Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1971, p. 4

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is its 53 sell ieeiir mmuammmsassa tirearnarnntssdaonlym xSS zlJYzii whiciris thetroegioryotdrrzdhieitsei DOWN lotions LANE to years aoo IN crry cease annoyed with blgliways dept al iBarrreEramluer Aug reel Ilydro PM mummm Mmmm Barrie tram lit wayliiliAiderman it it Dan Iiagee area manager reported mbliil farm ill Mill hurled stones breaking insulators oer in senior tastiiall league aver ia sonnet pole allowing aunt iron are showed cameerso Channel and riaroaved roads and cousinsctlon to build MW Amid Ne mm CsiliterStUuitod Gaurchprdcred trialling emplaytorituiiowilumu pipe organ irom Keaies Co ulg Following wererioe hiarl Slew yor Willard Kinda issued claallcn In Moth Corby Milieu loosing other county mayors to tree him EM Horne Bord i1 ell Girl Him atinuisiit pair and not Gerri all Homer Bar Brucemnch steered president relt Torgis Automotive President lt cas0iuhLadiosoassadihrysuccoodHIIJMM or Mrs Edwin hiyers New citadel writ be erected ior Salvation Army on lollier 5i replacin dbyearold hulidi ingiiarry Nes tLarchiloclrcpori ed constnsctlon oi lions Club outdoor animating lprogreaslng nicely rry lied on and Bard Simmons named ll dralrrneu tor Barrie Downtown berchants Aesocn which plaru monster oldiuhtonod sale These will be than she and street dance with music by PFut anrns sestette Coon hound 319934er was ready to tidal over Berlin asked Con rose tee is billion new detence to and dralling oi 211000 more men lor armed services Prime illnleter John Dleicnbalser warned Canadians that world would lace crisis within to weeks New lowell community thrives on tobacco and list larrnln Mrs Alma Lee commune sccondl rm as Soroptlmlst Club president his or Klnrie called ior sweeping lnvertga tlon into calling oi tenders lor Oil or barrio litre hiergaret ltunt oi ova Scotla appointed iiome Economist loi Nortlir st oe Steve Johnson orta editor te leature article on Steve Nines win starred tor years In local sottball now heads industrial league and umpires in senior leagues omen EDITORS news NOT TNE BOADS END Christian Science Iionliorl Uniortunately Mr Browns no bin likely to provoke backlash in Englishspeaking provinces partic rlgtirose oi Weptern Canada which at held at Angus Stroud Ontario paced second in annual competition oi ck and rolling pth throwing with Sroud England Stroud Australia hlroud Oklahoma Sandy Cove area InkeSimcoedamagedb trerktudst lasting buroconds ldennan Lea amendments still have to be arsed the British Parliament But this state or atlalra has not pro ventedCanada irom growing and thriv ing hitherto which we count on It still to do pending the aorta attempt to bring the constitution horns whtch is boon to happen bolero loo long We remain convlricedthat separatism no answer tor Quebecland that solu lon must and can be round within the icderellrt iramework that will satiety Ouchecers desires ior recognition at their own identity andsste uard their cultural andllngutstict her age uebec as the balky troublematdng mern or the Canadian lsmlly But we do not accept the pessimistic wifw that this is the end it hopes lor so stop the Quebec problem by the renal ltdllonsl road Havln the British North America Act oi see as the countrys constitution is hardly being abreast oi iliellmes as the twentieth century on less its last quarter Constltu tonal Wtmm EENS PARK Oiciai Visits Often Oi Political Nature liy poisonstau demo at these can be consi What are the ottlclals dalng ntottheilnerpulutsoldscic my In my while be is playing political Are they really needed or does be emtorwlndsw dressing is tha Early paying an erpen see or publlct ta lilo whole aaerrlaa lost an avenue to get In solita expensespaid etectioneeringl it be Is an oirlctslhualners the Progressive Conserv stly ssoclalionila wel shis attorneygensrsl IIM log out news releases on the toilet overall it looks bad And it enoudi attendee were brought my My In my to it both the Attorneyslencral 0me yd WI and his party could sorter Peo serempsnlsd by olilelais errlr thin they know about it is Lawrencoisengsgsd in his department sap test this type oi thing is eek iotu or Northern On is he on political trip or an shun to No Is covering lot or eiiletsl trtpi itr Lawrence may not have sndseclngalototpeo Thillalquellionllbrlhlai given enough thought to the hushed ill or fill bus st rs rpsoplstnguvernment Is my my as olrtcisl business ends and my ltingsVPryivlncial ollca det re ta sonic ittieal tmu paid at courts in practically filming xing tllll mm and riding associations And my rmlnlw there claim or speeches tcompeialy mummy which though to nonspctltlcat em political activity And Will WW tsnt problem to cum iiiti limb tour minister print 13 Mr Lawrsnoerertalniy is let tlng hlmsetl and his any is lot criticism on this lu et Not only is Urmisn overbal urreat activity at All encrslAllsn Lawrence msraruv into swarm huntsmenus sacral its penned Professor Sones Riddle orThuuuscmranguage vsmrua lilasateci De ropes newest barrage coo trorcray eenim on one oi Ila oldut mysteriestbs paid at the arts thematnl and artistteatly people who ruled nusrla oi iiaiy gsoo years age heron the rise the Romans key element In the mys tery has inscriptions tba Etruscaos isil In their must and largely undaoipbrrabia language Now Proi Vladimir oral play Bulgarian scholar in ternattonally recognised tom rene on sorrow and so one among claims has solved lifting or at their langssa learnerssols itn Eiruscans to Asia ltlnorptbs region which now torma most ol turkey This is in line with an ancient tradition that tho Etrrucans came to italy irom Asls MirrorI theory which many modern historians also support on the basis ni are rheological and subtle evi once But ltallsn scholars have long argued that the Elm esns were really ol native stock brmibelbousaridaol baakio earliest tradlttenthat from mniew the mg as themselves who rut words whliib dorlgluarsaonr echoed down sagesptnetud tag that name ot Noun tilumais in Btruscant tiremyste oi altrui canatangushssbben espo is no obviouslelue ite nsesnlng el phrases or senr tenrrl thousands oi hrtei Inscrto tlons bay urvtved on col timns trleics decorated mst atwork and especially on tombs But the tomb toach tlorrs usually Include ill mars than the narra oi the ds ceased arid date Alter so ycara study licor glev astd Etruscan was an Barrie Library Notes On Books THE WEEKEND MAN by Richard Wright lhe sell rtralt ot young textbook sacarnan who worries more about the past and the in tore Lhasa the present and who Iacira the so culled normal drive tor lusccsn low key but touchlnsly runny ttrst novel by Canadian wrltcr DONT MOVIii by Eric Nicol Anyone who has ever remod eltcd house will priciats the weird and we at how News litre lusts Examiner lr llaylteld Street Barrie Ontario ielepiiona moans Second Class Natl Registration Number Mild ileturn postage guaranteed Daily bonds and statutory tiotdays excepted hubscrlpiiou rates daily by carrier 00s weekly limo year ly single copies tic By mail bards iiito year hlmeoa County moo year Balance oi Ca ratio yearlys All other countries tilde yearly histor throw olt sasoo yearly National Advertising Oltlces its University Avenue Toronto esp Csihcart 6t Montreal Member or the Canadian Press are Audit Bureau oi Circula one The Canadian Iresa is mine lvel entitled to the use tor ra puh leallon at all news dispatch as its this apcsersditoriioltor llieAas ed Press or Neuter and also the ideal nvwa publish Id therein ilIaIlfrls claim yr or van liliiig and editorial msterls ra ated by Its employ nd rs produced in this no paper Copvrlsht ileglrlrallon Nom tier mitt register at arm enlngarecordad in this hook Ends chapter has nanny tull page drawing 111$ UNDERGROUND IIAN by Ross htacdonsid in recovering supposedly indoDaropeau olthsvssitemii oirtouruu on irom indie or use mama rounon Geor said Etnlacan was putters arl related to the lan years at illttites people oi vast power and Inuence ottan mentioned tenths Bible whose culture spread trom saatsrn Asia blister more than bigness tlndinu attract intern hath abandon when or were reported this spells esperia in llorne rgiva thorn holiday ltttlscrodence my Id an studiaes ai ciatiy laqu smug deanoi Oreelseanbsre lilawa il has sucb Godsgloy who bu detenderi his discovery alnat itaiisn she tgcdlrrn rsa avlsed nets ms regime com son which also coth to wardacracklng the code at Oeiau Iiycesraeau writing at the roots oittrsek civilisation liehas written about loo books and papers on llnguls tics holds honor doctors degrees irom iium ldt Unl veralty in East Berlin and Pragu Classics University and is corresponding menu bar oi the French Acs emy oi Sciences The protester who analysed similarities in the grammati cal structure ol Etnascan and illttlte sold in So there is no doubt or lilstlto na turn or Eiruscl henthsosnrtandg er gar wounded 04m est cssuaiies with nearly mltilon killed while her Austria Iiungary allies had tbilltli killed tinsel sot oi iha war he till ng tba revolve lion and beema communist nation but lost ir rnlltlon killed Elm had million Jilted while Britain the Coup monwellib bid MW mild ihs United States which did not enter the was until lair land than claimed is have was it had tasooo killed Rims maintain Sir Robert border was in Ottawa when as received cable at war had been decis ila had rushed back to Ottawa horn tba hiuaknh lakes whenha have been enloying neatlyneeded lba precedtagseaabn ol Parliament had haealous or the most hectic in history with onoottb eabelngtbecrea ai Canadl It Canada was considered to was also lbls wys not the case in ms when Canada dependence had been recog hired and separate declara tion at war was necesllry in mi Borden and his rsbi not issued series or oldenst councilprepartng Canada tor participating in the war and artiarnent was rumored on Augiut re so make them legal There was no dlilieulty great wsvo oi patriotism had swept the country and by Octo ber more than more men had been trained to overseas French Canadian nationalists lionst Boursssa was cooperative lie had been holidaying lrs ar many when was was decllrcd and secsped on root when got back to and its said 19 rig35 that sels starearound becasm lead ing tur trade centre as are can opgtoi titre arrived irom the liloPrince Edward island separated irom Nora devils and became colony rillslum Strange named Green uulotia Sound illsUS ions was rieicaied unrqu illway leach landed at North Sydney ter in mines arson or three members roptsead0ttswa School Board which niltsedlo Insist that harness spent Eug taroSodbe became city tiltleased collie were re tioned as wartlma measure tillFarina was hearily damaged by llrr tillitems at Commons proved Bill CHANG REQUIRED MONTREAL lCPi lh Restaurant Asaoclatto hs asked the Quebec olapy library varnnrent to abolish the spoeis statna taverns and open them women Gatling taverns hls tsntly discriminatory the ar soclstlon says It men need Elam where guy can let it at steam then perhaps women too deserve place uhereagal can get aylrom the old man tor wb oil her own steam CIIOLERA OUTBIIEAK An outbreak oi cholera killed lit penuos in Ghana earlier till health ministry apckes man said kidnapped child Lew Archer solo ll year old render the as spelled tra edy tee is veral Irrterconnsci amlilea ilIE PASSION or fill MIND by Irving Stone well researchcd but popu lar treatment in rtcttonal torm oi the lite ut Sigmund Freud IAIILIDN by iienrl Charrlere The true story or wragpiite st rebel who would live tree or not at all and oi his to year ellort to ease branch at cotonlestn WOMAN IN IIIII IIOUIE by William Barrett An abandoned building In Munich la the setting tor this love story about an orphaned youth who had been raised by litmiiilt monks sites World War It and the braille Hedi girl wiiom ha nursed back to health ily tba author or us lcs oi the Field IT URBAINI IIOIISEMAN by hiordocal Richter lesthil and astlrlc noch bout middle aged Canadian Jewish lttm producer married to Gentle who esnlgrntes to Damion Illla IVIIITE DAWN by James iteuslen tirlglnetin lns whaling ahlps logo till this raga ol the Canadian North describes the impact or three test sailors on so Eaklmo community BIBLE OUGiiT leluysd think it not airaagl reaclrulll the ill will In to in thrash some strange haporard unto you Peter iris Dont be surprised at some at tho lierytrlala These can be sort or your tlnest hours The rial or your ralth is more pro alntaa than said SHOPPERS PLEASE norm We will be closed to the public ell day tomorrow so that our staff may reduce and nipples everything in the store for our iosilvo 13rd Anniversary Solo caiebrntioni See our ad In tomorrows Examiner and some and says irom We to 40 on rytirlng you read luv your home during our 73rd Anniversary Sdle rhswwuwriaarv atoning Fridayl

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