Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1971, p. 1

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the residential list and research supervisor the oilideeu rreotscvern otnmlttee and In internlands and Insects land use planner studies one ol the highly detailed Land maps prepared tor the WRTS study With him Is John Ant broee Slime district planner with lands and threats who is involved in the lake Slmcoe study that started August ethereal blr Charm Invented the symbols used on the maps for surh leatum as type oi hark shore and the wet bottom out to the depth oi live ieeL Soc rial Examiner Photo Tired Recreation Problems TOPIC OI Proposed Meet suitorrro Speciall use Sinicoe ares restienie will pro bny gala cbsrtls ioldLscuss EI GIN IMP on recreation ii the district in earty Mums mam and iomts land maplInning supervisor rare The public nodding which will pbebeldlnnsrrteamld be connected with the lake Sunroedonld elinaetudy which Is Ilollowupte the Crude Ontario Rideau Trentbevern study released last month The plan Is directed to iind log the optimum recreation use level tor the Sims area Iohn Ambrose lands and threats Sins district planner states We also have to lake Into account the urban areas like Barrie and Orlilla the agrirul rural regions in the south and development along the shoreline he adds The meeting would give the public chance to air their views on the tutors oi the me Since the CORDS committee gave the Simeoe study group the goahcad on August hlr Ant brose has been touring the area meeting with municipal oIlicInls Ind indlnn bands on In InIorm at basis GETTING FEET ET lie has taken aerial photo graphs and travelled by ear and best Ive literally been getting my mum CAPsuannn leel wet he comments The Invrunl olropcn water without hosts was what amazes him most The physical area to be In sIsng Is not cer lain yet be sued Iba must ob vlous coarse Is in use the water shods which would mean llrad lord Marsh and the Iiliiburlons would he Lid Into the study The only problem was that ion watersheds covered vast area especially In the south Air Cressrnan holes that take Stmcoe wasnt included In the original curios committee sluriy became there wasnt enough time lie expects Wm Sim coo plan will take year to draw up The concept were working you In looking at Lake Simeon as aysiern which isnt being done he says mentioning dozen government agencies with diiierent Jurisdiction already In valved in the lake Sinwoe deserves the special study because It is the most xtgntiicent recreation body oi wairr Ontario with sand beaches deep soil backsbnren superb itshing and tot oi open water he adds lit Ambrose says he already had most oi the physical lnIorrre than about the region ha nerd ed Now have to bring it to nether analyse it and preseni it so people will understand it IILrthg lob now Is hearing virs Pepandreou Deprived 0i Citizenship ATltlIN5 APtAndeas Papardreou innner Greek cabinet ilom people whtob is the reason tor the public meeting so he can grasp their ieetlogs and cat egorise tbe hues the plan wit have te tacit rte Canada Friday August tr mt PRICE INDE Ulster Violence ones New IRA error Seen BREAST CPI Violence that has tell persons dead In srediobeon the wane logy alter Iour days oI rioting shooting and ruehomhing The Ulster capitals 411000 mldenta bequ going to work and to shop In almost normal lashlon lluwerer new terror lactic by the outlawed Lrisb Republi can Army may be untolding as more Roman Catholics line to the Irish Republic In the smith and Protestant more in the quieter parts oi the city or to England Police in an attempt to stop the ow nI reiugees said they will deal harme with soy cases where militants Inliratdated res Ideaats Brig bisrslon Ilckell army ehlel oi siali Irt Northern tre umi halted the quiet tme an wtrlght dclcei oi the IRA man died in shooting Inch dent in lordonderey Thursday night and another was killed In months with British tree In the Roman Catholic Iioga district Tbt Irm Quid ILI troops were amb ed and re turned the tire lot was Iound beside the de trial the arm said The violence erupted lionday siter roundup ditto Impacted IRA members The Incidents IpIBeLlIst Thursday slightesqu teasthat sols ttisaeotlu ruin Is appointed High Commissioner London UIIAWA CPI Prime lilo lster ltudeau today announcedl the appointment at live new deputy ministers while IPIWLIIL Ing In existing deputy minister Warren Canadian high commissioner In tendon llr Warren so native oi ChathIm out and now deputy minister at lndlntryptrsde and commerce will replace hqu Ritchie who is retiring hIr Ritchie born In HILLIII and 65 next month has been high eoiener btre since 1961 III now Ls on hoiidayln Nova Scotia bdr Warren Jake has been its store that lie hes able as tears in lnlemationni altalrs udlng attendance at meetings at the General Amo meal on Teriils and made on wanunv Canadas behsli blr Ritchie long eer diplomat hes Id mater posts in the Canadian diplomatic service Including deputy undersecretary oi stale iur exterpaiaiinirs ambassa dor to West Germany and to the United States and representa tive Irr Canada at the United Nations SERVED IN WASHINGTON Iir Warren Joined the enter an attain department to thin and served to the high commis sloners oiliee here between lbid and tool its also was in the Canadian unbauy at Washing ton between test and 1m he tore Joining the iinance depart ment IIr Warren will be replaced by trendy who has been deputy mlnhler nI consumer and corporate aliairs since that departments inception In 1961 ltlr Grandy 51 had previously served in the external silairs department and lor time was an ashlant deputy minister oI tinence the RA may he hunting new type at terrorism Gunmen broke into the homes oi two Reliant businesmrn and sprinkled gneoiine over their linolth and set it en tire the department spokesman said damage to both homu was ex irnrive It was saved the two lei deutsmightbetheatarto cam go at personal Intimidaa lion the lRA who here lound themelves outgunned by the British Army end are reported tobeshortolamrsardamrnu nition Cabinet ministers juices to diutrisilste and lopranking army and lies olilcers were rumored to on list lar simi lar IRA action First Price War Rumblings Felt By The Major Airlines NIKEA iCPI The tint nonbllnga at possible price war were felt Thursday when tour rnaior airline an normed their Intention to Intro duce certain criteria isrer tor the North Atlantic Airlines Innounttns their stand were Canadian curlers Air WI and Air Boat the British Ilag curler and taslthams oi West Germany The announcement Inlirrwed by hours the breakdown at no otiattnns tor new North At tic iaru pIckIgn by to world airlines late Wy night he tells ended abruptly Iiier ii days when Lat cast the lento against toeZ oatmm expemlviuefmalnn and youth tarest GIVEN DEADIJN Al news cesium Ihurr day It Don Reynolds chair man ol the coniereote held ureter tbs strapless ol the intery national Air Transport Associa thnnsa came late line or In open rIte situation developed Along with US carriers Thor World Airlines and Pan American Airways the two air llnes were In the vanguard ni tltoee Iiiervilng the coulercnce In their support oi cularsta today advance ptsrchasa tare OTTAWA CPI The load blli lumped by more than two cents on dollars purchase last month mainly because oi unu eusily sharp Increases In Iresh vegetable prim Statistit Canada said today the consumer price Index in creased to tell Irom mo in June and race in July inst year The index is based on that prim equalling too In dollar terms this meant that It cost til last month to buy what ruse bought to June In wide range at consumer goods and services Thir was the July price or parcel ul goods and services that cost its to I51 dollars worth at iuod bought In the local market in June ior consumption ll home mil Milt last month Across the broad range ul more than to consumer goods and services the index reect Ing the cool oi living now is more than onelhlrd higher than It was to years ago This means that the loot dollar now Le worth less than Il ceus In Mrrentage terms the OrIII index lot duty was eighivlrnihs oi one per cent higher than to June and no per cent higher then year earlier on indicates taster rate at price Increase than has pro inled In recent months though It is still well below the rapid ination rate at to five per rent to months ago Food prices lumped re msrksble 21 per cent Isak month with the loud index climbing to me In Jilly Irvlll tent in June and lilo LII July last ear For the last several more loud prices have been generally lower than yIIMgo lion said laxithsniae position was so rigid that there was no iurlher room ior negotiation The airline was slven until Sept to make Its final deel slnn known It in reiectinn siliI stood at that time the IATA membershi would Ines an open rIie situation or In ei lect price warinre As he was rushing his re rnsrks Air Canada and none were monitoring their intention to seek Introduction ol the lower tarts regardius oi whether Lul IMmhma was Canoe Pageant VICth CPI Despite late challenge Irom New Truss wiek Manitoba Thursday won the British Columbia centennial 71 canoe pageanL About sore persons lined the citys Inner harbor to watch the arrival ol the it canoes with paddicrs wearing ceremonial dress and ying the Llags oi their province or territory The canth were oIIchaliy welcomed by civic and provin cial dignitsres siter completion oi the Marie event which began July It at Fort st lame Iglhnorlbceniral British Cerium iueI Was Cause 0i Chute Collapse IIOLIFNN iAP rocket tueiwhieh eats through nylon may have caused the collapse at one oi Apollo its parachutes Untied States space agency sources say All three chutes opened in periy but one collspled the spacecralt was drilling to ward sptesbdown ever the Pa ciiic Ocean north oiIlawaii last Saturday The collapse caused the cap rule to return in earth about two miles an hour later than usual but crested no drilleuitles tor the astronauts other than iolttng rplsshdown space centre source said Thursday the parachute IppIr eotly collapsed alter iuel and oxidizer irnnt the mall rocket thnnler system were ieltisoned levels butthat record wsabrra ken abruptly last math The indexer are based on monthly sampling survey across Canada at the prices oi more the cverags urban diuroincorne Iaruily stslutics Canada said it was the largest lump tn loud prince between June and July aim isnt rmh vegetable prices on average were nearly to per cent higher in July then In June this Fresh eerstlbil prices do tend however Io come down later in the sum PRICE TABLE OTTAWA CPI July Univ turner price Indexes compared with lime and year In Irigures alter groups lndieels their rceniave in composition hi all tents Lndexl Ilrl Ill July June litt 1330 ma but its mt tourist mt ma ISM till All items Food Housing is Clnlhln when Canadian crops are prices account Iur about onequaner oi the overall eon eufncr lprice Index Ipus ng costs ling nearly nubile mums lib niilcnnily Inst oath mlirtl hrcstsse oi higher new house ilfleus higher rents hither charges tor electricity and hither prices at textiles The July increase thisyesr mater halt nasal It the sear net reliectedhlghaprices tor moat eensnm goods and sear Ices with loud Ie the The enl stalls hurls IaId Mir loud part were higher particularly those tor iresh vesetsblu 1Large Tracts BC Timberland Iiilame In Mounting Crisis VANCOUVER CPA Enor mous track oi Ii ish Columbia timberland are altame today in mounting loresi lire crisis but the siege was Iiitcd on two ilre menaced communities hundreds ol miles apart The poientiai dlsnsicr points had been Lliioect Fraser Can yon eommunity oi 1m and to lesser deuce the tlmupopua on city oi Cranbrook near the Alberta border On Wednesday night II III lceet t20 miles northeast ol Vancouver an Indian church and in homes were destroyed when the roared into the west end at the village Thursday lira erupted sudt denly in timherrd area north west oi Oranbrook and caused shortLived concern Driven by brisk winds it swept over to acrca helorc It was brought under control No homes were damsged Il lhough it penetrated within one hail mile ol the city limits But while there was In Militia oi tension at the two populsl pressurepolntn the overall pic ture wu bleak with morepthan 5300 men on the tire tine pd chlelol the protection islon at the EC Forest Se said many tires in the interior had jumped their guards and lireilghicrs had to start all ovcr again Slight progress was ried In the battle against therhligest tirethe enoooaere Tee blaze which bod been sweeping through musket and scrub tun her in northeastern ill lor the last two warts it was cooled Thursday by light rain Meanwhile iorlst rangei Ssh perinlendenl lack anrtnn said at Lillooet that carelessness was the probable cause oi the the which threatened to wipe the village oil the map While no conclusive evidence was Iound he said it Is most gottable that the ilre was caused Irom discarded rnsleh or cigarette bull til careless smoker The tire or Thursday night had burned out more than acres at blission Ridge lorest on the west side or the village and shit raged near the shootout peak oi Iluunt itchan tte roundtheclnck eliurts by Mating crews and water bombl II Cy minister now in sellexile In Toronto was de Ived at his Greek citirenship the armybanked regime snno today lodeRussian Peace Pact Italiiied IIorms Continue Devastation NEW omen tReuiertlna lndlan government has retitled the toyear treaty oi peace iri with the Soviet Union Monday endsz and cooperation signed oilchals said today The treaty calLt tor mediate consultations between the two countries in the event at an attack or threat pl attack on either oltbtnt Davis To Announce Sewage Project TORONTO CPIThe Telegram Iraya 3250 million lederal provincial scheme to end the dumping oi sewage Irom Ontario Into the Great takes is expected to be announced today by Prero lrt WILIIIIn Davis and ledersl Urban AIIIIrs hilriisier Robert Am dill the other oi George Kerr Ontario minister tor the environ ment has announced news eonierence tor moo pm EDT today II which an important announcement will be made The stair mrnt eIld Air Andras would be present ILS Dollar Continues Plunge In Europe WNDON IAPlThe United Sitter dollar continued in plunge European money markets today reaching record low in Will Germany where the dollar came under its greatest pressure Dealers reported it was being hit by rcweekend nervousness that Will accompanies monetary er ts Anothertaclor creating mutants to Europe was the wall Street Journals poll at leading US businessmen indicating poulblo devaluation ol the American currency Heart Patient Conscious Cumlorlablo DETROIT AmDoctors at Sinai ilosilhl Ihal Haskell Shanks esyrsnoio iscipry plant cunt or KIWI communicating and corniortable some 30 ed Thursday hours IIter rr solving partial mechanical heart Shanks was visited by his wile the hospital said Is taking clear nulds arid ice chips 0i Expensive Rapeseed Crop billions oi ravenous army worms condoned devastating march across expensive Prairie rapeseed item today while tumors and iiyers worked against the weather and the el katebewan have been treated in hospital for sonata lleaith eliielals say at tax the chemlcsl an be hint and have urged iarmers to wear resonators and protective clo lects oi the biphiyvlnslc chemi bin eat celled Innate Spraying air and on the ground was tiled Iaia Thurs ay Ilternoou when rain swept across meet at Saskatchewan The weather was expected to clesr by noon today The worms which peered early to August have ested an estimated one million acres at rapeseed In Saskatchewan 1300 in Alberto and room In Manitoba Rapeseed used In vegetable oils has last become one ol the Wests most vslushie crops Ipd is worth about bio an ICIE isnnsle substitute or DDT whichhns been banned in Can Ida has been flown in term Houston lbs Farmers genep Iliy rsy that it is doing good but there urns concern over is etieete on humans and larrn Iury Suggests Sale Sponge Ilse venom BAYlOPI coroners jury recommended Thursday night measures to prevent leaving hospital sponge is patient durins err sarv The iury investigating the April 19 death ol Kathleen Negro in Thunder lily hospi tal urged asleiy checks on sponges tine iuryv lound hits Negro ti died at gas gangrene it hours siter admission Ior sec ond operation to rIrnova sponge lelt Iller aurtIIVVPIbI No blame was laid on doctors nurses or the hospital txaadmsw pm new cabinet mhslstsrs andesu siter their hooray lees the chIaetsre In Ire anked by the Governor in remand at Government talr Giiieeplt on minister Genereivaod Primshilotster Tommy lbenew soloistslorsclmdrtdlhnww

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