Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1971, p. 13

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at Littlka Erlnhhl SS Wtadoora no olhonas the Tassoaoity mould teel great it mom sets In We need approach to poll ca One ot the reasons ltr tange sln tr retiringvts because his ltorethsalltotatlneewere din profsaclai corset aywhenitveateaeaeh ea edgvlilytobevtngsbtoodal mtcotereeedtag tlpor all outplayed painter piss ed satllrito theexcusire alcohol chara aaddu tied the dot tsss Ind coeutdsheence VIII mee suspended tor three months Police evidence ladlolled lie to Ad The Investigattn ottio nourish the car an wee Idrtrlns croettd the median within hell mile andE turned Into inotol without alg IllaJ at health st owed are alcohol ontcnt at per cent In his deieaco Zrlnhsl said be it not see the centre llill ash it wasypaglosulnaptlhe own charge at impaired driving II withdrawn by the protecu tion Judge Foster lined at Tatum it ot hare harden lllu and costs when he pleaded guilty to having blood alcohol Identical $125 EST ii are 5g 33 55 BE porta Include general clean up at the villages core area and youth realm that still he throuut the year in di Iioa would the to see the municipality extend its services altered to the elderly content ol cent Tehr stis licence be stopeaded Iot Ill mouths Evidence ahosred the car Tah asIlI was driving hit stop oigo then teep right alga Indumatorutstthabob tone at light standard second lieseltordaa man Roderick AbtcCIllans plum lttltti to hula cohol content at Al per cent dd 7t lialderln Ave was tnvnl Crown Attorneydolor Alessncved elm IIIStd dlmage pm esterdgy on Caitlerst rcI Monomwmwmwwruihichnunndnurtrardnnn rruncnurterurrung Group be we touaddrttlagLerrIticsl tr at speeds over to It per boar In so ntiis tone on DIep pe Itoad It hue Borden lie ceitam ttIa lined tut and costs and his licence will be suspend ed tor three montns Art accident on Oodrington saect Sundeymuitod In lsrnes strang It WI hielross Are pleading guilty driving with are excessive alcohol content Strangle car collided with tiashlnr marker apart erourrl and landed at the base oi PUG to II then tinsel treo and peered Into cedar hedge Police estimated damage to the cal st limo rues levied Impaired Driving Convictions litto men pleaded Ily to charges at Impaired dr vial and were lined ittd each alter they appoased in provincial court yesterday Dennis lllrrlnllon 29 wet lined ttii and costs Ilter he pleaded guilty li deuce indicated iter ringlons ear II preventing trItIlr tram travelling south II the aotth barrier at tiara Boo den lto staggered when he got out oi the ear and smelled ot elcohoi lie lett the toys In the Ignition Although it was llerrlnglous Itral otienes end he depcn upon driving tor living Judge ioeter imposed the licence susv pension Itartey Vernon Spring II contractor trout are Dantorth Ave wtttowdale pleaded guilty to charge at im aired driving lottoring an Inc eat Saturday vii tho 20th stdorosd oi tnniattl township Jame FirstPerson udder 21 To Hold Qiiitre ink 333 see on someone alight put the dose because ol or long heir be gry havent Renslrbs buns other candid taewharsrmwtgahie Yes was rare dldeis tor roeve creamed his sat oixhltrwlmalgnr hm II be served young candidate retiocts young community there are Wt eligible to on radical fl$7 gonygreathglyzer Charges Base sndcosts breath tort Indicated iirsloretiasellortlon manyco rt Streogs alcohol blood rontcnt terday stter he appeared in pro was ll per cent Georgian College student was lined tree and costs elter hI pleaded guilty yesterday to having blood eleohoi content alum per cent Vernon Wood Itngls car accident eeltd his blood alcohol content esu tbl pce ccaL Judge Porter ttnrd Wood lllo plus costs and his licence will be stupended tor IIx rnonths Crown Attorne John Alexan doe said Spring its on the tail elde ol the third line Is he came oil the 32th std Alter he pulled Into trees he was tound sprawled across the trout root at the truck he had been driving lto staggered when he tell the truck Judge ti It Foster Imposed ds the ot tits and coats charges oi emulve blood alcohol con tent and ot leaving the scene ot In emident were withdrawn Three Accidents In District The heat detachment on llrlo Provincial Police investi ted thrce traitIe nttehsps yer orol Instances IerluiDamogo all rte cllr Wiles investigated 5l Iqu oi wdiui damage tordsy in When Throato St notice that the roar winde Jig coirvgttbte was roe am to window was allocated II Illmcr tire to ui voice at an yam mimosac srnaah luvestigaied By OPP lit Barrie lerday One rsoa was tleeted toe minor Inllrtes Martha Undsey oi hereto woe released trom ttoyei Victoria lloepltal ettcr being treated tor minor cuts to the head Ole whee pulsengltitrk etvea houses Sosa ltdI Police said the other driver was Donald Cult ot liid hunt tho so hap occur on on ltd ieast oi lilghwey It at approximately tso pm second twocar accident be carried on highway It at no pm The drivers were identitied Is Debbie Garrett at Shanty liar and llargo Zerwier ot Seerhon 1er Im coma Nd Devan wu reiterated put that 0M at the drill ull etIrne oveentgit Dlmego approximately til newnesspsyswvvirmm second mishap on Highway north oi Guth Itely Lil para The drivers oi the cars were identified as Steven thnrbarh ol Scarborough and tiuimt liar trsm oi the Sudan it occurred GERALD LllNlCltY 16 trade it limited It Esslview secondary school receives his award It the best mate stu dent in the driver education program otterod that year at the tour city high Ichools GEORGE WATSON clerk in Wuega Beach reel to late otitce hopes to become the tint person render it to hold public attire in Ontario lit Watson ls arching one oi the three cvuncillors seats In Saturdaya election It the village Abote he discusses Ether liarrie Examiner Ivcrsvurws WEDNESDAY AUGUST ll till ll Bordenlllan Fined Still rm Possession at thl grants at Gary Lynm slinncr 20 plane marijuana resulted lne trod virtriat itstgss court dd uitty tu persuasion oi the which military puller this possession July It in asking or line only Crown Attorney John Alexander said Skinner had no previous Damage to $525 In TwoCar Crash Ido car roilsion at were Identied as Jack Stellar oi Durationaid St and amen Cieary oIltit Crccmorc Damage to tho Cleary car was estimated at at Presenting the award Is in surance Igcnt ticrt ltaw ut Barrie At the right ltory itocllonsid rn urrllnalur tor the program liltltls the clap Driver Education convictions and piInncd to to turn in Manitoba to live with his parents and return in at when he lcarcs the armed tore cs In Scplcmbcr Although both Judge Foster and hit Alexander exprcsrut in the line since the detenti Int is leaving the provincethey Igrccd to allow Ino Ieels tor payment word which will be displayed at the winning schools The tap girl drivcr Susan llcys worth oi Control collegiate is on holidays tExanrincr Thdlul Driver Education Avvards To StudentsiWith Central collegiate and End vlew Iecordsry scth students won Iwarda so the top lrtand boy tn the driver educators pro gram otierod at the tour tiara rte high schools last year Awards announced yesterday went to Susan HWVIOTNIIS grade it student at Centrst and Gerald Updkli it grade II atudeni at Eulview bites lteyworth led all stud rats with mark at to out oi no hit Upnteky compilotl 91 that year lit students tram clIy high schools participated tn the program coordinated hy itory MacDonald teacher at North collegiate lilo course Involves in hours at classroom study tupplcttlcnI td by to hours driving time virulent must obtain lb per cent average to pass writtcn and driving tests and ttcsIvm the department at transporiu lion and communication crrllll rato altar eucccsslully cumpictv ing the tests llert lieu an Insurance sales representative presented the CIAG drivcroiucotlon award to winning Itndrntd Itoth students witisctclve in dividual pleours with larger tyophlcs going to their schrwllt lit Martianaid said it is wr tlclpatoct that tile ootlrlo will be cnpnnrlttl to nccoiuniudaio are students thiring tho tiltt1 school year Statisties indicate that slud cats who succoaslullycomplete thoroursa have slice driving records Consequenll the do partrttcatcertlllcato rucognis ed by all Insurance companies and entities the student to rc duetlon In Ills Insurance pro mium City car dealers supply shrub control cars tut the program through an arrangement ho twccu the Simeon tsurnty Iltlititlt ul Education and the automobile tbntphltlco Opens Thursday The Barrie Inhibition which opens tum shuld be the latest era vithtbe addition pt special Sundry Ilmlydll rrtallag It lost day erent lheJIlr operatothe public It It In Ootalag day is Junior latr Day It the Barrie What to catch on the Intrgmndr It the Auction at lllmey 00 and Elector aahl pro Ills and lecture troop eats poly show begins at it as and horas show It pan rho riau It the sin yanior livestock parade leI lasting lsir champions begins at his pisttonrr with Mrs Elisa both llaru Uumen aha ItID hce husband operatrs hair sry tEsamIner Phoiot tell The Scene Man fined $125 iley IItllr ST Iv Esau ltd pleaded guilty in provincial court Tuesday In testing the scene et an accident July on the parking lot nt liarrie Sea toois and Restaurant Brad turd St Evidence indicated ltilts struck car in the lot wit ness took his llcctttc number and whun llilll was ronirnnttd by police the nest morning he admitted Involveusual In the accident He not littch tilt and tits and his license ull tau suspend ed llarrowly Missed Man ned $200 Ncwmartrt urea man who narrowly missed group ot children and adullr sitting on lawn Ittcr he sped away tram dance hall in lnnlslti Town ahlp was tlncd 5100 and sorts yesterday In provincial court Leonard Van El 21 ot Ilil Novmarhot pleaded guilty to charge oi dangerous driving in addition to the line he will lose his lIcrnre tor six months charge at Impolml driving was withdrawn by the Crown oclock Nightly harm racing Ill be prime attraction oi the lust three days oi the exhibition Starting time each day inclu dnlg Thursday Is no Xighdy rartlr include air races with eight entries In the two Ieature rerea harm total over noon tiri tislg privileges Ill be Ivar OFFICIAL OPENING Novelty races will aha be run through the day Ontario Minister at Agricui lure William Stewart will per term the otticial oprning duties at noon Saturday when he visits the exhibition as special guest lit Stewart along with Slim roe centre llPP Art liven will else be available later In th Iitrrnow to meet the pub lic at them Freudiale Assodattos bou onthatatmoeasds Joddag III the tutors hvo Iloeh errata out be hell on WyeadSaimdeyJectaad dairyctassaslnbepadgedes boatsva Ipsndeoirhunptanudibe thelhdIyItSpnI Dalridareomracrtiai our euhorscslltlhehedndelSm aadaapeeialheesyhorsodrn tag with ls scheduled to En Saturday naming Mylo aha begin It It Islorl Highlighting Fatally tinl on Stalls Iltrrnoon will he III play oi term animals billed as Old MacDonalds Term This exhibit dream tsom the beat term animals in the area is designed primarily In city Sundayl events start at one and continue to pm Another special tcelure Sua dsy afternoon will be display nt antique cars by members at the Georgian ltsy Antiwe Car Cluh MIDWAY TONIGHT It midway which mutto night will run than the tour ollelaltelt darn Friday is KmeDayHlad Conllus Sims Ltd has arrang ed special promoting to alter rechrrcd midray prlci Pale otticieLs enough In ten crease tn Illmdanct0 last years high oI nearlyimhh Id rnlsslnns Admission prices Ste Si in adults ti cents tor aldrcn um the It pre schoolera will be sdrrdtird tsre Car pastes still sell tor 50 cents Federation 0t Ilgriculttlre Will Exhibit Polish Traders The Ontario Farm Machinery Agency subsidqu ot the Out Irlo Federation oi Agriculture will have Polish built trac tor on displIy It the It rrte Full Tilt During September the tract ore will be displaiid It bum her at tall tales tn Ontario Vorirlng demonstrations on stress arid at the international Plowing hiatch shNIntIcole In ltsldirnsnd County Oct It in will take place throughout the late tall The tractors are being dcrra onslratrd in Ontario as result at an arrangement between the Polish government and the Until The tractors come In two slseI as which has ret Irt oi IS HP and the Chill which retort It SS III Both are luily equipped and have Iater cabs lichen COWIII ot the Sham County Ptdcrattnu oi Aulntltuse said the Polish government Ls trying to assess whether there is market toe their tractors in Ontario Presumably it the tractors meet wiLh tIrrrters approval arrangements world he nude to sell and senteethng here be Public library all to To Screen Movies Ill The special attraction at this years liarrie Fall lair which opens tomorrow will he Sight and Sound Wit group at tlirn lectures The pmcnhtlort running daily trom tolpm has been arranged by tho liarrie Public Library In cooperation with the Georgian Bay ltcglonIi Library System showing will be presented Thursday Includingrucb wella Drum Corps Tag Days Barrie illxcanccr Drastic Corps will hold lag days Friday and Saturday to raise Irreaey tor un itsrrns and equipment Unilormed band mcmbeeu will be sclling tags on Friday earning mm Stu and alldsy Saturday In the downtown area and It allqu plates The bomcmbcr drum corps turrncd tour your ego sell supporting organisation htrs Debbie Atkinson malore cite inetntctor said she hoped the people at liarrie would sup part this worthwhile tcnturc Al Anrnautt ot liarrie is Nrpa director Granted Bail In Theli Case Alon ltubcrtson ll of Thorn lun was chroscd on illlu bail yesterday when he appeared in provincial court charged In rote nectlon with the thcit oi 16000 Ittm Sunset Sprttlwey and err lrorn taclaun llolars lie was spprchcntlcd last Wod nrsduy in enicr City lust out side ut Ottawa In asking or ball his lawyer said Ilohrrldon who local man and the theit was his llrsl ol lanrc Crown Attorney John Alexan dor said although it was up parent itoberisott had planned in trach some distance and the thcit was substantialhe would agree to ball ttttntrtittcv nurtures liro lItoL City laIIrs Amhnlsnee urr known Canadian classics as Blister Keaton Rides Again and bty Financial Career butt on the short story by Stephen Lescocl Other Illm will he Cry cl Paddle to the Sc Chlldreus llllI Hurling Walt Disney Cartoorx will be shown Friday attorn Special erections are eched tried to begin It Saturday alte three hours of Laurel ancillardy and ill Fields but slapstick corn edlcs will be otterrd loiiowcd by more lilms ot graeral Inter eat In the evening 1hese include Protiie Canada Catch the Joy Dots and ltrrteries ol the Deep The librarys tiim service stall will be available to answer arty questions on rxrnornrnnou Hydro Farmers To Meet Again Ontario ttytiro has agreed to review thcesproprleiion at land trorn tour Stayncr area tarm crs who Monday stopped cirn crew trom crossing their land to survey tight at wa tor new power line between Sluyncr and Coilingwood The iartwrrs Iahn Rupperl Neil llcCorI Al Fisher and leted Lrhiech and Welter liill cr airs president ol the Na lIonal Farmers Union met with ltydro oiliriais It Collingwood maltl yesterday They agreed to meet again wtthin one week The larrncrs are oblectiag to the manual ot money they any they were altered by liydro approximately bite tor little nveran acre and possible damage to crops when Ilydro crews start work ilir iluppert said ltydro has not yet made ricer how My mom tor damage would be Is scssetl or who whauhl mate the aseeasmcnt itydro wants to Isr stall or line paral lel iu IISM voihllno on Iiydru right oi why linking Stayner with trans Ion ats lion ltt Colllrtgw that sum Owen Sound The parallel or line ls necdcd because rcments tur power In Callingttood will soon marethe rap ealstlng line it llydro needs to II III eater ting right nl way IPPtOitlltle ntrly one hell toot James Fenleh Stuyner are nearer to make room Mamie line No work has btrsliclons on the land owned by the loser larmere who are ublscling to the new ount they were altered iur ex pmprlatlon We ore not going to cross the property in dtspute air Peniah sakl iteonwhitc wore on other see ltltyntthe tioru ot the rite mite tine con tinues Barrie Ctmiratting Company Allan Cook Limited Gener ol contractor at hIrrIe an noturccd Wednesday that the corn any has recently wa eel contracts tor wInl stunting and sailing on High woys tub ll art ta t9 and la the viacity st liarrie Gets strain Contracts Xelue oi thecoatrect It ltltp lhe cuthny has also bee Iwardod twa roatl construction contracts tor the townottio tlngwoodl Those coutrlctelolel

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