Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1971, p. 1

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AllllVIS GUI ONEIECIION NRONIOIIII we ttIIs Ire poeolstloe on tsil election tor Ontario probsbty In oddOctober However Presenter William Davis has risen no hints to the house which will Idiom soon tor whet be cslis hotel surn rncr recess hiany opposition member in terpreled tbs sbsst recess Is su site ol Ilslt election The house wsx expected In re ms Friday but Government llotsss leeda Arthur tllshsrt annotated sittian will cmitnue next week It was not hows when the re ces would come tor the blesry eyed him who are alttlnr Into unpbeslrad the word recess In In tnlmtel this sense he can outdone the current session In Isle An rm or early September then call the election Inc October she the house brainless III cleaned up But its premlerbas tooled tbs potlIIcII pundits before III ditnt csil the rosin election many thoasht would come soon stirs the Irsisiolusa opened hlsrch so Opposition Leeder ltobert Nixon said in In Interview bee expertise rottny day will be sorrlettme between 5ch It Ind 01 It Stephen inie iesdcr oi the New Democratic Psrty said hes Ioohlns towsrd October but not discolrntlnx September III wants NDP csnvsasers sesdy by All Mr Inwis xsld the reverse meal hss mnohsndicd the end oi the session and rushed drlltlns or its trn Int ltdle lion some oi wh cb he expects will remain on the order pspcr until sites the recess The tellslsture probed through Its hill on portisl no lslrlt sutn Insurance nidsy but hrs yet in yet on with major legislation on the environment retains drinhlno laws pits Ind quarries and health The bill lowering the are ol oratorlty to II trons it will be must tor next week idNvtlmnb NettIaITttInIOsPorcmIUII the onlymoraine hour but the IltlANtJ WA 58 thinls on The sirl was one oi assay summon Vessert lnnrlone determlna Kblorn btiechf held plaid on her the bllecber tentatively Iden tltlcd Is Nioberd OberliIilJl ot Pseeelc New Jersey In shot twice and Illhd hy Fill trot newsman loiio Wmn oi Barbnil Cattl shoes news cooles It It Itork mm spent ltnsneth Win up Con cepcion said the bttectcr told her oi the see It Is loIdIil Ind use It iAP Photo Skyiacker Shot Kill taresonsnlnenutetruck earnestnesserratum Int Keisetb let tro hind metst swey the slain hliachu II lled Is liiehrd IDhItltdI as wlo hsd tired stone In one roqu Ipertrnrnt In uttlontil III had worked two yeere lr ldh It on or mm mm lines untllklfet December when Notions Ind Iweruu hwuilrtdlorebsenleetsm sues be Ignored the petite lormerlsndiordssld Oberr stewssdcss rily sites talent Ielt bed tirlirtend In Italy tor Guests tossedthe lot It whom he hoped to merry its runth ck to Le Guerdls and took her and sIdrIvsr Is boerdlup rate or stress World Airlines let It Is ausrdis Aim Bert IWA edplosses searched Is Irma Ibis tound on shot tslally In the United Stiles WhilelfloldingHastag IhI Mimi tips Ullhesrd the Jobn Malone IIIlrtIn dimor ot the Hit here said the decision to shoot the bi Iecbes III cIIcuistod ritk but It In tell It led to be let tales Airline Illnil It the be iqu at boudInJetI said they bod lound sever bsrrnteea meisl Item in Obcrsleiis bu thst could bsvs good the detector but they Is there was no wespon open his coat lor visual In the tint airline bllsctar Inspection which revealed noth In British Army Asserting gLOndQns Determination BELFAST AP the Brit lhrntl out Northern lrelsnd one on the cited pro to suppress violence irslsod to and terrorism and keep Ulster llrilleb by whatever nusns ms he necesassy tekeepUleterwlihlntbetlnltcd eerntysrrestcdtlgersone lsI thorstds on Bellests omen lnorrnod sources said swoops Catholic Ireessnd nine other II Wye in which thou towns All but six were released soldiers supported by police sites questiontu raided neon thsn loo homes Documents alcoholic and CAPSULE unws iiope lades For Missing Girl 15 SUDIlUItY it Hope lsdod todsy Ior More United States pirl mhelnr In dense bush country Ito es northwest ot here Police volunteer searchers votes bloodhound bsvd been been tenable to ltnd any trace oi Ksuty Ann hulioll ls oI ltlssitossc we hands it Youths loot in Rochester WW NY AP Itovlnl bends ol youths looted some inner city stores and set Ilse to others lrldsy aims to the third ntsht ol violence sloop Itotheaters lellersoo Avenue fiend Compensation Ilwards $500000 NEON GP OntIrioI Land Formensstlnnjlloard hnl lwssded about $500M in cosmensetios Io exproprtstod land owners elnoe hesrtoss heron last April chairmen Yoer it eels Toronto ltlan Fatally Shot In Eye NEON tdl Police ssy Toronto men was Iatslly shot Friday night toltoslnr In srnunent over ratIrate helol tinned by children on to Iron Jose leek Moritz Berenyeurp It was shot throunh the risbt eye and died shout two hours lslrr In bospltsi Tntionel ilirlindr Hijacked In Cuba lllAhIl Fls AP Nstionsl Airlines sstd today lllemb islartsoovlllt DI lslltner believed elrrylnl persons wee hitched to one Van ThleuWillSaelrlleEleelion SAIGON it President Niven Vsn lhleu ot South VI Ittnl ionleILy Innosnced today will seek reelection would Iouryesr term radio equipment were iound In one hoses which Ith be lieve could have been Id quester tor Iuerrillss oi the outlawed Irish ltepubllesn Amtr Inthe laetvtwo weeks tsse he be and persons ve on may wounded in Ineressiny outbresh otehootlsr slotlnr sod bomhlne Demo bes been sstlnlsled It about it million Most oi the violence wss blamed on the iItA which bss floored to reunite Northern Ire and by bullet Ind bomb with the Irish ltopublio to the south The army lnItistIve wss meted with sstlslsetion by members ol the overalor Un lonist petty the prodonltnsnll Prolostsnt plrty bss been crl set In recent weeks ol the armys apparent leck ol punch In destiny with the sum In IRA sellvlty Powertailure Hits Quebec tor MONTREAL CF huro power lstlure thet blsciod out most nl western Quebec at Mt rn EDT lsldsy night msy eve been reused by bolt ol illbtnlny strthlns transmis slon Ilse Irons tb Intentions power protect its northern Quebec itydroouebeo olllcisis said esrly today hut nobody is ccrteln yet whet csttsod the provinces sec ond Iurh power lsllttre In less then moath WI dont know llydro Quebec en sense be up soth the sres altected by the power lsllure extended Irom Chlcoutiml and Quebec City as Isr west as the bristle border brousb hbsrhroote Drum rrloodvllie Velleytleld and much oI umtroat and the me suburbs asked him to Trudeaus Expe Fired Baby In December hovered time by to see she OIlAWA icPt hierst wssnt ioetlcd Men Is present and is ex pected to use birth In Decem ber tn the tint chill oi croinr prime minister nee lKl Ihn hspy news was In notlnced lr sy by Prime hllnlt tster Irudeaus oltlse slter sev rraI weeks ol mountins specula tion it provided one explanation or the seycsmid hesutys sb eence ian omelet tripe since his hlsy tier public Ippesn antes may have been by the prisoner At the mat recco tor Little Children daushter hlsry wu born Feb less to Sir John lilac donaid while he wes Csoadss tirst prime minister tile ibI tlyesrold thudeeu sir John else was in his early so Ind bed msrriod much younger women hiss modest msy accom peny her husbsnd on tour at the Atlentio retion trom My it list to Aus altboosh be use Ibo velour wwldbeocsi Whitman cling The Trtslesus were married March In sneouscr She is And the citizens el Perth the dsushlrr or June snd presented the hessniny Ilu Kathleen Sinclair ItirI SincIIIr desus with book titled Stories is lormer liberal cshlnct min liter mode it evidently will depend snbowebsleclu sdandging litdlildilltdhtt To Normality not been released lppear so we normal today alter this weeks abortive coup Ilnlnst President sealer ElNtrnelry President Anwsr Ssdst oi Esypt meanwhile delivered hitter Ittsck Friday on divisions within the Arsb world Four oliicers who led the coup ssstnst Nlmetry were swittLv executed lridsyI but there was no imrnsdlsle word on the Isle oi LlCol Ilebkr EiNur the soldler who wu supposed to have led the new tellwins so true It the coup bed succeeded Nur III own to Khartoum lridsy ninbt lrom ilhyI where lblnsdsy be wss Islen Irom Khartournbound British 0ver sou Airways 0o tetlirler alter the plane been on dosed to lend Benrhasl Nor bed been underrotox rwo weeks nltrsetment tor kidney Iii insat in london when the st tdnrnpted coup was stand lien CAPE KENNEDY tle AF with two days to on hetero they hesd tor the moon the Apollo ll sstroosuts planned to sells this weekend But their idea oi rrst could be let liloht test tennis game or prsctlco session in spamslt sllnule tors All three wer possibilities In the countdown ticked towsrd the Isuncblnp oi the plant Salons gent at Mt am EDT hion The NIlinnIl Aeronautics and Specs Administrstionlsetd the utronsuts completed all rolled ulsd trstolnn activities trldsy end that they were true this weekend to do Is they please within the limits ni medical IsoiItlnu thet continea them to three Intent Cepe Kennedy Ind restricts their contacts with other persons hut David It Scott Jsrnes Ii Irwin Ind Altrcd hi Worden Ire eetlvs men And It Is likely they will be busy NASA ssld the specuhlp simulators were belnxhept on dby lor Iny llnsl practice runs the crew mirht went to mate lbe medicsl Isoistion permits them to drive to ncerby Petrlrk Air Force line to msko proli HERES ONE Prediction Some msnulsrlur er will soon produce win with lists curler already In place rssrly lor iris to wear to the supermarket US Railworkers Waits Oil The lob WASHINGNN tCIl About roIooo workers at tbe Southern Pseitte and Norloik and West ern rsllweys wslked oll their Jobs std EDT today alter nepotlstrrs Isllsd to reech set tlement In In Illnlrbi bsrssln in session Representatives oi the sirik in United Trsnsportetlors Union and the national rallwsy lebor conlercnco tell the hsrsstnlnx to It tslll Irrl the tails brute oll Iltcr what labor department spokesmen described so rrueltsns Itchi hour nlsht session Intense nepotletlora Ind been in on tor week to try to prevent the wslkout todsy Ibo dispute ls over work rules Cost OI living Rises In States WASHINGTON AP sharp site In the cost ol livlno hsr put new pressure on Presi det Iltxnn to tousbon his esti intlstlon policies without resort ln to were and price controls umer prices rose slx testbs at one per cent in June the lebor department sstd lrl day the shsrpest onerrnntb Id sense In more thin us On top at soother rise the rostolilvins Index in list the tune increase ssvs rise to new tesrs savour Interment economists that Ination so celeretlns sites some moders dorsally this year callers welisre systsns braced Itsell lor It treat some tssn eients this summer but by the middle oi July only 1100 bed blotted Into the system iitnrsy Colcleupb director oi the citys spscleinitlrnled tren stent services branch cant klrlbm Nissan ly are Iren nesr tboupht tb In mlsbt be boosts the westher hasnt srtly been encounter deal know Ibe estber wss mainly cool lipollo Countdown liclrs Ilway llstronauts Take It liasy clency Illshts in The lots or in helicopters they llcw the lots last weekcod All three are athletic and lose busy simulator scbrdulo mm Ill LONDON rest President played tennis or an hour on court behind their crew ousrt lll Ann Lurtnn Scott and Mary Ellen Irwin visittsi thclr hus bands withIlholr children Frl day night as did tile two daugh tere ot Worden who divorced lawyers Oppose Eilsberg ltelum BOSTON API lawyers tor uberlsn Independence children who tollowed his Iluanr about the plrport Is In lieu ol CsoIde end Grins it Photo rst Imhsmdor to Cansds sprsbs to reporters hidey night stousz with this younp ChlncscCsnadisn girl Iooklnx China Diplomat Finally Arrives chem dalleircs Feb but btr Iiusose srrlvst wss poetr lirst ambassador to Csnsde posedihcre basbeenspceuls Irom the Peoples tinnitch ol ties that the embamdor wII China our months behind involved In secret oerotisilane schedule ut boisterously wet with the United states tbst ird earned nonetheless to President Nixons Insolence nine days syo thet be ltrllusn sndblssllmsmll mm by willful1 Irriflanfoi seportere some to ruin news tot when they ml llrrw Inhldly 31 onth mints suit world only no Itnssttbatltessancet tslietsriolentclectrlcetorsn mum Cu listed Imon Petinsllmll elaborated brictlyontbstthesn expcrlcntod plumb lll In tormsl etsirrnent later in ltusnlt tlhnd beenh scbcftlled Baptiste to intro ollco Is Im asst made In Aprilwithinwslx nallafgm months at tho Iormsl establish Yummy was mum im mrnt ol diplomatic reletiosta Mm by In Colt may protocol tor the external etIIln Iisu Cbunplu csme ss Interim drpsrtmcnt liberian President Is Dead be Following Surgery In london OIIAWA CPI llusnx IIuI bss taten up his post Is the ten man who worked it or 114 hour days he trurlnr It sm kept the mac lorry ol govern ment runainx smoome tor 21 years In the country loundcd by reed American slsrcs IiLe elllcicnt msnaremsni Ind large doses ot Atnrricere std turned Liberia lrom primitive state to one with too miles or new roads dozen modern hos Is modern ester and sew Isciiltlrs riril service system incomeIsa 1sz and William SI ltthmon ol Lib crin 10 who tried to mate Alri css oldest tndcpcndcnt republic In example Iur other enterotnp countries died Friday tollpwmg prostatesland sorcery sttbe london Clinic llcctrcsident Wltllsm rt Talbert was sworn in as sub msns successor the LIbcrlsn embassy here ssld end It csn ceticd celebrstions set lnr llorr it day on the little university at Wild will Iubrnsn dapper sottepo womens sulntc Idsnltted lestlnr the malted Peels rs to the press in tuiersl court lllcd hre Friday opposing its return Csillorols to tscs charts at lessl possession oi the doc ments styer leonsrd It Boudln tiled the hrict It the ollltw ot us hlsolstrste Peter Princl belore whom Elisbcrn was sr rslsnrd when be surrendered to Iuthorttics Juno to The solo question the dcicnd Int hss selsrd bclrre this court the bricl said Is ts be an increase Townsend told sued In Cslliornln csn be news oonivrence Neltbcr he onlorrcd by issuance oI rc nor Chrysler President John morsl wasrsnt In this dutrlrt Itlrcstdo was wlllinp to predict despite the Inc the arrest war the sire olthe lncrelse Iliecsr II the product oI lllessi do said the boost wsstorced by whether In most warren conduct by the government VANCOUVER tCPt Van cloudy and wot tor the Iirst port at the summer Wo hnsrd our rstlmsie Witt on llpurcs Irom the lode rssl sccretsry el states depart ment llr Colclcush ssld PROVIDE LODGING The homoplseemcnt ten or irsrssiente wishinl tay In volunteer tensity homes columns houses About on beds to prlvsts houses are available but tbs svrrere number oi perso lsn under the trsmlent vlaloa lines up Iood sod secommods Chrysler Corporahon President Says Car Prices Will Rise Ililrllttlli AP The Intro The executlvss also selvl uction or toll car models this that Chrysler has Iorall pencils lsIt will definitely be sccomps csl purposes bilch pleas to nicd by do rhllcellncrcenssr tannin Md gumesimcd Ind menu rosrecur csr stairwell lritlalyr llircnrdo said the Piyrnosih theres no doubt there will cricket built is Chrysler United lttnrdom end the bod Colt built by Mitsubishi ltd ol Japan ere the Chrysler entries in tbe subcompoct msse let end will remain the unse rlslnr costs pistes lor those cars tidy well Ian couple mm tins ADVANTAGES The pro rsrrs also is ponder with the dell One more Is that in the hostels young cou ples who have crossed the coun try tosother arent permitted to spend the nipr torclber its Coletsu eald about to on sve person opposite use About per cent travel stone in per cent travel placed eacb nlsht Is only it Several hrslels to the city csn Dy accommodate 1500 more Ile tween zoo Ind hot rtsy In tho vsrlous hostels elch htehl litr Colclcush said be Is eapc clIIIy pleased with the response to the home placement pro cess We expected certsln Imotrat ol nsismetcblnr Ind mislmderetsadtnr but vs ya to only bsd shes hall doses compislnte III slid the pronsm ls popu lsr with the homeowners People phone up to tell me as they were just like our own

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