WWW If is as it 52 E3 or is it gl hmvvrms SIGN 11mm WOMAN CARVERS WORK BURNS MIDNIGHT 0H OTTAWA CPI Iha hmrl ass but but Elinor Illino unique Unless them lion oi tint Ins lire lilies In deslnnton Manitoba limo tm lnoharooIL lhI whlnI chatter oi the tools IDIL thInIidntDIttlM MAIL OALLDIIT Dora the power tools hIrI Ichteved the result outuns It the two human iilttrir or tree Miss Itiins moves ln wlth her burner and chitrl to do the Intrleda work Althouslt often overlooked thI cIsuat IIIllor lhIhIlII ellht Centre Block III ser ltshlI at mum There IrI ndtIn hr MIDIIILIVI Rowers bes vers and other native lotms et wIIdIIIr oosts ol Irma Ind iuu oi many mrndresmed tutu LlIIIDEllS Advice Was Life Saver Writes Grateful Reader DeIr AII tandem Several months Iro you ursed your reIdera to write to th Nlllidllll or American Cancer Society or assets who ottn Not own as the motto lhtmas hitter archittrt tho that Genus Diotk but rm out In Ill am so Is John Puma areth at tho Intent plnternent buildin undid it Cm wII erected in Int 1m totsI loIIn thalire the mini still not completed it hII been In propresI lot Iimost to IIIII MllttI Iys tbrrl 11 reason Carlin it Into similar ample may taII two weth Does she like Ill MOSS REIN You ntintt up On my lob resembles hIrIns your one buIlneu hats to many dil ierrnt thinls to do Ind no In terlerener trotn rrry supe slurs Tito cIrverI IsIvr Iillyl been given looIs rein to do citing on what dctlrn Ice or tlrure they will put Into the stone In the charter library tits only section to survive the tilt Ilsa bteause It wnI tolled oil by lire doors the 2mm who did the wooden panels otters used their worImIteI Is models tor the Incrs with whlrh they illuminated thrlr work lIlII Milne born In Salnt John MD Itudled philosophy and history as soil or Irt Ind sculpture She Irols this kind oi wellrnundrd training Is to rentLtl lor her lob It you Isnt Iind thu rte one II the lhintl then you cant let contentrated power In your work or In cost with matchtnl um unset sown oi silt lb sddin It III Saddam oi liltingI Iiifbop It Barrie wsmitt bridegroom Ittrndnnt no mrnmd Olrkstnski oi Churs tubal In Date But hr Ind Gordon Alien ol Denis mos Tits wedth rereptton III held In the lower belt at the Salvation Army Citadel Itsrrle whrrI lhI moharvol the brlie received 1qu wearlns met lenrth dress ol green IIlln Ind sorter tier mm wu ol white Sweetheart toes The bride moms twin sister atslrted errlnI brown Ind belre dress Ind white Icresiorlrs Her son mo III oi pink southeast roses For trIveIllns wett the bride chose dress oi now while In Ink prtnt dainted with titted bodth Ind pleIted skirt Her se ousorits was pink billbglb wore sntttnl limle Ill Mid It It mm St Rm Motelty stem at th wed dlns were ltom colllnzwood Toronto Beeton North tiny and New BIltlrnorI Iliehlssn Indian Women Meet In North Bay hotiTll DAY tCPt lndlsn women in Northern Ontsrto were told Thursday they should choose traders who will repre sent them It national level Rose Charlie lrom DrillIh Col utnhIIs Fraser Valley area wII tIlltIny to I00 detersies to the tilt annual convention oi the Indian honwmslrers Who knows one you Il may become government at our own Ior our on wait she said The threedry rorrvrnllon ended Thursday the 1971 con vrnlton will be In Sault Ste Marie In Aurtist the door closod Ind lorprt Ibou wants to live like slob llI he 51 it ERASES YEARS E55 1s the annals Imam mm Auteur ts trrt nnr unsung sur nr Is Artel on Isletsest ittensltdl Jm tubslhydsrnayhearln Atoll tendency tough the your big sreI Its lutt tltIl onloths nothing to tiltmt In to to his toaster ulhmni iuwrtlnldtdw In bottle workinl day Indicated its In Nww Dont or oil or handle with propitious My July It to All 13 lestIII youre aontothiol on your third PLASTIC SURGERY who my all up lepLnitVHKII you mats dount Ire it mu lt Artordlnp to her it the toe ANOELES AP Tbs tIcelIIl In operItlon thst tales abort tour horns he do no weI emme to crass that one the burden late Usual petlarmed In hoop late but Inaunlrtxly In doo torsoltiootltnanmeitltor In your lrom tired tIre eliminattn bur tolls fully chub Ird ea abort thI mouth and neck Art oprrsttou can out man than 000nlrl It doesnt Iecornptlsh ties and probIbly wont In more then tll yrIrs but it ran hm proiottnd Impact ths middlealert man or woman the main rum decided to have lIrellit II IhIt thII retirement buIlneII II tor the birds IIid diyearold rd tired drpsrtmeotvstors III In Pacific Darth hill not Iulittms lot wInt to sum II much money as did beth mind And lhawayllookllltilillio prospective em layer hs knows Im so dostt look as sh with my noun expat In sitth stand Iood thIncI oi petttnl the Job on may derlcs tor mstie surgery are beramlnr lntretrlnyly popular Inwns people It modems me plIstic slum Ilium Wild WI lIhemInIdrtrd Ill tort beauty the lhInd lsrnorouslue Illuscnd other tonne ollcos sslesrnIn butiaeu up rectory workers wldv dlrorrrea secroiui Ind career women In mk lns cosmetic llnll to more competitive wor lwrlnart When lrlendr or sets the em llllllilbnyottltblllll eye with you in tlnIndIl met to 81 It to Oct II ildltralA loodwd Ior Hills to experts Ind tulle utlntntes blind lDeLlilINrrJld Youll lest ration unabI lo rousedntlllo Postpone New Def It dnt on pe etjs ninth set In It Immedi ately Dee ta ta Jan it iOIprleorn road Luandal break they be ratt Irosr set ii It men Cotn mm anticipate his to Is golds wilds Some unrr It as noted wl amiss Iotivltlar Br prepIred 11 In WWW tr enees prerIIl today Whils eIrly mornlnp tnilusnesa will be IIIrly Iertsroul towtrd btlsl nestlinanclai IiIIirI they they be Io hectle II to brlnr Ib01t certItn Imount ol continloo and In some cues Impor IIid In In IrIIArvIew that nuts when stitched Illlcleuty In Insblliit on room aunt protests Ittird collerts trons hm been prom custodial IIII tlreyrsr study spun sored by the Rsrlsterad Ngl Assoclttlon oi 0n II lhs study which compmd rraduataa two Wilt schools Ind one Independent prorrsnl with those at tbs Ilseemester nursing courts at Torontos Rysmn Poly technicsl lnttltuts concluded thIl collerotralned nurses an equity compilant and thI loosened potential ior prnlesslooIt tooth and do velopmtot Dr tioyrl Alien asroelstI protester Itlttcdlltotlndlylar INN roulqu with tiny Reidy ol the report director cited enthual urn naslbliliy resvolulbilliy my articulsteness Is It quIIllirs oi Ryerson rr supervisors In rhIrpo ol Ilymm Iiltllll said they moped prinrtplu IIIlly so tepted erltlslsm well and pm more wltllnl thIn bowl Nth Smut On mamngltivs side tits colic err nurses wer Ioun to be dirornnlsed tack lnr In Islleonildence and It his to do too Inth on their own lIawever Is Dr Allen IIld trotpltlls tradltlonIlly thI Indworkinp In straldtt line with top nurslns cIro Such attitudes would have to rhanro to cops with malle nurses who Irs more liitely to it will not bs IIdnchtnl naw Inter yrlul to stay with routine unit to propsrlucontunirntr Gene mortar Ind initiative thIn reltorltnlud Intended pItient contact III mduaiea to use nurIiIl whblrsresesrcherandloo the It stealth ranted mt the study to Iotlow one from their lint you It subsidy to their AWN tn tbs IIbor into They discovered lhIt litID Ryerson students were throwelmaod still nursing without the Itlli hecklnl oi their lsmltier They teerned more loin mod to tho trues oi twirl wbm edurItinn Ind Pm tlrI trchnlouu In tutti loch psychlItric and WW health nurIlnI Harpltal students looked in mm traditional letiiw iiit Ryanon straienta Moldrrld nursinl tileloul WWW my waist trainee IIld they plsnned toworkort part time Iilor msrrtrrr Ihs AIIrnRIidy Nil IrrlhId Ryrrson till nursing reunite oi my My mtg report Indicated tint Workers Garb Fashion Craze The tIItla manhunt the when our In China the latest whim ln litnos Ind is use rhIltru In IblVIeInlm er look that III the rue with tho it St The women Ire stormin ttl Boulsvud SL Dos to match it ill but Wt Wm tilts nmltupia who like their workers otrtlttI on the while coliIr tids csn rel them In shiny my rot too And rich women who tht to look like prosperous rice pltkrrs pId themrrlves in Yves Isnthetllll E53 33 fBNAO FiveYear StudY Reveals No DrasticDeciine stalliostde Irmulvlny ch on Imphuiawas IeIdthInd IIrs Indl pItlantI Ind Is rIsuit amine tumi sore noted tint RyIrIon ItrniitrDrAIien It Inh Inn lumped tlOl neededntorsttolviilfvl eanIndrrcuqusIdIdtW heplaeedinrrnerIldttt In Dut lam thIn hIIi ended up In general duty Iron and mm vests tattoo or true In tmtd In ntlsigrttry Iorrnancts QUART ORR 11 mm might thIt Ryerson nrnIeI lat solsti denro at the outsot III to end by the tubules thorn selves But they IIid lull omen pa MW IItlon Iithmtperlors m3 hospital nitrates nmnrmmtnll worm Valli on worries about the dub lty nttrslnl Fldtlli public collelrl um oboe and Sun right out it oit in In Inlnlnr III thalr nursad In court Iettln but twitch Iront bospiili Rh puma ls deilnllely the trend today mu Perhaps new em avoid Ityersoos new amphi Ils on mutiny their nrnIeI to ill in with the syrtm Sslnt Laurents ouIItrd IItin Dr AIIIn Ind IdrI iter Now is the time foriooking forward remt new Dr Allen IIld letter ilvrs sumo over keep hrr door closed Ind In they dont err der In or Iran the room my Irll which hits to do Is rnItIer oI principle Do have the rirhl to Intlrt thIt she cltnn her room or door Iho have this rlrht to Ile like pll Ind keep the door riosedl the has mood to to by your decisionMrs tired Dasr Mrst The fill has rim to lle llltn when rho hII her own home Dut the hut no rlrht to turn one It your bedrooms Into sly ITS Diler to buy new bodsprond or Ioms IreIh rurtllnr II In Incentive MAIIEII OT OIIOIDD Dear AIII Tandem Id like to tilt Pittsburnt llrIder who II upllpht bIrIusI hII seerItIry csllI him by his tlrst name whst door he rill hert sin InIlurI womIn and rrllrls rrIduItawho works II scrItIry Mettol tho mm In lItl ollltI all women by their llrIt nImu rricr to their IIcrstIrleI II the rid IAny me who dislikes bclrrI relied by his llrtt nsms oIn IItlty prevent it csltl his trtrsltry by her art It tree booklet on IrreIIt Imlnatton low weeks there was another letter stlnt thIt noIrly 500000 people hId written tor the booklet Ind how pleased were becsttsa this maInt It ttverIl hundred IIrII would be mad My the us Intous them Iiy booklet mind on Dre it Althoth eomhleta physical rumination only two wash bsiorrldscldod to re In hilt Wldymlatsd lump To make lonI Ito short within hours was ache uted Ior mm Ivrn thourh thstnmorsrastmatlltwss In lipunIIndtttahrrIIthadtobr removed All Artist tIsII werI nontlrI but due to the loolion oi the ham rIdtItlon rm Ind It tour week another at settles untoso mW Vb Your solutan IlwII va lpIttlll nutth iota rns ID Hillelth writll ntr who Your letter it or Not sharia such personal II at or urnom II un Ir shlldrcn IrI boys IlibrrslldalwarlllIlaamttrdrrlldyohlVI llwlohvts the tornado hit It Hm mislattd lbwritalor InotII browse the is too my to keep Irr sump Irrtltta It is Mr ImrI Ivrn thoth they would mdanotr lhohludpdsllltt thcutl letvr nottsll thshotthyhlt for planning as well as for dreaming Iorheing practicaiand for soaring into flights of fancy II vun TheaBridaI Salon COLLIERIIOUSE and view our fall and wintercoliertion oi gowns for you and your attendants Items Street Now llark lltw York IWIT PIO STV DIIr Ann lastrrrt Aly Ill leuold dlltlhtlll loss to eIuty Irhool Sits slyl is Iutiiilttd lob lilti the and not bs expected to do Inythlnr Irouod tha housI My mother lslsw lives with us took my sisters two young chl rrn rIiIs when Itll count men telly tli Int her IIth on her tell or III this All you will know at we Ira plonly crowded Ind there stats It work Irourtd hers the question llra tsyatrold her her own room because tits new Ill town Inddont know which way to turn oalltha lttill tit TidttoII It IIIM or masts lYoullhe glad you old Dear Mrsd Inducted with several secrItIrlss II Item tlvts In hlcuo Ind only one IIprIIIr II II ott svrrwha in ma rltyI prI we count denote now as nvsy moon