die Pldns MEDINA COUNSEL AT COURT MARTIAL Capt Ernest Medina tell and his chiet civil It torney inhaler leave the court martial battling at Ft Rail Talks Recess Congress Might Intervene WASIIIN tAPi With aegotiatl are eliedbyfa eun tiaulu deedioel ever work rules the tehordeparhnent has recessedloiat iaihindc United in growing way strike that may yet see amputees some Unioniriaoatnoeat negotia Itchy were suspended todeit niter Monday with an In rrouncemeat by Uwy In Iirlaat aecrclsry ol labor that rotuntsry solution cannot be reached at this diluted Sunday be though is eetdemeat migbttba near but conceded alter the talks broke bit he had uudrrosth mated dillereaces between the United thrrsportation Union and the tour rail llucs over work rule requiring crew changes every too miles Mediators planned to meet IeparIlely with management and union representation McPherson Monday Medina is on trial on charges grow lpgoutaithsisaabiytaiin est Oas olllcer CoL Wil today but Usery was unwilling to predict when taint talks There indications mean lt tor strike that has closed down the Southern Union Pacic South ern Paciilc and Nortott Ind Western lines labor department spokes nun raid the Nixon adirilnlstra tlon has retrained lrom rcckirig strikeending legislation be caress ecooonilc pressures have not been such to require leglsis on But Usery described the strike It most serious it Is doubly imperative to the lace oi metmtlng economic pressures he said that In answer to this Impasse be luuad The walkout already has al lcclcd approximately to per cent ol the countrys rsii cargo 57Day Western Union Strike Ends With TwoYear Contract WASIIINGTON tAii Agreement has been reached on new twoyear contract or 11000 Western UnionTelcgraph employers ending it countrywide Itrtke Herequ sldont or the APbClO Uni Telegraph Workers said the contract still subject is worker ratification rovidre or ibperccnt boost in pages pills hebellts totalling another tour per rent We consider it good con tract ilegeman said Monday night negotiating commit ecommending ratilicl Pickets wcrecnlltd oil and employees willstart hack to work at midnight tonight lingo man said in addition to the Icresstht board wage tncreaseiilageruan aeld additional Increases were worked out lor certain classm cations Irlngo benelit improvements which the company said were worth two per cent but lingo man maintained were Worth tour per cent are in hospital benelits doll expense allow races group lite insurance and vehicle allowances lor auto messengers Sudan Communist Party Chiel On Trial For Leading Coup KRARTOUM AP The chiel oi Sudans outlawed Com munist party goes on trial on charges oi mastemrl last weeks ithwir coup against President JIIlar EiNimerry The total at announced execu lions since Nimclry regained power has risen to it Abdul iiJiIiet Mehtoub ieIder oi the thultmember ndiulteu scribed by the ciliclni Radio Omdurmau as tho No enemy odey oi the nation the chic rsbo in Cairo Router quoted the newspaper Al Athhartes saying its correspondent Khsrtourn had been present at interro gstlon oi Mshioub by Nlrnelry and that Mshloubhsd denied Communist participation in the CAPE TOWN Rutter Adrian Herbert was reported in very nitslIctory condition Monday loitering In operation that gave Men new heart and loan hospital bulletin also said Herberts new heart and lungs are hrnctlobing excellently it added that lierberl was awake mt oi Mooday and la breathing spontaneously The multiple transplant oper ation which has never helm succeeded In sarlng patients tile was carried out by PM Christian Earnerd Ind his Croats Srhllur Hospllai trans plant learn Sunday It was the tint such operation in South Alvin and only the iourth la the world The three other multiple transplants wrrI all in the United States All three patients died llarn Proctor was tentatively picked as loremsn ol the lury tAP Photo and tied up shipments oi grain coal load and other goods in it rules th iTU says it will on and Santa Tr Alton and South era ttornion Belt Ind Ter minal Duluth Mcsehl and iron Range toilet and Eastern and Bessemer and Lake Erie Five other lines are scheduled loi strikes Aug The strike has lorced some pain dealers in the St Mills area to shut down and some cost companies have begun to leei the pinch assay was savanna intent tbmrdd denial technician are ar been bedridden or tub ye with lung dissent that dam aged his heart ilerbcrt received the heart and lungs of black JIcksorr Gunya so who died oi head in luries alter apparently being hit with brick during light Gunyas wile was quoted lion day as saying she had not been told her husband had been usod as the transplant donor crustwhsietaswwmmuweusm CAPSULE NEW Indian Pakistani Forces Clash careerriver indiaa and Pakistani security loaves clashed today lor tbe second cmstcutive day in train llarcllo along the truss East Pakhtan harder ladian press reports said Wiilloclr Out Another Union MONTREAL CPI tbs henrbiannra be Prensa annotated today it will lock out third Mhlloliltyd in labor dispute with the newspaper Charges Said To Be Political Plot SAtGON AP Recent chargu egslnet Maiden Ngo Dru or drug initiating Ind corruption were part ol devious political plot to beater sagging srmport tor President Norm Van more American sources report NerBonr Babies Brutally Beaten iIAiitii West Germany Rutter Eight newborn babies were bnltailybcaten in maternity elinIc here police said today the police said an unknowrr person into the clinics nursery and attacked the habies between tour ours and it days in age QuakeShalros Colombia Ecuador Peru QUtTO Ecuador tCPl strong earthquake shook Drum dor Colombia and northern Perri in nrrlhwen Saab America Monday night Critic Oi Agnew On His Way Out Robert Les Grant 81 young black critic ot VicePresidcht iodine or Satisfactory hospital spokesman said Is lac as he knows GunyII rrla tires Mild not be lured helm the operation started iMaior Expansion NOW CPI The Apollo tor the blast landing on Friday 15 astronauts scheduled In it there la no ignition llltht early aneucoad burn at their controller Glynn Lnnney IIid main engine toda to determine they would lily condud are whether the wt be Ibis to Ibermlive vrnrorbit instill PREMIER ANSWERS CHARGES ABOUT STAFF lNCREASF TORONN lCPl Premier William Davis reported to the human lilInday light that the stall la the premiere aldea has iacrceeed to percent trans It last year Ila IIIerIeg charges Donald hlaeDratIld Ni le Swill Ilbetler Illa IIrnbtrs at new ldeee had been added since he took ever as premier In March Mr Devin said It Is eellmat ed III mm lUi have In answer It glam outset slate mail lie in unrest III tint III MAIL MOOSE JAW Seek tCP Ross Thatcher prairie the in politics was buried Monday in the city where he rose iron hardware clerk to prender oi Saskatchewan Mineral service or the loo rrier premier whose Liberal govrnmebt was ousted irorn power exactly ona month More his death Friday were brlcl and without extravagance They closed with ehurt grnveslds prayer It Rusodsia cemetery on the western cut eklrts el Moose Jaw About 1000 people tilled St Andrewa United Church as is Troubled WASHINGTON AP Sena tors opposed to government Ild tor Loctheed Aircraft Corp have scored two impressive vir torles indicating President Nir onI worsen to grant the roar psry $150 million in lederat loan acting my be in deep trouble With surprising essc lock hced opponents led by Senator ilillrrm mrmlre them win dclcatrd the that attempt Mon day to limit debate They also heat back an ellert to kill an amendment removing layered status ler Lockheed mire Agnew and AttorneyGeneral John Mitchell is on way out ot the Nixon administration I23M mWAi gt Cc mrnunlat party was de miitary planning at the coup large Food Aid Contribution To Best Pakistan From Canada OTTAWAtCP OIusda will rinse lor they rclugcrs can be ex Wldo 31 million In lood aid to Earl Pakistan and double its contribution to the rellcl oi East IHtlstanl refugees in India Er nourch Monday Is Iur purchase irrrrat Allsirs Minister Mitchell and shipment oi rapeseed Shaw Insulated blond tegelabie or seed um will be prepared todo even processed in indie to produce 1dr Sharp told is cookingoli Th0 Canadian interns This is highpriority Item la cried pPart oi the 51 million In Iddl local funds tor rclugcts tn NEW YORK Router Sen atot Edward Kennedy says the possibility ol rumination was the mart cnrshlng con slderstien in his decision not to run tor president or the United states in ilii look magazine reports In its current Issue Even it were willing to the presidencyt pcnorrai pres sures are overridingsubjecting my lamily to tears over my latelytho tensions on my mother Kennedy II Quoted as saying in the article am aware at the presume iicrriopment Agency said lur lrrrllus tuilltivtllllWI it tber tnuouncements ei uslsi gram Wm may Iv reach out lcr this opportunity on me to carry on ltho Ken nedy itrnliyl trIditIonpres euret lelt within myseii at well as iron others the have the best chance oi put together coalition that would linseed But on the other side are the overriding permit considera tions My lImliy Ind take so rloualy my responsibility to my brothers children as well as my own and the tragediesmy brothers the plane crash the death at ChappaquiddlcbIny one would be enornmuly tested by such experiences The Massachusetts Democrats one It will receive we Invite tlla coupred with last year will deal with request in Ippotntrnrnu compared with til Second clIsI mail will double IId Ltd cabinet meetings will be held compared ta ta Both Opposition leader Rab ert Nina and Mr MarDauid criticised the premier tar the weyhe II running the boat Iees at the been hit Niall uid Ma Dull takes Nllni atti tede with tree Iot recognise Thousands Attend Funeral For Former Premier Thatcher thousands more stood nitride The gothic structure tilled up minutes alter the doors were opened inside Mr lnolcbcrs coilln was draped with the yellow and green Saskatchewan ag which symbolized his love or his prov ince modest Iprny oi yellow and hite chrysantbeuauius crouacdths routs FOUR SIMPLE WREATIIS The only other oral arrange meals were tour simple wreaths and large oor piece placed by the Warren CcntrI Author Ity in Regina illrlory will recall the great ness of Rose Thatcher raid Rev Allen Martin or Regina who delivered the eulogy lie was great man great premier who stood tallest In driest tendon learn all pans oi Carr ads walked solemnly to their seats prior to the service in rludlng Prime Minister lkudeIu and former politch looSaw khtcbowona new NDP Prender AiiIn hiskeney Others paying inst respects were Premier Harry Strum at Alberta lorrnsr prime minister John Dielcnbater tamer Aill lobe premier Writer Weir Scu otor till Moigsi ol Manitoba Saskatchewan 3th Justice Cuilltor lormer Saskatche wan premier Woodrow Lloyd and ltdrroi cabinet lrlitiisIerI iron hill to rescue any major business in llonnrlel trouble Fear Oi Assassination Reason For Not Running was almost tilled in an airplane crash Iooa alter his brother President John Kennedy was assassinated in ltdl Mary Jo Kopecbne presea gcr in car driven by Ted Kea nody wu drowned when the car plunged oil bridge into bird in Chappaquiddict biase in toes in the Irilciewritrr Whittier Rogeraeays Ted Ke ItliI ma now that luau Ideal Ii was the moltcruehing meld traded in making iirrIi deer also about rm James Richardson Otto Ling and Bud Olson 1513mm HVWPLZI Iowan mum too early Mpneldency rnaka land on the moon mission Mission Contaut tcatrI here setlhe thin torsxea tun Em some IIi stirs earlier than originally plaan ThereLteIhortcimrltinihs command Ihlpa engine tiring system it the power plant tires despite this astronauts David Scott James Irwin and Allred Worden will he go tunney was optimistic the dr lug would be sureeului Hashim light on the tabla control panel warned the estro nauis shortly alter they were inrnrrhed from Cape Kennedy on Mooring that the large service propulsion system engine on the command ship had been armed and was ready lur tiring CREW NM IN DANGER larnney said there is no dan cc to the crew that they have several bactup engines in get them into lunar orbit and later home Lunney said that it the trouble It in the monitoring Iystem the astronauts can work around it with In alternative Ignition technique But it it is In the functional Isytcm In stterilpt to line he engine Iotlid opcn cis cuit brcnhrr and render the motor basics The Ihort is in one ol two electrical systems which can control the ignition the second system is still in good operaan rendition and could be uaod ior tiring them out cl lunar orbit is start them hack to earth Quesouiiivli rmi=mateemsmm HOUSTON iAPl Why is the myatcrious backside ol the more which is never tumcd to earth rnstiy dilierent In lee turcs than the lamlllar intense tysludied ironuidci Why docs Iitu moon rotate on its Ixis once every so daysvthe eazre time It takes the moon to circle the eartbi Scientists hope Apollo it will provide new lnlormation that could answer these nrndamrntal quesUens about the moon Ind its be laid which United Staiu astronauts wont visit in the lercsccable tuturc The new lnlorrnntlon is ex pected to come train battery or cameras and instruments on the Apollo rs command ship En EELFASI IAP British troops raided suspected trish Republican Army hidcouts in Reliant early today while detec lives in England tried to run down suspicion the IRA might be attempting to recruit merce naries tor guerrilla erlhrr military spokesman raid the twohour search in West Belles neltcd small quantity at weapons and other lighting equipment and some docu ments cryptic Idvorlrscmcnt in suwrpnpcr in Bristol avuih LONDON lCP Corn mans debuts on Britains pro posed entry into the Briopcsrr Common Market draped to close Monday while the issue exploded in the House It lords touching all new skirmish in the badlystrained Opposition Labor party The lourdny Ormmans ills cursien produced lew surprises other that cariccrttd Itiempt by Labor lcsdcrs to end intemai cterisg on the Market quer But the temporary lull was shattered when Lord George iirown iormer Labor lorelgn secretary accused Oppesldoa Lender Harold Wilson and other andMarket party members playing jcberp political gsmes ills charges made It the start or threedry Rouse oi lords debate on the Market set oil renewed interest in labor car race men This mod aIart system also could be sued or carry out the M1 hinar hiiitl mission but milpn rules dictate that Iuch In operation about not he cab rlrd out without backup ii the cabin Ilgdal were right laid the engine has been noted itemiidbniiredpremiurelyhy igniting normally with norm putter tending the signal MANUAL OPERATION So lor the test the Istroeeliis were to bypass the rum and tire the engine by pushing circuit breaker Disney said the tiring would serve as normal Inldcoune conceded VJ stccr Apollo at to rrmre precise mm to the moon llo amid it was moved up so that ground controllers would have more time to evaluate re sulls ii the engine should tail they would went in conduct the mi mam tiring using the backup electrical system at the originally planned time oi Iltd pm The mission as attempt to land Amman astronauts on the moon the iourth time not under way with peelect launch in pcrlact weather It in EDT Monday at Cape deetour never carried beiort on lunar missions Astronaut Atlrrd Wcrdcn will operate thcm irom lunar orbit while crew males David Scott and James lnvio explore the lunar surlacc The most important oration scientists hope the cameras and Instruments wl answer is the moons shape The popular theory is that the mist wit the moons backside is 15 miles iirlclrer than the treat slde crust The theory is uscd to explain why the moons lar ride is devoid oi the vast mares or eras that characterize the honi side and why one side of the moon always laces earth Is IRA Seeking Mercenaries For Use In Guerrilla Warlare west England port attracted Scotland Yard silenan today it wrrnlrd ticrccw 0p NW Europe tbrlstcl soot which detectives Interpreted as pogsi My meaning mercenaricl ready to operate within sooner re did at Bristola sweep which would take in Ballast and the motor English west coast part ui LIvrrpooL Suurrcs rald documents rip Iurcd Friday included one RA pln cl altrrk on Liverpool uttered the mirrlrrg or cargo ship to blocir docks and shipping channels Lords Eirplodes In Market Debate repeated to elllcislly announce his opposition to membership to the present icrrtts Wilson strongly opposed entry at It Labor coulerence on Eu rope But he has withheld lur mni statement pl his positl until meeting the executive membership will notbc held until Iitcr further debate scheduled tar October showing Wilson Ind Conservative Prime lilinlater Edward Heath an op poriunltymgtmrlliy support lhl tbclrpos to Georngrowd notedthat be bad mmpaaiod Whoop their prime ministeron mpcsntourln ittIwhich tedd Labor government decision reek Market membership hmdhmmi ill labor was then prepared rest were not Insanity die executive meeting set ler terert irorn those wMob WWW IZednestIIy at which Wilson is brve been obtained parliamentary vote on it terns in the debate and earlier actrOlhioen