Little more in Arepori is on Erig Aid Societies Takeover howl holettootno ten nIIhI ula the hip in on Iurronndtnx anyr whotltwoaldmtoli muleewntridhovo rettathtatleid Hountdhotdtthore wooidhowhntwouldy the Hither any oi lta racommmdatioes would be implemented or ve iilnee city wettare ad ministrator re ed Were 01hr Examiner Iv runner to ms he Vt it out School oi Nlitllill Illi hold Fl duatlnn mementos Saturday Itternoon tor 61 student oversee including three males at her rio Central rolleriate the nurses will be the tint IMP oi Itudenta ot the twoyur prutram to eradoato thom the reboot Bill hell oi Barrie will be chairman in the here my water heuns It pen Guul speaker in hire 1an Barr executive director at the lieeve On Top Floor 0i lnoietii Reoveeom buston would like to see the top floor oi the tormer Strond public school converted to museum tor the monieloliity The Ichool is located Idiaeeot to the municipal oittcea to Strood Iaoes dimly iiv it council readied on Ipeentent with the tnnlsttt ooh ilc library board to establish library taclitttts in the bottom ttoor oi the Winter The 1ihrary bond which Regional School gt pm c1 Valedictorian to Sharon liui mime at Toronto reception tor the manual es parents Ind triends will he held aim the ceremony at the school at ourelny on Wellineten 5d The Royal Victoria Nerlonal School oi Nuninx opened in liarrte in 195d whit thihtlll Brown Lt direc iilres Musetun ShoudSchool coiled too not teem ooun ell will carry out the access Iry renovations itr Burton eaid ttteum operating durlnl the summer would be deltnite attraction tor The municipality has In to tereetiny history oi pioneer Iri tlemrnt and Milan lore lot oi people in tho ionn illlp would be willtna to donate itlesrgs tor he Government It leasing Space Without Asking For Tenders TORONTO CF An Orlv tarlo povernment vookrsnnan Iald todIy most oi tho attire spare leased by the province to rtudeo the met or maintenance and other subsidiary eervtcrl not lost rents The spokesman whoth not want to be ldenitlted was cold meotiol Id published reports that rovernment spendlnl on teases tor buildings and oitlre lint has increased more then 20 holes he told the reports were misletdtny For example when it Is told that spenth hes mused 20 mm the duration in since when in the last month leer itva yum it Hillilrd deputy minis ter oi public the depart ment which handles leaan miracle comment on the report in the absence oi Public Works idiots ter telnet Atlld who is vaca ttoninx hlr ltliilIrd laid the de partment is considering makinr yoneral statement tater this week The reports said the overn ment and its agencies includin mo Ontario llydro and the licence Control Board oi Ontario this year are pnylnp more than or million tor privatetyowned ot itte space Negotiators Reach Agreement lronworlrers iooltout Strike mom can nuouI if tornmum ironworterl It reaohodaxree gm iioIdIy with the 0ntarlo mitt Association which end tlveweII provincial octont and Iirtke Invoith Wt hm wortern mm Mitiuho oiileiIi ot International Association oi titre Struduret on iron tnrntat iron Norton told he couldnt release terms but addod tho Iridement is pretty lair andwlll be recommended to members It meotlna Tom dlyiva lotion locals were in volved in the dispute which brought nearw all Itrol work on construction protects lo hIlt Iorots lotqu on pared by itqu Smith dir mmmn Stew we In ad atIr Allotnn and Idorrla hater acting director oi social luvte roional municipality oi Niagara thcyielt the present moieties are the yerI dollars with hoords are alerted by memberships eoii tor it horrid Students Got Scholarships itIo Barrie Ihldrnts are alone the as students whouitl mill total oi item in are Jolin Timothy Mn Feltis ol li Perry St and Barbara loan 0w oi l1 Bellovue Ooh wort anniversary acholarshipti on mountain were mid to the to mark the titth In otvereary oi the yranttn ot the Eagle Garter by Queen Vicy to $160 In Stolen from City Dentist Thieree stole approximate itoo over the weekend tro the oittro or Dr Souler lmntop St police told to day new trstt bike was stolen yesterday ottoman horn in trout oi the Simone District opentlva ServicesI 159 innlstil Stihe bike was valued It Joshua Motion and Moiiail Mercury yesterdhy told police huh came were stolen irom vehiclu on their lots over the weekend two Collisions in City Monday Harrie pollen inaeetlpated two actideMI yesterday that mult ed in approximately too darn ll eoilhion on Bradiord St in hoot oi iaciIon Motors last night caused 50 damoxe to the two cars involved Driven were Larry iiinnihln tat Elino hIth Autos and Gerald holler RR BIrrle Vehicles driven by ttehahart Schrlober oi Exltnton Ave Scarboroush and mine Nept hl into St Newmarket were involved in collision on Grove St yesterday morn tnr Damue was estimated at ll Little longer Did Not Matter LUCAN Out on Alter wrl too you to celebrate communitys untuloint another on min utes it didnt seem to nutter it seem someone mis placed the toy tor tho um and the crowd oi lebrmu waited it minutes ottisida heiore Reeve tvae ileum beran the ceremonies in tho open all the key wee not tound be toro the end at the oitlclal ceremonies Lucaa is it mitee north oi toodoe deodorantterrain it 35 or in in set3 53 of 5h NASAGA BEAOi tStattt Votere in than Belch will mall their choice tor 1m reeva iroro three eaodidata in the municipal elrrtim thiI canine Sauodoy iteeve Decree tangeth ts rettrtnr It the end or the year alter hoodlno tho meanii Iince 66 Why he the oiliee Ire De there Ciair Robertson Edward tendon and Robert kernel Cotmdlior Edward Glrhach and Jack Holley plaonlne board Chairman Ire tor deputy rem while never aeehlne three coroin eeIta tor the lrtl term are Mil blariorie Dyer tormer or John Atileld George Watson David Hartka Jack Hurting him ley Lewis Irai Douaias Ansley he meant to totlily Centre Watson iI it years oi ace iorreer ions limo recur Says Liberals Would Help EStablish Simcoe College Assurame has been elven hy Liberal trader Robert Nixon thIt liberalgovernment will reotovetntumhilhy blocks in the way oi Col rrv today The Orilha industrial execu tive and sporuman said he din tossed the Simme College aitu Ition with llr Nixon while at teodln liberalpoljcy meet in end claimed on blotted in Toronto during the arch no tilt wnshtp has been oolelo ilnInciet drives conducted in the area and considerable preli work done thin move was initiated Ieven years ago Ind it is hipn time the government moved to ate it Iupported be said The East Simeon candidate acid to wished to command all ww have ed the client amt et men Liberal youoromeot see they quatin tor the same llnanctal assl he said predict in Llhe lory in the coolant provmnrat election New Set Of Objectives Expected For The Forces new set or obiectlvee and tea ponsthtlitteo tor Canadas armed orces way expected as result or detence white paper to he released today Deirdre Minister Donald Nac dmald has been monitor with the outline to tuturo Canadian military pootlues tor more than two yeoro and thrth at least two hoidups omvva tCPl whole in iirst was combined ireeae on deience erpenditloes It $10 billion two years are and eniorced reduction oi Canadas milstary manpower in H000 irom H000 Both these Ire ex pected to be withdrawn Is to null oi the white paper Ilthoulh the expenditure lreere still has two yen to run The other delay came lest tall when presentation oi the white paper was held up by tho xi Quebec crisiswhich Ilsa lcduto revolution oi the role oi the sanitary in civilian Canada But may the main issues espected ts clartllcation oi priorities tor Canadian military existenceprotection oi Calla dian sovereignty continental defence in cooperation with the us NATO and internallan peacekeeping under the United Nationstn that order Anthony Beck is amour three cIndldIth seekiny two lildro comndnioo Icate The reeve the third naeorbw oi the com mission int Nelson lilo Leod and lorry Groom are other commission candidates Elected by automation to tilt two vacancies on the resent round toe thore oi the year were DoudIs Aostey and Stanley Compass The lat tcr teats DEW vacant when Growth NNONTO Clt The growth oi Ontario titles and towns will he dete by government not lend develo pere Premier William Davin warned Monday alth lie Davis was deteodinx his outrrlote diction to to strict cm of diet it tan Toronto under the modutro vetsisl Torontoceoired resion pllli The plan is Iimtd It checkllll urban oprle to within motile area centred in Tbronto hdr Davis warned that these problems can only be solved by sovernmente motion the kind oi tom daemons that we are elected to do premier told he recon hated that some oi his lhvliih mt policies on regional pov ersmoot and property reassess most have been disturb to nannyBut he had no intention oi backing Iwa trom them as head oi the rovernment make no apolepy tor the ratios that relates to the not panizatlnn oi our municipalities where the need is demonstrated and where we on provide better and more ettlcient nerv tu as haelates to the regional operation them Ind Naourtu Minis ter Georpe lterr laid the luV eminent is considertne editing lanes on cleanburning mete tor automohlm and trucks as an antipollution meastoe tax reduction would he the nut tilt ii Rois beitaa car rled out on government vehicles burnine propane or natural Is as but are ruccmtul PROPANE NR CITY the minister said tests in date have indicated that propane or naturalpasblontnr enxioee can be used tor city driving or driv ing within loomllo radius Novaer the problem or the bniilness oi the lovaoliuiiun fuels has not been oolvod tor Iwillllwhttartoted the err territ latlons rm have to he eonsi stored to control minim from TEST nnrw itl tomato on sent lverythion is on Ichrdllo or the counter or the new Totmoss Sprtlle Brewery south It Barrio oii Niphway between the 12th and Itih roan melons oi innlalll Township lm oithe ultra ollod eenploatwiitheoheckedoo SepLIthedayolthethst toethrowthomantnchargo will be human master brew er Walter iietss tandinl hide thk covered mash tub Emotion Pbotoi tllth him are hem led Georre hicclachlnn roieet ileld superviner in the Pro tert erulneera and Tom Burns oi Honeywell Controls tile pment type oi internal commotion enriooe ti motorists cant he hind to lowpollution duels wlthtn cuts The provincial Iovernmont nowlevtoeatuoitaeentsa IIllon to motion liquid petro leum and nature In Mick haeln The peMIliott tax on diesel loll used mIlnty hy lam tructaiahicents Mmgnhnck anglcordoe rw It to seek olil Morgue iales clean 33 ere are one ellxihk id vote in the molar moot viiij In Property owners wivgky or tenants and wives or pi and hllshantk over in summer residents who mi my can all that the our it met or least month quality to cast taunts Concept all drirndsAhill Essex Colorlys directorde flat services said Honda wel are administrators sh be more concerned wtththelr clieoiI needs than the idea how noon Iornebody can oil the rolls httmregdsirnlthald adult DR tare operations Public tntemllio weliere omnomhos never been hyphen but some trainee bdtey that the less the Mile uplents know about term not beneilte or what them to under lepslrtion the dgtheii be In municipal weiiaIe inon tome provincial re meet Iatd tmpmyoil should also too haterviewa Other cant hear what is low And it someooo dressed in the Intent to with long hair Ind cannot ant him tolnalIi chance in his appearance order to with him SHOULD KEEP CAR Dr William added thee us when vised ill to thetrphiestntlleye