or ZsmnauAxmealtn mm id Hayeld Street Danie Outlrio Kerry Larnbte WM Manages Walla Editor Ernevitue It McPherson Managing Editov WAY JULY am PAOI Unexpected Help For PCS From Liberals AndNDP It may be because oi the rivalry be tween the Ontario liberals and the New Deirnocrate but atiliere ineld oute unex su gy either the berais or the New Demo crats deiend the Progressive Consens iive gorerronent One sods situation devdopad recently when it was widely publicised that The Canadian Forum magazine claimed to In article that do per cent oi Ontario De velopment ration loam went to businesses loca ed in constituencies re presented by Conservative MPPI That seems like clear case oi isvon ittsm and pod basis or the opposi tion to true prolonged and deadly attack on the government Yet there wIs iltilc controversy over the Iiislr The newspapers generally ran reports on The Canadian Forum story then iorgot the whole this But the all really died in the texts tature where tullvcsle scandal over the issue never could really develop in tact at one time in the provincial house the government got unexpected and vet coms help irom the New Democrats gt The one who started the ball rolling redlctably was liberal leader Robert Iron who asked Trade and Develop ment Minister Allan Crosrman it he had read the article in question ii he had come to some rationaliation oi the rind tags and he could es lain why there seemed to be rubsiantl iavorlilarn in srldin representedbyiormcr treasurer IcNaughton Mr Groisrnsn rumored Imld some noisethat he had read the article in souie sheet called the Canadian For Tim which NDP leader Stephen Lewis immediately corrected by stating that the magmas is nationally rcspcclcd publica on Mr Crossman explained that there was no favoritism involved and that the Iacts blished by the msgartlnc could have ten taken from the Legislature ot Ontario Debates D0WNMEM0RYLIINE5 YEARS AOO IN TOWN Conservatives met at Stayner to plan convention Pro Boys KC MP will be in mnnlng again Mayor John Craig Malcomson Robertson rs II Creswlcke and bliss Miller attended irom Bards Smith town clerk and court re trar received dozen settlements oi rno or cases Orilita lililie Bend and Barrie Citizena Band canhanped concerts 0r illia directed by Regina Brain played at Queens Park Ind Barrie band dir ected by Boyd ii Sylvester was to stand jat Couohlchlng Park Euphonium solo by Bandiman Joe Clark was bi hltI with Orillls audience First cia pellet and oldest Barrie band member James Scott voiccd reclItlon on lichin musicians ior Or ho our siier concert at St James Paris hal Iiorace Colcs Installed Nobla Grand rBarrle lOOP lodge Barrie Industriala lead north group nty soilbail league jailer boating llncsing 153 Elliott Coles pitched with George Colcs catcher and Home Colts ilrst base Other glaycrs Etrlc IIarI db Cliii Brown as rte Donaldson Cllti Graham li Charlla Lynch ci Cecil hichiulkin 2b 3At Dlgwln Inn lack Boys champion Nora Ihcrn Ontario tonnls past three years lost to Brian Dohcrtv oi Toronto in semi Ilnals Dr liIII Little also lost In semis Dihcr llsrrle Tennis Club contestants who made good showing included lrot Boys and hire Eric Brookes Iiarrle Collegiate Cadet Dand leit ior llunisvllie havin been engaged to play ior cntlrc Did pme chII at lluskoka communlty hand will play two street parados daily and ailcrnoon concerts supplementing conccris by AngloCansd lan Leather Co Band Ilnesi in Canada directed by Ernest Peohin who succeed cd Herbert Clarke worlds trumpet gvirtuoso iIcConkcy has booked Ilewaslnierrupted man times Then an opposition member enranded that the government Iurniah list oi ODC loans which Ilr Crossrhau said he would be glad to give Aiier this Mr Crossmsn roamed to explain that lobbying by members oi all parties is normal and that when there Is unemployment in members riding it is natural that the member woul do splitting in his power to to cure loan or company which could provide jobs To suggest that we would reiuss loan knowing that it means employment anywhere to this province Is terrible charge to make and denylt Mr Spea er the bier said That is when help came irom the NDP For some reason the NDP leader was inrpstient with the whole atialr which aside rpm showing that all governments are human was waste ol time Then he dro ed the bomb that blow the whole iii rig to hits and pieces and pulled the rug neatly out irom under Robert Nixon Theres goodvaiavwcr to that Iril ele Mr Lewis declared it the depart ment will do tha lob properly its WinnI stn id article it never indicated why is leit lllv Nixon speechless and made Premier Davis believe something was wrong with his ears The member said it was stupid article he asked li am glad he agrees To which Sle on Lends answered Yes there was oi oi stupid analysis At this point the house turned to other subjects leaving overybod wou darlng why the NDP leader tlcized an article on the basis oi which the liberal leader attacked government both would like to dcieal QUEENS PARK Easti this TESTING Till traction svrmononno Public Not Impressed By Partisnnship by DON OHEAIIN Playing it broaderand Does Stephen Lewis think that the cooler liberal Party is more iorrnldobie rival in the next election than the Progressive Conservative Party Peterborough Examiner Premier Davis retracted on provision in the Beetles Act which would have tell all vot ngdsy appointments in Pro gressive Conservative party hands many auction sales In res dent killed in is helping to erect ior IVs near Stroud on Iih oi lnnlsill Carpenter by trade Mr Ness spent earlier part oi day worirln on new college ior Rev Lachlan hlc can Lake Slmcoe In past week ilarry Reynolds at he rte Bit near Union Ccmoiory and lion iiedy oi Aliandale lost valuable horses struck by Raining At Barrie Country Club lira illlam Dignam scored hole lnone on second hole Richard Powv 21182 onc oi low remaining veterans oi American Civil War and citizen pi Barrie many years died at home Sophia St Born in Toronto he crossiitil border to volunteer with Northern Ar lyland serv ed wlih Kansas Cavalry Powell conducted butcher business in Barrie at Five Points op osite Wellington lioth barrio base all team on line pitch ing biilennan Letty icnneit oi ivy best dland 124 to clinch tirst Inca In county league Dr oliyl Dycr starred at bat ior locals also lohn Dobson Del Emma Charlie Lynch Prank Arvnsirong Stanley Fish Slurp eon was Midlands main power It wants Club mct ior wccky luncheon at American Hotel with Frank liurlburi chainnnn Andy Illalcomsonwon attend ance prize donated by Vivian Simmons llariman oi Clarkshurgapoke on The British Empire pointing out that six out oi seven people in it were col ored liindus hoslcms Alricans East and West lndlans Pilot Oiiicvr Dill Stevenson 21 nonvson at Dr Stevenson Erddiord klllcdln crash near Richmond illll rcturnlng to Borden irom Toronto lira John Walker won ladies goli title DarricCount Club beating hirs Arthur Patterson itnsi Ontario llotor League oilIcials vls lied Barrie iound Iaois re speed traps werlo misrepresented by Toronto radio slot on OTHER EDITORS VIEWS IT COULD bE WORSE NationIi Geographic Society hisllmcn in the United States have Idlillculty with dogs but things could be worse Egyptian mailmen com lain oi being nipped hy camels malimon In lllrszil have been bitten by is uars gTon an island mailman was it ed by ahar and Afghanistan had to suspend rural dclivcrlcs low years ago because ileopards ate the mailman In Toronto tone suspects the Tao Tao iiy whose trite yproducea sleeping alclrness may be at work it CUTTING ones OWN THROAT Toronto Telegram This must be one at the low societies on earth where ciiiluna Ira coiled upon to give their money to help people who lara dedicated to destroy What we believe The Canada Council has awarded munlst Party or doctoral hosts on the development at Marxism In Canada Politics dont enter into the decision says the council What irony ior those in the jobless ilnvups ior the taxpayers or those who know how the re mcs Mrs Clarke rovercs would deal wit such situation The Canada Council is rubbing it bit too hard into the laces oi Canadians Its tlmo someone rcexsmincd their ground rules MIiLIONAlitE IN i91i Waterloo Lutheran Campuvt Franc ll loubiln Toronto nationally known hlolo III who spoke recently at Woierlon Lul ersn University said that you too can become mlllonslrs to ion hir Joublln who made million in Canadian mining told an economics class that Inyo willing to invest $800 in equipment old do the sameYour $3500 grant to PR Ills Clarke iormer chances at striking it rich are about one cbalrnaan oi the etro Toronto Com in 250 In electIon lie restored clause added to the act in lieu but which never yet has been applied in which gives oppoaI the tibia showsonre again that Mr Dele is Isr in advance oi much oi his caucus list It also shows nplesder Ia completely his own person in this case many oi his Iup porters would have taken the old position that you give the opposition Mblng unless theres gun It your head Then the New DemocrIUc Party leader Stephen Davis was impressive in assessing an article by graduate student in the Canadian Forum The arti cls tried to mate point that the provinces development pro grsm was slush hand his the PC party lis basis was that largo ma iorliy oi the loans irom the fund had gorse to ridingv with PC memhera Mr lewls reportedly said the article was supporters rost blyvrouidntsgseetoow with hlsdoingthls VOTERl lhiARTER Both leaders are aware that today lugs section oi the electorate is more enlintened and more alert than in times DIAL Blatant parlissnablp doesnt stand well with it And It can see through either slums or to lentionai mlsinterprets on at iscts And playing it narrower sseh= Egeagi Es Pin NRONTO CPI The bit tornobtle is the cause or trai iic congestion and thousands oi deaths each ear It in tbe caviar oI pen being dis lam ahoinearb cause way up way construction It is the at destruction cl open spaces that can never be re Apparently the liberals are my plug to let Cochrsae South go senildeieult In the hope or mer cabinet minister Willred Spooner mskbig herd run or the PCs will driest NDPer Wil lisslyi1 Terrier soul put any eliortbcialnd It wouldnt be the tint time there was such hankspub in this riding bundon fitrnrnins The Liberals didnt run can didate In trod when Air Spopner vaaiIrst elected by narrowly deissllng CCI veterIn Bill Grommets Mr Terrier ior LIME pun poses at lea ieets be suit can he be riding Congo President Mobqu ls Watched With Respect tiy LYNN IiElNlERLlNO KINSIIASA The Congo iAPt in Western eyes the Democratic Republic oi The Congo is not model oi do mocrscy in action but Alrl can leadcrs who ior soven ears shuddcrcd nl disorder is the lorrnrr helglnn colony are watching Prcsldcnl Jo aepb hiobutu once an army selrgesnt with respectini intcr ul Mehutl took power In mll Itsry coup In I965 He has brought stability to The Con go rmtorcd some validity to mmarmm 1N Otis dorrielitooilosr id Dayileld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone new Second Class Mail Registration Number out Rnturn postage guaranteed Daily mandays and Statutory IInlldIyI excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier soc weekly nine year ly Single copies lbc by mail DlrrIe Ititv yearly almcoe County supp yearly Balance oi Cloads moo yearly All other countries Ohio yearly Motor throw pit stop yearly National Advertising olilces us University Avenue Toronto diu Cotbcsrt SI Montreal Ilember oi the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau oi Circulav lines The Canadian Press is exclus ivel entitled to the lien tor re pub ration oi all news dispatch es In thIs paper credited to it or The Assoc oted Press or lleulor and also the local news publish ed therein cmrrlnmllh yr in pigs ver iiiiirg and editorial material cro Ited by Its employees and re produced In this newspaper Copyright Registration Num her Wit register It JOSEPH MOBUTU IIlc Congolese currency It tractcd ncw ladiestry Ind Irv veslrnent and brought new hope to the barciooiod popul ace oi colonial days Last year Mobulu held elec tions or new parliament He gave up his post as com minder oi the army and was elected president Instead oi the II parties In existence It independence to two there now one tiobulus lils prescription or democ racy Congolese style la the ori oi making people hlPPi lio sold in recent inter view with us In The Congo the everclso oi democracy Congol cso style is the sit at mak ins ripple horns llo raid in recent inirr slow with us in The Could the exercise oi democracy deriv cs irom the loci that the shirt duly lnlormrd to the needs at the masses with whom he remains in direct contact assumes all respon sibility and only renders an account to the people It is type oi democracy periecIIy adopted to our wly oi lite and the resullsrsra there to show that It is the right one AIrIcsn leaders recognise In blobutus delinltloo cornbl nation at the iorrns colonial powers lntroduccd and the iype pi tribal leadership black Alrlcani had or centuries be tore the white man arrived vvlth his district commission crs local councils and liable tlve assemblies hinbutus most serious trou ble hascome irom the stud ents when students It invsn lum University outaido Kinsha sa seized the rector Ind stona ed army cars Albbliiii closed the unlicrally and drsllcd all the sludcnts men and women Into the army The rcctor was rescued lTiIrtecn AIrlcan countries now Iri headed by men with military backgrounds and only in IDwa doicn states are there opposition parties Jobs in the public sectores pecially in the army rulch tom and civil service were the ripest plums to tail into Alricsn hands when the colo nIIl grip was loosened Illi iions oi Airtcans have no place in thamcnciy economy lithe prmy lee that its position is threatened ii cor motion In government rirrica drains oil tax money Ii rulla clique ipvors its own triha pitchers in tho exclu sion ol others the stage II act ior dissollsiacilon Ind revolt Every government employee wants to protect ths unlouo blessing independence has pro vided in one party states with most leaders seeking llle len iire lnrce Is the only answer The army and lice have the iirepower be vice BIBLE THOUGHT iionor the Lord with thy sub stance and with the tint trails II III bloc IncreIIei he shall thy burst be illch with plenty and tby presses shell asset but with new line Proverbs Iii it it you give Tod the Ieitovers instead oi the int tsulls dont be surprised at what the seal barroet brings Yet is asked is it worth Iti in recast poll In the United Stain l5 per cent at soon ream who re lied en miqu at enough Toronto residents man up tpdbiorclgsnceUIUou oisbeSp reeswsya Wornlla route that would have streamed Irslllc lron Iilsle way sot southward to the centre oi the city The peopleand ultimately the provincial government doclded the automobile is not north it hith or the ammunition used by the IlliicSAOiiil iorces was gathered the United States CHEAP WAY OUT Some rich In the USnob ably Ins Anseles and Detroit the Irom the outset opted ivr expressways Is means oi moving people about nuickly Many other cities have opted ior them because they turned out to be the cheapest way at doing the Job They were cheapest be cause under existing legisla tion any city tbar builds one to link up with an interstate highway ays only to cents on the do or The other so cunts comes train the US govcmmcilil highway ITust hand This lurid estabUsiled in list obtains Its money through gasoline tlresales and various other Iulouae lines It now totals about 000 million annually it Is reserved exclusively ior road bolldlna initially the Interstate rnules were to connect clllu oi more than 50000 popula tion But the bill was later re written to include passage bale nip 532 iorsnex utm toconstructi ersecun reasw THO mm ton and elpb In each city bugs changes have steriilmd Iandsol acresoilsnd Maintenance and repair costs me as the aapmrwayi get older And enough mono aven to cents on the dollarhas been spent that Utlle bu Ielt ior development oi insult in Boston ior pie with population again as large as Matropolk tan Toronto public passengers umber about at Torontos In most large American Ias public tniquiiOIil bad Combustion oi raree wars has enticed use tlielrcIrIlT lpesun totals decline iorcing creases and reductions service to Detroit where coide ears are load public Insliwoul be root In the gllaniic auto dus that gave lilo sort the city almost per cent oi the city area given presto streets uproar ways interchanges and ing lots in Dos Angelas llgura ls Approaching cent two thirds oi the area is paved in most American cities rumors were willed people by the Highway Trust The moving iorcs bind It is the highway which Is made up at sulomo eontrsrtors construction lcns oil companies Into end the like HAPPENED Iii ravioli rhonrsr SPORTINGEIIENT litter urconos 0F denotes Iii siviiiiiin IdIA All illlAD isrvviioroz MEWPRIOATI TIUTDAIE ment