Mild Temperatures gt andSIInrdIyldtoTllmlO allghtttlo North Bay sown mun Georgian Bar renalmt 5m Mom today thinly Inna Saturdey winds north rriy ii to 11 today will tiger this event llighs today Ind snturday to to it ion to nidtteotn it Slim Sle liarir Algorlll no mm 5me with in cloudy periods indy sod Silur cu th loony Ind Sal to lots Idoltl my mt has is Santa st moral India Kitchener ilmaIt Foul View Owen Munich ltanliltrro SL Cathanool Apssnlaa=aa==aaaiii whit itirer Ind Aigoma ro dent This hint censure will spread across most at eastern OnlIrlo tonight so than reassider Ihte Iunshine is forecast inr sundry ii iii distur moving Bahrain today will spread some today thinly runny Saturday cloud with eheoco of shower Winds nmhwest to ti iiiths into southwestern eectlonnofthe today Saoardiy pear to Selurdn oust tnear ITxlo Sim with cloudy Montreal and Ottawa This penodn today and Saturday morning sturdy Iltll tew lilgb today 15 low looiet about and Il gilt chance oI High Saturday 7h thunderstorm then elenrrng tilts Windsor union iiarolllort afternoon Saturday mostly Ceraldton his Si UIlr Lake Erie take sunny today liigh today tioolooeo iluaoo westernth OntarioI tilesarmSunnywlthetoodype lilong letubcrmi liiilaloe North BIT Sodhlily Dillon Timmrns Kaptalhuiol time unpleasa white River so E2 E2 in 53 To hissattire to as es 31 Egg BE EE Iaeron coon centre urhnogu eiuh noanta Ins om brishaor nunha mIiebes while ilctary prpel Dr Andy limited Rotarlhl irrarnlner Photo Politicith Must era EE ii so in new yolem The automobile cases eco asscassnaaauaaauaiaazaaaus 82sassscaassutcnsussstnss rlods today and Saturday thIoce of shower Saturday illghs today and Slurday To to it mo in the wheels This way the rar giv faster and mother response lino eonvmtienai vehicles it can pick up speed gulcter and has hotter tnctho he said do other mu no all we mama uni to the car will not MULTIth our present lily problem to the The second stage will irr cold of winter or the heat of voive IctoIi construction of dammerelther Butter Prot Margin Low Can Expect Boost in Price MONTREAL CF tatle vicepresident Illd were Ipohlsoiln for the steioherga never goaog to get rich on out rupermnrlet chain raid Thurs ler deya loomed increase at lihe margin oi proilt Lr very thrcoceoteapoundlnthe lorsotheconsumerisgolnglo oi butterwu to be expect have to ply the dillerenee leek Lesion stelnherga cxoo there is no wey for us to Ib cosh ill be Illd lie said that he had received no IdvIocI police that the Co oadian Dairy Commission would begin pnyto farmers ll cents pound tor tier up from so agree people and they must Arst lhr feeling oi the people to elected chest The mayor sold he inred htrsloeu roach to lovem Mayor on Code miles It nicerInc It is reected in Rotary hrochem uidthl pm the management by ohieo iesskull clo forecast whet tivef polky Adopted by city couhiorwiloocurIsthecli rovatii growl but decisions on what tmlylu Wu mm on India unseen wit me it council to utlblllll thole 9W kettles tiayor Cocks IIid We hole to on public pnrtie mlltodtothogrowtheenlrom Findle II lpll or am 00 com mourn PLAN Among the community rollI In Mt itll the rnIyorIees IrI reiorm of la cueilkrr ii eel government and staining on saccharine new of derisloemahlog power to the the nil hf local level Im led to the teeth 1h Ni ii it PM with heioa tltwItiVlitI of fed ld 91 call and provincial depart WE rneois he said ldh mmliv1m out local governments will Mug by HM have to earn larger share oi decisionmung not spending poorer to reel planning oi hi can More will have books wt Hans re legends Burris Mariana were icid yesterday 5E per our um heed Woman Enters Bathtub Derby Citys Future quor rele oi Industrial growth and development cl rccrestion Ii Intuition Ind service no tors oi the many beyond the botmdanes oi the my planning will have to lock prueot city in the design and ultimate population of Barrio Some people are little irlghtened It the predictions oi H000 to mourn mutation in the city he said lint we mint set goals worthiol Im in tho lranwwots of an area government OUAUTY OF LIFE The lint priority he said in community gosh Lr tervation oi thn quality of life Pollution and the ecology have to become more than just words he IIId Meyer Coole laid mam moth Ii have been um towardselhe protection oi iterop nofelt lily and pollution control We have the resources to he thepro gt Eastern take Ont erri Georgian lily with few showers TORONTO iCll easterly today Fair tonight except nor thunderstorm lair noon Fllr tatr Sill LII Winds southwest it becoming north to city in which we can cnioy to to no tools earl mitotm CPI the Burgotnastera helhtub cents tort we were ex IL Tho new rater lie elieelive Action Promised believe more of the re sources oi the federal Iod pro vlnrlnl governman should he high quality of life he said Dab at this eera Cona dlIEa Natio inhibition ital innod feminine touch with the entry Thurldey oi Mayor Cloudetie lliitIr oi Ill lloo Preston niayoriolor laiiow Mbme Bill Denotlcn of Toronto Dave Brown of brittle Bill Smith oi Georgetown and Doug Galvin of lfetubor wghiothormurmei the weleriront ahoe tinn dIv has so gt The rating bathtubs Ire =comirucled oi reiniorced plastic moulded from the genuine article All tubs use lderltirallydqulppod Ilnhor reporter outbound colors for power next tiondry Guy llodoo vicepresident oi ths iGA chain expressed our poll It the Inoounceoieot but then Idded what Ilsel Whamlih goel Iro every lhlng ello lollcwr the price will he passed on to ccoruroeragmr iortunately but there is no otherwIt DEATHS WV DIM LIONhum at nlllla TM ItlloVi MINA III on Timid Ami it Ill Will Ms Oilyv 61 Iho III Wllhr lauds we rm leol ow om norm of Mil their Ielry MIL Harold mtuyl and an iron Kenneth lord Mind or II mention hum ar the stecliey meal Hm Wesley street lee On Polite Wages 10mm iCPi untarina upoo policemen who have been put in the bends of local gov ernment but we havent yet earned lhlt rlIhi he IIid Lo ntn NJiitdibi dlseuaaio whether they opera to demand rtghtto strike were per cent oi eir crpohliitv Mb hm rIng Economic goals ping speedier ngI coolroctl mat We will tall tho matter on mm mm with the Ittnrnrygencui Iod cmmdnum Wm no what can he done to speed my tip arbitration Perry ttiiilgan chairman of the Duluth pollen BARN ROLE commission told soc delegnies im not In euro in our role It the Ontario Police Austin to try and cope with the hous ttoo convention log needs of all the people in wrong 1mm pop the metropolitan core hlIyor men have been waiting for WWW months for appointment of to its called or ahmulotion Iod vies In the chapel In some MI mg 9mm hiyqu arbitration chairman Their ddhrl ll contract sinner inst mm Am not delighted with our Saturday is sunodhy To Service is something lot of nancial institutions talk about But not everyone delivers At The Municipal we know how important itis for you to have cash services available six days week Thats one of the reasons why youll always as tows tnnlnhl so to so Irio south ilelihortoot Considcrohio cloudiness today Ind ehInco worms contour itarine forecasLl tor the Great tales issued It lid am EDT Late Superior Winds north easterly It is knots becoming today and oi hriei odly Iod to Northern me liIroI deco II lily Winds north to north east at it to or tools becoming easterly today Fair showers this morning Southern Loin IiIroI VilllAll souhwtst to tools broom hrg north to northeast this lllll Charm of Ontario to 15 tools THUNDER BAY iCPI Pal Reid member or thI Ontario legislature ior Raioy iliver told Went air transport revrcw board hearing nally lent rlmp built It Iorits hire Ont in rots may have been con Itructrd hy liohmnn Airways oi lolemItiooal Falls iiinn hlr Reid said tormrr em ployee of Bohlllnn Airways told him in the tall oi 196 that the camp was beiol built for sin waI owner Frank Boharann but would he in Ioolher mans name The other man said Mr Reid to Ray htisner now tourist outiitler Iod resort owner with barn at hline Centre Ont his illsner landed IrruuL grant liver in northwestern 0n tells about to months each year and bus home in international Fails hlr iiisner earlier told the thring that the campsite It Jones Latte Ind others It Sand that he and tlr Bohrnno had reached II Igreemeot womb ilnhronn Airway customer to his earns but he denied IhIt llr Bohmno hill any torrent in his operation or he in Mr Bemeos Records produced by ildamao err Ind shermen amount tiaooo wIs turned over to Canadian operators Includ Ing ilr hlisner tor ouppliu hosts and molars his customers had rented hfr Bowman is appealing III Ilr troorport committee deci sion handcd down to Johnny liIl that limits American air carriers to two stops in Coon diIn wilderness Irena one It customs and one It cInIdian northelst at Suturdey lorulxt outlltiers base Fell Lilo belon to Beach and Mum muqu him limiting US Carrier Stops Under questioning he told wouiddtroel Almys show this till my panys gross profit was $17 on its 19ft operations into north western Ontnrio curyiot hm so Bohmao Inn of that nd us open on Saturday in Sirocco County From 9pm to pm But thats not all The Municipal offers its total nancial services package to you for further 44 hours week ovumem From Monday to Thursday for lull eight hours do mlobpm Ii AniliylorAZ hours on Friday from am to pm Theres something else youll nd whether were open or closed Thats The Municipsls extra attention to you personally to your shortterm nancial needs to your long range investment questions So when you need to meet your weekend or weekday money requirements come in andsee us We think youll agree our service is the best in Simcoe County Because at The Municipal were always willing to go out of our way Just so you wont have to go out of yours old fashioned root beer and inl burger like the AW Thednburger mountainous burger pried high with layers of good solid and tr ducin Albert the Aer libelbrcwuloster And Welter the is Burgermsster Alberts famous frosty mugs of root beer was great idea of More pee 1e cometoAer Nullfissfllnuglusbldt Pp for good Nod than any other pince in Conrado Albert and NngdbbNilblTeenbmgem Wr iii to think AlbertmantlI ethic Albert and Walter decided two er ve solo real ideas are better than one go they teamed up to otter something you cant get any place but Add cold mug of savings glean mrporation Moremomunowrhunnmm immuno norm cotton WimTymimhnmnnh Member CIIIrlI Doposllloauranco Corporation