhvlrlcn tor the arts in not only bookr but the plorrgr at rrtlonri er ehlver oi recorded mueic and lliitll The library hr raid would the curtedien oi thr prelert collection oi manu rcriptr mrpr and music over yo be iound In one piece The rcheme will almost ccr trinly be accepted alter keen debate The expected curl la not re heavy Ia one might or cl Tha report at the Tim tonal eri Committee whicth orlrcd lt out in de tail rrye protect will tetra some ll yerrr to complete and 1Trill coat ronta tit rrr ilinn ivwr iian is an author drIrnI rrttlo IIi trmaer ed end tnlerut xampia la attirn part oi the greater oi trod Yet look at tho Lab Irt oi Ontario that tr Iur Iul lor the pretrial rt lord iiovlng our provincial roat oi QUEENS PARK the opening at the new Thur drr Ering earl oi liarria on the Ridge Rcedxihir it truly mag nillrrnl IDIEIDO tribute to Ontario Could Have Woman In Cabinet iiy DON ORIAIN Alter tha neat provincial airc lloe Ontario poeeibly could heve Ilr itrrt women eahleat nunlrter The porrlbliiiy tr there be cause or an reeeptloorUy true number oi women candlorrer red drum in outlook at the oi the Conrervative prrty Ontario iiouu has never been hrm haven ior women only tour women have our been elected to the lioure three oi them 001 New Demo cretlo Party end one Conurva tire There her never been liberal in mi when the 001 came on big with as rule it returned two worriedveteran led out Ohtirrrir Examine ii Brydrld Street iiarrlr onlrrlo Telephone menu Second Clear idIll Redriration Number one errun portage auerrnlred Deilyr Sundays and Statutory Ilolldryx excepted Subrcalguton rater deity by rarrlrr weekly Ohio year lin copiu too By mail errie arrec yerrly Slrrrcoe county roo yearly Balance oi cane arson yearlyr All otbar countrier 00000 yearlr Motor throw oil error yr Nrtlouri Advertirlnl dinner are University Avenue Torontor tit Cetthrt It Montreal Member oi the Canadian Press and Audit bureau oi Otreulo tionr The Conadlrn Prerr ir erciur tvrly entitled to the use ior re publication cl ell ncwa dirpalcb er in lhlr paper credited to it or The trace ated Preu or Router end rieo the local news publish ed therein The llIrria Examiner claime Conyrlphi in all oriIinal edvrn tie rand rdltorirlrnairrielcre eled by its employees and rq produced in lhlr newrprprr Cop Ihl Rrririrelton Nuan ber ll rrgirtar rr member Amer iiIcPhIil and hire lira irrcock eTornuo hourewllr Mb were delaeted in 10th lllrr NIcPheIl got back tor one term in lttd but llblli ilil to 1011 the borne wrr completeb TWO ELECTED Then in 10h bin Add Prii chard ot ltamilion won real tor the conservatives and in nor rhr wrr ied by lire Magnet wick oi the At ieIet iorntrcn women will be rilnnln ibia timer Six tor the NDP tvl tor the theorem llver and three tor the liberate There are already In the ilrid Tiy the time newdraiionr elm there couidbernorr Though acme oi there women are given little ehrnce there are in who are able and rrte Ir porrible wlrrnerr The blunt cheers to the prerpacta oi one at there women over in chinel ir that it the Conrrrvailvre are returned and Il lhlr point we have to concede this as likely tor the tint time there pmbr iyuwlli be willing ness and per pa error upon near by the lender to bring women into hie Invernment mm wrr little ruehfrorpori durin the mirror allhor Pre er leriir met or Prev mler lobn RohIrtI WOMEN UNWANTDD While both me did cutie well with the womeor vole neither eercourrred their partlciprtlon at the parilrrnenlary love and certainly neither wanted them in their ovcrnrnentr Prori dnl have to tree this aliltatloh Roberta did with lirs Pritchlrd but she wrr more than so when that elected and lhlr ave him an anyone The llam lion member is retiring rt thia election gt Mr Davie it la ieii not only doernt rhara urravrreion ol hie predecrrrorr but probably would welcome tamrlr ropro rentrllon inbth hir celrrua and bia government it althrr the NM rhould win it ll rimort automatic that it they elect women there will be tomato rrpruronlrtive tn the cabinet liberiih or rtruction irdurtry The long overdue replacement oi narrow rtrucirtre the new take it wrr declared ior rairiy oi all urarr Now the work that her one bridge itreil has apart at the peril oi rorne oi th truer but important ralaty ir lbeideborld not have onrykno twoa troerhabridpe now call oil yourhorror weapon LETTERS TO TILE EDITOR INTE ll go there hml approaches steer the to iiild ll llle July ml cident complete damriirhrd the car in live roll lplrr that eodedlntheyrrdeltharnartnr Ioma roe teet trend the centre line rule out rperd ea one iti iii 100 la accrued Nithe rnIrrer Now ever both ere emidenir were on the approqu which to me plolnie out Inrne error in do age The entrance to line One Oro he been altered completely by uIinI the old rertion oi pave ment rmder the new hrldra not turning it in at right Inner on the western moment the bridge elippose like any other driver tend to inrreaer epeed wben coming at must read on to pavement er in lhlr rrrr but to be then laced with poorly marked rlrht enria curve with on guard or neide posts Ind In ensuing embankment drop at at lent to ieet would be bahrairing experience tor the unaware whotrlrr lhlr rhort cut from iilrhwry ll weekend treltlc Prrbap err axlerulon oi Iuide rail would have mlelrnie ed the aeriour Itcldent mention Id heroes The Suburban Ticlda Oornmlrainn are erpereniiy to tall with pain rdwhllr line qu em or your rary when thou iehruary ice storm gtmaie driving poor ruling The bar low weeks have earn coma torrential reinieiir in lhlr me myrrli cen atteri to re tuning hem holldeyr to ood ed beremerrL neat deal he been done on the bridle and no roecher to drain the run oil nio watercourrer and rattling Irceriiowrvcr here eln not enough he write letter the county oi Simone crew are working to repair wash out darn Ire tolowling yerierdryr ibmin utrdownpcur would think that IInellori and more would be better agent tiring acaura oi the pro lem than patching up every time the homes open For inatencrr the alcrrmenliorr od line One entrance her not got enough guitar to handle the Row and the gutter on the routh ride rhould be extended part the merlnI entrance Is that prnp only is experiencing rrorion now becIure oi the higher rordway llrrIllee that the buburbrn Road Cummirelon her worked very hard and studied many Idrar on the location and drain it lhlr brld and or lhlr we are lhInkiu iiut could it he slid that we have the new oock now letr pull them up and make this rtnrelurr so me to the II it wrr meant to be Yourr Thuly WELSNAN Shanty bay iloed rrur rrouorrr am the nod rhepherdr the hood Ibraherd riveih hlr Ilia tor the sheep John ltrli irrur Chrlrt wrr the good Shepherd who became the dying Lamb ior our rlnr Behold the lamb el and which trielh war the rirrr oi the world RETlllGTHT urns Rcraiai Insults Clouded In its Wendy3 btitaidl ibe Mood or will have to ENE genome with mite mop 1N position to corrode tieredbtgbaebeantoinedby bieehvpowar edroceiar went roam rebooia to taiop rectal aerIqu mimimiti Western rtxtaa in the pace racial mining in their the dieberde oi the Old Onuird rra hare iourrd Illire amen hlrc nationaUe leftIlene train and nncert Ubrreie eth nic minorities Ind nurnbere oi white parwelr taertui tor the cation lew Americana even retro there daye whether the la about educrtion or tree nation rcbooir or race Acting udder Supreme court prodding lower court through out the Utith particularly to the Southhave ordered wide Iprard use oi school burea to break down old petternr oi rag rruilon WhUr more than hell oi the Negro children in state iilr North Carolina will be in schools this you where thalliu eril oi pupils are white moat or ere rrater etlll have an av erulw oi threerhierk children out oi tour in pgrdrminantiy black schools Sou rrn into er the hu raced ahead or Northern integration in made virtually no propose in recent yerrr lliiPi TO NORTH Now the prerrure el court rul ing and publicity haa begun to eh in eeroerl to tire Northern cities with their locrerrledy their color arid overwhelmtnrly whltr ruburbr While pereote in the North who once Iuoportod or accepted lntegrrtion in theory3 when it wu ccnilerd to the nth Irena schools reelridlvixion Ir radicals who are ior lhttnetion but Ire menu at spreading in line treen ltdLidhml and nlc grmrpe who Iil borrowing page trorn Neck nanneliIla Ind Ireertingtheirowncornr uni ourllly oi their drildrenr any The contusion and contro versy about lime and rnelhodr reerna to have been augmented by the rtatamenir oi leadcre Prorident Nixon hII elated ll RPMilon to the bueing our oetiodr rrhoolrhlldrrn achieve racial balance and dared loVIrnrneni oidciela rniorcr only the minimum ltd repaired by law Willi LUIINAIM Even those who have outrpolren commitment to intrgraiirn than the proeident lich Ie DemorrIUc Senator mund Nickie here been wenn to outer II roiution liven tha Southr rrmd integrelloe it wu not geihar rma thri ma molt phi Itatcnwole about the irrur rhouid come horn oneoi thenew loo northern lenders nor Reubtn trkrw ct noride DIrcriblng buaing an tlclei and inIdcourte rnenl oi change in American society Arrew told IUnlvlliy at Florida audience recently alternative il in iIkI rnaanin iui ltcpe to end rencgetlon Ole whole community and mriu busier unnecarrary CANADAS STORY Ry non liovaN The tirrrloltelown centerercr thaiipevrd in whit are on open clrcua music but ended to the more enireirtralnrolartrle orche rI ptayinl cuedrlllrr other dnnco muaic oi the dry The dancing took piece in the leglrlxlivr Irrrmhly which war dechrItrd with tier aver Irernr Ind illuminal hy the morlhrillirntitghttn tharupeh lolerdent oi the tree are works could produce The party continued until three color in the cloning Sekft not John Maroon hrd the lirrl dance with lire binder wile ot the lien tenantgovernor oi Prince lid werd inland but the tart dance her not been described Ooorrr Etienne Cartier liked to and partier by chaiirrrgln all com ers to try to lump halter then he could The Charlottetown ronierence wrr en lmportrnt iirrt rirp to Meeting Paved Way For Coniederaiion erdr Corriedrratlnnin 1001 Ive delegath iroan Ornate ova Scoiir Prince derrd land and New lininrwick portuniiy to at to know oiher Irui heIr breed outlines oceihlr new nation Que rc coolerener that tolirw in October had to work details oi the riructure Ry coincidence Sept the anniverrary oi another rtant step towards Conirder on in rice iiclrr oi the oraiConrorvelve party hichonnld railed were dated One oi the new war that In eilort wou made to brin can reloadea The Iovcrrrme phrased In on lrelleet rent it to the colonial olhcr Britain boot it droincouncil raid that the would he token with drlryrr lhlr more wIEulhr Charlottetown corierencr rix yarn later

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