Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1971, p. 5

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to and wrtb Law drew its did have to the oiv case lust up bu At at his tha cents whirl his troub eyes boners scones hutch pastors same roacrs carer Thtsshising Itorsl emblem ceiylal much attrntien at emblem look nesrtyseoosep depicting the Canadian armed isms crest its so by as toot show place which has been re Cansdlan Forces Base Borden Laid out by Peter Van Guian brad gardener at the base the seats plants and three days to construct By aklltuity using two ritltereat blade at ower Essa SiteslProposed IiCountyBlock Mov ANGUS tstaits Essa has some good rules which smith oi consideration bim toe uaty coasacll decides to more the county administrative piss su itd hero eorge uerg 01 realise It is matter or the entire corraly council to decide in the best to terest ot all concerned but we would be glad to be consider said the energetic head at tha Essa council who was lnrmerly chairmeaol the Angus District Chamber at Commerce indust risi committlsa haters he be came resv Humorous ruoars lramsura Angus people would be glad to have the couch ty complex In this slctnlt he said quickly adding that ton on highway fl and county road 11 also could well be com sldered Dexter and try could be other possibilities lteav Ouerglssald he alired that is about moving coun iycen Irom Barrie was still in tbediicussion sis The route coun ti epprav the rats at sea to the Ontario gov ernment In principle at aw claI meeting last month are announcement at tinsl ass gntistlona has not yet been made It Is said likely to take the term set total aaaoisnco meat trorn Queens Park prob ably through Arthur Evans IIPI tonnes warden and the Slmroe county warden liruce Stewart oi Bradlord or chairman at property committee ltesio Ber Elliott at Flue BAR POLLED TOTE County council proved the uls In rare un mous polled vote The press at tb asked to withhold hgures given no lag comple tion oi as tlattons but since shear tits at MM was mentioned press report which did not represen latlva atths mee The county has there prop eriy at Natty at west at liar rls puppets Itahway 27 which could considered as the new site Allsthurst also has been mentioned as possibility We luily realise that there are good many aspects to be considered commented tteese Ouergls hut we think as slieuid let the country know we are Interested CONSERVATION OFFICE Reesa Guergis also comment ed on the prospect oi Nottaws saga Valley Conservation Author ity moving in headquarters trons Suanldaie to Basics In reporting that council has approved rcniisig agreement and lease terms he said the authority would be welcome addition in the building which also la the munch elites and meeting place or council The busmaot otllers were to be altered the authority provlci lag space at approximately 1100 aouars Iscl These were lnrmerly occupied prescientassessors in commenting on the present county block In Itasrlo ltecve Guergls pointed out there is in adcquste parking space and need ior replacement at certain buildings lhelcouniy adrrsini traiiva buildln ttselt conslru ed In to sou be used to vantage by the government It was presumed Tho cavernous is expected to build now court house and also cotme tall within the nest law years New Method Developed To Control Carrot Flyj Dr Stevenson ot the Canada Agriculture tlrcland Ito search Station has deveioped method at muttering adult can set rustlliesa method that tarmers can use right In their tietds The carrot rust lly introduced ism BOND tiEilDPliioitIl no hp hundreds or vlsi tars but show continual Interest in plaque at bond ltead com munity ark honoring llr Wil Iisas ar isnsous Canadian medical writer and clinical ocsl youngsters too physician who was native ot the village Shown are Susan lluahrs oi bond tired and ill chsile Stewart visitor irom Thornhiil tltxarninerlhotei Irom troops in Canada risers than as years ago has threatened to destroy the 2m acre carrot industry in Ontarios llollsnd Itarah At present are re sprayed regularly with lass to planet against poser nut tly attack Dr Stevensodeaya monitoring methods hslplo increase the sltlclsncy at pesticide use Grow ers simply drlrs yellowtpalnlcd stakes into the ground and cost them with sticky material catt ed stickem The adult rust tiles are readily trs at who stakes in the carrot its and the gross er now able to determine when the praitis prlcselni can take appreprae eonro esurese the rlrht tlnw Growers emergence lnleclilrida lappliinrosltopns more turn medwboth that and second generation adults were In the carrot tlslds nearly two artist belora the dates usually rscpm mended tor IMKIICIOIIPPIICI lions in less heavelyInisstsd areas control measures would be do tsrmlnrd by rust Ity numbers and this wosdd cut down on the total pssilctds toad OONITANT BATTLE However advised Dr Siev enson winning the battle against the rust by will not be resolved simply by checking sticky boards the must know the threshold level at rust ity lniestailon be rond which slgalilcant crop ass will occur We hope to ss tabllsh the best timing tor cho Inlcai Italians Dr Stevenson says trap lag rllla should he supplements by Iniormstlrn trom emergence ca ges to known tntcsisd locations and by rrionllortng weather data No she tests control at the car rot rust tly must be integrated with control at other carrot pests and discuss it to time the the fly and time IOON lliiililliltd Yuan snapping turtles may drown air chasciwsisr lng shrubs Air Ian Oaalcn created colorful oral dis play Its Isabowte here rngag nrsesrece avarws TITS DAIillIIi EXAMINER TUEODAY AUGUST 11 till Siayner Council Has New Member STIYNEII tSlllIl liclurn The Slayncr public utilities the home garden Both will commission Includes Arthur bloom throughout August and In Blackburn Doug Walker and to September when many at iormer member at Sisyncr council Oscar Bellamy to com plete term at Pearson Spcll resigned has made change In staynsr council lor the rest ol the 111111 term its Spellmars resigned In as dcr io acceptappotnlmc thapoaltlossnt ascrelasr user oi the public utilities co mission its sscrviag bis sec ond two trrm llsyor Elmer Durily who heads the council is serving his ioth car as mayor llscie Pets 0st Is the towns rcrv rsscntative on Simone County council Besides its Bellamy coun cillors Include Jim Para Druro Norton and Jim Williamson who are completing their lirsl two year terms and also Dr lives and ttarry itathcrs Gall Tournament At Veapra Valley illNESING iststti litres layers remain in composition In mcn handicap tournament hob Clarke ltsrrie lcacber who recently won the mi club championship dciratsd Dave Kcnwell in cntsr the ssmldtnala In the mens handicap The use so champion Jim ltutcblnrun won 111 Norman Lurk while Ctslr lvhitton also made the ecmlstlnal sound The womens semilinat round has Donna Luck Agnes Groves hols llutchlnsori and Judi Clarke Thirteen players are competing tor the womens championship oi the club The Junior litls competition has reached the tlnab with Den rs Luck and hour Dowury the players whowill battle It out tor the honors Clerks dclestcd Doug hood ham to the mens itnais tor the club title by three strokes Goul ham were nice hockey star for by Adams intle acmlltnsls TllY EXAMINER WANT AD IIIONE ITOTilt BROAD FORM PROTECTION is ya the aim In designing custom Iorms otcoversgs Cpil the trained people Shannons ersdwsarw WW II Collier bit lsrstt Robertson Will Stand3 deputy roars Its has hoped Ivy Ioals Trail Orillia Iuniors IVY IStalli tielr South Sirocco league quar tesIinals tonight Highlight oi the series as viewpoint was shutout hurled item the throehil ed to trimming his master piece INatlonal Deteaca The the tleld tot thatbirdyto Iousth at Orilil team to the series The lryOrlllia game originally slated tor tanldii has been pasta ported Ortllia Mature will be boss to homers at Ortilia to night Perennials and sh Den by Don Shannon when be best Orllllas Beech Richardson ltill Patterson led the Ivy assault to this game with two hits while Jim McCsnn at third starred in The heals dropped the opener to the card no result ed In ooeail dr lasts soot dropped the to The Iirst are six points lakes Help August Gardens tiosticulhalrts with the On tario ds arimset oi aylcullusa recommend two little noun reanlal plantsI the list tbo sweet scableea tor iisyor Doriiy white Wiltrtei Dow lower borders lack color nor is the county school board The liairis or blaslrsg star lesturae lioness an twotoibree Sisyner tax rate tor ms was loot are splice Casters resin retard due to boostI in WI Irom whits through tavsndrr is representative or ward ala us levyI The increase In overail vyessvnurslcd to approximately hi hu man perennis can grime oi tablets titles was due be grewn irons seed or purchsv rd tram ahursery and loss The last school levy on stay quite well hi Ontario gsrderu Although not the cheesiest at to education levy increase ncr summed to tlsldtl up two games to one with another draw verdict so lsr try basis are series at stat All ili the protected or spend tag stesoasas over six yous an lasaga leach am develop nseat bsrianlag will sressaoa to be apart by the mm at lands and insects The provincial government through the lands aisl IntI has been in laasga beach store 13 III Garback listed lss his report No personally ans pilahnscnts During his two years he has sensed on council and planning board he said there has been one semiotilclal meeting with the department He railed tor clues sonsultstiob and cooper ation in iutusa dsielopmeai with local residents hating their toll say through their elected sense seutatlres MASTER PLAN Mailer plan described as tonan oi the proposed dsiel oprricstl proposes park corn rsrnnrty multiuss recreation area integrated with commune ity at colleges and residents Progress reports may be seen at the municipal olirces oi lta boards and eastern trams local and pensiac would be as provide sscrel1 plats line mains beach and Ialged recreation area while semen such as water and sewers lad Improvements to the taransput system Iambosee Toning lit Collingwood OJLUXGWDOD ISlalIi HA ismboree oi corsairy and lull music teaturing the Co is Trail Riders will be presented at ForlRee OIiWascsgcill it the Coiliogwood carton Hail uls erasing Guests artists will include Sharon lsechournc John NE Ocean Smoky llcsselgrase Nelson Grant and Jim Seymour Garden Tractor Safety Tips Told Lawn and garden tractors Ili bars to drive but they must be operated with caution It you are to scold serious Inlury oe darn Igc to the machine Tractor experts at MasseyFer gluon mains msnuiartursr ot riding mowers and garden tars have some is with pa 1y bns inc all and garden tractor own svr gashne tank only while engsss Is shutdown Always lill tank outside enclosed area and avoid spilling gasoline Set mower attachment at bigis est cutting height belors mowing be rough gsnsuid or in tall weeds Clear slideer rorss area where tractor will be operated lie sure all guards are to plan betore operating tractor or owner Psi on sturdy shoes and mu bciors using tractor Ile caraiul when operating on rough terrain ilainiairs good looting at all times Do not let ntAess ride with you nor permit children In Iop erase the tractor Ahsr striking oreign pitted check the tractor thorougth or damage But msis sure engine Ls shut down first Do not operate mower to wet sins Disconnect spark plug wire he tore making any adjustments or repairs to the midllnc sshs McQUEEN takes you iorudrive in the country The countryis France The drive is at TOOMPHI trim ttotdot the previous yrIr owers the sweet scabiosa dist pincusblon like tlowera on long wiry stem Good Goll Scores At Simcoeside IIAIIKIISTONE ISIIIII Jobrs lilhbcrd tired per id to equal the senecwss record at toy Aus tin tor the ninehole Simcocsida goli course in this vicinity Iiibbcrd wss playing Jock Al lison at the time with Allison shooting lino Jo Grow lhcss lrae species Inc an play oI perennial aon long Orilils also lbs llrstoi the week literate ol Stayner TONIGHT savil lsnsrsiaassr it wow scariiso IV III Action Packed Double WHO IS attractiv color all NEIIANDMMTEH COLLINOWOOD Istallt ittclssrd White at Bruce Illan Arnason has been appointed covered ntno holes to it headmaster ot the Colllngueod score while playing ttlll Cook cit civic band succeeding Itoward HARRY KELLIRMANI ITEMFNI llilll IAIIOASITR IEII illlillii Illiliiill lilili JACK IllAliOli liliihliiiititi sualItUIISDIONIIIB auaurwamumeICIIARDbFDOKS Amtrtstutcrtsss aliaseseastward nauseous Truman Calporch er 1N co WAAOQQ Richard Brooks hill iii seas sisiassssr WW as AiuslehyQUlNClJONESAOiuwbta communism The varlous shades at qus blot aorsu will brighten your garden irom July to September it let can be grown Irons seed or pencil as mature plant known it IirlllillI NOW PLAYING Meet Henry is Henrietta the love couple at the seventies and the laugh riot ol the Mbassairssoia sensitivities at Cctorbv Aloysius 0A Isamtvrt 1th AW MIT

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