on by Canadian Newspaper Limitid 16 Bsyileld Street Barrie Ontario Kerry it tumble Mitsbsrmmrai Manager it Watts costar limits it It McPherson Mengt short lm JULY fl lll PAtaId nvonh lreland Situcition iiPrelums To Pessimism announced they would boycott the Pan Ttbe situation In Northern lreland Swings like enduiom between hope and dismay nhappily the periods oi hope seem all too brlei Ind iragite while the periods oi dismay border on despair Only week or so ago the pendulum had swung toward hope 0n the son anniversary ol lrelands partition Ulster Prime illntster Brian Faulkner announe ed number oi concessions toward the Roman Catholic minority chlel oi which Twas In olier oi participation in tour high policymrking parUamentary committees We recorded this as one oi the most cocounglng items oi news to come out Minster ior months But now the pendulum has swung the Chiller way Once again violence has occurred during the midsummer season oi Protestant marches This is the time when Protestant Ulsterrnen stage par rdes to commemorate the victory oi Pro teslant William oi Orange over Roman Catholic King James ii In the Battle oi the Boync ot ltiitu Underttandably though Roman Catholics see these cele brations as highly provocative To the outsider it would seem that the simplest toiution would be to ban the parades outright but Ulster pollilcs lust are not that simple During the latest wave oi violence two young Roman Catholics were killed In undonderry by British tr who hear the thankless burden oi oz to main lain law and order in Ulsters troubled cities Roman Catholic leaders demand ed In independent judicial lnoulry Into the shootings but this was relused by both the Dr tish and the Ulster author lIles tried by the relusal Roman Cath olic members at the Ulster Parliament ttantent irom now on and irom their own assembly The untortunate thin is that even the moderate Roman Ca ollc Party the Social Democratic and Labour Party headed by Gerald Fttt has come out iavor oi the boycott Currently the lil sler Parliament Is In recess tor the cum mer and will reconvene in the autumn Unless this new breach ls healed In the meantime iIr Faulkners conciliatory oiter to enable some Roman Catholic participation In the process oi policy maklng will tall by deiault Another aspect oi the situation which is cause ior concern is the growing out ciency oi the iaction oi the outlawed lrtsh Republican Army which is waging hit and run guerrilla war against the British troops The British strategy is to seek to isolate the terrorists irom the Roman Catholic community as whole but the underground army tends to gain sympathy and support when communal emotions are amused as they were by the latest incidents Pcssimlsts say that the men oi Ulster both Protestant and Roman Catholic are not amenable to reason and conclude that the communist problem is insoluble lie reiuse to accept such hopeless iIr Faulkner must do all he can to win over the moderate Roman Catholics and persuade them to keep their seats in Parliament Each oppor Iuolty each glimmer oi bone that comes with the next swing oi the pendulum must be acted upon Reconciliation oi the two communities must remain the primary and urgent goal Chrlstian Science Monitor DOWN muons tour was oavs so years too Barrie Examiner July 21 1941 Sum mer tralrtc heavy with many American cars going through town PC Jack Lewis oi Barrie exchan ed highway irach duties with PC Bytes Or lliia They also exchan ed houses to remain towns Barr Branch Red Cross lnorgent need oi iunds lords and winter work Rev Clinton oss began duties as rector St Thomas Church Shanty Ba and Anglican Par irh oi Oro succee gilev llaugh ton Rev Shortt resigned as minister St Andrews Presbyterian Church Ven Moulton rector oi Trinity thumb and Archdeaconoi Simcoelakes now duties Oct at St Simons Aug can Church Toronto RCAF centre in Barrie Town Hall had 42 applllcants ior enlistment this week ecmltlng tor Army service still lags lar behind at Barrie Armoury where ltttb ldghlandera Band will be stationed several days to assist in drive rou hSimcoeCouniylor men Bob Ewe Melodyiicn play ior dancing ery evening at Barrie Arena Gardens sr Barrie Country Club ladies won Sim hde County Goli championship Illss than mner captain accepted trophy resente by lirs David llnlg Midland arrlc individual prise winners were rs Frank Spry lira Little lira lionlrman lira Hugo Lilla liar rIe mens goii team lost at Orillla 1845 Local players were Bill Dyment Charlie CANADIAN RUM BY THE DROP New Glasgow Evening News its no wonder the younger generation as diiilculty understanding what makes Canada tick what with the law and tax lituatlon the way It is Taxes oi course are particularly Zbart oi the price structure in such mate 3er as liquors tobaccos and so on That well known but tlgurc this rummy lituatlon out as disclosed in Toronto aper The Bacardi iamlly haaentercd the fCanadlan distilling ileld plant has jean set up in Brampton in the Toronto area The plant will import do per cent at what will be the new Canadian gacardlrums and remaining one per ent will be distilled on thesltc The combination urlliles under Canc radian law to be class lied as blended to Iansda and the price can be dropped bout dollar ottle due to the tax 11 iiierence wTho Bacardlriamlly has considerable xpcrience in producing their brand rum various countries and they are on record elsewhere ll saying there will be diiierencein palate taste to their anadlIn customers We have no doubt bout their assurance But one per cent makes product Ernrdian enough to iuIIlly price drop ha dollar bottle IETTER DRINKING HABITS Orllllr Packet and Times long ago most people realized that people are to drink beer wine and nuns Its best ior them to do so in socially agreeable circumstances as his and In rlmor here that does drinking or the rakeon Kearch Jack Kennedy Joe Siso Ron Lowe oy lierrlek BertWeir Bill Connor Jim Morley Emerson Ball tyne Hera Shrmbrn Warrant Oi ilcer Les ook oi Barrie was manager coach at Trenton RCAF baseball team which beat Cam Borden RCAPBT It llaple Leai Sta ll 19L lowed regular interns League game Toronto vr Builalo Is part oi entertainment ior American Legion con vention being held at Royal York Hotel and CNS grounds iiuronta Historic Sites Assocn decided postpone start re storation old Fort Ste llarte due to war Dr isaac Weldon Barrie native returned irom Huntsville to become as socialcd with Dr William Little in practice at medicine Government oi Canada placed drastic restrictions ior civilians on sale oi gasoline and oil Armoured group new training at Cam Borden will be part at new Filth Cana Ian Division Kiwanis Karnlval oul doors at Fort Oilicc Square ended In blaze oi glory and money raised ior char itable purposes alter three nights Jake Jacobi was general chai Band music supplied by GovernorG at Horse Guards and Perth Regiment Both sons oi Mrs John Illerrick oi Barrie are In unllorm Harvie ls sergeant with liong Kong Volunteer De lenee Corps He Is manager ior South China agency Confederation Llle Sgt Lewis llerrick Is with Royal Canadian Army llcdtcai Corps as pharmacist OTHER EDITORS vows intoxication They knew that the dis mai bars and beverage rooms which called upon people to drink on mass consumption basis produced problems ct drunkenness and alcoholism ltosl people knew this but It has tak en the Ontario government along time to see thellght beyond Its Victorian iiouor law outlook Another slgnltlcant step was taken recently with package oi proposed changes in liquor laws that willnot make It easier to drink so much as It will couple drinking with other human activ ities such as eating and entertainment Some oi the arilllclai rules that put drinking in isolation are to be removed MEATINO OUT JUSTICE Boston HeraldTraveller US Judge Barrington Parker calls them as he sees them ilcnceiorth all meat hot dogs should contain all meal he decreed the other day Otherwise they should be advertised as plain 01 hot dogs For long time the agriculture de partment had gone by the yardstick that iranklurier containing up to it per cent nonmeat ingredients may call it sell ailmeat But this Is the age at consumerism and the Federation oi llomemakcrs look the phony tradit lurter to court ltlne landmark derision also applies to atihcci and oilpork This could he the beginning oi something big Why should new appliances be des gnated as fully guaranteed when In incl so many are nott And why ior thrtymatter should lingervshaped stab at processed meat be described as canine with temperaturet The loUowlrg story by reporter wtta hrr mend Britains stormy retailers with China irom the start looks It what the United States can expect born Pelt blag Dy ARTRUR OATBRON wasruuorov AP Brit1 Itos old iovohate relationship with atlas la vista slowly irom epthI as the shed Slates waits to the wings tctaks the itage iondon and Peking are mov Ill agreement on ex III wired the Communist Peoples Republic II mnvicr oi mainland China For most oi those two dcce odes the British cxpcrlcnc with the Communist gourm mcnt has had been happy one Provident Nixons lorthcoming trip to Peking may sell start the United States towardertrb Iishlng normal relations with China But It the Chinese run to iorm as measured by their deIllngr with tirltuin the United States is in ior xome bumps and bruises over long haul Alrcody there are signs at dil uenqu ahead eight days alter residential cnvoy lienry ills Inger lelt Peking Premier Chou tinlat said Nixons louv ney can promote nonnati satietymeaninga theres world at dilierenoe clwcen promise and lulillment LIITI DEMANDS lhcn Chou spelled out lour basic Chinese demands total pullout at American arms and arnder irom lndocblna aban dunmcnt ol the US treaty com mitment to dcicnd Taiwan and withdrawal ol the US tlh Fleet irom the Formosa strolls with tirath oi US Inrrrs irom South Korea as us action to prevent witnt bu rolled the sc nainuwusua gorgeous itiiye Barrie Examiner to ilaylicld Strch Barrie Ontario Telephone Milli Second Class Mail Registration Number dint Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Slntutory llolldayl excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier soc weekly than year ly single copies too By mIII Barrio will yearly Slmcoo County litou yearly Balance ol Canada was yearly All other countries tacos ycarly lintor lhrowoil saroo yearly National Advertising olllces ti University Avenue Toronto ttth Calhcart SL liontreai ilember oi the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau at Circqu stone The Canadian Press Ia nxclue tvely entitled to the use ior ro pub lcetlon at all news dispatch cI In this paper credited to It or line Associated Press or heater Ind also the local news publish ed therein the Barrie Examiner eluhtu Copyright in Ill original adver tis ng and editolel material cra olod by Its employees and so produced In this newspaper Copyright Registration Num bur Milt register at wrsuwvmmurzww our THE FOUNTAIN cryostat level oi charges dalirlres to that ol ambassador ACTEO QUICKLY llrltsin set III that dlplo matte miaslon Peking within months alter the act oi lion it took the Gainers tour years todosoondthen lnth amiable Illermath oi rava OonIerencI oi ltlt dochisra where Sir Anthony Eden established warm per sonal relationship wI 0t Since that time Gttosu attain vocally irom one other Britonabm botlh marshand the height oi the cullu lion the British milti king was destro ed the Ollnelc dl was under II wielding axes in deilaocs ol There were mom authoritch comldcred recond tbs Ge onlollebulidlng RICIIARD NIXON rurgcncr oi Jopancse milita takeo to breaking oti reir Ill ior decided this woui Ft things tougher tor king British authoritie vlnccd President Nixon it he tries to push Itwo til lormola lhrodgh the Uni now the Nationalists the Cities scat Three demands gcthcr amount to general Aslnn settlement on tingr terms and In Ibouvl or US policy it the Chinese leaders insist on their demands II the price normIilrhiion discover his goal lics away in the luture That the president this became evident Wednesdll when administration sourch told reporters In Washingt they anticipate mart ties in PekingWIsh tlona rItcr years ol hostility Britain lcsmod all this the um gym ea Imltiu oi God lonnui ed linIb at When you icel ITO NR lxon may we locked licks is aware oi Did BIBLE THOUGHT ly he hath borne eta and carried our complex nylon rela hard way When Britain extended recognition or the Com Chinese government on lose It broke the ranks ern unity on Asian reward ior this truth clIIon the Chinese have re sponded by piling lndlgrdly insult ior most oi the last you have more on up take take another right now It your her ion thany oi Wesl look at Calvary Sto nd let the Saviour load and give you neg leave to me all ya llcy As lasing de vy on lilo Come on that labor and are heavy laden nd will give you rest WARNED RATHER During liicruard atrit Jones Beach NY DEFEND ACTION Yet to this day err insist lhul was in Britains not est To tho critl catalogue oI lnlur lomrts and others have so lcrod they point to their even rislnr China trade crvatlon oi the isle Itottg Kong as moneyspin imperial outpost When the Commu British leads at ear hIl they did lvnal lnter motor launches ho site police wlrn Ies British dip swim in belieoptcra and to prea nd colony at nine under hiuo lsotunl proclaimed the Republic ol Clair rr till British invest the mainland were valued at It billion mayor reason why the gnvemmenl II nixed the Communist re Ihc hope that than in lght be salvaged But urlllah hopes were dashed lloot at their holdings wcru expropri lcoplev Septrmb menle on postwar Lubur glmo was Iercals tn Ilcr rccotnltlon lllcvcn days Clan would bI Chou Enlai arid ready to negotiate or ment oi diplomatic relItl emerged that Peking wordd exchange ambassadors wlt Londonbeiora Britain withdrew lls lart conaulole Irom National to Chinoond boiore llrllrln began voting unreservedly tor icklnga lenuncy oi Chinas scat iv the United Nations this year has Britain to rallsiy the last cl these conditions An ungurllllcd nrltisb vote the Peklnr Is due when the UN General Assembly mm in the tall Thus the stage elevating lirIIIshChinrsc diplo matte rcorcscnIIlIon irom the It trouser sponsor Iuosoovtthevss cuts our it til covalent is being set ior it IO terms OT step has been except in any other year would be classed II remarka ble to only three and bait monthsabwthallthellmsola regular session has been broken Is one night perhaps expect out at the than to inuryelr spas oi as average parliament the large budget oi legislation ant oVernrocntslIlerh Incl anumberoi msior vancer in policy and many not is so II but nevertbeidear Important slept To recall hot bit oi the record we have seen positive position on Canadian ownershl rcrtnetal assistance to pat rsnslt nolIult auto haurancs maturity at It dramatic int vendors in book publishing and distribution deioailicallon poi II by ior drunks leasesml when nmht omwdw ldr ure capital assistance W1 ol ilcRuer recommend ti on It Pr civil rights And notice MW to ply ior convalescent cars Then or course there was Chin decision on the Toronto Spadlna nd baseball bats Ewan WM thlu ioral question It hrd very rig VIII nlllcaat ImplicIllons tor pg isg 38 oi intent Rblle this was rernlcr Davis bit Davh and his advisers have considered whether It perhaps lthl iuai too which verythlag that was done was needed and worthwhile But this to an election year as every body knows And everybody traowtny everythlnl hi it done Ia aurpecwd oi having as election modules in the latter stages know two dilleruat people have as Il Well what has its users array todryl The impression that an Darla might be carryinroat grrat gluowa program to ticulariy came to mind when the premier announced roll lioncorlrlbutioototha naB gruesome oct Perhaps an observer belnl the close to the proceedings but supersenslllvc on this may not be or almidcroes the public However It to Voters may be letting the whole province was the hardest presslon that they III beio alone but litlli political decision at only make cannons sroat nmmlw Cartier Claimed Land For France By sop nonsran 0pc oi the most plcturesqur ant reenel and perhaps airplllc took place rtri In Canadian blator and stitch July It tbit Jacques CIrtlcr erected large cross at Grape and eta territory ior France Earlier lo the month Cartier discovered Prince Edward to land and then sailed bis tyo ships along the IhorI at what now New Brunswick to the BI nl Chaleur which be parsed Bay oi Heat becatrse lb was so warm The chips made several mass along the we so his ashore zild hats rthsleoders 1r HAPPENED ill cannon men COO meet the lndlans to udltorrnod whom they gave colored be od bIthers not to 7nd trinkets In exchange inr Ins deep water Risen the ships got in drops on July it Cartier decided wu time to return to Franco The Indians tberr werrl but they were lriendly But when Cartier wen andrrectcd thI wood with Gertrudelie viva la Roy do Pkanco tltuds oi the Indians began change they seemed to realize that the strangers horn another is put oi the world were chiming their lands They began ing Cues kouee meaning me my Cartier and his men returned to their ships but the indium ioilowed in their canoes their old chiel stood up made long Ipeecb Cart vited him to come on board ship with his lollowers were given least and etenta Including red even an ad to persuade eblet to allow two oi his sail with him to France inl so bri them back ch be the iollowing The ceremony at Gupo Ilgnlllcant ior two reasons established Francoa claim Canada but it also Marked beginning at the end tor in wraers the Indiana OTHER JULY It EVENT tillComp ol Canola eelva monopoly oi beaver titsheneh Iorco by British at Niagara ttthFrench iorca capture Johns Nlld tiltAmericans delealed bride oi lasndys lane III tutElectric telegraph pnarratcd at Toronto tubPrince olIIIIlea King Edward VII arrives Johns to basin visit North America idolWorld uraln opened It Region soc TOTAL irisbmen drank total million pilots oi beer arch it comps only million gallons willsndtnulliongallonsoi lnaln