ET ET It at it gi started Dawson on the trail that led to ill presidency ot the CIoIdIIn Amateur lIorkIy Association drrrins the st period In Its history All worlad hurt to set the out II the city The mo World hockey tour nrrnent III scheduled to be held In Nuetmi Ind moot per thltlntliruttlaaarsr IM to Three year IIIrr Iolaln ihl NANA Dlwsors wII prea kienl post he held tor tire yerrs helm aortas to tho cAIIAr rqu roourutrre III New pastproaldrot Dawson tr the or matter Ind proda mm lulltime em tIrnI president with mm In thori the only My to It became ricepratdeot ol tho CAiiA In use the rune year he won the llrmlota lex LrirturI pert tor the Manitoba liberal party It worked out well had time In the lerisirture to Ian tillI the necessary hockey II Pappcrs Tosses FiveHitter MILT ravens It NW brodor IIIit PI eI Chicago who would not It It rm to tutor the hi on tha real It their rtItolovlud men In the tlnltad 5qu Prppu won his tlth error at the season Iyrtort nine drIertI by testing ttrr la the Ooh but the Iwa Monday mgr hetero lam Irnr rad II national tairrttlon audi core hopI we stop national trl IvIIion lien tald Prp utter the some Were or twice Ive pitched twch Ind we have won both times PI wra rrtremel peglIilll thirdY with sin to runs In the second landi Ionian to take er Dob Bailey broupr lion Fairly home Irom third with long rruitlco tly to centre to third bobby Wine scored on rtect suicide squeeze boat by on liver DOUBLE 10 LEFT lYinn had douhltd Io lrtt centre Ind mated to third on In IntIeId ooL hut Itter the third Prppas his riokrr workint well and to th the rest oi wry Meanwhile his Orb term rnrtes racked Steve Itenko tor three runs on live hits In the ninth train and rnolher run In the seventh Brock Davis IroI Ilon Santo both cracked ruoproducln slo lies to the sixth rnrll Ion added mrcorlns rrcrl tIcI tlv IItckan broorht home Glenn lirekert with the thibr tiltb run Ieaxuea IIIstar second base nrrn also turned In couple or In the seventh Beckett the Ileldinx rents Ills bluest play was In the eighth when he apcrrod low rSoreArmecl Bob Gibson Beats Mets For 8th Win By TILE AASOLTATED Pills Every time liob Glhaun throws baseball It hurt him And when borworkial Itrlnsi New York It hurts the lists even more Gibson limited the lists to live hits Monday olsht pitching St louIr Crrdiarla to to vie tory tor his secorsdJIrIlrht Na tional lame shutout and the tlth oi his career bloods nlrbta only other Itrpuo on Chirason tuba dropped Nontrerl Expor ttooslon hatter topped Philadel pllll Hillier In it Iranian and In tho Iono American Mlittd arms litrtnesota Ielos nipped beaten Red Sort tI Gibsons victory has the out at his career Initial the Meta nut Icw pitchers work with as much prln Is the Ilantetbrow Iny rlgltthnndcr who to now lost Irom zoo career wins Gibeoor shutout moved his record tor seraon to still unimpressito Gibson kart this wasnt one or his years when the Meta beat him the that two times they met thlsreraoa Itut Ilaodr shutout Increased his career Les to it artlnat New York Joe Torre rnrda Gibrona tIak stay down tbm Itth to run his current hot streak to It In er lost to trips to the plate Torre the NIttonIl teamr lending batter drove to the rum to tho that laptop and then Illbaon tripled and scored on Lou rocbr huot rtnslo In the second Matty Alour ninthlnnlpr homer accounted tor the Cordl page olhecr4d run care ran to hr doubles Iotrro earlier Ilortrlloh rallies touched on the winotns Ottawa EdmontonMeetTonight As CFL Regular orrtwn CF Printed with little beet oltrwi Itoth Itlderr help launch the Cros rllan Football Ieosuo tehtdulo tonlsht Illlmt Edmonton Frkl mos continent they can put to rether better year than two Ottawa holders pt prosew Ion exhibition win over Edition lon tumbled Irst yeIr Irom do Iendiutl trey Dip champions to the bottom ol the erstrrn coo Itrence Coach Jack Gotta try this monton is the best term In the western tontcrencc they were rlw strong do tensiter and now they hurt the phones to so with it They throw the bail tweliraod now they have excellent morning to to with their prarlns The arms that ol the teraon tor both elubl and tire Ilrst Iw or lrttltlocklnl one sturta It pm EDT in barn tiowtto lnrk oslrutchowan It Ilritlth Columhln launcher the western lcapuo the some night ottha brat Diameter In doll prereasoneoaieel on tioid In Edmonton so sudden thrt the Fate Ipoleslred tor lint the Eskimos Monday won their otherpre Ion tamer asatnrt no IIJona Saskatchewan Suite ule Starts Ilouchridrra anti Calsrry Slam pedcrr Ottawa wonono Ind lost one to Ynntourrr and also lost to Winnlm Don Irtdi is expected to so It quarlcrhrck tor the Faklmoc but may set some help Irom Itllsl Clark Ill err still havent Innounced who wlll start as ourrtclbaek tonlpht but It will be surprise It Gary Wood tormcr New York Giant In hIa second year Isnt picked over newcomer lllck Canola Riders Monday rot down to the ltman roster with host Irrtlnc camp this that in cluded Ilttle lrnn Macmillan Iv thelrpla kicker who made thr term rstyerr COULDNT DO 10h Tbo IIIpound biarllilirn wra dropped because he could do hot one lob leaving Canadian rookie ttcrry organ ol tiuclph out promising wltlo receiver as well Is place kicker Assistant torch er PIy Ira putt to prrlro IIIellllIIoa real lei tut said be me posted with Orsaor Iblllly lot in both as kicker Ind anker coach Gotir said llaeiIIlIrn our the one cut thrt really hurt thrrerun spurt alny with single as the Atlroa whipped Philadelphia willie liontaoct hrd two ho rrer tor the Phllllea who led bl until Crdcnor ilrrt double tied the score In the eighth to only too hits to the Iith In As Chicago Downs Montreal Imrah h1 Boots Dry with two outartd ppcdtorhortatop Don Kerstnser tor the third out at the train MADE GREAT PLAY thoutht tor sure It was All said Prpraa Ila nude great play on aid lhrll harder In Idvr relerrtn to the slick tntleld Ircr damp erred by drtvlns min which started In the seventh lrrolns lterpwhile It was learned that Swamp Fever Tests Needed OTTAWA CPI New import rroolnnaeur to mimil Ibo lrn Emotion Into CInIdI ol heroes tected with swamp ever were renounced tonday try the Irri culiure dcprrtrrtrot Swamp testr la the summon name tor equine Iotectiour Ine rnlr virus thrt attacks horses donkeys mules Ind other equines Tho malady Is similar to Ten Iruelarr equine toccphalomye liiia or VEE the disease sweeping throuph Texas and other states to the us but swamp lever is less serious Ellcctivn Aup ls persons wishing to Import equities Into Canada Irom the us must by recosulrrcl laboratory within the six months prccrdlns the date It Importation and the test must be neyulivo NFL Its Are Highest Paid Philadelphia Study Reveals PIIILADELFIIIA iAll survey at player rrlsrlra In the NIIIonIL Foohall tersue dis closedrthat pt 2o NFL iturru the Super bowl chem Ion Britt more ColLr paid the players the highest attorlsa last yerr while Cincinnati hensals paid the lowest lne Phllndolpblr Inquirer In todays editions report so cclvinpthotlndtnta ol Irur vey Irom Phltrrlelplllr Enrico tlctonslve bade Iron ilcdred the teams player representatives Tho survey oi last years said not we In In by the National Football league Players Aaso station The Inquirer arid lno survey the proer sold sitownl that the mean srlnry ot IlIltIrrroro players who to sportth to the poll we mm hIlIIID cinelnnutl paid mean aal oI stucco Cathetew Tho annoy also Ilach rrrcnn salaries by position They were quarterbacks mono receivers mm running backs 321400 detenalvo linemen moo otIcn site linemen moon detenslto hacks moot Itnebackert Brrrier Own Mattie hprclrllats til INNISFIL PIIDNE stem IIATB OFF Dan debt In won the Inrrtlra Air IlIbol Champiome SUNSET SPEEDWAYS rrrtrrn SUlklt FASIPNOFESSIONAL STOCK CAR RACES WEDNESDAY 815 PM Rain Drrie lltursctrty 8l5 port ltclulur Steel Ir ltrclns Olbuorr hprclrt racer plus It err torture II Ildy roldul rrcrrr Irons UM eru laplard CIaIdI lpeeda user new Omeclrl arrtch race between stock car point leader Norm Irrlilot rI TQ Illdret ace Starr Itther of Japan tth stitilri Hts ANNIE IN ter It When one Ipelh at Dow ten the barrio Bunny IthIrrne proaklerat oI thI IIIIF has wry ot ureplnr Into the convrrudnn the two tint met In tendon 1581 while Ddeson Ira still with thI IiAitA hieodiy Dawson Lnto IhI IoterutieoIl horbry Ipotllt Damn was toned to My any lderr at hockey playtnx career Ihrrs ho Irate down with polio It the In at It will have dIIIIerdt iL1II Ivoidins ihr Imtror hockey situation but says loreclully When pack it up pack It tr Ill work hehiod the scenes tor the Issoristioo but Im coins to tunnel my time into other sports throth the lit oeaa olllcc 33 BASEBALL LEADERS liy llll CANADIAN PM Arnerlru Dram MI Ili Ollvr All hot it 109 359 NY 3518 5331 1314 It All MKIIUII Wild mas 535 mil ALAN bills NM Itetteontund Dal kllncber Wuh Ilelchurdl Chi Iovrr IiIIll N53 393 Kllltte Del ml 199 Ilotoa runs Cosh Detroit hlelton Chicago 21 Smith Boston It Itorr hailed II Nitlcbrew albrnesotr 7v Prirocclit Doe too dd FRONTWHEEL ALIGNMENT will borrow your Ind rob you otndmp dynamrnily and rtrnrrlty brtencs Baldnwre iIcNrlly Baltimore Dobson Baldrnore D4 763 Natloorl Dune AD It 331 it tit 16 53165 Ild Ail ruse III 13 MONK an II will Jlt L08 It 136 Jill lid III 32 30051 if It Pei Torre SI Drckzrt ill Clemente Pth Brock 5L GIrr Ali Daria l4 Srrnvullirn Pch ll Alon Sb Iepltone Chi Cash lpb llotne roar burrh Aaron Atlantr Runs batted In Strroeli it Torre ti 5a as cannula lath EhEEBEI 22Gb $IEEEIF 41 saacua1=s===81 toenail Boston Mal Hitler folll Ne krd tSIottiemyrI It 0km llltnten lll Rahal Gt tIiodItarIl Hi It Detroit tlotleh I57 Oakland tllunter Ind Send HI It Baltimore IDohron LH and mud or Jack Clliiorntl rwnmt IL Cleveland lltlt bill It Ishlnxtm lhroherl 24 ll ALin tLuehher NI Boston Ilanhorr and rlp IN II Iliherukro Ilnckwoott VI and Prroodr but garner ledIIodIy Wrshlnstoo II Minnesota Boston It killwruhre New York It hlcnxo Kama City It Detroit Calitarotr It Cievelrod rs aKaE SIUIIB nagatxr ghint EE 3qu strangest lentil lichen aimi St hull New York Natalia PhllodetprI Prob Pitrim Tlli Chin llIultrrrrIa III It Hours Indoor or or No Arully Iluttton Windham ta rad Dlerkcr tHl It Philadelphia Kan rot Bromide In Pittsburgh IEIILI tilt It In cries IDorooinx that Cincinnati llictilolhdn IL San Dlrso tIhocbua mi tlanLr Until It Sal Frantrsto Illulrhat tool It 5L Inuit Ilarhan Hi It later IN Grnm rdradar th to It llvntrrnl taluia It Now York Itouxlon It Phtlndnlphia Pitabatth It too Ansel Cincinnhtt at San than Fourth Win For Romeo Lee In Fourth Greenwood Race TOMATO CPI Romeo Lee who his Iourth consecutive turn Itoodsy nirht bertlns two olb horses III renew Iourth race at Greenwood Race It In Romeo Leor tlrrt win It Greenwood after two wins at Garden City in St Catharines trad one at tendon out The ts Irrorilo paid use to win and combined with runnerlip Tar port ttvr Adios tor dim sui neiia payoll Drro Strrltttt one at the other Ihreetime winners broke stride on the tinal turn whtlr hero Dill tinlsbed This one stop service special saves you time and money Youve probably heard people say theyre being nirkladahddimad to death with Iotol Imrll service lebs We look alter host at neadstorone low prico to save you money And by petting everything done It once you save let time This is the common it best We III III tyrnr Irrksr rno Idiulttor nui Satr mimetins nor Iylrt Mo to llhpi its urinph You not Navel ruhhl Tor many Mall at 88 DUNLOP NOW OPEN THURSDAY TILL some approach tocarcrro Especially when you romamborthet Firestone are the Riding Systorn spurirliats because we concentrate on this part ot your car it only stands to reason that we know thrn the rate and comb lanno Illusion In the second tor daily riouhle ol 3165 Di Iy THE CANADIAN PRESS Tucrdny July Ed monton It oltrlu Suho at BIILIIh Columbia Irdnoaday July to Winniprr It Toronto Thursday July 29 monlca It Ilamilton July Ill china TIRE ROTATION In rlrrI III II you In more Insurrotrh marserial COMPLETE SAFEIYINSECTION heck Ill limit and my one motor problem on will to costly pluhlhm it manned Illa bulls Ind torsion bur error It make doubly an entire our Iopuiltlort non on Ivory IrrvrtI you he do Road Atlas Travel Guide RETREADS urineIlla Motocross CIMdI In U5 Ntownrtrl rempettra in manhunt posts Vinyl tetra Open Firestone Budget Account norm we