Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1971, p. 11

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MONTREAL Expo Icha ItlernyII to Irnm tint Inurtb lttItn mm It Iohn BIttnun tooth ltnn Son tor ulo homo tonnln III on Brock DIIII doublI In 1km AP Photo VLoncthotchs let Win 11AsTighers Whip Indians Iron nosoanrno row DItroII mInuot tltttyrtluttn Iotlnxly uIII ertny Intlch tho but IIItItIndrr notbolllod pltdm lvo not lolch II dont rnlnd Noll ttylnx tItIt lrn notbob lod or III Pooglt Into Ibotn It In the mm on Im wtnnlny but wbIt dont IIII when lost they tort ol tout thlnrr lmund Ind mIIn mo look bId vtry ulllnI mo outolnhnpo slob or Ihlnn Iltn that dont IIII IIIIL LotlrIIIhu not bId to worry nunbthl nIIon nboot unttnd rnmtrb Matt at ht mm been good Alter III III III won 11 muonly and Im than major Imus rIdrr VIdI Illun nt OIIIInd AtnlrtlrIInd looI IO Inn velortm wuthnttw led III and tlclorytnnot 11m lelthIndor IlncI INA noon IInI Newltotuor won no wlth IIxnltler wrdnudny By THE CANADIAN PRESS Jntn GIDIIIIII CInIdlIn FoolbIll Imuo romrnlsnlonor Iltowod Ihurrdny ha Irrttrolx to rrnrk down on loIrru bending ClL ruler llto oomrnlarloncr In Itottlo by Thursday rent chIuo ol llrIIl to OIIIwI to nnsurn IbIt tho Itoth Rider dld not to through wllh throat to brook Ibo learuol IlIIpInIIon rule llo nun Inld ho ts tonIinuIng hln Inmllgnllon toln rocrnI TIIyll IlLIptnllonI lay lhrro mun Ionrru noooxtd ot dodg ln rules Involrlnl Indurcd ploy err And In Inolbor Inntrovorsyr Gnudaur nld IIlnnlpnn nlno Ilornboro hrotro vol II they urod mm on their unllorrru In nrno Wtdnoodny AI OIIIWI lorrouo soorolIry lrruoror Oreo lullon Itttndod III Itoth llldcrt prortloe to ensure thII UNION tvlltnrk Dennlr Dunrln dtd not melt wlllt tho tum IIOTIA GIVES IIAIININII Olthn tooth Jock Inltn In nouncod Wodncndny ho was who to tho Dunnnn procllno rmrdlm ol Irnruo ruln wblch rxowntr Innpondtd ploy oI Prom wortlnz out ullh Ihn trnrn Ilo rald olbnr ltIIIIII In tho Eulorn Conlrronco woro dodg Ing lupin rnlon hy turnonrllnu plIyrrr lor limllol porlod nl tlmo rnthcrnhnn plnolnu thorn on In Injured III where they would to loot In the club It lontl to dIys We are IIuck In lorrrhlo ltledItIIrllonI Ind IIon orch III to rIIlt blnwlntt our ontlro ton ItIIItl II DIIIIII orde low Ind IndIIdI In Ibo only other AmrkIn mm nlrbl now tho New York Yankees room Wublnx tnn Sutton In In thIIllrr noon Danton Son blunted onlwnnn Orlolu no and un ruqu llmm edged ltInIu Clly lloyIlI Id LOLICII OPTIIIIMII Lnllch ibo wort overy fourth dlr IIld bI tblntt III Itu chtnct nl mount on orator Blue who pitches Ilu Itlth day In both Vlclortu Ind ItrIItIotItI IAIIch IIld III III um to mate noon more mm to only live lot the IIIHIIIIIIII AIIIIrtlrI Irttdlndtr Wouldnt It bo romelnlnl It III II udd tho IIItn III who to been nutty om IIIIdorIed In publlnlly by Blue DJIIIIIIIIIII to IIIhIn mth ol IovorIl Dolrnlt mords Includ ln lho vlttnrln Ior Nor lzltbtodrr not by Newhotuer In oandnnlntendncrcnoonni Inn by IIvInl no In Ivory Iollcr nl the mlo GolII uld Gnudrnr lnloslllltlnl torn rnnI quoortvlon on well In thosn nI llnrmnn Ed Ilnrrlnrlnn at Toronto hrlonnuu Ind blonl rout Alottclttt IIqu Dom Ilo Inld IIt honor to Mk dotthn on the mortar prior to Sunday IMro III thrno tum pIIy hlondnyt GOT THE IIIESIMIII lotto Id Fulton ItIrn mmIIo lrorn Onudnur vhlrh on my lrnr II no bro1k Iho rqu we Ibo turn could to flood troooo Tho contrnvony ovor DttntIn ttnrlrd hlondny whtn tho club Inlorrntd tho luguo ho hId been turpentch tor rolurlni to urbntlt In ornsorlbtd trulmt ol In lnlurrd rhouldor The club Innonnrrd lllnndIy It had no quImI Pltcnllhley lrorn tid tnonton IIIIIrnnI LIII Duncln ItchIthon II In Import WIIIr Irlm In tho IIIII Import on Illo motor there wu no room to roturn Duann to tho learn ovon lor orIoIlII no Ilon when norohu could um Ittthltnurtlnudolnl won by loom Itnlttn In mo IIIIIIlnnlInnttcnIdby IIIIIIIII III IM Ind III on Ilrlkermhybmyllculntn Iallrhl ItIrt Iulml GIVI load out not tho moon Ind Innround th tnnlIu lobed In IIItwo In III III III much out III lot tent at nun btnlnd Illuu motor tum old not Ill II III III 9rd completn um Iltb Illuo tor III In 1mm tunInd III tbtrd Inut It to my luv tor Intlrh melon drorI three out with hlr Inn homer IIIIIII Ind ulna Cub In two runl wllh IIIPIO III vtnno noon mu nnrnnnoo IIIII two lnnlnv lotto Iottr In tho llnl and room In tho no suntan by Tom Mm Ind bobby Iturner two In od ItIIII I71 Dirk BIII 3193an wttd III marlI In mod rounutlvo un nm by Ilorm ClIrto Mormon Ilnrrer Ind hay wblto Ic rountod lor two runt beloro If too Atou blulod IIII uventh honor Ibo tenor cum who ntultd Ibo onlburrt mood II wltb tworun double Iternwhllo sun IIIhnI III hdd It Senttorn In Iottl III or hII Illb victory nltlwnutco runrod only ono IIII otl Knnm GttyI lotto lIodlt Itlrtd Ind Ilnm IIII Clown but othodIrrnIIIrunInthIIo nnd Innlnl wltbouI III In odk In th ItoyIlI THE MUFFLER 5H0 IIrrIII 0n IIIIIIM IIMI Mt Du Bolterrnn VIIlt II III IN Into It moot Mm mm IlIr Ilnl III we at recovery Onlhursdn So mhlort Ind on thoynloooIIIl lnurndry at oncb succeeding month On ol Our loprountltlm III Plate will be at Iho Conttnonttl trut Barth CAN m3 SERVE YOU tloboum nItIt nun nnluta In to AI lm throenrn Ilrbut Innlnl that moved no Don Wtkonr III trylnl to nrotort or lend vlctory Ikn bI IoIdod Ibo but Ilth IIINIIIIIMIIMIMIIIIM MlIlmumnw AIBILIIIIIKIIIIIVIJUIIIII InTIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIISIII tlnunandnoudw Whim nn lIIl Now 12 models wItI bu here noon IIIII makes In very ner yous Inde no otlll have lot Iult ot brand now 1911 Ponti Ioo Butch Ir IIrenm In order to Itqutdnto tun Inventory no month Ivory now can on tho lot prlced so It nuke huylng one room Ilka not cnlch Oomo deal and Ind capture yoursell new car II Atldnsonst Imam CATCH raxtlsqlLERISJlleinJIrnr Hlpjsouston To Win IdoIttrrolvhtduM BASEBIIIJ RECORD Lf MCIL httnbwdt gum Neille IImIrul WWWI Metro to AIM MIAMI Etudan IIoIIIIoII Sm Dlun MIMI Molt Bolton 5i=l HEIRSEB H3 FmI 515 rig usazzuluanaz uaaaullauaan u==aax aaaaaa uaaa=c Bbhh EBBESH ISSUES haagi aaEt III New 71 IONTIACS BUICKS IIRINZAS srronroroun SALESSTAFF TODAY IFIANK omen Inn wnurrurn noncnrnpoeu ocuonuoortown anon BAKER armor worse ooov HARDY RAY woLroN Probably not vol it PM just moved Perlon your Wet to than dittrict Ind thmubwt cm In potion and rm In procIImIIy III boom Including Apkuttuno CouhucIIotI Prolouionnlurvlou Tm Rocruttonnl BuIInoIIoI mutton Ind Wholonnlo not Inn hnvoothInod low from III lottotoil DovoIopImI to morph IInd hm Ind mochtnory humanamong MM Ind tor othon ptupoIJ IlynnwmduthIIDBunhdumm Ira Invltod to Iran III Imtnltnoot with Itu IDB uponoutt try WW Btrrle Ont 12613 or In Idvonoo by Willing to Mr PIItoIIt tho hIldOntarlo olllco oI INDUSTRIAL ImP DEVELIIPMENIBANK Thooood pooplo Io dItI IIIII totl UnlvoroltyhvonuI Toronto Onurlo I45 BRADFORD ST BARRIIrI 71M Those Prices moko ropluring now 7I Pontiac very RIWAIIDINGI snug as abuml Drlvo In Tomorrow WELL BE WAITING FOR YOU THE COMMIT DIAIIR wmo Wagon honour oIn holp Ioonso Ibo mmm Call Itor today Ioltohono aoontoy

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