Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1971, p. 5

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Ii an er be To to Do im and rasasnrsnaarasu Immanauccsr as sets mmnm ore aristocrats soon as nmrsrnc Itlti dons tiasi Mold err about which was lug RlacAanillh sbop built in tho pioneer en co to be opesalsd It lilocslng with main current work welding srd Once Sawmill Centre nuchiners rennin The shop still has torge anvil and be losn and some bosseshoerng ales tbs shop rm Pbbiol Angus Is Going Ahead her at Commercebas tslen Scale ANGUS iStIllt This Essa unshi border community lrh the neighbor ol Base on is umrnliy experiencinl new boom which some rest is hope wilisvcoluaily lead separsie muncipaistslus amed alter Angus Morison is early member ot parliament suncoe district Angus can trope its history back nearly rao when its first sawnilll was no led at its site no North Vesism railway line was en tended through the area in last settlement was built is tbs nII vicinity and thrraihaa been er icsl development since Iit one time Angus was ship sing centre tor lumber Ind niicn to it lratrrs week were loud cd with material during the peak llllilil Development oi lasso harden then known as Camp Borden in liltlor training lroo inr Can lsdlan lorces oi War War re isle in much growth Iur An sth which Is situated on the optsle oltbe military centre sinned alter Sir Frederick hor Bolll the CNR and CPR Ice trucied siding at the ramp throughout the years Angus has land close ties with base llor dcn with many base workers and other personnel living in the community or vicinity People irom the base belong in Angus Irca organisations Inrl help in the social activities Ind evan umlc srnwlh One ol Angus village best known industries the Ontario lorcsiry plant has been carrying on it desiractlng work tor over so years llnaiiy iocotcd In FJsI town ship Antus has Ipopuiailon es limstrd by Essa llccva ticans ucrgis local molrl operator close to 3810 it Is the larg cnnrmunlty in liens and curs nily new subdivision devol mrnl is bring given ailcnlion Studies on methods ol improv llg local services have been car rhd on and line council recent isotllrd report born the 0m iayio Water Resource Commise also ior lalrr consideration LAGIC TRUS gas vs II he houn Irics well at the bu in arce has its our three menibcc board ol trustees Cecil Ilcstovcr Is the chalrrnan wilb tillllam lbs and Charles boil the other members separate parka board looks ailer administration or parts in the Aorus area The min per is the Angus playground by tbs Noliawasaga river where light ed outdoor rink is operated dur lng the winter and baseball played on the diamond in the summer as well as soiibalL Three residents oi Angus vio Irrity Resin turrgls Deputy Item MacDonald and Councillor Anthony thtlckcyi kernels are rrrerrbcra oi the cur rent Essa council The other councillors ass Ross Whileaida and iiaurlce billiar eel Angus has great on tsnllai said lleavo udergts with obvious enthusiasm mo tel operator who has been rrsldeni tor iI years he came in Angus lrcm Toronto brother Sarge opcsllu lanr whill his sons are in tho urnlturo store business Fad Guergts was tormer Angus village trustee LIONS IlALL One at the most active srrv lrI clubs Anrus and District ll ons club now headed by Ray ilnilock operates lls own Units bail on lltgbwsy ill with ncigb boring playground The Lions si se have made substantial com muniiy contribution such as Is aislsnco in providing equipment tor the community rark llnan clni hrip tor the ibrsry and sports promotion Anau branch oi Royal Can ndisn union is an active octan Isntinn which has done much community work and sports pro motion as well as uctcrsna so tlvitics The True Blue lasng arid Lady ornnge ticncroicni Association have their own buildings where regular meetings are bcid in the nearby Irra the line Ricbhrooir roll cou and the Green Acres parthree course Notlawasogs Valley conservation park at nearby Utopia also has been popular recreation lacs lur numerous Angus resi ents as well as others llTATliS DISCUSSED liunlcipai stains tor torus re ceived considerable support when discussed three years Its but so leadership In various commun ls ity promotion rlioris Osrrently new Angus no If mutateInterstateson is as gr as is Ill era has bean eat deal at interest shooaa ltr The loar statlag the gsnsnl leelnig around iiarkeslone III that spatial ol the road Inldd sneetauletyneedanllsiaebc basal ice the tuly its present routs needs about mils connecting link to meet light kills Paint Road Rollo stone residents can reach Ferl tliia Point by winding lake shore Mia new Petitions wer said to lrcl direct route would be tremen doaa advantage link with can anion ol Drillis inwprblp was gestod II prsrticIL ilr Trolosr reported some rs persons bsvs Ilgnsd the petition so tar Thlra has been me sIclerIbir interest abuse he commented Reeve Allan htcleus said are council would consider the peth lion when it Is prescn Ron Stanton ol Orliils loasorblp also reported much interest Inenlianing the municipality was deluioping In industrl in Made By Petiit ii at the Essa lire bstgsds has Mammary lStaIIi been termed with Captain llll wellhnown gdilsr ol the labs and West in charge under Thornton Tb Iln icrs lor the Ess brigade ts ibornlon where the iisesnen on call to Angus At Angus it was tell in unit should be operating In vlctrsit where ltrouidrnaksan isnln IIs response in our oi emergent Until lately Anglia depended on Base Borden anslilsryusil nmmmw the nu ML ml 0mm St George club George Petllt besdc tired the ninehols Stnwosildr course in tour Iver par ll during the eekend Peltii blrdlc two on our three troyard lorrth and parlour on the iso ibird The Lake St George plaice who covered ll holes on the It trr collate in line mast year gsrrla linemenIcy attention untiliisa ad borer and Fir tnss Ilremen could reach this 3lnpmwmuuru once community Ths new system has receiv considerable praise trom resi blann cup lacrosse plsylrr Kl lenkins reported ails score dcnis IRD sly llls much more islcrlbl it Istislactosy Progress Made In Oro Paving cursrnrar Isrer ltrsu lacing oi the toucisns No it lilgbwsy Rna been mostly completed Irom Crown Hill public the Guthrie pest Record tor the nut is two under par it achieved by club champion Roy Austin two years ago Austin la in mitt EdISIosry In the toll club championship linsi in the womens division lending chain ion Doris Tkiia beck Doreen Ige Isabel tls oilesllobertson and Ray stuhbs competition tor dividuai title this years In school with curbing and other work proceeding north at here The ituron Construction corn pray in carryin out the con iract which as element wu OPPOSE REGION RULE STATNER Regional gov ernment Introduced by tion ol the present Ontario deieaied seven miles oi paving so by Ira vote in al the HI Ni as last municipal election on iron Signs call tor tsaillc to slow day Dec role in Team the down to at mith per hour in proposal tor centralised admin construction tones The work sirallon went down err to ill hes been carried an wrthla Orlliia inwnship voted against minimum at lnterterrncs wrth regional government to to tilt the ow oi trailic and hlalrhedaah its to toe lion was postponed lvllctl regions at government was raised as possibility tar Slmcoc County At that time it was supported soon population shouch be the milli mum ior municipal status Since then the county aounril placed liscll on record as oppos ng rculonai administration on the present basis Angus has coniinusd to be part oi Ideas There also is some builtup vic It only in ncigbborina SunnldIle The Angus and District Cbsm l1 Ribbon Winner Another iiolsicln in the herd ercn llctlecticn Ellie has coni hllDilUllST lStIlliA pure bred iiolslcln cow In the hcrd at ll lirlriri oi llildburst has been awarded gold ribbon run duciion certilicsts by the Not ateinlilieslan Association at Cas in ii iartailonson twice day raiding nicblnn Achilles biog nrodsrcsll carnal pounds oi milk wnlalnirlg seas pounds oi int llh on storage icsl oi tli pcr sni buiicrlal it drains this word that she received the old ribbon producllun ccrtili It her latest llclsllon us is yr old liag prnluccd lltli pounds at mills containing all no davol lat with an amp iteaty oi 311 or ccnl builtrt Thli record brccd class Ivcrsae at its pcr cent lur milk in ior ill plcted line mold ol priortn anco production icsl As liva yearold in not days she pro duccd cam pounds ol milk ran talnlng til pounds oi tat with an average tell at tlo per cent but icrtai This record glues little breed class average at lira per cent lormtlk and lit per cent ior let ODRSTOWN COUNCIL CODRSNWN ISlIlii tsoks town village council tor the cur rent tillTl terns Li headed by llcrrs Norman Cook and also includes Councillors tsnbcl News Dr John ltcitayllohcrl lttley and Dcrtli Osborne res Dunlopl rsssrsr TAMILY DINING OUT NiGItTSi Monday To Thursday CANADIAN POT ROAST OF BEEF op BREADED VEAl CUTIETI With Spanish Seuss $180 canon under r2 sine Cnmpieis mIoI Includes Dessert and herarapa oi Ortilll The ore lltire road mil tram liawkeatana ll Barrie is in good shape carrot inns male or so south It llswletlonl Iblrk Ieedr attention Opening oi the modern bridge over the railway tracks south It aanty bay has resulted in as lstrrsse In tralilc on this rotate and the volume is expected to go larger In the More the petitioners red that now is the time to nisks plFPIllLQM tor the protect remarked tir Tlsiosr tend towad entsI should MM tenet oi ailidaltr and making the administration naIrI new in la the MI it should we been this villa so sorted in mural PM leg regiasal government all stand by what said It more solidi salt the last county warden she is no serr iag his axe year as member at Caidlater cancel nee mom motion so we oppose regional goreuman IIhtch II carriedby lbs eooassersl lsaid as should wait and see the results In sofas cone rallied to It Rs hareal lull inlormItlen yet but these bars been ItilTTr erous complains said the odd lIirr serve llo said the latest grant announced to help bolstrr the regional gave Ilrrsb mwmbamnlleu adrntsduthaltbcymlsilo nraslnihaaaawsncs sealant uterimistressesiaregscurtiaa xllilctrden Raps Trend Towards Centralization Mabel lad is Cnidaaler ls ha salad they call about pointedly Rcers Ttrlrr err ho notes William Darts who was un larto soloists al substatio Ibea the eusnly boards less lormad statbeamandlorsl it but hasnt been so and new come casts lessld to or its panaora sol dent Ill expect tL Instlng at what he lerrrted the disregard as tsspsym may Reese Idler also pointed to the Cnideaicr school in stem the county school board system III adoprwl bar requisition ass up this year about per cent over last he said explaining that since the corsair school board replaced area and local boards school lam bIre dosh 4Day Barrie Show To Open Fair Season With tall lair season renting closer Simeon County agricul lnrsi societies are stepping up activity in preparing tor the ml in shear Barrie Asricullural Society headed by Daino Jermey writ present the largest lair in the rmrnly The iourday event so ens on Wednesday Aug id and continues throughto Saturday Aug id Harness horse racing will be Icatured ior three ere ning programs restock shows gricuiturai displays midway ai tsaciiorts til competitions and iusdor lair Ila among other high lights planned The barrio lair will be lnllnw ed by the iwoday OniiII ethi biliors on Friday and Silurdsy Sept lb Ind ii at Ibo new lair grounds its the townspr nest It the city Ilene show livestock competitions hard agricultural displays are planned Dill NLLOWS Promoted as the Worlds Fair oro Agricultural Society will present its twoday mt es blbllion on Tuesday and Well madly Sept and it This will be Ioiinw Cookslowo lall lair on kids Sunday at the same race lmcoo County parish show will beone ol the latter highlights rba Incasday Great Nostbeil Iris nnylar lmlermsaswril Ia twotdre commissioner Hm mun llURllNlt TOURNAMENT WLLINGWOOD tSlsllIllut ii Vim mm nnII district womens goli tour nament will be bold ll Coillhge country club on wood gull Iucsda day August infra lliil is int lLrrsron TAXILS ALLISTON lSiIIII Allislon de municipal tax role or illi was tut mills residential and out Isl to II In compnr Dill 0F TIIE REST Fair at Cnilingwood will open on Wednesday Sept and rose tinues through to Satssrday sept Neatard long heads the hen ion Agricultural Society which will present Its iasnday lair on Tuesday and Wednesday 5e it and it liarsb shows will back with their midway sllrac lions Sldky IKIII horse show and livestock competitions will be among the chlureL tnidwaleg lali lair will be held on Thursday Friday and Satur day Sept id and Oct and tonnes resident at Barrie Reese Ernie Miller is presidrnl Nominations Bot Wattage Attention WtSAGA iSiIlIi With none Instinn day drawing nearer in terest ls increasing in the prose pacts tor the aumlng VasIgI Bench municipal election The norrrlnation meeting will be bcid It the community hall this running Friday evening wrth llob pics clerk receiving nomina tions between and oclock daylight saving time Nominations will be accepted tnr lha ilvs council olitrrI ior no oi the Coidrsslsr agricultural so ricly iisrncss rarin will be peid on the closing ay ol the arr EUIVALE lAlR Eirnvaia tail lair will again be held lust belurs Thanksgiv lng day our Tb Oct opening day and tine progrsrn nt events or Friday and Satur day 0st and Parades baby contest horse show livestock competitions it events harness racing and en tertainment are some oI the attractions pinanrd at Eimralr Don Bertram is president at the Fvaaie lIll lair executive lurda The only renoa any taxes ior schools wmnl area higher this year III that government ngnls were listron ed the head oi mower earn rdsahi 1heytlbobaasdlsprat Ibout some more this year but received more in help trorn grants but it is stall the taxpay srs who are bearing the Medan No wonder lhution has been getting out at hand lakiaairr municipal than were held do this year be csuse el economies cliectesl by council be explained Centsairrsliors at assessment by placing it under gorernmetl aidsaanralrstion also was rapped by Rrete liriier It will be is lercsrieg when gures are given out to are how much more this is going to cost taxpayers be said UTCAL RULE BEST Strong local gorernmroi kept Idmroisrrsrlon or local ailsira closest in the people It acrltd This has been an irruaortant phase at our rights he said Irguing the provincial rome mmt bu been lskrng orer too much power Irom the local kr el ubrrr people could takrup civic robirrrss with their earn ricct council Assessrracnt planning and school administra tion line all bccosrtc too much centralised be isnscnied semis tag this was putting ratepayers to inconvenience which have been Isolded native bl llount St Louis In liedonir Reese llrilrr has tired in the Goldwater area most at his lilr rrrcpt tor lea years Ipcnt in Barrie STEVE McQUEEN he country The country is France The drive is at 200 MPHl oner In addllion nominations will be accepted ior luo candrdatet to tilt lhI vacancies caused by In the end at the year Satul Im to pm IiIONI Milt NOW PLAYING RM Cr PM TIMES IVE IIAU II AT THE MOVIQLNJnLW Hellman AW IltlllTAlltlllltl Arum Ferremrns dilatation Bum unusual neutrinlolruiiiiiiiiiiiilii nullrusni nutritional mirrorrsslorsaao Immunew rmsw RICHARQDRDOKS AMUIIILUICTVIITlliLAtbTANAYLAII ssctlnicatoal AMI Truman Capores minus lN corn BLOOD witnessesIsmska Richard Brooks ninetyOUINCYJDNEsraarmrwmrsursmy TONIGHT llilll llillTAlIITIT Love Story ll Dorndo lion day with polling Irom Till Customs WANT AM the resignation oi Contribute Ed Outback and Ted Gordon to clear the way tnarck higher oil Ice The latter is to cornpicl their molttrrms wblcb Istrnrl August Tl Is rice IllATlNEE SAT rso SUNDAY liillbl Pull llAIilllt ll ill ill Ttlh Creators pan and man iORROW Meet Henry 8r Henrietta the love couple at the seventies and the laugh not at the year ram Pram rasscua Illili Will dillth llliitS lllldllllldil us Iiiiilltillllllilii lililitllll in can mumsan AParsnwu Inbs Trwuetlalotthaestia btitltiiilltn asusr murmur Barrie Moss ostrsa st in Creatures The World Forgot Tonight at Coilinpwood Waterloo FIvI Cord Siud uruhmdgm

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