government Norman Clark appointed Ihlunthurslion Someconsiderilcrass Roberts seconded by Thomas Electric beat Borden Flyers in Mitchell by Canadian Newsp rs company limited rib llayitsld Strut Barrie Ontsrio Kerry Lentils MIAMIvDOIIII Msrlsgar IIsIEdttor Emeritus it McPherson hisnsging Edtor Them Men Face Dunking That May Benet Business Oneon the attitudes that separate essmsn irons the academic tribe is lit suspicion oi the ivorytower thinking nonbusiness man expressed to open question list he ever met grout enquiry might only be In noes pmred line thinking it might be weakness in this case the habit oi pen bapa holding to set patient oi mental methods For ouch ismlty meenbers plunge Into Industry or business is the am crudeshockoiibemyiroaacbld shower its brutaL but its Ilsa ranch ouslylnlillnisug Istbedeiexeottbehndemboa Inmathaaaakslaeemotmeeasg themyrthmrmsldheiinlendble ambivalent his mbedid and re ainsltbecahodmdbhthiam The more teleingibgethu dhcmist and mean mu certainlth revo lnmemmkihgnnbolhstds limit bethesmmoiibatooldshwer ihstclenthehsaduldxutsihtuga rimiorsheshm mennnaiitssnxrhtonnmihssoc asinnadvcmrlarnhumiondordlst matron sultry Manure hummer issgoniinmceotconmdivewon that ran cranial will benet on indmtrnndsndsnl WoohnchSenshrelRertrsr otters realise that the man oi the world Is mmly lonetioning in his practical manner Theres good news now In the an nouncement by the National Research Council oI Canada oi scholsrdsips to en shie university acuity members to spend It least year in Canadian industry No matter how wellmeaning may be the academic man he can hardly tail over number of years In the univesry strnosphere to become dedicted to tstn delense oi theory lie will emphasize that practical meth ods change but theory In ecerytldng Irom engineering to divinity mains essentially stable This In his mach But tor every strength there on be DOWN MEMORY LANE Ill YEARS AGO IN THE CITV mists lininy postmast its Barrio Esarnlner Aug mu At cits Stere Jam note esYIOory first annual ProAm got tourney but about Orv Dash managertrainer Barrie at Barrie Country Club George Knudsoa Basins Club llrn Ross Nickiing won was winner with standerpar 66 three Rees Cup at Barrie Country Club best strokes better than AI Balding Bood tng lira John Ouch lssiyeara Winner son beat record set last year by velenn Bicycle built tor tw is newest amateur Nrek Wesioek oi Burlington IId among Barrie Teeners Rotary Wally Crouter oi Ciilil red 45 out Club ohlcken barbecue again success came back with iii In local eonlrse at St Vincent Park Verne Bratly was tors appeared belore City Connerl re sl general chairman with Millet Salter head tolling municipal work iiayor Willard cook Jack Nixon defeated Murdoch itineie called tor Investl atlon ot corn itardonaid In semifinal match mens Iderrnan Otto Roberts seconded by Alderman Otto Williams calling tor Dept ot blunicipal AIIalrs to conduct Investl atlon Into city business was defeated tr Ailstar team trom Barrie district interchurch soitbalileague selected Don Camp bell Keith Wood Lee Partridge Al Not tItt Don Harris Larry Garner Bill Hunt Er orrn split Jay Decsrle lionsrd sill on WMIIuherN Hum1 on it jewelry store Ind Ioolr oil with 100 watches worth more thanih0ti0 Gray don Knapp discovered loss at am Mr Stephenson Is away on vacation Barrie by PC George Ursnlck oi OPP Bell Telephone Co announced appointment wields Outhouse lr succeeding to Drillin OTHER notions vnws WATER POLLUTION DILEMMA TONI Rick Agnew liurray Amos Bob Denney Red Demberllne Don McFadden Jacli Ilrrn bull Al Hammers Victor Lindsay They will play ethibitlon mstuh Brio towa Plumbing oi senior league Don Pylonla chnpbst vdulablevlyer senors rep ev am Dell reported new Christian education mm 5m Mum Wm Em ymbyem Church kiss the Environmental Protection Ag neartng completion at cost runooo Among mm who mm mm 0n trywlde act oi Industrial discharge stan uo mm mm on nnounc danis caved In to the vested interests mm by 11mm wm Hebe That is one easy judgment that environ mm 51mm North Jack Gm mentalllts will tempted to draw tol lowln recent announcement by the EPAt atit is handing over to Its region administrators the task at Issuing 40000 permits to dump cIiiuents Into the countrys waterways Environmental purists regard the to 000 permits an licences to pollute And even more moderate voices have warned that the licenst program set up under the recently as ved ltoiuse Act oi 1800 stdetraciis the country truth meanings iul solution ot national water pollution problems senior shtibaii it to keep playoii hope alive Nancy lIoEaehcrn at Napier at pictured with her pon Golden Doyprlaa winner at Oro orlds iair Allsndale lady lawn bowlers hire at Carrier lira Pat Barth ltIrs liar or non Lyons Trophy at Newmarlic manager Atlantian branch Toronto Dominlon Rank Tyrcr oI Barrie WM mum intrusion smog nnr It MIImslsoo Fruite The It trio intern cu led by Napoleon Ind Jos In the early yeIrs oi their marriage She hers alter their rttvorc II buried In bislinstoa lCP Iterrlorahllls Irom Nsle nns last daysion the is ad otbt Ilelans where died not earn ago hsv Ile ledlntbO nauseating Photo Ison WacDonIld poIted yrsnwumww weeru igiti EXPIORING THE UNKNOWN cannons snort Last Railway Spike Driven By Macdonald By BOB BOWMAN Aldawgh Sir John intern Ild represented Victoria BC In ms he did not sea the Psclilc coutiuntil lids HI Ind Lady diacdonsld made thI trip by train shortly alter LheCP Rail trIntoontlnentII hid been com lhst NIndenIldbsd been west ol Ontario it seems urpijtslng that he did so much to crests Three governorsrgenersl saw British Columbis bciosn the nilwa was completed Lord Oultertn went to Victdrt by ship to iris and not only saw great deal or Vancouver third but the Queen ihsrlotto Islands and got Is In north Is Port Simpson lie also explored the Caribou Trail and saw Ksmloops and the OksnI gnn region lord toms and hIs villa Prlo cess loulse saw the prairies by wagon train II III west as CI gsry And then went to British golf championship Nixon will mentwln the House at Commons alter nrr at Art Powell vs Jim Small bells MM is it 11 Wu iilloirirRJiN Thieves brolte Into lilii Stephensons ith Wm 011 in weeks but ey stchd tor three months and Lord torus saw the interior as lITEISL as Ksm loops lord Lansdinvoe got to British Colurnhls by the IllCans In Potion Plcksrd Isinvestlgstlng assisted leted ln tad It was the that gum tore theerIlIy wsa earn letad lie to travel it miles on brrsehsck to cover lupin the Ioohls lbltiio use lath be nllwsyllrtha Bmluckeiam When Sir John itsedonaid got to British Columbia he wu able to drive the last spike oi the EsqulmalthrrIIrno Rail way on August ll 1356 RM been built by Robert Dunsmulr who began his career tn rittrh Oolulnbln by buying wagon and gelthig an interest In cast seem at Nanslmo which eventu ally prnduced hall million tonal For bulldingvhe railway hs got moors in cash and nearly two million acres at ral thle Isnd lrnm the tedcrsl gov ernmenti OTIlIJt EVENT ON AUGUST Lil ltdGovernor blonlrrlsgaiy built Fort Richelieu now Sorsll rimGeneral Brocl met in dlIn Cblel Tecumseh beloniat IIckIngDctrolt insram Selkirk seized North West MWIIIIIm lMCaptiln uid Amudun us that mm to ssll through Northwest pasasge hornth to west The trip took three years OlaTroops lied shot or coal miners It Iaalmo 90 titsWorlds de game way In complet It Canto NS ibisliars than mo dolo Iatee trom in countries ale tended Anglican Church Conter ears at Toronto THE QUEBEC PRESS SAYIS This Is selection at edi torials on topics at current Interest translated Irons the Trenchlanguage press at CIIIdIl Osthce la botelil The battle against pollution to be el tletent must pass over not only Iocsl and regional bound rartes bit also provincial boundaries Otherwise there Is the possibility or creating privllegedlslsnds across the country tor those who sick or will seek to sidestep InlIpol luiion measures To achieve resuiLs the bat tJe must be canted on with Wml tltrr Torrie Examiner ts iisytlcid Street Barrie Ontario Telephone mill Second Class Mall Registration Number MM Return poslsga guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory llolldsys excepted Subscription rates daily by curler its weekly no yenr ly Single copch the lty mIti Barrie tilde yearly Slmcoe bounty anon yearly Batoac other couritr Notes throw all tacos yearly Natiovisl Advertising otrleos til Unlucrllty Avenue Toronto uo Cashcsrt BL llontreat ilember ot the Canadian Prels and Audit Bureau oi Circula lions The Canadian Press is exclus ively entitled to the use Ior re pub lcslton oi all news dlrpstch es in this sper credited to It or The Assoc ntrd Press or Neuter and also the local news publish ed therein The Barrie Examiner claims yrlgbt to sit original IIIVOT NIT and editorial material rro Ilod by Its employees and re produced In this newspaper Copyright Iteglatrstlon Num ber more register the am mcans everywhere Governments are aware at this and already they have had meetings and discussions with view to organising common antipollution Iront in rectni days Qucbee and the ilnritlme Provinces signed such no agreement lloanwlilln II thaolher end oi ltie country the premiers oi the to Canadian provinces except tor one took Idon tags oi their meeting to study dillcrcnt aspects oI the battle against pollution Its phenomenon which Iccnia to have Just been dis covered although It is as Bill us the world Pollution began with the appearance oI the tint man and has Increases and taken on new Iorms pro gressively with the multiplica tion oi the human race sclerr tilic progress and the evolu tion or the world The trend to industrialization and migra tion to cities created so many polluting agents It Is Impossi Ia to make them disappear Irom one day to the nest there remains cruelty to cllm In other causes ol pollution such as those resulting Irom automo bllcr all other motor vehicles industry etc But here again It is Important not to set lrorn tear because too great rush could result In ills more seri ous than those which need correcting it Is usulcs to hope that the ellects ol centuries ol cssclt leasness and lnelllicrence could be repaired in just lew years lhout return Ing to or tile no one wants without compromising the existence oI many indus tries and Iohsecurlty Ior dorem It not hundreds oi thousands at workers There ts no doirbt coo sldcratlom must not be loud to luallly lack station In providing greater protec tion tor the environment and eliminating the principal causes cl pollution In recent years the public has some tlmcs reacted too emotionally to pollution Iorgrttlag that Its problem or extreme complexity lhsl cannotbs re solved by radical solutions In the United Stiles probs blytbn country with most serious pollution Eoblc lilo duslry sslauslty vests more Irld more wild sitb to Improving research had applying antipollution mes Iures in Cannds more modest moans are used but we as at the same time hope to prolit greatly Irom Ithe experiences our neighbors to lbs south undergoing Por the moment psrt cl tllc battle willhave beenwon it the question is approached In rerllslic lsshiori There are pollutants that perhaps we can never hope to eliminate but on the other hand there are others which are easier to attack bloat Important tor the time being Is to take all possi ble precautions to prevent in all sectors the creation oI new sources oI pollution Raymond Dubs Aug rlioatresl is Frame The song can Its the time tor va cutlons We dont doubt it It III II tor some Indian litch it is line the time Dempsey poatat in RE proposals wtihouLlegislItlve power may barn aims appeal among Irish nationalists but not Imoog Protestant loyalists Any attempt to erode the au thorlly oi Stormosl the Ulster iegtstsure is Interpreted by THE Egg is is 53 iii is 2i is are it as =5 EEEEEEE Esg war and WIN morelhsnsbsllomonth take more than Intestines end to Its hold on LIGHT Toners These Remarks Tue Private Detectives ly IIAI DOYLE NEW YORK iAP Ito marks private detective get tired oI hearing Sam IIIwkaIrr ii gottro private eye or must be lbs worlds sleep at one the only case he ever stroke was the time be wearing It rilniaatare counter You ape so much time with your tel no your desk Sam dont you get Illtla vertigo when you get verti hate to do this to you ilswssbsw Is matter oi prolesslcnsi ethics lm the new man with the other pri vate detective lirrn dawn the hall and the landlord has hlredustoputthearrnonyou to pay your back real WIIY TIIE DUST it you run such wides wske IIcncy Sam why is there so much dust on your badret thought all you privata BIBLE OUGlIT but they that visit upon the lord shalt renew thrlr strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not he weary and they shall walk and not total lsslsb 031 We need to cease trons worry lag and molar on some rest waiting to the presence oi Ilirrl who has all power It Ills coni mand in help comcth Irom the lord who made items and earth DrIw on the strength at itim who spoke this world Into existence and who ulll have the last word when It is all over lilll bhnse detectives were run by beIuIlIuI dames That youve ot tor secretary so homey shed sure my nearsighted rooster In by the papers the alumni at our ocsl relorrn school are vaIn reunion Sam Are you so It tlrn not Main you totry cstch my hushand In sassy an itsvtsbaw lni you to keep thI imt be ID tor lordpr For sakeplus or blitbowd you like to com over cep In eye on the Your only will be to the riitarsi out ill Sam looked thrwgb Isy interesting keyholes lstelyl Are you sure youre private etectlvei Somehow thought youd be younger handsomer talk out side oI your mouth and more hslr And uhy did come in throums the door Instead oi the windowl Calling Sam Itawkabawi Culling Sam llswkshawi honey this Is your wllc up Close your cities windows Ils raining TRAINS DRIVER Kentucky has started gram to train zooo ambulance drivers In all aspects oi grncy medical use EXPORTS IJP Israel diamond exports up by ass per cent ill third oi run over the same rlod oi 1m cannrrno naruoo To carry devilied eggs Etcnit place them In le retrlgentor eggstorage tray 1r narrrvrp IN CANlID or trips Sometlrnca even tor unusual trips sir Trudeau and his wile travel through the Maritime Provinces Jean curetten has admired the Soviet accom pUshrncnts In Siberia the pro vlnclII premiers discuastlscsl policy and pollution It Victo HI and Robert Stanlleid ths prngrnstlsi has shown do sire to be one oi the builders oI WashingtonPeking rap prochement The Opposition loader to the Commons wanted to bresthe the air ot China the popular Chins tho resl China As new II permitted he had talks with the leaders oi the biggest country in the world Onhls return be are news con Iercnce In laws llo stated that there lsohly one China that ol Peking But the government oi Taiwan to It tend the United Nations must attend as Taiwan olmuwiioniromrcr loosen IiAtIloiltlITnltht COMMITTED SUICIDE IN his sewn mounnmramnrvumars nisaoorvusoennromurnut ourth maroonoumtsrr Willi Wilde lit TllEiIEW ON AFTER Till FIRE TllAl WWW recommendable snout NM FoliNDINtle ASIIEisimWTIPULW contain ouastthdnitotne noelnor MEMOWWW at your Wafilittdett luv Wronarnvsnnrors