iii AIS Unfair Wather tmnlnnnhmnvamvnmimI ileum Till RECENT lettiptm oi ItldulIIIilJer cum lrttll yIa lectures It the NI lionli All Glilery II tell oiiho wellhe little bit thmgh hepiember It the Barrie lilbiic Lihury The otilrlll npenlrll Ii timid uid It 116 Ilr Illueer IIII he merit to dIIuIJI hLl verb plintinu Ind iptum with the public CITIIWcutts Facts QhExactNumber OI Unemployed ItlhlIiERLEV Ont tCP Eduution Idlnlllor Robert Welch declined IhurIdI to an we ouoltlonl irom the oi woman oi the Ontlrlo iielch erI Pederlttan corxernlng tire lhci held to World leperlln mil Alhed whether Otiillid hld planned to expend educlttoer mot ior secondary reboot to undo Irony ment on what the Internmenie position it still to be III lIid Premier Willilm DIVLI would announce the envy ernmentl Illnd beiore the next general election beclulo weve made the commitment Earlier the to dcleyltel meet lnl It thlt resort no miles nerthvi oi Ibrnnlo approved melon recommending that they meet with thl provincial GDIElImcbll liumen Re sources Committee to dileuel the matter oi telcher lupply Ind demoed Innisiil Agrees To Storage Depot Innlstll Council has approved the reount oi Poiroiinl Conadl thrilled to convert the existing Pint liIitcn on illghwly Ti northni lloity to built ltorlse depot with the ltlpuiotlnn that IIIloot chain lint ience be hutitlo enclose the em Petrntinapiens to no the me Is urderground llorrse ior Denlid wliuce to at till haltinr rill sooo gllloa and one 000 alien tents era in be in died on the lite The inrmer lervlce etItIoo on the lite has not been open ior over two yells lilur er Charge Against on to mourn or An in yearoi dTorcnto till we shelled Wednesday with non clpiieimulder in the death oi her iiriend whose body was in the trunk oi no lo Oobourg July hiery Amonthad previously been obliged with otiering an nome to dead body she Ippearod In court Wednesday Ind vile remlrded without bail to Ann ior prellmlnlry heIrInI by Provincill JudIe Ill chlei clonoy The body oi Brigitte Ilhn i1 wu Iound wrapped ill blanket with her head covered by nite her she hld been lhot the heck oi the hold The body oi Lilli John was iound in the trunk oi tiles Amenil cIr when It was towed to Coboule gIrlrn ior lepalrl Cnboulg illDOtii so miles east oi hero hills Arnoni told police then that nine iound Diifiiol body with revolver berdl it when lhe returned to ihelrroom liter wlih July Sill not she heeled the car up to ill tront doon put low llll mlehlm In do but Ieli Ind the body In the trunk TRY Itim WANT Ali PIIONE Milli The delegltee not clearer picture at thl number oi unem ployed teleherl tn the province Earlier in the week drput rnlnllter IL Stewart hinted that up to IM oi the noon ngduItoI oi Ontario teleherl colleece ter yelr could be unemployed Ikillli lilo reierred dreit copy oi uhli llnnuntl lo we recesses lllndtldo the menu oi inch in lhIrl In thl tonn oi loans Ill pmvinclli iundI lllliIbie or Icedemlc educa lion the right to Ippcli edueI tiorl department decisions the right to telehlnr yell at not more thln zoo dlyl and the rtrhl lo contuitlilnn and in roIvement In the establishment oi Mhlloarphy oi ndocltlon an urn Indprogrlm lerv In morning session John Posiponesitadio System si see see Eu is Eiss gig75 55 EE is Cottagersl Fight Tax Increases mellow EAURLE DEAGI Ont CPI deterrnllled noun oi tale limo lumrner rotllgrre tight lng Ihlrp and sudden thermal to property tIxnI been in dis role the Idlpo thlt tynu rent dty hlil utlhhe tI Alnlhel Township but unupl rut target ll Quoenl PIrh And the cello leII IonltIngn ohteetlvethl llitin ni taxation ior Edith tlcnI iIcJIltlee the dont use not being poll tor the one hello Right now they In cannon hating on obtaininI reliel born thI they claim LI unduly Irish and dllproportionltl taxation cloned by provincial reIIreu meat Al meeting Thursday night to thil relort town entice well at Owen Sound the grow civic IetIoI committee prov co yeIr ind thlt the Insured VI oi coltle late on Indianowned ilnd revert to the 1963 level oi lino Property Islellment In lame cues now to more then 500 PROVINCE REPRESENTED No memberl oi the public at tended the Inminule meetins which the iivememher netlneii millecll III committee at the oe John tiumher Ind PItricll Oumty communitiel which in mo decided to levy turn an the belts oi markethie moment The other In Bruce Itlwnshl and the viiilgl ni piey IIrI all in the Owen Sound area In protect in recent months to townshipeotlnlillnili Edi tonl in pa mute Ielion eomtttre hII lIld reassessment not in hm one into eiietl baton Im ll Illo clllnll thII in the else It Inme pennInent dentl tuee were ledrred when they lintlld thI been in reused Ed Whitney Windsor school rinetpel Ind president It the lily Beldt Alsodltlca lIld In In Interview tie In In elImpIoI term and rott In lint tIer on car IIInJltrll ilm tnem ln mo IitIr memorial mum dim IiUIpproxI moiety lt per cent In ill the laxelon roi tlge owned by member oi our Iseocletion tore me in two they rose to tinIn Increase oi lit per cent The tours on my own cot taln role to tilt Ilnm tit Ill Whitney much ot the blame tor the nip rise in lov Iel on the provincili gnvern meni lor its 21 School Bus Fleet 3155 his Federni Crippled Bird ltule Not Applicable In Ontario MAPLE Ont CPI re iederli Id to dawn up cent colon in the indent law on the reconnrneodetlonl each relrotor thelhootinl oi trip rmim Ind WU Lt rnirgaltyoryll htrdo not unilorrn earner Canada Ontario hunters must not hunt In nilIrilI oi the provinces 1wa my llndoend loreer department be but The Canadian WWI Service IRIEhd ll my on mlbdmigh luteoed within or tied IleneIide that to tlhoollnI oi at ed irom power bolt the hunter no use power or en the Iodine ll turned oii bolt to retrieve killed or trip tiowever Bilir mm at the going liter the bird the On lentil lam in min amendment Ihleh ottle Pig mfmlrl Ieceplrd lilies he mint not use client tut IILI Ii run to inrce III rover out We in com in Ontario lion at loaded dreams 95 Sal large huh peuure IyIiem ill the upper Great LIteI will Irv air Ielther today Ind Satur ly Thronlo Goody with Ihorrern Ind thunderotonnl today Satur day rain The rain Iiii he belly at times Illgll today hell it Low tonight our to lllgh Sli lilnlillon Irl LII Onllri tdliNhr won Mrlnn Southern Georgiln Goldy with Ihnwan Ind ihuodenioml tadIy Sltorday rain the rain Id be helvy It timer Iiishl tndly to to born ianlnht on in II High urdly at to to Southern White River At II Iiurtrulehuny loll tray sense 11 uucsssiutgxula aaaaazzma nonsense TORONTO lUi Iilrbe ioreeutllorthetirelt IJIILr need It lst am EDT VIII unliiiinmSlturdly Llhl Barrier Int Willi llrilhle to boil becoming lnuthmi ll tot hoolIihiIIn unannnir mo Inertr nu lute north in northqu II II tools IItr All time denial Ilse Wind cell to nerthelll it to loot lnereuing in to their liternnon Widespread iIgiIhII monitor leer lhclern thunderstorm Winds briey bitter and gully In thunder Iiorrns University Student 59 Studies Senior Citizens in High Rises HAMILTON CPI IIudy oi the Itieetl oi hithrise living on center ettheneiinloceo by moo iederll Opportunities ior my Youth motbu been completed by IIyeIrhid university ltu dent hiorrtl Silbert at Iilmiiten who quit Grlde II In ill Ind enrolled It ticIIIlter Univerv Iltl In It undertook the Ititdy with the help oI trio teenlyn Itildent Interviewers they lpeot in weeks lleltlon lng till senior eltlreoe ring in three OntIrle Hotle Corp apartment towerl Jug whonorm In Cramps Alum Diarrhea taint In Di MW Illiltt oi titld Ionbei int Illntl looming late into rt unbornth time lorriJeetIdIndploilabLi Ian ltiimdurnJeneaeit post ime it All letthelldAit DrFOWLERS nncr OF WILD IIRAVIIERIIV vlrlnus upeci oi hllelneu monument ior to yelrr IIyI hl was never hlppy wunt doinI what wanted Ind didnt belonr in the businoel world noon Ilinlguni untidy pe hhllrtevnhatitodl north rtndothlamorninuimnyhylii erly to to mu becoming ernoon IIIInly Itmny Sanirdly Iorthrlot it to It tool thll Iilgha todly near it town to evening in showers and IishlneerbhliiphISItlndlyu llled thunderstorm Viilldli to Tl biaer in thunderstorm Sodomy North Ely Northern Ilhl Elle rut Vtlndl mm Geordln lily cloudy with eutiHnlltaotnA leer lbw iew lhoellrn Indly Sllurdly er and thlmderltornu linol rlln likely Illghl tndly our to hither Lil intentional Im lonlllltriear notitgil Sat tall Ontario Winds with lndlylstom eutlttotthnntlJlew Ihom Nnrthvevrn White River Mite uglhuodeurnrnuhlgildl rune ImeI lily In my Sunny untidy periods derllorml LINDIS SCHOOL OF MUSIC ENROLLING ND TOR TREIR FALL ELM Di IAIN PIANO ACCORDION GUITAR AND THEORY The School thlt txnudht II Pint Awards hem from the CANADIAN MONUMENT set the hi mark Hi It the TORONTO KlViANIS MUSIC FESTIVAL ior their OPEN ORCHESTRA which also won the GINA DIAN CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFIED TEACHING BEGINNEILS INSTRUMENT PROVIDED GROUP LESSONS I150 INDIVIDUAL AI PLEASE PIIONE NOW Tull MRS LINDV PRINCIPAL Rodriguel Vtelcher ilnm Conic tiolrnIn represented the debut ton nelr budbury secured the moot oi municlpel IiiIbI iederlllon at being so concerned Iir tiunlber laid till deplrt with unending itl prolceaionli mt would take thl matter German Vessel Near Sinking ltIitu that it resold trldl un ions In lnrrn oi leprosy iiLt motion thlt the iederItion got together with large unions to dttcuu mululi problems and reactions in were Ind price irecle eontrntl wIl deleIi Ihl board Refused Test Fined $200 iilrrte piedad rully In provinv elli cault IhurldIy in ehlrgol oi drivinl while hll Ueence wIl suspended Ind reluslnl to late breltilaiyner tell llo VIII lined trial oi 1200 nd costs by Judge Poster Police evideneo ItIted Wei IIaI was stopped on Itlrhwly too near Duchworth St lily Police hld reason to believe he was lrnplirod but he relaxed to tIto the breItti test when he was letter to tho lice IIIUIIII check oi his ring mold Indicated hil iicencl VIII under suspension It the time Albert Ililier deienee rennet tor WItileo llid villich hld drinking problem but hId leen doctor about trellrneni and would he leetny doctor to Bertie In the turtle bit hillt er lltd tlitlce needed lie euro inr htl Job Ind thlt when he wu Ioorehended he hld Just two weeks leit In hit lulpen einn tronn Attorney Kingsley Wytellohl IlIed thlt line be impulse and not tell leni HYMN solo For Ali DelomInItiIIl No lemon live out Favorites EVPTTM Dill LOYAL TRUE BLUE HALL It NIOH ST Mrlinolv evasion one rot nvsnvono wotcour mewwwW under Idvilenlent the owned thenmoved Into ln oiiielll open meeting Ind voted unInlrnouliy thlt the do pertinent lnvestlglte tho linen clIi IIlIIn ol the township ior the you lose mo and 1m The civil Ictien committee reprelentl cottIIery Invocil tlonl in resort area oi about mtiel ninrllny irom Soo Vthlmpion on the with to oil pheni in the north aluhlo Bench limpet tn the centre oi the nu Is the rent oi Arnlbel Township which the committee IIyli dhe gun on leu leuolent go into eiieet Ilier me the result was doubting Ind tripling oi tIxes About hello voters II but Loon at them Iurnmer residentt In on the rolls oi Arnlhel Muhip one oi tour times In lake iltlyon SARNIA CPI Cemen rerilterod Ki wIl re tlstlns Ind In dlnler at in Late iiurnn toda liter rot tielion with on not entitled no le it was reported the captain oi the TrInIIllcbigln hld rIdioed he wee trying to around his vel Iet It lot nelr the Sande Yleht Ciu The United State West Gulrd VII reported to have taken the crew to Port Iluroo Mich whlieiiho clpillnwho has not been nImed remained on the vessel Reports llld thlt liter the Saturday is Sundday Service is something lot of nancial institutions talk about But not everyone delivers At The Municipal we know how important it is for you to have cash services available six days week Thats one of the reasons why youll always nd us open on Saturday in Simcoe County From em to pm But thats not all The Municipal otters its total nancial services collision whlch attuned It mm the hensbitchllen wu tlellnI It to demos and lllii taking wIler Dont buy Aliealing Aid Unless you hove written today moneyhack gulrlnteo And to new users we startlingly recommend you consult your physician II hearing lid is prescribed we no qultttied to help you II we represent all internltinnaliy known recommended herring lids Priced irom $79 OUR HEARING AID BATTERIES SOLD AT COST Repairs To All Mattel ELLIS tilARINtI Iinslnwel uniInnouolurylimpu ll lIyIieIl It ionIto nouncurl relish Because at The package to you for further 44 hours week From Monday to Thursday for lull eight hours daily am to pm And for 12 hours on Friday from am to pm Theres something else youll nd whether were open or closed Thats The Municipais extra attention to you personally to your shortterm nancial needs In your long range investment questions So when you need to meet your weekend or weekday money requirements come in and see us We think youll agree our service is the best in Simcoe County unicipni were always willing to go out of our way Just so you wont have to go out of yours the municipal saVIngs loan CDIIIIEIIEIIDII lteod Oidelr II Mp Street loll RO Ion III Scroll OntII IDS romeo Incorporated under the loan and Irult pendent Act II the Mikel hiOnIerle ullidiery IIMIIIupIi lantern Carnelian mi United hiembertCInldl Iiepolit lnIurInee Corporation