Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1971, p. 7

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SAINT is noon Cslhoiio sand with rain strumm SERMON Love Redeems VSNAAIKAD rottonnes There Is story at nun who wss entirety useless at spirit rationalisationrain he liole rrsochrnisssd by his ntsndsanesrth lt nisbosintss water not downhthIgItesoiheiltosee iithlfelusnythlnoeolhring thmbuLmthnugh he all migktrr Ingllimlusr wss ogc cs had let him hva Iaoihsr rhIan Let him out Just once The Damned they other friends iii in went IiseIin ceded withSItIn up log let out let it oiul iei him out LIT IS IN But when his mother csme she spoke on word at releIse quietly with strInge hatch to her voice Its mid to SItIn let one in lmrnetUstety thI greIt doors swung open For These CitBeat Tactics NEW YORK AP Grinch itusoos to hide Christian night dob pIstor in elowas im going throum sero bItlcs worshippers In girnriysseh whtshybotiles an the church oor Sands school students pondering de nionology Then Ire Imoog th vIrtotis lollbest tsctirs thIt show up itbeso rim to ohusdi opesstlons In the US to whet interest Ind Eget the messsgs stress Woro doing it becsuso there Is In occult interest explosion sIrs Rev Rumond Ilemeyer Luthersn Mirth cduesiion upest in explaining reason tor new intermodinlo church chool room coiled Mystery It niIIcs use at Tsrot cIrds locust inrtuneteiim Ind de scripUIn at the biIek moss de inoonlogy Irtrology psychic phenomenI Ind other mysteries Ilong with contrIIting DihlicIl concepts The obteciive the psstor Tie rneyer says is to erssnlno rest mtmihesmgenloceoltm terest Imnng youths to rebel SUIICOE COUNTY NEWS IVY MRS JINNCH CongrsioiItion to JIch htIrtin who ngduIted with diploms in IllCliltn iron the University to Grisle in hostile II holldsying this Ind airs rilsner PrIti Strand in And ins loe union the scion spent couple oi rim with its Ind llrs WDrner Wit tests It Ivy no is Scars 1M ior try try girl played Burta =t try this week Score wt tor vy hirJnthmJIehlllronsInd dIughiers Sesrborough Irv vie it till Irene itirous this II hits hisry Lynn AWII Ita and friend spent Sunday is th ltr Ind lied Glen Appiegats WOMENS INSTITUTE The monthly meeting at the Wl was held It the horns ot sort this week and Corey retuenu lira Dori Hammond on Wed ed hours with them liter weeks visit here nunnina Conustuistioo to DIvtd Rudd and Juice lItricts lee who were mIrrled in wrist Church on July 11 hirs Stoddsrd Toronto spent the weekend with NI Ind Itrs Robert Iterr naunrona his Ind lies Wilmer Wilson Ind inmily Itlencled the Wileon reunion in Vincent PIrk lisrrie July it Ieversl Irorn heresttended the Coehrsne ye iuilon It Baxter July 11 ltev and hire Osmond Ind Ion leit Monday tor months vscsilon on the east coast Arnold Booting Is In charge at the services In Brndiorii duo tog thLi month while thI mini ter Is on vIcIlion RIv and llrs Wilson Irs chitin this week tor trip to lie and lies John llsrnmond Ind Bruce hlcVIricl stranded the tunersl oi their cotuln in shot borne on Prldsy CHURCH SERVICES There will be no service in com Church no is ill Aug 15 hut service IIslnoo Aug 22 but joint services will he held July in Aug It Trinity United march Thornton at 10 Im Also Auittit inhod llth joint service It st Judes Oiurch Thornton It nro Any oos needing locsl clergyman ptesss contain the wardens hoe SIatIng Thornton allied golold Ivy irlends on Wednesday it and hits Nervyri is sad iIMily Russell hlsnitobo Ire visiting with NI Ind Mrs Lysll Ind Bert Stolen The iIrniIles ot the ins lie and lies Joseph Cochrsna hold reunion It Springwster Park July it liir Ird hiss Roger Bourroots Ind Carmel OtthI sitendad They spent the week end here BAKE SALT Dont trust Christ church hIko Isle to he held It lnnistll lIrI Sotusdsy July It It It sni llrslsIIeSpeers visited triends in Creemnre this week Weekend visitor with his and hits Speers were hie Ind hirs Willlsm Davey and son Sur borouih hlr Ind hiss Rot lttl sin hrsdlord tin and list lirsoii iii gtrisoo Angus Miss ArnIndI oos Iusoolo Ernest is home Irorn Run at Work liospitsi BAIESAU SCORES Ivy lest played Allister Ii tiltstoolul it Score in or Allisioaht Ind plsycdlvr evening July it hiss Henry lJIsis hhtorthI research cone mlites wss in drugs at the pre prIm Ind bid Is speaker hire lemon trorn ShIniy Day Sha hId sevorIi drIwings Ind plet ures ed msny home In this via Inity dillerent types like col ooiIIl Georgisn Cort rom etc rho ILto bod some pictures hide their homes dose rI hing stsircsses etc All entoyed In Interesting meeting htr sod ilrs Cleve Psttoa spent the weekend with irlends ht Wood Lute SDMOII Pstlon Ind JoIn Speers played with Anrus glrll soltball team Sslurdsy It ih hosehIll tournImInL They got the consolation prise Mr Ind tin Kenneth Smith Ind Helen spent siiodIy It Whith where Helen plIyed her hero is It music Iestivsl hiiss lqu Norris UtoplI is hoUdIying at her sisters IlItI Lorry Smith RUGBY MRS JOHNSTON John VIn Nort ot Holland Ind lie and Mrs ltiirt Vsn Dyks Uptergrove visited with his Ind hiss ttni hsnginan hits Elsina iicLeod spent our dIyI In Guelph attending III contents time Name is pstient in the Sick childrens Hospitnl Toronto Kevin Scott had the misiortuns to hresk his leg on WednesdIy July it We wish them both ed recovery pilrsl li liolrnes Ilivrack be Is visiting her son Ind torn lli lit Ind hits Jim liolrnes hire lorno Scott is patient in Soldiers hierriorlIi llospitst and her husbsod Is in Toronto hoepltIt We wish them speedy recovery liMlvulxiIl am lot tlhmigd Iuitpor it EITHER lit li IV the slipper Keith McLeod Id dressed lie and litre lack RIir who have sold their tarrn Ind moved to Oettiis They were pro rotted with colieo table two and thlcs to mstfh Ptiwo llill sad con re acs rorn thuelieornmunlty irlends They no wished much hspptnass In their new home Russell SR is In soldiers Memorlsl liospitsl Ind not so well his msny irlends wish him to be ConngtulIttoos to Mr Ind Albert Norrie who eelshrslo MID rots wedding Inntvsrssry on Rlesdny July it rnr cranium warn Ins riiona Tim IfGet The Message Aoross lion Igslnsl the more mechsnh eIi Impersonal view at tile Ind the hunger tor th truslicsl JESUS PERSON In San Antonio thI Green Oslo Club once known tor its strip shows reopened in June Christina Night Club ten luring mtnstlrted bloods pro irsotonnt sin or ltsren hiIeh weli who our hersdt Jesus Md person In Detroits CeolrIl llelhodisl church recently the raised choir rsiIrehsd through plies ot whisky bottles mason tars pop bottles Ind hIhy load in to resch the choir SIDIIJ The ion oi bottles stretching trom the pulpit IreI out two side door Ind down corridor hsd hem brought there by war shippers to drIrriItlso the II Uonl pollution prohlern At th Clenhtoors United Presbyterlsri church in New cutie PI tha psstoe Res Jul Heinsohn sometimes puts on ciawns makeup Ind goes through Icrobstics on lrlrsrpo line to get scross points to ger members iniect Into the Vhllll rou tine some good solid lessons in Cbristtsniiy hs IIys including the Ides thIt msny people hide their true selves behind tIIII tIces its got his clownlsg tII eat lrosn growing up in cir cus unity to SIcrIniento Colit St Johns Luthernn church spon Iors tudo Ind iuiirlsa club with neIrly lilo participants mole and tenoIle oi varying Iges In churchowned athletic ln Ind recreIUon centre In tlinrira Us to youths and Idult stem is wore gunnr lscha to services on recent Sunday It Westwood Luthersn church to emphasize the there Ire or olo in the world sndtMleehllI shoulddosoms thin shout it FIRST CHRISTIAN RIFORMED CHURCH St Vincent st PIsior Rev lshnls All Codmgtol Si Phase WORSHIP SERVICES 00 Im Storing Service tilt pm Evening Service siso Im may timing BACK TO GOD RDUB Tomato tle ltt Everyone Welcome WERE in ti HI WA VVVVVV Nice Ind hinders robs nisns IH GOLDEN TEXT tors goes down to the pics or hell Ind there redeenis thI dIrnmed 11thlswhsttrodinthrlstdid ItItIsCoddldnotrcrnIiniIr ottsslissougbttotetrebelliou msntind oil the hook at oin tin ll loses in too much Inr thsi Somehow we must be trIns lorrned horn our sell centred wont what not right now This most hIppea iro rn within ourselves It It Is to be reIl 5o lta was into our Ills Int lived with as Ind oiirrrd binoselt to in rst did we do We crueiiled Itirn And still do But there on the Gnu III goes on loving us Test is more thsri we no mist the loss ihst Is not entered when we wound Ind rciect Him but keeps on eternsliy loriai us no Is too much tar as to push sty once we reIin see it Humbly mtehilly we surrender Iotl rind that heren where tare is king lie experts is to let itis greet lava loose through us each dIy So msny people never run the news In the Bible we may be the only bible they ever in God expect us to he Ull th ltlrri thIt men me see its mighty love In us its es pecls thIt even when they hurt its sad push us IrvaI we slisll Ieep on loving them We must Irk God to let its late their belt at selfishness Ind iivs lovingly with them there deeply involved In their hesvy iIdcn lives it we do ihl resolutely there is glorious chInre that they may open their hurts to ho ra deemed chlrigrd Ind mIda new Ind brought Into that hesvrn where love II triumphant ESSA ROAD Prrshytertn Chastity Opposite narIoI liveaIIl iirot AIL Iurrnan UNION aanvrca BURTON AVENUE UNITED CllURCII 1Iltoes Welcome OUR SERVICES 945 OUR SPEAKER OUR MUSIC WIDth ATTINDID Id FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH no mesvs amt MO Im Sundry School 00 Im Morning Servch 700 pm Evening Service PIstor Allsn Hopper omits ALL WELCOME ALLIANCE CHURCH at the misuse Ind hOIItasIry Alitsnes It CInIdI Corner It Steels Ind CNS Stl Psstor Rev Yen titset his win Sunday School lizott Lin lilarnlng Warship 700 Mn Evening Fellowship lloar Rev DIvld lesser Ill Aili Inrs rules from Cobeurl out will hI ministering to II services Come Ind htIs Gods ServInL All Are Welcome FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 HATFIELD ST ReviIrIVlnlJlnIIos JULY 15th litJ Im Sundsy School roll summer prongnI llrtl0 Irn hloralag Worrhlp Service me post Evening Servch Serving Christ Ind your Community rEMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH IZS St Vincent SI Dorrie IJD Impact CKBD dist PSOI Irrrily Billie School 00 Im Frmiiy Worship Hour 700 pm Open Air Service St Vincent PIvtc Rev cartoneysm Nova Sentis rm omen Sisters All Welcome vyvjvvvvv THE son son STORY OFTHE CONVERTED CHURCHES Snm lot themInto Ith tiqus shops gIrIgII lodges dIneI hIils museums hequ CONCERNED CHRISTIANS ARE THE iron CHURCH BEGINNING TO ASK REDEEMING QUES woiiio in WI go more HEAR HOW TO STOP THE CHURCHES FROM BEINO CONVERTED 90 SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL IN FULL SWINO lli00 AMI FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE ALL WILCOMR REV TUNKS Poster PEIITEODSTAL ANNE or too HWY pssr students horn more lhIn too school Itirsd one oi the III summer session ollaed It Monmouth Cohen in New Jersey All church the mind he in min Em Insr oHlnI by Thursdsy EIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IAIPERTOH It WOILSIIY RIv Droid AllIhy BA SD lutor llm us CInihLIed service with St Andrews Pruhyterhl rst held LI first IIpiisS lelnrnidAiTIhylschp SrsissIIr WHAT ABOUT MY FUTURE Soloist hiss rm Tonth Yes In woman II First itspiist ST JOHN VIANNEY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH CORNER LNTSIL DALDRLV LANE Confessions SII Hi to SzlS pm 7IS to SIS pert Holy MIIIII Sundry StiD Im l0 Im ll Im REV DOWNS rs PhoII tremor ANGUS PINEWOODS GOSPEL CHAPEL SUNDAY SERVICE Mi Im anscnibrIneI Service urn us Sunny Idst Ind llmlty lithia Lions 100 pm Gospel Service hand 00 pns PrIyer Ind SlhlI Study ALL WWIIE ET MARYS CITIJRCD Roman Catholic DUNDONALD AhlElJA STS 71MB SUNDAY MASSES 300 Im 93O sun IerO Im 500 pm wnnnnsnnr EVENLVGS Loo MASS roswwan DY storm DEVOTIONS Lu donor or over LADY or PERPETUAL um FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 730 Im 730 pm ST ANDREWS PRESDYTERIAH CHURCH WonItnIId YIISTIAPIISTCDLRCD Curr Willey Ind Mperlol By Searching Sy Isobel Kuhn Anthhle CROSSROADS rsmuussr ltm Im IOHILD SERVICE All Welcome NOItlIiSlDE iiiit CHAPEI Inn Peel Sts Terr Commit CHURCH or This NAZARENE it St Iresst SL4 BARRIE ONT ltJ Ins Sandi kiwi 11 us Divine RIIIhlp not us WitIll Evsnget SUNDAY SERVICES sue Im Remembrance Servtrs bloody Science In Till RED RIVER OP urn erin rordtsl wrlesins sttts yes It Community Minister Kenneth Write CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY ii Collies Street Chath Servles Snadsy School ll AM Testimony Iilretlng had lied eIch month PM it Im Twit Rihls tour Sud School 700 pun Evening Service WrdIrIdIy ml was Prlyrr Irsd Ethic Stld Christin Selene RIAII Strict KEY SUNDAY MORNLNO IlJ that amino wonup WESTMINSTE Presbytertsn Church In lIIll nu PIII It not Mills IOOOIm MORNING WORSHIP THEIUNDEFEATABLE TRUTH riomry Psctllites Provided II IDDO Im You are Welcome GROVE ST II AT COOK SUMMER SERVICE EVERY SUNDAY IOOO am We wIIeomI vIcItlonsrs to Bsrrio re Iain us in worship THE FRIENDLY mumSHIP Minister it Art Storey In The Anglican Church at Canada ST GEORGES Anglican Church Iinrton GrInvLItI Streets Rector Rev Win It Km Im Holy Communion 00 Im Iiiornlag Prsyer You see sincerely welcoms PleIsI Note Time Change For Sumner sr GILES CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH ss Cool Street It Collier Street to an 1m Nest To Post nine Rectorr Ven Reed use Im wary communion ioroo Im llotrVCernnsonloa or limits ssrvlos non vs to history lztu Lnintlornlng PrIyrr Isrvtes Drosalsi Mos Iwcv Everyone ts welcome here mum THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADAE BURTON AVE UNle CIIURCII OF CANADA lilinlsler her It Portion SA Osgsntst his GsrrIwa lt Im MODde WORSHIP lssI ltosd Preslrtertss Church joins its tor Sm riser lJIIon Services Cottage Ind vscsiioaers welcome YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND SUMMER UNION SERVICES AT COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH Curnor Collier and Royal Minister REY PROCTOR DA Asloclllr Ministers REV FINLAY IND Guest OrgIIIst Mr Juries Belchee Ddlmlnl Miss SliIrvn stls 900 Im Preludes 930 Im Worship Sonics Ssersmeni of SI lism WISDOM IS MORE CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH will he with us in worship Nursery IIellltles Avsilshls Visitors Inti Vscsilonsvs Wslcoms CLEVERNISS

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