dildo el Torch bIrrie Iarg It the oi the by were coo roses as ol rhillon with stole yellow BIrrIc PIllI PIrmo SeIr or tt Get lPlscrII Ii you ltlllliilllh atti Theres now hypIss oi days thlrbl be done you idle IIIInst week ity however liner cspcclIIly oi aids BRUSHES an be the brush Ior to tough yet it moved Wel hostess ease the Inuit Iomat mesoa brIIdI lhrmder ha hudbury district Iiter publish quoted two Ioologlsts Is owlI rerouting Itilphur dlosidohemlt tag the to Unite meet at One step to alone simply bicycle url serial number Is VIIIWIIV or police Constable Iack de monstratesuwith deIdiiIa oi Sept Ior compulsory re glstiatlan rt Ill bikes under revisionist La Cloche Ldk new city lcglglationnpolica say only coon oi an entrusted to WA one have been registered tCP Photo es Acidity Being Studied By Govt TORONTO Cr tIIds Ind emu hlleluer Iteor tinrne said Monday hII do ruongly suspects thsi tishsrth Income oi tbs LI cl Iddcd Stokes HOP asked about rcid Ity in the trier and others In the Manila out II study cchient ol the IIhas the Idded In In later view he hsd no Ipecllle knoer edge oi the extent et hL his departments Sudbury trlctoillcces nor el any pro llmlnr llndlngs lie said tht while there were no comparative studies on the number It tub in the hits now and to run ago Weve town that llsh Ilia has dlmlnlt lshcd In the lust low years Spitlire Present 1ORONTO lCli About too Iormtr airmen led In average II it each and one wrote store the us to give In old llama Icelilt and Toronto home The members oi tho Cs hIdlan Tighter Pilots Asso ciation will purest Spit lira lighter Second World WIr vtotrgs Thursday to the cousin government In ceremony at Ontario Plrce The plIne is to rest near the destroyer IIlICS ilIIdI Inother Second World er perlormer Three in Custody SUDBURY lCPI Three Sudbury men murder oi Gary 13 months oi investigation op peIred In prolecJII da David Connolly was arrested Thursdey in Winnipeg Ind yslewlcz had brothers GIr Orovcs were orrcs hudbury Police said llotwiay hrrdeau was ruliocaird Turtle Oil NS until Aug OARTthUTIl NS lCPl Ferdinand Julian ilshcruvrn Irons nctirhy Grand DescrlnNS caught lotiopound sea turtle In herring net oil the Nova Scolla coast Monday It was tho that be bid heard It In local litll The ittrtlc measuring seteu lest Iout Inches Irom head to tail wes tuned to nearby Three FIlhom ilor her where still Illvo It uhs lied to when tor the night llshcrles ricpurtnnnl oltIcIIls were to cxomlnc it Vehicle Contest TORONTO lCPi Enginseo students Irom CtnIdIIn end it Stiles universities are to the University at To ronto next rtvlntlt to set plans Ior contest to dednt the best it possible vehicle Ior cities The urbsn vehicle II sponsored by Stu liions on Relevant SCOHiIt eight IIS alglhrer orrlmeni competition dent Compei Enginee contour to log schools lollowup ocho hiero ra being damaged cks In the sod to the turmoil nentIl clean air car race held the conical will plt last you rem more than to student terms unlrrrsitlea Igrlnsi eIch other rd in In ellort to develop modal vehicch deslgncd specically to overcome urban driving prob iba lemu AntiGovernment SUDBURY lCPl Stephen Mutt sIId tlenday the malorlly dot the votes oi these under 21 in the Ontario election will be agIInst the present government The leader oi the Ontrrlo New Democratic Party sIld young people are Intlgovernmentln cllntd He said there is doubt the sailestablishment trend will Illect the election Mr Lewis on Iourdsy tour oi northern Ontario was speak Ing at an internal tethering el NDP supporters Including NDP candidates in three area rid the Itudy Chrysler Starts WINDSOR Ont lCP Tbs tint on model cars built Canada began rolling oil the as serony line at Chrysler Csnldl Ltde Windsor passenger car sssemhly plant ilonday morn log The early rlrrt Ives Chrys ler which will Ig tore two compret and one Inteo medlIto line It Winds at almost two weeks other Canadian assentth lails Widow 69 TORONTO CPI Judge Bolshy sentenced appear old widow whom he said was iIr Irom destitute to six months imprisonment hlond Ior rlelrrudlng the hlelropolltao Toronto wellsre depart Sid diillnl 69 Ind mo tie said hlrs hladysiew Bor IWi PM ii ports marked improvement In Iused to disclose any details oi her llnanelul Il Policeoerustn THUNDER BAY CPI can lnereIsa oi that retro Ici VI to awarded each yltdman Inrcobel mrnulre hurled ln the prideru Ilier court hltatv and were remsoded without and lilmcr ted IlIdIy in member oi the der tiry pellet ow rank ot deputy chlel by In arbitration board In tho itlyerr dispute bcI Iorce Ind the city hIIyor Saul Mus contercncc bltrIlIoo rerd ot IIrsI elsss 550 in ol stone lIcI commission rhIlrmso Woman Soloist NEWPORT it hold British pry chologsi brought her intooi stoop to port Monday and became the that woma Iiiii nonstop Icrols the Al hlllcosIillkcr tin told Monday the In th on com the soot rIla hlr Luklo il Ilse on pro lAPI lunilc Urean Nicolette stepped ashore Iltrr her is dsy hitsth trip and mid she wanted bath link and sleeplo thsi order 1hr prrtty sailor rIid aha encountered only minor problems and tell will alter the voyage rertly lelt like Colum bus when got here the said but added think Ill go but on cry big ship hllss hlilroslttalkrr leli DrIc stairs June it Obstruction TORONTO HIP Police chsrgcd two men with ob structing lustice Itonrlay alier sIsIuIt charges against them had been dis missed hecouse the cum plIlnsnt was not in court to terlily Police said the complain Int told them he come to court to lesiin In the so Inuit cult July but was told by one ot the accused that the cue wIs IIready heard Ind the two such lined 350 He said he then went home Police said the assIuIt charch will be reIssucd Chsrged with obsinrctlng lustlce are John Suits 25 and Peter Hsodione it both oi Toronto Dump Almost Full LONDON Ont CPI The citys garbage ditme will be lull In tho weeks In In emer gency could very wclt arise ii prov ncisl Iuthorllles do not Isn medtIler approve or Inslon ol the site city coupe co lee wII told Monday it Robertson Irritation and poliulloncontrol engineer ssid Ippllcslion was mode more than month ago tor permit to expand the dump Mr Robertson said the sp provII Insist come within low dry to avert on emergency Is it will trite tour weeks in pro pace the new location Ford Sales Up OAKVILLE lCPl Ford histor 00 ct Canada Ltd re automotive nles durth tho Iirst hIlI at tho year lending to nci Income ol slit million or tits share eomosred with tests million or thus shore Ior thseorrcspondlng period or km Sales tor the III mouths to talled Ami rrdlllon up pct cont tram the corresponding pe riod oi trio Dollar nits in CInIclI were turn ndillon up close to to per cent Irom the two level oi $61 million Cannot Be Sued TORONTO tCPi hlr Jose tlce Lloyd Iloiddeo oi the Su mo Court ot Ontario he ruled the Ontario Securities Commission cannot be sued Ior dlnllgcs brcIuse oI alleged neglect in tho bInkruotey ol Prudential Finance Corp oi To rvntoln tied iMIIrd lies Prudcnlisl Finance Creditors Association which is attempting to recover damages tram commission says the assorte llon probably will appeal the iiillltl Says Mdk Pncns Should lie iippod InillhtlltiO William Prices on milk amourstd by tho Co hsdisn mumlssioo Agri culture Willirm Stern Irt Iald blonds Ila mode the statement In the Ontario legislature to comment log on statement by George tlclalughlln chairman oi the OntIrla hillk hlsrhetlng Board lhIt Ontario ma have to his industrial klhls ycsr htr Stewart told hlurrcy Gaunt lLIluron Bruce that the national dairy commission bu been asked by OniIrIo to boost the prices and quotas Ior IndustrtIl roll but no decision has been made industrial milk is that Ihlch Ls sued in processing dairy products such cheese butter and milk powder Denies Policemen lire Being Favored TORONTO CPI Provincial SecrctIry John YIremio denied hinndsy that lornter policemen Ire being iavortd in obtaining lobe Is Inspectors lor the liquor Licence ltosrrt oi Ontario headed by Icrmcr Toronto pe Iler rhlrl James hlsciry itr Norton ShutroIn tNDr Toronto Iligh Park liked to the Ieglalriore how nton lor mrr policemen have been hlrcd since Mr hlIckey was named chrlrmso HI raked why two loome TORONTO lCPl Dr 15 Aldis ssecutlvr discolor ol the Ontrrlo llcslth Services insur ance Plan IIid Heyday be be times to or in per cent oi the provinces upon doctors qu drop on oi the herirhcsrs plan He said this would also ad ministrative costs at the pin by It least to million year The Ontario hlrdchI Associa lion in lcltcr issurd Isst week Mr urged doctors to drop out oi the provincial health pll Dr Aldis sold it Id doctor dropped out rest to taxpayers mid climb to In additional llcrmen had been appointed when roma other applicants were not even uvrn Interviews hlr iIremto said he would Ilnd out the number oi expo Ilccroen hlrrd rioce hIr hlockry took over Na told he did not know that policemen were hired while other applicants were not Interviewed and be doubled whether Dr Shulnlnn know that either Found $2980 Kids Keep it TORONTO CPI it was lirrdcrs locpcrr losers wees pcrr without on weepcrs PATlllliiA Ililli Sill Kim The IIndervnlne children ranging in age Irom to It iook possession on Monday night Di about $196 in old hills which they toiled in rIvlno April 11 And the losers couldnt be iound Police said since no body claimed the money In the todsy period Iltcr it In turned in it belongs to the mrrdt llnders in April the children took the old King Gcorgo Iii hills In denondnatlons oi iii ill and tilt in police IIItlon where they returch hlenday night to claim them bicyclcr bank accounts tel avIslons Ind knives were among the items the children said they would be shopping lor anon Ns oi them hId ul slons oi mlnthllrcs but were orcrrulcd by their parents Robcrt irintmcr 12 uho was lirst to discover the money got the biggest share ALIM guess Robert said lll buy bills tor rue Ind my sls tcr Ill put the toll sway Aiithltl Kane declared he would buy outlet tor his aunt Give bread coverages It lowest cost Contact the trained people It pillar so ltIrrla Hill in million year llrr times or cool how llrsilh hlinllilr Alli burner who rIld he had not seen the Ohm letter end he was ootaurpristd or worried lie ssid be remiss ronlldent only Ilia per rent at Ontarios doctors wdl drop out raising cost abort rrnllion year BIG GAhlILE However he said an ultimo turn he laid beloro the prom incer doctors in April was big gsmble ii evenihlng breaks badly thrn ml will climb end it all he in trouble hir humor in legislction TRIPOLOII TAILEIS EllilTEll Hill It Sillliiill srrcrau an 89o rrrrst rtrttoucr critters illllll POWDER SPICIA ii it ed II our list IIOIITUAE IMENCI UNOIR Willii tonon lurintinllh All IIAOtSNII ullNCl Sign Issatlvrau uersau IMIIINOENT orcrntu Iorrtll Ulilb g3 TIIAI Oi IIIIIIIINIVIW Inwuwmyammmwuwmumm IMAMVII SAVE sore rumormeosow start my not ht lured lion Pemk 1ND hcin studied by the legislIlurr llo has told doctors to stop double billing and pick one at two options by Nov doctor up hill lite gov rromrnl directly Ior services but uoual have to accrpl so per cent It Olu to schedule Or he can bill his patient iii rcctly rhIrIIng Ihsletcr he wants The psticrrt then Add collect It per cent oi the mid irc Irom the goternrnent CANADIAN ORIGIN There are not persons It Can In origin now iiiur in ElorldI 1pc mi most derisilots Ir bram ion Premier William Duisb wuoml Norday lmtrneoi min suits rommrIiIII 00 patients It will inchis dis rind Isllons ugh rnern unit clsssronmr Ind liberties gymnasium and services Ire Is well Id ministratitc oilim The budd lngr bill be Iocstcd on mam Ilic SyI Apps minister at no time services IItd In tilte picnt the ruin will replace putrlstoi lsrrillies ot the Alec thrown ilrmorisi CI to co lo the More the rite trill to elude stall lrIlning Idiooi It writ Scparcl connects It awardrd on mtttlxlllllc bills as the design deteleps ilSllLSPItti DISINFEOTAIT scum DEliliilllillT rum Husstains manna srrcrriyl19 terrorists 2m1 SUPER SPICIAU 2119 iiiiXZEhlA ottro uttoetnolt 59cc shine SPKIAU uttrtiuott lAXAlllE irrctatt IlilIGOIISTIPHIAO IAAALIIX lIIHtIiIIII sricrIu KODACOLOR 120 520 1126 l2 135 BLACK 8r WHITE 1201111184 PROCESSING PRIHII