EEEE In murmur AND ml 513 itd iii iii Ilty ot Weierloo with beetle lee oi mIthemItch degree in metric Ictenee Ste ray her dechlon to bo eomeecAwIIImepdeel elm med Iiter telling it over with people II the bed an eIIly toy thIt peo mill MOUTH blind CPI beexutii put th Devon rear volrootoieetioniorentonth it eloeed tor the remonl or bird dropping ieetber Ind roeb lull Idiom tieh been Ind ereh heiie an ninth More The re cepllm III held It The On Inge lilll Thornton rm by Jim lieu eoo Don oi it Brunswick were more the prIII tor will the iIrtheIt dIItIoee DIthISlATIIt Ibe Ireren Prenebmu drink to own pt bottled on AND In sure can cut the wedding erke It re pilot held tollollnl their remit It bt Iude Antit Woolly Tartans Iashions For Fall noun tAP rule never hIditeoyood Al the llhlien tIllllnler high inhlon mowing dunner re dieeovered the ermth ImIrtnee oi wooitv tIrtIn evile they lIo nude wide rue oi the deal tor nil rotored iIltetI ere lgowul titoltoeeil It tor ruorntnl entitlee ler oi wide troulerl or In orerIll Ind veet thichly knitted green pullover red bootl Ind wide Dow beret with teen IeIther went with it VIieniino one Iloly mort expend duimerr Ibo ettee tlreiy combined teeter Ind telibere III blended camel hIIr Ind IvocIdo green ior ulmil piIid that In dmthollted wool Irern over trIitt umeIhItr pIntI with deep eutir Below the met mm with eoet wII entirely covered In irntit with th Ihort Intt hreeet Ieethere hi pheIeInt ion tIIl leIthIr wrepptd Itreti Irouod brim oi Ireenvei vethIt otherdehtenere hIdthrtIn ieiI Ier long evento dreuu Iod VIientln kept hf IlIl Ml Ilheuee Ind alth eieevt tor eveolol town in meitint eut on 37 WHAT THE VIientIno rude Itemth oe oi block tor hie Iiinhy evening dresm IornetirneltnIlik enrettmu velvet They my Ihwedlhtotbulhillol otltgureIndIletntiet through the till It the ride The PoutInI ieterl preiemd to yellow tirroilolee or root eolor print tor nut reason But evening dmeee Ipe were prtrnIrtl eoncern cut end thIt rIn throughout Ilithe collection WIVES WEIGHT HUSBANDSlhTE ANN ARDDii idioh AP The It Aloud huebeno let welder women an proheny pen uode her to ehed eine poundsbut he doernt mily want to two UntverIlty oi ttichlgln ruemhere report Althoth mIny oi the hue bend Ire rnIhlng their wire mitethie over their welxht the men Ire mud the poo ibiliLv thIt they would eltro down reportedmill work eetmber itleberd Moth Indipubltc health retelrcller DIrbIrI STARS SIIY By BEIIIELLITA MINI It to April 10 Ariel AocIItee eomewhot untoop vertlve neu Counterect with Iood humor Ade It tolin ll thumt Ihort builder trip could bring Invetueble new conteett they re to June it Gemini PIvored new iiusineIIIinen eIII IntereIII reel ettIte dill eIpeeiIIly June to to drift tCIneerl coin leie theoreiln your pin turn out inept tortun Itety lIL It to Add Ur tleol WIteh your moode toting Do Whlng to rouse oppeetl or ertrenrement Aug it to heel At el lnterterenco with non pIIrtt rim to time Ibeed with bent then MIL It to Dcl utili Etreunllne your Ietlviter bit in the intereet oi eitieieney Oet It to Nov like Some new trend in theth Check it propoeele eIrei loin to tire ll thuitm in do new one chenee to Improve your position populeo ity Iuthority Den to JII ro ttIprIrorIl Unexpeeted Plum re ed throurh comm ty pro ecL in It to leb It Murine hou ten or In exhilIrIIInI It to new protect now Feb 20 lo ItlIrrhtd PIIeeeI YouII be piveo dIIplIy your ingenui him the molt ni It Aetroepedehillor piInetIry inuences tor thie momlng lndl cm good IdVIooement trend In occupettenet iletde both pub Iie Ind private Precedent my not be IhIttrred hut deiinlte progreee to In the lien In en en tine period tor turtberln Lngmeire elm Ind treernlln present undertettinre The tme Imhltlour thoee who revel in Ictlvityier it own uke ehottld itod Iii the thIDeuge they need on by the this Ito poet durtnp the Into hour Irv Illo yentrmurlerpceidly inter creIttve Ind etdturel our nrreeurrniere nrrrcurrricrs lllltliiell ANl Ml CADIVI tvocottrr 501 PM Inrct until 23l355 tilti Sll SUPER BUY lolult llhl YINEGAR moo lillllirov etuluouer met envy mus lriilllut voour sour Iiz onto 25 ldltlmlrrliloum 23 ewoere announce tutor 916le vie IIANS Niilt ll it 011w OIIIN river SUPER BUY mtvveltrl JELLO hemlot tetntuttmtn met PANCV till siulrretur ittsi illllv rortiots oreenurruto llllYS vrimuis clllwlltll out IViLcLTIN 23 CMDE Dim tilt Illi cllbltIY illitth ll urtouiv Boll illicl iltlli ouur Hum Illintllli toner Ollittlls Irrer srtui mt rivrrmr mm 2l Elillrllllome sieIrrr it 37 round my oooruott utreivttv 59 Wilton roeo wornrm Moduli Oilc Dullpslmltrtmnrnuc urtox iItI titttitiS Illictll Pill Styli meter 99 Sol 21 urtonrinasc so IftfMIlIy mo term on etouuw our til 00 SUPER BUY DEEP CUT PNIEIS ltllllDAl Mil Dill piston worms in rte lAlIlll Imqu was ucuro Iliti itttrs 5l Mill ruirrto soutris mm 35 IIIINS JAN SUPER BUY gt mnntIuI CANNED NAM Vito lltilAlitiil rooiurtsrr till 59 ASKINIllwillIosot oiooourr 99 llllilool mm irotirtt15lc DEEP Dill PRICES EYERlDltl ANY Dill llhlttllllllllm Itrrttuor oliii39 IDNDINS rumor mm tuototirr vitrio 59 lNRlPiVCUP mete 65 innit ihitiiiiiit93 adult 35 Al AN full IMO itva llllen new 68 CROSS ill EliltE RED or billE BRAND BEEF UCK SlEAItS SDIINEIDERS SWEET PlCItLED Cottu oRolls trio62 sllilllllhu 62 StiltltiltiiltSdItl RED WIENERS iiiiii SUPER BUY IrIIrunurII me me menu II III AylmerVeoelnhle ltihvio dildo 53 Hm ICONOHISIKI outttlnmwnSSG iittttlitttmiltlt Illlilli SAUSAGE Ol Ill lit lit itlill nu llllr re sitvr Dullll Ioouttrt millldtlllllll return 139 IINUll ileum 53 mum Pidde store this not no rivotrrutu muou iuurten ivisu PEACHES Mmlltllltldliillll vur CIA0itItIt6ES hill tittytill olives n39 SIAIIIS M29 Y1 lliiltl iiit liltil id lMI diilillit id Illltlilil liltll Wm strrnemtn till week received terre htprnent oi winter eoIteot court we the received hide hlpntent oi winter eoele IIrt weekend we will probIbly receive iIrge Iripmeni oi cotte role he been heppe log street your The route this you us very errlttng The rule In gIImorou end teminine and the longer ienrthl rophlrtleuled We would lust love lo how them to youwont you come in roon ie loin tomb Chops PIZZAPIES for Corned Beet 4m minnow Llthlinoloss Shoulder mm rituimrourovvorrv em Illlllliilltilllllllil llii lilinili rtllllloi turret rititovrrvottr COUPON 0WD liltlll Inc or rm mm II on hotel tw mu tetrl Special Olieil Il lillllll ITRANSIIIAN LADIES WINE ti DUNLDI Serrlu thiI reinruuolty tor hell century tumtmlnunml APPLE Ill STRAWBENNIIS yvmniag 39 Helen vlmhuv7