MXmUSIm Semro IneI leehrdre II minim be Sore Ilnndeyie lebnr Dry mwhwhnmee drummer IhrrrrutIrSepIemhernteetinl mmhmnwkm mytmvuuueetrntndEHIIWW WI DInlorErnIII Inllelpeled needinmtvt In Enrol pueuueem Theplnmuumhy newcomer eidcleln IIOAIHIIIII Whjlihmtrmwimuemmetun Innoutmuiite er AronIur erieinei tot m1 RmMW Dlllflmjng rirdtoeeethrronrlderehIIin Ire brunInBIhIneorI mm ml Ammonium pine III constitute Iltendrd the Item Beer Ereeeouncll hm um ml meet to thI enter renew WIIWW Innintdttmion IlIIpIrIII mm Gm Easing ic lIrIIItlrr wII Wu 2mg ImIo Iheplrnnlnthnnrd while IlrevI Gurrpie prereded Will mm Ior rotrncil lien Dronry in mm rennin retro reorder In critter wrrdro Gtom Dlrlr oi Ivy II member We dinttnred the putter Ilrily Ind the MUM dreidrd to Int IIIt rerrrrorI he Iilowed eIch It IrreeI InId Reeve Guerrir puihllnr out IhIr would Iiiow three IeVerInreI Ior too Itre term There hed been re queetr lot more IrIitirde in turn rererrnru but the meet ing derided ml the throne oi rerelrlnr Ipprnvrl tern mode hetlrr tor the puIIry edrrpied DEFEND RIGHT Reeve Otterpie III II we concerned Ihout Iermerr riper In the nutter Iirtlnr be In hoprtul IIII the recommend line would mite rpnrmII dhlllm Amml Aurelia bond II Iwrltinp Ipprovrl eonrtruetlon eentrret rrttlnr old reene helm It Irorn the Onterlo thnIclpII Ior new Ileel Itruetort It turned rileritwer Deed Immature Iwetd II GIAIIIII lite Photomph Ihlm role armorerm would IdMopIeMlorrII OritJEIddll STUDENT FILMMAKERS $10000 IN CASH AWARDS Enter FAMOUS PLAYERS Student FIIrri Awrrdr new Itr Cullen moor no Ileer It rorcnto ludllnw tor IntrIII ll deptnber ll tell AMI rrrrnrerrtrrnrr ONE SHOW NIGHTLY PM FRI SAT 630 PM 910 PM Try rrmr MIIIIMIII IIIIIEIIIIIIIE AuntIrons Crime Food rrtronrsrwvtct 7255 szurl rmrru MINIMAR IIIIRIIENS LmetIYMtrt On project To Ridge Road Petition IIAWIIESIONE stelll WI ed the tiller In ten llr Ite hIrr delryed prereotinp II to leer II II bed erllr Irorn councilbecem rmrenenteeere olhere who wished to ripe the expected IIId Jul lrcloer petition Mine petition ullnt In We will be pmenunt It to Milieu IA ml Md Orv ouncil IrIrr ho lIId Ix Irorn the drpIrIrncnl end III mm PIIIIIIII II we Iinnlhe Intention minister Drlton Ileirn who rur Ihe reed row Intendr from to trII it up with Oriiiie more Duty hiriteouph to thin the llth lJnI oi Oro throurh Io Iownehip Iince the route Ibo pone when Premier RM From IIIIIeIIooI to would hm to be pqu In the Devin mode the IItIrr Irwiirrr mm or re re gummnehrndoverrthnepninrnduttwutorndewn bitten bond le the eununtr NM The mind er timed WI re tlllltd wothen Ind hidr receiv mm Id Ior new Ileel motion with on whet IrtIileIIl Ito tentetlre roo wwnru with em to If nlerr Ind recount the Orr been the tor the III who tint bore doeoclrl report Ihowed over trooo wee rIIeed Irorn the rprlng wIIIIIhon Ind WM plede durinl the ne IrItI III been tinted nublcct to WWII hunt the OnlIrIe lion pet liorrd tor the Ilnrnrinl IOlt OIlA lEAIltS the new riot would meet Olll Bertie It it ruborhen rord bir More retd rnuth Inter eel hed been rhrwn In the prot pert II III riternele route lrom OrIIIII to limit to Illdtwey ll nelphborlnr niunlciprirty Both Reeve AIIII lIcIIIn oi Ore Ind llreve lion SlIoioo ol OrIIIiI tomhip IIte rhown Io Icrerl end we Itturlnct the rod rrilnirlrr oi uonorrtlu In hit new rebinel IIr enlnrrcd rIb They trel it would relieve tome oi the hervy Initlc term on wrckmih Ind rive ocrl mid cnte uie Iilrrnelr route In IrIveI Ind mete Iurru II IIId Irpuint thr protect wrr hilly IuelIIIrd Ind would he hurt lot IItheetobI Ircr him then lbpeople hm rlyn Will Show Crails IIICoIIIngwood COLLINGWOOD ISIIIII biodel thipe Ind IIrplInre will he man the exhibit which petition wouid be lien Ittro lion when preerntrd It will be up to Ihe touoril to decide wIII Il wrote to do but It Iuillcierit interest It than it rcrlhlniy will be intro up IIld III Oro recto Ihr OriIIII Iownxhlp rrevr uld route throurh or our Itr Indurlrlrl Irt routhoi III city II will would he worth while adventure to II future III raid the motel would hrvr to noruIder tInencInr Ind other uprctn EIIII lIIII Point rIrldenIe hrre rlmird they believe on Ienrlon oi the Ridge ltoed rhould lollow new route Iuty irorrr hktehorr throorhirrcr II the protect tt done prize but lIII Aqu IIIItInre Ir cheirrnrn otthr Iron boerd with Andy IIcOrcror tecrrtrry other tner mxmb BILL Ien Or on In court re maggot Olmpheii or on wet built under the nhrrtrr at Imm the Guthrie Cooperrtlve Sport Put oi the old error which in Oomprny thrilled not wee dorlrred inurio In It tor prollt community protect it In pubIId bulldlnr er In tore the error wet deeded Ilrd It wII reopened to the munlclprllty lor one dol tur rclerr under rendition IIr Ind rdmlnirtrrtlon wrr whichreoidndthehoerdtoeee pitted under the Community lhrt the rim InId on the root denim Art tor which the court wII Irpt to minimum the III Ippointed boItd Ir requir borrd Iubrnouentiy decided It etIhy muIItIonr menlI Ind would enehlI oro lentil to enter In the ver Ioue ORA hoary rertre IhI old Irene drier hIcli to the her period oi the Flrrl Wor Wrr II III deIIroyed by cyclone In Airport or that Ind In me new Ind lurer men drI on teen pub ov no In Itten ammo it lid he Ir roon dt Problenir imufinshfy 04 Collinan Irene on seturdey 53 51 5th touniy or ruburbrn reed the Prudrnt ot the rpornorir oniorlo department or urt on tourismintern litiitlilii RESIN If til III IIIOI Pt II tw It otter mentioned It More In lpronto Genrrrl llorpltrl 23531 mmhmm um oopect Ier wrrder Reeve Itter rutierlrtr cerebrrl htllr vmm mm mm IipI Mon It Try tornrhip II orrIrxe lie the Geo rirn out men but later enII worIiInr rerInh Earl Rowe Park $tlnttn HAHN IrIwIII be tutumi ientwiin Popular Centre II It not not Iliowrd any virit demotion oi marl but with twenty oI Ibout tr Ieet ore Iccumeeth Reeve IIIrry il Wilt hi Irceond end no trrvelu try out toldrouolyeouncll ooIIeI ludI urt Irtlrte uttlccl pom by Ittl ycrlerdry he lied vlrlted ALLIS1ON ISIIlIl One oI dime Oounlyr rnoei po ulrr provinclII prrre EIrI owe pIrI wort oi Alllrton In Totoron thI IoepllII Ind we told Mr tie lownrhlp will Illth III III DIIlon wnr In rood rplrlle dee pile hit condition Memberr ol Inntterrrry on Seturdry Sept ember the council decided to rend him Since It wrr opened on IIrt Iret erI mutate eluted by linden Bruce Stewrrt Ind Wm MWIMWMWWMWW date to list the put bu been partly courted IIolIilIeI edd othcrr ptrnl member oI county council ed Ind Irtiilclel lrkr conitruc ted Etch you the perk hu lor Ibout It your Item Drb drtwn more vIeIIoil end It hIt been bury pIIcI tILr pert Iumnier WIIirtd Spenter then rnlnir ler oi Ilnit Ind Ioreetr elite telly opened the putt which will nirde trom propert on the noan Itlier donrl by Hon Eerl llowe lorrner It or the rldlnl Ind Ontario lieutenant morbor or live out Mr Rowe was common tor III rencrorltv by Mr Seoner Ind other rpenliorr who eluded Downer IIPI the me werdtri who wee rem oi Nob lIwrran hlryor llil lm at Albion lieeio Geortr oi locuimlh Ind lteove Burnt WIIen oi loeoronite The park which their con Irined too temple em parting min Ind pletur eroue wooded drive Inter II we expended to tho Icrer with rordwr eeletidtd now berth II to by the rrtlileirl Irke end Ieoiiltler eddtd ntI proh HA you To IIII II thII ol the POIPINO SEEDS lerrdroprhrped mintletol reed explode Irorn their pod IIII cnlr at other NOW PLAYING TiIS PM PM ten Ire twice been cendldrte tor wrrden end In been hot miuymenlloned II ItiIurI have experienced onlythroe or tour movies that was John airmen county trees genuiner sorry to see and Iwao oorryto see urcr lr recoverlnr Irorn Illnerr It III InoiIIiI home IIter wt CIrnol Knowledge endl tutor rlirht rlrote IIIett re Vlncent cInby Timer III born or diet he Ieeiiot In one oi the heel mov an overt le Smith Cosmopolitan internmenntnoion landiieliogemlrlhurGaiiunkrlg Annitidlgtttandjulesfeier mutton lwo Iormtr iont thne morn berl Freed Ooutbiln oi Anton IIIIII Ind AIIred Corn oI Prue III II Ire Ill lilr kuthlln II In Scldlert Ilcmoriri Hospit II It Orllilt where be It ruilto lot from blood condition bin Crre Ir remverint Irorn Ilintee er home In Ienetrnp or In thI belonred but ell Ire mi love one IIltl inl tidttl Itiiilil itli II tit liih Norbert llorrn county Irch Ivlrt It blidhurri recently un derwent Ill relied on Mr Lore Irorn ch he Ir reteveo ditlutitsf Thcyre In Class by Themselves tli riltlillll were tied to welcome puiy lteevo Fred Cook oi Brediotd whoniieood the open trl Aupiul meetirtr due to Ili neee WWWMmumwvmnwmm rot ilAIt It Entrrnte to the prrk Ir troni Ooncertlon Seven rord ol To orontlo brldre over the lingerie enrhler mine to trrvel un rthehrldxeimidethe IrIi to teeth the older not on Ihrourh treItIe proceed over the brittle on the 1th DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT PINECREST Coupler Onle For trble reurvrlloru Phone rottort BARRIE SPEEDWAY Ilwy II II III Line Ore LATE MODEL erocr cert RACING Five Iron Irn Crrrh Inr Hootioeu itIcrs MT NIOIII ML MIN Oil EIIINE COVIRED STANDS ulmbtllullhdcuunlletiurgil IO Ci IIAIIIIII I1 The llIIlIIIII iI thll lllrn IIIrIIIre II eorne lie been llenIIer TONIGHT ONLY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT DR NO FROM RUSSIA WITII Love TONIGHT ONLY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT fWHEN EIGHT BELLS TOLL Ir THE LAST VALLEY TONIGHT ON LY Will ADULT INTERTAINME Dusk To Down Show FEATURES STARTING AT burr DIRTY DINGUS MAGEE N0 ILADE or GRASS THE SHI llIAsr THE URDER CLINIC Plus Added Attraction Atlocii Al Noon Suntlti RARRIE HURONIA till Me In Win Movie Camera Fill In and Deporlt It the eneopemrnt of The Young Groduoter For Chance To Win to Movie Comm STARTS TOMORROW SHANTY BAY DRIVEIN THEATRES Sundry Dusk To Dom See Our Regular Program PIuI Two New Horrliie Hlle noon until the Throne During STUDY IN TERROR vll couiiiowooo